
Slovoed Deluxe French-Russian dictionary (Slovoed dictionaries) (French Edition)

All words available in the dictionary will be highlighted.

• over 113,110 words, titles, phrases • 39,661 French audio pronunciations

To activate this feature, please select Slovoed as a sharing 'extension'. You can now copy as many words as you need while reading — even the whole text, - switch back to Slovoed app and view all the relevant dictionary entries one-by-one.

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You can delete or download again any components of the purchased dictionary, for example, a sound module for the language you are not using. Graphics fully adapted for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. App startup has got 3 times faster! All your ideas and suggestions regarding this app are very welcome at feedback slovoed. Please, update your standalone Russian-Spanish-Russian Slovoed Deluxe dictionary, install "Slovoed dictionaries" for FREE and your dictionary will be automatically synchronized and enabled.

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  • English-Russian-English Slovoed Deluxe talking dictionary - Download.
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Sync with Slovoed standalone dictionary apps. Look up unfamiliar words in SlovoEd dictionary directly from the home screen!

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Morphology module helps to translate words from any grammatical form for English, French, Russian and Spanish dictionaries.? Now you can search words by voice instead of typing them in a dictionary speaking your queries not only in English, but in Dutch, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Polish, Czech, Portuguese and Turkish!

Translate English words into Russian words and vice versa

Uses Google voice recognition service. Available for OS 2.

English, French, Italian, German, Russian and Spanish audio pronunciations recorded by native speakers.? Use Fuzzy Search in case of misspelling.

SlovoEd Deluxe French-Russian & Russian-French Dictionary (trial)

Do you recommend it? Browse the web up to 8x faster than Chrome and Safari. Brave blocks unwanted content by default and keeps count. Author's review English-Russian and Russian-English Slovoed Deluxe dictionary software for Windows lets you easily find appropriate translation of any word and express yourself most precisely thanks to high translation rate, detailed and up-to-date dictionary bases and easy-to-use interface.

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