
Captive of the Lust Master

However, if you have read to book four in the series, then you will already realise that rape and dub-con are part and parcel of this world. This is very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the flow of reading for me. With an intricate story that continues to intrigue, I look forward to reading more in this series. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion. I think this was the roughest one yet when it comes to what Human "pets" are forced to endure.

BUT, I also thought that Frey's determination to survive at all costs seemed the most believable, and that his affection had the most impact on a Travian yet. Of course, some of that could be attributed to Mac, too. Still didn't warm up much to Rone I did really appreciate a return to the Revolution story arc, 3. I did really appreciate a return to the Revolution story arc, though! Especially given the next one is again about the Naturalists I think. That the "pet" will be a Travian while the "Master" is Human is my primary motivation for reading that installment Can't wait to see how that works.

Also, there was a brief scene with a "fuck boy" Travian that was a bit intriguing. I'm thinking that's one of the aliens in book 6? Aug 24, Joshua ithildins rated it liked it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. There were a few writing choices that didn't seem as polished as before, but I'm glad Cayto is choosing to expand her universe outwards by continuing the stories of characters that we've already heard about.

It was like a sudden communication at the end without the build-up. I guess I expected more of a gradual unfurling of emotion and trust considering what Frey had been through and for how long he'd been simply abu There were a few writing choices that didn't seem as polished as before, but I'm glad Cayto is choosing to expand her universe outwards by continuing the stories of characters that we've already heard about.

I guess I expected more of a gradual unfurling of emotion and trust considering what Frey had been through and for how long he'd been simply abused by the Travians. Just that immediate love and trust felt more like deus ex machina than realism. Then again, this is all fictional, so. Oct 06, Sabrina rated it liked it Shelves: I just got bored of it.

I am giving it 3 stars because it did entertain me a little bit at first but then I just zoned out. Enjoyable I love how this series is connecting to the book after it. Not too much repetition. Also I have a weakness for guys with long blond hair Frey is definitely my favourite so far! I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads. This series just keeps getting better with each book.

Keeping the storyline fresh, Cayto has introduced a twist regarding the pet in this installment. Unlike the previous pets, Frey was not a sex slave as part of his punishment for crimes he committed. No, this particular human had been captured when the ship he was on was attacked and everyone but him was killed. While at first glance that seemed to be a blessing, Frey I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads. While at first glance that seemed to be a blessing, Frey soon learned that some fates are worse than death as he was beaten and raped into submission all of which occurred prior to our meeting him.

Fortunately for Frey, Rone is not the devil he appears to be. At that point, I not only realized who Rone was and what his mission was, I also knew who Preen was. Rone was understandably leery of telling Frey what was going on, after all, the young man had known no kindness from Travians and had no reason to trust Rone. Yet his actions toward Frey demonstrated that Rone trusted him before he was able to consciously admit it to himself. Both men were hesitant to admit to themselves, let alone one another, that their feelings were more than an act they felt compelled to play. Yep, you read that right — future installment.

Minecraft: CAPTIVE II w/JKokki! ALASPÄIN! #3

It was clear from the ending of The Captive Pet that there is still much to be done to quash the rebellion against the Travian matriarchal governing class and I look forward to seeing what happens next. Oct 28, Morningstar rated it really liked it Shelves: This story is about Rone, who we met in the previous book The Untamed Pet. I was wondering how she was going to give us something to redeem him from his actions in that story but she did a phenomenal job of that once we got into his head in this story.

Through the pain of losing his mate and unborn child, through nefarious ways where the females do not want to admit it was actually murder, Rone finds something to occupy his time along with his companion, Preen, the monkey type species that once belonged to his mating sister. Frey just wants to try and survive the cruelty of is current master and get home to Five. The replaying memories of his mother help him through the worst of what the mean Travian does to him. This story had a different feel to it than the last three did.

The story still had the same basic elements since the storyline is connected to the previous ones but there was definitely less of the political machinations than there was previously and with each book we gain a greater understanding of the Travian males. Frey really struggled and denied any emotional connection he thought he felt towards Rone, believing it was a Stockholm syndrome type thing not real affection. Rone was the one realizing before Frey that his feelings towards his pet was more than simple connection. I liked the switch up! Where her strong suit really lies with this series is in the characters and societal end of the new world we are journeying on.

She creates well developed ones each time that helps connect me as a reader to the story itself and keeps me hooked.

The Captive Pet (Alien Slave Masters, #4) by Samantha Cayto

I love the female lead idea with the hierarchies, caste, houses, and strife that follows the slow change in their society. Oct 26, The Novel Approach Reviews rated it it was amazing. This is my standard warning for this series: Please pay attention to the warning on this book and this series. They mean what they say when they say non-con, dub-con, abuse, and torture.

If that will bother or trigger you, then I recommend staying away from this series. However, if you are a brave reader or want a different type of adventure, then I really cannot recommend this series highly enough. Back to the review: I loved this book so much. Just like every other book in the series that came This is my standard warning for this series: Just like every other book in the series that came before it, I loved the characters and the story that Samantha Cayto has crafted.

It is completely engaging and each character is nuanced in a way that adds to the series.

Reward Yourself

Book four is slightly different from the first three in that it does not deal with one of the original boys that were taken from the colony by the Travians. Instead, this book focuses on Rone, the Travian who has a big side role in book three, and Frey, a human who was stolen from his ship by Travian privateers. As such, he is utterly alone in his situation, unlike Joel, Mac, and the other boys. I felt for him because he lived a horrible life with his kidnappers, until Rone stumbled along and unwittingly won him. Of course, this book has a lot of non-con. And yes, the relationship between Frey and Rone is anything but consensual at first.

But Cayto crafts the relationship between the men carefully, and their actions towards each other are different than with the cruel captors. When I read the books, I keep in mind that these are alien beings who have a completely different system of laws than humans, and as such, they do not do things the way we would. I find the governance to be fascinating. There is more political intrigue in this book, which I enjoyed.

Things seem to be building towards something explosive, and I cannot wait to read what Cayto has in store. I know there must be more coming, as Rone and Frey hint at something big on the horizon. I can only wonder where the author will take the boys and readers.

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I hope that Mac my favorite and all the others come back before the end. I also wonder who will be the next in a book. I had no idea who would feature in book four, and Cayto surprised me. Book five… can I predict Ben? No matter what, I eagerly await the next book in this series. The set up to the world is not to be missed, even if each book does feature new characters. Oct 18, Natosha Wilson rated it it was amazing. The only way to save more then human kind and the alien kind is to act like the one you are trying to take down. Rone never wanted a human pet but that is what he ended up with when he was undercover trying to infiltrate the enemy for information on what the enemy was up too.

Rone ended acquiring his "new pet" in card game. Frey Rone's new human pet turned out to be more then what Rone first anticipated.

The Captive Pet

Frey was the only one left alive after the ship he was on with a delivery to colony seven The only way to save more then human kind and the alien kind is to act like the one you are trying to take down. Frey was the only one left alive after the ship he was on with a delivery to colony seven was captured by the enemy.

He was turned immediately to a sex Slave by a sadistic master. Frey decides early on that he would survive the torture and would eventually escape but so far that has not happened and now he has a new master that he does not know how to take. Rone is different from his previous master and Rone treats him with some forms of respect. The longer these two men are in each other's company the closer they become and the more feelings start to become involved. Those feelings for one another leave both men confused as to why they are there but none the less that are there and present.

The more Rone is brought into the mix of the enemies jobs, the more dangerous the situation turns for not only Rone but for Frey also. One or both of these men may not make it out alive and worst yet they may not ever be able to figure what these feelings they are having for the other person truly are and how deeply they run. This book was a fantastic read.

Popular Master Slave Captive Books

I enjoyed being able to read about and picture Frey going from a scared, abused man to confident in his abilities to decipher who was a bad guy and who wasn't. Who he could trust with not only his body but his mind and heart. At the beginning of this book Frey was but a shell of a person but gradually with Rone's care, love, and attention he became the man he was meant to be. Frey became the man that his mom used to tell him that she thought he would turn into. I honestly do not think that would have been possible if not for Rone. This story may not have been all fairy tales and such but it was a great story and a great addition to this series.

Samantha Cayto did an excellent job on this book. Was given this galley copy for free for an open and honest review Oct 15, Ana rated it liked it Shelves: This is my first book from the author. This was the first of the series I read and it worked fine as a standalone.

It has scenes of non-consensual and dubious consent that might have to be considered before reading. I really liked the individual scenes, but I had a little problem understanding the whole picture. I liked Frey, h This is my first book from the author. I liked Frey, he was a lovely character. It was very easy to feel the hopelessness around him. I was very mad at Rone at some parts because I felt he have him some hope when he was already so resigned to his fate.

As I mention previously, it contain non-con and dub-con scenes that might not be ok with all readers. I think those scenes were very well made, the state of mind of the character submitted was appropriate under the circumstances he was under. Overall it was a nice book, I would like a better connections between the characters, but I really enjoyed reading it. This review is also posted at Oct 27, Norma Banzi rated it really liked it Shelves: Mit den Travians erdachte die Autorin eine interessante, matriarchialische Kulturform, die sich im Umbruch befindet, was auch der Grund ist, dass ich am Ball bleibe.

Den Umgang des jeweiligen Sklaven mit dem nonkonsensualen Sex macht sich die Autorin eine Spur zu einfach, verharmlost allerdings die seelischen Folgen auch nicht. Ich hoffe, dass diese Serie ein so gut ausgearbeitetes Konzept hat, dass die Leser und Leserinnen am Ende eine Antwort auf diese Frage erhalten. I didn't much like Rone in the last book, and didn't feel that his contrition at the end of it was enough.

This book, however changed my mind.

See a Problem?

I think that his character remained true to what we saw in the last book, but now that we got to see things through his POV, he was totally redeemable. Frey was an interesting addition to the overall story since he wasn't a part of the initial group of boys arrested in the first book. Instead, he was part of a supply vessel crew that wa The plot thickens Instead, he was part of a supply vessel crew that was attacked and murdered by rebel Travians, so his experience with them was much more violent than the others - he was truly enslaved.

When we first meet Frey, he's been so abused that he's almost been broken, but Rone helps to heal Frey, both physically and mentally. In the end, Frey rose above the scars of his past and chose to be with Rone out of love. Oct 22, Jennifer Lavoie rated it it was amazing Shelves: I'm so glad there is more to this series and I cannot wait for the next one. Twist in the Saddle. Submitting to Mister Trask. Disciplined by Mister Trask. In the Gargoyle's Grasp. Enemies and Lovers Amongst Us.

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