
Manitou Doll

Roy is a wet fish who is led around by his boner like it's a divining rod and Liz is a hysterical superbitch. The two of them seem to have no control over Rowena whatsoever, she slips away at every opportunity to, for instance, take a ride on a ghost train with a creepy child molester.

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Jane is the only likable character out of the three but she is shoved into the background for most of the book. She is trotted out occasionally to provide some cryptic clues or an exotic love interest, and typical of the Smithiverse there's some weirdly retrograde gender dynamics. The curse was enacted not because Jane was raped by a white guy but because she enjoyed it.

Roy gets a boner when she reveals that she orgasmed during the rape creeeepy and then they totally do it too. Unfortunately her copulation with whitey shames her ancestors even further.

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Way to go, Jane. There's also the usual parade of paper-thin characters, set up like bowling pins to be knocked over in ridiculous, gory ways. One guy is fed up with his fat, annoying girlfriend so logically he attempts to rape her on the Big Dipper while it's still in motion and packed with people.

  1. Manitou Doll;
  2. Manitou Doll / Guy N Smith.
  3. Book Review: Manitou Doll By Guy N. Smith.

He's unsuccessful thanks to some teenage girls who hold him still while his presumably-now-ex-girlfriend literally rips his balls off. Unfortunately their act of vigilante justice is interrupted by a freak accident that tears everyone on board to shreds. Smith gets some good mileage out of carny stereotypes too. A description of an inbred hunchback is lifted wholesale from one of Smith's crabs books, but I prefer to imagine it's the same character, traveling from book and book dispensing vague threats and ominous warnings to Smith's protagonists.

Smith's books are at their most entertaining when they reach the heights of silliness and luckily there are a few parts of this book that are ri-goddamn-diculous.

Manitou Doll

The most hilarious parts of the book involve Rowena's evil doll, which make the Zuni Doll story from Trilogy of Terror look downright sensible. One guy gets lost at sea and is pummeled to death by the tiny wooden doll. Another couple taste his miniature fists of fury during a fishing trip, the doll somehow managing to pulp a man's entire head. She realises that evil forces are mounting and that something terrible is about to happen, but she fails to understand that it is through her and her carvings that her grandmother's curse on the white people will be fulfilled.

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    Manitou Doll by Guy N. Smith

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    Manitou Doll by Smith Guy N. 0099438003 The Fast

    I enjoyed reading Manitou Doll and found it to be quite an unusual story. I must mention, however, that there are some rather violent scenes early on in the book, one of which involves a very young child. It is such a well written scene that it might upset some readers, which is why I mention it now, but I must stress that nothing of this nature is repeated later on. I have to say that Mr Smith has a real talent for creating dark characters and making them believable.

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    One of the bikers, Fat Fry, is a really nasty piece of work and the scenes that are written from his perspective place the reader inside the head of a man capable of extreme violence. Not all the characters in Manitou Doll are as dark and nasty as Fat Fry, however. The Catlins might have their problems, but they are nice people, even if Liz is hard to warm to.

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    Jane is quite a likable character and Doll. Steve Calvert Guy N.