
How To Manage Your Online Reputation

Would potential customers be turned away by your online reputation? If so, take action to remove any social media posts or other pages online that hurt your reputation. Refrain from posting unprofessional content. You might be tempted to tweet using bad language or post pictures of you at a party, but remember that your social media can help take away from or help build your brand as a personal brand or as a business.

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Consider putting social media accounts on private. Social media can be a great way to engage with strangers to network or to build your personal brand. However, if you want your personal social media accounts to be less serious and want to post media that might be deemed inappropriate, consider putting your social media on private.

They can easily screenshot your posts and share them. Clean up your social media.

How To Manage Your Business’s Online Reputation | Belo Media Group

Go through your social media accounts and delete anything an employer would consider inappropriate or too public. If your social media is for a business, ask yourself if you have any posts that hurt the image of your brand. In the future, think before you post. Post on your social media regularly.

How to Manage Your Online Reputation - Full Video - Monster

The key to having a good online presence is to post on your social media an appropriate amount of times. If you never post, you will have no online presence. Posting too much might hurt your online presence and make you lose followers.

Provide Great Customer Service

Twitter three times a day, Instagram one time a day, Facebook one or two times a day, and a blog two times per week. Add social media profiles to a dashboard. There are many tools available online, such as Buffer, to help you manage all your social media in one place. Put your social media on a dashboard to make managing your online presence easier. Using a single platform saves you time and energy when managing your online reputation.

Schedule social media posts. You can use online platforms to schedule social media posts. Scheduling posts allows you to stay active on social media, even if you are actually not paying attention to it.

You can even think of a month's worth of posts in one sitting and schedule them to post throughout the month. You can also use scheduling to post at prime times of the day, so if you think of something you want to post in the middle of the night, you can set it to post the following morning. Buy a domain name.

Share your voice

Create a website for your personal or professional brand using a domain name. This way you will have control of what is attached to your name. Interact with your audience. This will help you build connections and get your account well known. Post valuable and original content. Make sure your photos are high quality images and that your posts are interesting, engaging, and worthy of being posted.

Post your own content. Never steal content from others. Make sure most of your social media content is your own and not entirely reposts from other accounts. Using hashtags can make your posts easily searchable and help you grow your audience. Use hashtags on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Tumblr to help more people find your accounts.

Be careful to not use too many hashtags. Adding a dozen hashtags to the end of all your posts is going to look unprofessional, desperate, and annoy your followers. Fortunately, there are many useful tools available for businesses to effectively monitor their brand. Here are just a few: Use these tools to monitor online conversations and immediately spot any opportunities or risks to your reputation. If negative content about your business is brewing somewhere online, you can identify it and deal with it accordingly.

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Not only does this give you additional channels to distribute positive content about your business, it also helps you control what is listed in search engine results. If you want to push a negative search result off the first page of Google, then have as many social media profiles as possible. By staying active with your social profiles you can get them ranked on the first page and push down negative results.

Just make sure when you create a social profile, you use your brand name for the username. You need to be sure that no one else has control of misrepresenting your business online.

How To Manage Your Business’s Online Reputation

You can use a service like KnowEm to quickly check and register your brand name across hundreds of social media platforms. The goal is to secure all 10 spots on the first page of Google for your brand. It also gives you a solid platform where you can directly respond to any major allegations made about your business if necessary. Your blog along with your social media profiles will serve as a way to distribute content and get it ranked in Google.

A simple request for customers to provide positive reviews can go a long way for your online reputation. You can make these requests on your website, social media profiles, or on a sign in your establishment. Customer feedback builds credibility for your business. Positive online reviews can help boost search engine rankings, provide new customers with a sense of trust, and help quiet the negativity of any bad reviews. Once you start monitoring your online reputation and discover that negative comments are being made, you should promptly respond to it in a polite manner.

Negative comments left unchecked can spread like wildfire on the internet. Responding promptly is the best way to minimize the damage because it ensures that your point of view is also seen by anyone reading it. If your business makes a mistake or does something wrong, then you need to own up to it. Make a genuine apology to those who have been affected. Projecting openness and regret will help you win back trust.

Negativity has a way of getting people emotionally riled up. In an emotional state like this, it can be easy to get sucked into an argument that damages your reputation.