
La vergogna (Italian Edition)

World Cup 2010: Italian press bemoans 'shameful' exit

Africa, according to Oxfam, "captures only one per cent of world trade [and] risks even further losses, despite promises of a 'development round' of trade negotiations". In the words of the unlamented Muammar Gaddafi "hordes will come to the shores of Europe in their thousands braving death", suggesting that no one can stop them. How long will it take to understand that the masses robbed of their birthright eventually become a burden to the greedy?

It is called survival. In karma, it is tit for tat. In economics, it is a foreseeable reality. The Chinese are obsessed with the white colour.

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A famous Chinese proverb says "one white covers up a defects". But African students on educational scholarships in China have not succeeded in covering themselves in enough white, and blind racism continues to be their bane. Lou Jing, a pop star of African American and Chinese descent, has endured so much rejection in Shanghai that she has not hidden her wish to leave China and continue her education outside Asia. Besides China's interest in Africa lies an irrevocable racism which was underscored by a Chinese official who, when questioned on why Chinese construction diggers have to be imported from China, said that Ghana does not have "such skilled workers".

But the Chinese can't do or say certain things without African allies. The regime in Addis Ababa, for instance, it seems, has given the Chinese the right to physically beat all "lazy Ethiopian workers". And so it has come to pass that the Chinese have left no stone unturned, exhibiting such crude and foul racism that conjures up memories of apartheid and colonialism.

Asked about her views on racism in Italy, a Portuguese woman who once lived in the country had the following to say:. I'm not talking about skinheads or nazi skins groups, I'm talking about average Italian people. Not only has Berlusconi defended Mussolini's invasion of Libya and Ethiopia time and over again, Italy has also built a monument in honour of Rodolfo Graziani, the man who butchered thousands of Ethiopians and entertained the idea of cleansing Ethiopia of its own people.

Palazzo Cesi-Gaddi war crimes archive

Italian racism, to repeat the Vatican's statement, is a "sore" that is not done justice with the recycled question: As Cecile Kyenge said, all Italians are not racists. But how do we arrest racists and ignoramuses around the world from causing black people so much grief? Although hurt, the good lady has held her head high and declared with dignity: At the same time she has tried to make excuses for her "ignorant" Italian abusers.

Hama Tuma is an Ethiopian writer,poet and journalst who has been for long active in the struggle for democracy and human rights in Africa. His collection of satirical articles have appeared in four volumes of African Absurdities the latest one titled Why Don't they eat Coltan? Some of his books of fiction and satire have been translated into French,Italian and Hebrew. If you are on iOS, click here.

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Il peccato e la vergogna 2 ( prima puntata )

Posted on Monday, 20 May Mussolini's hordes killed as much as they interbred in Ethiopia. Recent economics have seen Africa open to another wave of racism from China. A relationship between a Chinese and an African are simply branded as an "obnoxious novelty". Asked about her views on racism in Italy, a Portuguese woman who once lived in the country had the following to say: Hama Tuma Hama Tuma is an Ethiopian writer,poet and journalst who has been for long active in the struggle for democracy and human rights in Africa. Recent Articles by Hama Tuma: Elections on the edge: Is populism … Armed with fintech and fuelled by d… On the road in Zimbabwe: A tipping-point talk in London.

Skeletons in the closet, loyal… Enough is enough with our junk… Commodity exports: Pills for the… Health: New malaria threats ca… Health: Pfizer partners with S… Ghana: Patients abandon gov't … The challenges of finding a va…. The actions described in the records spanned several years and took place in various areas of the country, from the southern city of Acerra to the northern province of Trieste and as far east as the Balkans ; it remains unclear, to this day, how the archive remained concealed for so long, and who gave the order to hide the files in the immediate post-war period.

In , military prosecutor Antonino Intelisano, who was at the time in charge of the trial against former SS officer Erich Priebke , accidentally uncovered the content of the wooden cabinet, which had remained stored for decades, face to the wall, in an unused room in Palazzo Cesi. Its contents had seemingly been placed in the armoire temporarily, probably in the immediate post-war months, and forgotten or perhaps purposely overlooked.

Che vergogna, just an Italian shame? | Columns

The armoire contained the memorandum titled Atrocities in Italy , stamped "secret", which had been compiled by the British Secret Intelligence Service , whose officers had documented the victims' accusations and painstakingly collected depositions, and consigned it to the Italian magistrates, who failed to prosecute the individuals mentioned in the files, limiting publication of details and accusations to the cases against unnamed Nazi and fascist officers.

Information in the files led to judicial proceedings starting or re-starting on many specific war crimes, including:. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

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  7. Campi di concentramento fascisti Archived July 22, , at the Wayback Machine. Venti mesi al massacro , retrieved February 2, Cefalonia, il viaggio di Ciampi per la strage dimenticata. La Repubblica , February 28, , accessed February 2,