
Crucial Steps to Successful Blogging

Every note, newsletter, post reaches me deeply.

How to Overcome Your Fear of Starting a Blog or Business - 4 Steps

I found Marie Forleo b-school and numerous other resources because of you and Craig. I will work to hone my skills in telling our story the good and the bad and make sure I know my purpose. I need more help with building my e-mail list. I appreciate you so much and am inspired by how you are reaching out for your dreams and claiming them.

Trusting your gut instincts, creating something of value every time I meet someone who bought one of my travel guides, I feel warm and fuzzy inside , developing a positive relationship with money, focusing on your plans and not getting caught up in the negative emotions of envy and jealousy. There are still so many of these 15 steps that deserve my time and attention. Thanks for the motivating reminders! Love the warm fuzzies Dave! Far better than the grumps I used to wake up with! I have to clean my email out..

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Focus on my business and finding out what i need to do or what is missing and just getting myself out there.. Being uncomfortable and learning.. I love your website. I might use a template upfront but the copy that is what is interesting.

7 Crucial Steps for Successful Blogging

I am going to do a video for my opt in.. I am actually having some fun now even with the business stuff.. Having fun is key Connie. I know how passionate you are about helping people with food allergies and it is such a great and much needed service you are offering. Keep moving forward, you are doing such a great job! Right now Alyse and I have been running our blog as a hobby but are now in the process of trying to turn it into a business.

No direction and no game plane equals no success! We spent years doing this. I was actually compiling my own list of blogging lessons today and was happy to see your post on this topic. So many truths here. I especially connected with the comparison advice…I suffered from that for too long at the beginning.

So what are the crucial steps for successful blogging?

It always feels good when you know that something is better today than what it used to be before, whether it is you as a person, something you do, or anything else in life. I think we get stuck the moment we think something is perfect. But truth is, nothing is truly perfect. I love growing and moving forward.

Building a list is critical because it is one of the only ways to truly have control over your audience. Social media is great but you are at the mercy of another medium at all times. If they want to cut your reach like FB has been doing , there is nothing you can do to stop it. Also, when you start to think of yourself as a brand something inherently changes within your mindset. I feel much safer putting my focus on my blog and email list.

So glad you are okay after your bike accident. What a helpful post, thanks so much for sharing your learnings and expertise.

5 Crucial Steps For Building a Successful Blog

I particularly love the Voltaire quote and how you put your email sign up into the email tip. Absolutely immersed myself in reading your tips. You make each sentence inspiring, exciting so much so that I want to speed read to see whats up next. I so wish I could put my thoughts down as interesting as you do.

Congratulations on your blog and sharing your photos. Dont ever stop travelling and writing.. Thank you so much Liz. All the courses and learning I have done in regards to writing has said the key is to make the reader want to read on from every sentence. So I am so chuffed by your comment as I feel the time and practice is perhaps paying off. Thank you so much. I wrote a similar post but from a more technical standpoint of taking your blog to the next level via increasing traffic, etc. After stumbling across your blog and reading your tips, I think I can head off in a better direction now.

I appreciate your words of wisdom. This was just what I needed to read. Thank you so much for putting out your soul and amazing tips for us! For me that I am just starting, I totally missed 9! Lots of solid advice here, Caz! I especially love the last tip about learning to get comfortable with rejection and to detatch ourselves from it. I believe that goes for disappointment as well. It is simply inevitable. And to have ambitions and dreams for your blog and not getting the results you hoped for when you just start out is part of the package.

I really need to set up a mail chimp newsletter but I keep putting it in the too hard basket. Great list — I think knowing your audience is for me the one you have to nail. So sorry about that. A slight glitch as often happens in the online world. Thanks for your patience. These are great tips. Good on you guys for sharing what is working for you. The combination of effort, time and passion makes anything possible and eveything possible.

I always reckon I can do absolutely anything is I simply put in the time and effort. So glad we could help you remember such amazing times Seana. Absolute pleasure reading all you have advised. Like fellow admirers have already voiced on here this has come at a perfect time for me to. Step one came about for me last year after working street front agencies for years. I had become very jaded and disillusioned with an industry that provided a product I loved.

Then an opportunity came where I could continue my passion but be my own boss and I could do this all from home where my first love rest — my family, Unfortunately no sooner had I started and I received some life changing news. How inconvenient I raged but the reality is health must come first. Next to my own happiness when it comes to travelling are those of my clients. When you have taken part in creating what you know is going to be a momentous and even life changing experience its a trip in itself and a very gratifying one.

If your stopping in Perth be lovely to meet you: I really love the way you write too, I keep finding myself picking it apart and using that knewledge to make my own writing better. Great list, it really helped me realise I have to stay focused and persistant to make my blog work. I certainly agree with you! No pain no gain. Most people want to live that chocolate and champagne lifestyle yet they are not prepared to go through stress in order to come out stress free.

See, i have been blogging for almost four years running but yet to hit the four figure income. Nevertheless, i am not worried because i know God and my vision to succeed will get me there. After, you have done all that you need to wait for the right time to see your dreams come to pass before your very eyes.

Thanks for this article! So happy to help. It is a scary thing, but that will start to disappear the more you do it and the more confident you get. This is not just any list. This is THE list. This is truly, perfectly imperfect and damn good. I was almost confused at first, and then had a little bit of website-identity-crisis, but now I see it is a big fat arrow in a different direction.

Thanks for helping me stick with it! Right now I work full time, and sometimes find it hard to put as much time as I want into my blog. Being a perfectionist, I really wanna create valuable content yet it is also the reason preventing me from publishing posts. In a sense, I have already started. How do you deal with this internal conflict?

If you can build your blogging business around the following, you will definitely achieve great success. Thinking of Edison makes me think of scamming hard workers around you, stealing their work, and claiming it as your own. But, my biggest tip is to understand why you are doing this and how you can help others. If you increase your value as a person — who you are, what you can offer and deliver, a value that matches that will be returned to you. How do I get myself some of that? You can join my Money Mindfulness community to help improve your money relationship and your manifesting powers.

Kickass Email Marketing Automation for Growth. What do you need more help with? Great list of tips. Always the perfect day for soul searching Tanya! Another great post with 15 actionable tips to learn from. As usual, I connected with so much of what you wrote here. Congratulations on your hard earned and well deserved success. You know you inspire us in so many ways. Always focused on my list. So glad the post could help you Sarah! I m still a learner. I read a lot of other blogs to gain more knowledge. Mostly bloggers share their experiences so that others can learn from them.

So do spend some time to read other blogs so that you can increase your knowledge. Reading is an essential requirement which will help you to stay updated with the latest information. You can become a successful blogger if you are a good communicator. But they are wrong. The main work starts after the completion of the article. A blogger needs to promote that article on social networking sites and then he should also reply to all the comments he got on his article.

You need a good communication skills for this. So improve your communication skills if you want to become a successful blogger. A blogger has to work day and night to find new ideas and then he has to active on all the social networking sites to promote his blog. Creativity is one the most important part of writing. Creative articles always attract the attention of readers. It helps you to stand out from the rest. Excuse me for my word, but I know as a newbie Blogger, we all make mistakes , and we learn from it.

But the real deal is instead of making mistakes, learn from mistakes made by others which will help you to avoid those silly mistakes. Here are few articles, which will guide you few of the stupid mistakes a newBie blogger makes:. Becoming a successful blogger without any prior experience sounds more tough but like there is a blueprint to everything, so there is one for being successful in blogging.

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Many years ago, I started my first blog. But before I did, I read hundreds of blog posts and consumed a ton of PDFs that contained tips on blogging and how to become a successful blogger. Bring your seat closer and pay attention as I unveil everything to you. I promise not to hold anything back except my password of course! When you read extensively, you are gifted with the same knowledge successful people have. Typically, every great and successful entrepreneur, and yes successful bloggers, are folks who are committed to a life of learning, and how they learn is by consuming the knowledge of the industry to which they belong.

One of the things I told myself while starting out was never to act or be like anybody but myself. All I have to do is to think of me and have peace of mind. You know that there are a lot of bloggers out there. Some are successful and some are not. The primary thing that will distinguish you from them is the way you communicate and air your opinions. I always welcome their views of course, but I go ahead and do what I feel is right for me and my audience. I make it more unique to myself. If someone I follow closely puts up a text-based article, I make an audio post.

Doing this will make you stand out from the 70 million other bloggers on the internet. Initially, it may seem like too much of a task to do something different, but the only way to really become successful is by moving out of your comfort zone. They prefer to waste their time and energy in merry-go-rounding on the internet searching for FREE ways to promote and manage their blog. The only distinguishing factor between successful bloggers and failed bloggers is the intentionality and willingness to invest in themselves and in their blogs.

You can quickly double your odds and become a successful blogger yourself by simply viewing money as an investment that is sure to yield a high ROI. I read a lot of blogs top blogs, average blogs, and new blogs , and I can categorically tell you that the only difference in these blogs is their ability to spend a few extra dollars to spread the word about their blogs across the internet.