
Jeder braucht mal einen Engel (German Edition)

Wir wissen aber aus eigener Erfahrung, wie schwierig der erste Schritt sein kann. Aber keine Sorge — ist der erste Schritt getan, warten tolle Menschen auf Dich — und die Gelegenheit, unheimlich viel zu lernen. Wenn Du Lust hast, Dich einer Gruppe von Neulingen anzunehmen und sie zu betreuen, dann melde Dich doch bitte auch bei uns an. Maybe you need a little help to get off to a good start. Are you a non-male hacker or member of another under-represented group and unsure if you will feel comfortable?

Do you have specific needs that make your participation difficult? Then we would like to welcome you to Congress and make it easier for you to get started! Feel welcome at the Chaos Communication Congress with the Chaos mentors! Before Congress, the godparents are available for your questions, will welcome you on the first day and explore Congress with you.

Together we will find out where there are interesting workshops and talks for you, and we are there for you as contact point if you need us. Before Congress we also act as the contact person for your questions, concerns, needs or wishes. You have until December 8th to register , you can do this here. Please register as soon as possible as we will begin to create the groups before the 8th of December. Tell us a bit about yourself, for example what attracted you to Congress, why you turned to the chaos mentors, what you are interested in and if you have specific needs.

This way, we can find a suitable godparent for you and put together a group with similar interests. Your chaos mentor will contact you and your group before the congress so you can get to know each other. At the congress you are an affinity group and can explore the Congress together.

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We ourselves have had a great time at the Congress for 1, 2, 10 or 30 years. But we know from our own experience how difficult the first step can be. But do not worry — once the first step is done, great people and the opportunity to learn a lot about yourself await. But exchange is not a one-way street: We focus on people who are not part of the mainly represented group cis, male and white.

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Of course, we will not exclude anyone. Of course, we are again looking for enthusiastic support from nice, experienced and reliable mentors this year. If you feel like taking on a group of newbies and looking after them, please register here.

Tell us something about yourself, your interests, and what you know a lot about, so that we can find suitable godchildren for you. Thank you in advance for your support. The Call for Participation for 35C3 is out now. For all of you just checking in to see the diff to 34C3 CfP, German version is below. Congress lectures usually cover a lot of bleeding edge topics, sometimes leaving the broader scope out of sight. This year we want to enable both newcomers to Congress and folks unfamiliar with recent developments to refresh their memories or get an introduction to the basics of the field — presented by experts in the fields.

And yes, this might mean you! In order to accommodate for the larger venue and to correct for the overly compressed half hour lectures, we changed our Fahrplan raster to sport 20 minutes intervals, making room for a default lecture of 40 minutes and extended lectures of 60 minutes with 20 minute breaks. To make room for the more relaxed Fahrplan and our Foundation talks, we will open a fifth Saal in 35C3. From this year on, our content curators will actively work with submitters to improve titles, subtitles and abstracts if we feel they will confuse our audience. Double features haben selten funktioniert und viel Stress verursacht.

Es gibt eine deutsche Version dieses Aufrufs. There also is a tl;dr-diff to the 34c3 CfP. During four days between Christmas and New Years Eve, thousands of hackers, technology freaks, artists, and utopians get together in Leipzig to communicate, learn from each other, and party together.

We focus on topics such as information technology, digital security, making, and breaking. We engage in creative, sceptical discourse on the interaction between technology and society. Apart from the official conference program, the Chaos Communication Congress also offers space for community assemblies, developer and project meetings, art installations, lightning talks, and workshops.

Congress has grown, a lot. Many of the newcomers have a great thirst for knowledge in areas that may seem mundane and basic to others. This is why we will have a focus this year on talks that convey basic knowledge. These talks will receive a clear signifier, so they are easy to recognise. Foundations talks are not only about technical topics. They can be submitted in all tracks. Every track has a number of reserved talk slots for them. It is important that you have real expertise in the subject you want to talk about and have the ability to make it comprehensible for many people.

Please note in the submission what approximate level of previous knowledge is required. Submitting a Foundations Talk will not diminish your chances to get accepted with another talk. Please submit your lecture to our conference planning system at https: Simply follow the instructions there. If you have any questions regarding the submission, you are welcome to contact us via mail at 35c3-content at cccv. This track awaits submissions that address, from an artistic perspective or with artistic means, the societal changes and contradictions caused by computers, the internet, robots, and general digitalization.

One can create art and beauty with computers: We will try to help with the organizational side of such lectures as much as possible. This track is dedicated to the societal, ethical and political questions posed by technology, networks and the digitization of all aspects of life. What will our technologically enhanced future look like?

What are the effects of machine learning, ubiquituous networks, digitalisation of every thing we do, automation, climate change and globalisation? How does society cope with the resulting social and political upheaval? What commercial and political interests are blocking the way forward to utopias worth living?

English version

How can we overcome them? Activist, phantastic, solidaric, and non-commercial ideas and concepts are very welcome. If you shape society with positive energy, this is the track for you. Please speak about your practical experiences! This track is all about developing and creatively using things that allow the digital to make a physical impression.

The focus is on creating things of all kinds of e. For this track we are looking for content demonstrating the influence of security aspects on users and machines. We would therefore like to request technical submissions focusing on security problems and solutions in both, hardware and software. If you want to share your discoveries with thousands of fellow security enthusiasts, if you have developed new solutions to previously unsolved problems, or if you have found new problems which we knew nothing about, then this is the right track for you.

  • Fire Song (Medieval Song Quartet)?
  • Geschenkt (German Edition)?
  • Daily Science Fiction Stories of December 2011.
  • German to English!

This year we dedicate some of our slots to beginners and people who are interested in the relevant basics. This includes topics from mathematics, networks, operating systems, web technologies, memory mis management, cryptography, programming languages, hardware design and other fields. The rapid development of science and technology is steadily changing our view of the world. We are also increasingly trying to understand the complex relationship between nature and society, in order to comprehend how our actions parameterize this whole system.

We see science as a method of reverse engineering the world API and are interested in the newest diffs. No matter whether research centres, universities, or garage-driven science: We are interested in everything from sociocultural effects to frost-resistant measurement technology, from the past to the near future, from the depth of the oceans up to the atmosphere. What are the actual effects of the technical and societal systems we have built?

What will be the next Dieselgate, and which active approaches towards solving the problems are there? The world is developing at an increasing pace, and most of it involves computers and algorithms. Unfortunately, those developments do not necessarily equal progress. Some increase complexity; others require waiving freedoms. But many projects already incorporate recent research, like p2p gossipping networks meaning less data accumulates at central points as everyone runs their own infrastructure , extended OS security reducing persistence, new policies, virtualisation , or reorganised social frameworks intended to simplify life by eliminating bureaucracy and sources of stress , and, of course, reduction of our dependency on human competition.

In the resilience track all submissions are welcome that lead to a world more worthy of living in — be they long-running projects or recent developments. Those help us to better understand the content and what your audience can expect.

Jeder braucht im Leben mal einen Engel - Peter Orloff

You can also tell us what level of prior knowledge you expect your audience to bring. Consider doing a lightning talk instead. You will have five minutes to present your idea or project, or to do a rant. A formal submission through frab is not required; as usual, the lightning talks are organized via the public wiki.

Lightning talks can be held in German or English and will be streamed, recorded and published see below. Assemblies are places where communities around a certain interest can meet, talk, exchange ideas and be inspired. We will have lots of space, so some bigger installations will be possible. To further the exchange and the get-together of communities and groups, we will cluster the assemblies at the 35C3 along key subjects. You and your community are interested in adopting a key subject, or your established assembly wants to take care of more space?

Then write an email to c3-assemblies lists. A formal submission through frab is not required. There will be a wiki page to keep track of requirements for space and other resources. Simply start already considering now what you would like to make, bring, or show, and write it down once the wiki goes online. We are open to crazy and surprising stuff.

Please send us a description of your suggested talk that is as complete as possible. The description is the central criterium for acceptance or rejection, so please ensure that it is as clear and complete as possible. Quality comes before quantity. Due to the non-commercial nature of the event, presentations which aim to market or promote commercial products or entities will be rejected without consideration.

Our teams will keep a keen eye on title and subtitle and make suggestions to change them if necessary, so please avoid insider jokes and stereotypes. It would be a shame if we would have to reject an otherwise excellent submission because the title does not tell much about the actual content. As it is likely that there will be multiple submissions on the same topic, please show us exactly why your talk should be part of the conference.

Remember that the teams are diversely staffed, and not every reviewer knows every submitter and their background. Please write something about yourself, your research, and your motivation. It does not matter if the talk has been held at another conference somewhere on this planet, as long as it is up to date and relevant. Talks should be either 30 minutes long plus 10 minutes for questions and answers or 45 minutes long plus 15 minutes for questions and answers.

Longer slots are possible if absolutely necessary, but should be an exception. Please take our limited amount of presentation time into consideration, check how much time you really need to bring home your points and then tell us the proposed length of your talk.

Although the Chaos Communication Congress is an international event and a lot of content is presented in English, there will again be a translation team that will simultaneously translate most German talks into English. If your talk will be held in English, your submission should also be in English. Audio and video recordings of the lectures will be published in various formats under the Creative Commons Attribution 4. This license allows commercial use of excerpts by media institutions as part of their reporting.

If you do not wish for material from your lecture to be published or streamed, please let us know in your submission. As German law and therefore the license might differ from the law of your country, please let us know if you have any issues or questions regarding the exact implications. The Chaos Communication Congress is a non-commercial event where neither the organisers nor the speakers are being paid. As an accepted speaker for a full talk, you get free admission, though. If necessary, we are able to provide limited support for travel costs. If you need help applying for a visa, such as an official invitation to present to the German embassy, please make sure to let the content team know well in advance.

Please be aware that the visa application procedure may take up to six weeks. Trage dich auf der Warteliste ein, um in diesen unbeschreiblichen Genuss von echtem Internet zu kommen! Wir, der Hackerspace Stratum 0, laden euch ein, vier unvergleichliche Tage lang mit Gleichgesinnten zu campen. In she went into exile in Switzerland later London. Shortly after this she married the Norwegian Erich Blydt. Burg returned to Germany and Albers in They lived together until his death September 22 , in Hamburg, Germany.

Tikkurila Oyj

July 24 , age 68 in Kempfenhausen, Bavaria, Germany. Filmography by Job Trailers and Videos. What is Emily Mortimer Watching? The Best Actors Ever! The Leading Men Voting List! They played in silent. Do you have a demo reel? Add it to your IMDbPage. How Much Have You Seen? How much of Hans Albers's work have you seen? Mecki Berry alias Mecki Brown. Two Merry Adventurers Morris Flint.

Actor Soundtrack Producer Self Archive footage. Alexej Alexandrowitsch von Prack.