
In School and Out [Illustrated] The Conquest of Richard Grant

But the legacy of his rule laid the foundation for that conflict and together with the impact of the plague achieved a social transformation that changed Britain forever. Richard's rule can be viewed as a critical moment in Britain's history. It provides the first opportunity to assess the impact of the Black Death on all levels of the nations; as society realigns itself, the young king struggles to restore the prestige and authority of the crown.

Key issues of the day colour Richard's reign: There is significant cultural and linguistic advance, new social groups such as the 'gentry' are emerging and by , leave us with a pubescent modern nation state, firmly in possession of defensible borders and one 'common' language. The Peasants' Revolt, the first major 'headline' result of the series of plagues that swept across Europe, was a judgement on those who were governing the country in Richard's name. However, the king's reaction to the revolt was perhaps the highpoint of his personal activity.

But it is the rapid fall of Richard II, from his position as a secure, wealthy and respected monarch that sheds the most light on the reality of medieval power. He spent his final days alone and died, either from starvation, or by murder on the orders of Henry IV. His christening was attended by three kings. Educated in a European style for the first four years of his life, Richard would bring a new sense of class and civility to the English throne. He probably spoke French first and foremost but also learnt English, the language that was rapidly becoming the main tongue of the English nobility.

Richard is the first king that we know for sure what he looked like, in part because of his own conscious attempts to raise the personal place of the monarch, through the active use of imagery and artistic representation, the most notable example being the Wilton Diptych, a portable altarpiece and Richard's own portrait, which now hangs in Westminster Abbey.

Richard constructed the first royal bathhouse, may well have invented the pocket handkerchief and used a spoon for the first time. In his patronage of architecture and personal piety, his reign has a powerful legacy in some of the key parts of Westminster Great Hall, York Minster and Canterbury Cathedral. Richard built the magnificent hammer beam roof for the hall, which can be seen to this day. The medieval parliament and king's court often sat under its carved angels and it was from here that the kingdom was ruled.

The greatest cultural legacy of the period is the work of Chaucer, a contemporary of Richard and personally known to him but, perhaps surprisingly, not someone who benefited from the king's generous financial patronage. Chaucer's work and use of the English language are legacies of Richard's reign despite the king, not because of his actions; however 'cultured' his court became Richard neglected some of the major trends of his age. Personally tall and imposing, Richard is the first king to recruit a full time bodyguard of loyal Cheshire bowmen, often deployed to intimidate his foes.

Professor Nigel Saul has argued that Richard personally abhorred Christians killing one another and this may explain his determination to make peace with France. However, it did not stop him personally leading armies into Scotland and Ireland. Richard's foreign policy went against all contemporary tradition and proved highly unpopular. The so-called 'Hundred Years War' - started in the reign of his grandfather Edward III and had provided Richard's father with stunning victories. Many in England gained financially from the ongoing conflict and few would agree to see the territorial gains handed back to the French.

Despite this, Richard sought peace with France, whilst becoming involved in Irish affairs to no long-term gain for the monarchy, but at the eventual cost of his own throne. Richard II appears to have been self-obsessed and aware only of his own needs and feelings. Any slight had to be avenged whilst the king's person sought constant praise, respect and even worship. Impressed by imagery and symbols, Richard adopted the sign of the white hart, financed lavish memorials for loyal supporters and designed for himself a tomb in Westminster Abbey that few could fail to be impressed by.

As with so much about Richard, the reality of his leadership failed to rise to the majesty of its appearance. Royal authority extended to all areas of the kingdom via sheriffs and the loyal nobility. English armies, proven by their victories at Crecy and Poitiers, were well respected, managed, led and equipped. The Hundred Years War continued to drain the economy but provided its own rewards to the nobility and gave England a continental presence in defence of her own interests. On the death of the now senile Edward III in , the ten year-old Richard II inherited a throne that ruled with parliament and in front of which he had to swear to uphold the laws of the people.

For a prince who sought to raise the monarchy above human restraints it was an inauspicious start. Parliament selected a regency council that excluded the king's uncle and leading lord, John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. With interests split between Gaunt, parliament and the council, government became disorganised.

The conflicts with England's neighbours dragged on, draining the economy. The plague that struck Britain from killed almost half the population. Those agricultural workers who survived now found their wages rising by per cent as demand for their services by competing landlords increased. However, the landlords were reluctant to pay the higher wages or allow workers to move to rival estates.

Hit by this, three poll taxes and legislation which stated that wages could not rise above pre-plague levels, the ambitious and assertive Yeomen, but not the poorest , of Essex and Kent rebelled. The 'Poll Tax' of became particularly hated, as it took no account of individual wealth or earnings and demanded the same sum from all, rich or poor. Starting in Brentwood, Essex May the mob rose against the tax collectors, joined with their colleagues in Kent and thousands of people sacked the City of London.

The government lacked any significant military capability and so decided to follow a policy of conciliation with the King meeting the mob and their leader, Wat Tyler, first at Mile End and then Smithfield. The king heard and accepted Tyler's demands and then watched as his bodyguards slew the rebel leader, with or without provocation. Seeing him dead, Richard rode alone into the middle of the rebel host crying: Just follow me to the fields without, and then you can have what you want.

Its leaders were subsequently tried and many hanged. Richard had personally seen off the greatest popular threat to the medieval English monarchy; it was an achievement that would not be matched for the remainder of his reign. The Parliament that was then called to finance the clear up and sustain royal finances generally, now demanded reforms of its own. Reflecting demands that became their motto in the Wars of the Roses, the Commons insisted that the king "live of his own", followed "good government", better represented the different factions in the council and restored respect for the authority of the law.

In this case, the nobility in parliament sided with the crown, against the Commons, splitting the political nation. By the end of this reign and throughout the fifteenth century, this situation became reversed as the 'undermighty' crown succeeded in alienating both halves of parliament. After a lot of wrangling with the great houses of Europe Richard married Anne of Bohemia, with whom he actually fell in love and remained loyal to, until her tragic and devastating death in To those without title, like his teacher Burley he gave offices and land in Kent.

Robert de Vere, Earl of Oxford, had the title but no wealth and gained many profitable offices as his influence over the king increased. Men like these formed a very shaky foundation on which to build a dynasty. Unlike his father and grandfather, Richard was not at ease with many of the great men of the land, the chief of whom remained John of Gaunt, the king's uncle. Gaunt's enormous experience, great wealth and high ambition aroused the jealousy of Richard and his friends.

Yet, throughout his life, he was unswervingly loyal to the King. Throughout his life, Gaunt remained Richard's strong right arm, even though the two had little mutual affection. It is noteworthy that only during Gaunt's long absence in Europe, advancing his own claims to Castille, did Richard's regime fall for the first time. Born in Yorkshire in the s, Wyclif was a theologian at Balliol College, Oxford and a 'realist' who believed that one's knowledge derived from within rather than through the senses.

He rejected the human church, preferring one which comprised the body of the elect with all authority derived from the scriptures. He denied transubstantiation and believed in the spiritual Eucharist rather than the physical one.

William Taylor Adams - Wikipedia

Wyclif wanted the church reformed, with its landed wealth and tax exemptions removed. The Lollards who followed Wyclif, often called "mumblers" probably reflecting their scriptural based worship represented a general, but very limited, minority theological reform movement. The most important Lollards were a group of knights who formed part of the king's court. Richard II is so self-absorbed that he fails to see that there are many currents and movements in society Wyclif's aim was for a reformation of the church but his movement failed for various reasons, amongst which were limited literacy levels and the lack of the printing press as a tool of dissemination.

Wyclif was an important figure but the extent of his influence was limited, and the crucial contextual requirements that allowed the Reformation to occur were completely non-existent during Richard's reign. Book is ion good condition. From a school library. Bonzoi stamp on back. Thank you for a very informative site! To find out what your copy of Alice in Wonderland may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: I have a copy of The Patent Hat.

This copy is or seems to be particularly old. How can I find information and value of this book. I hope you can help me. Brian, To find out what your book may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: I have a set of 11 books, Charles Dickens,appear to have been first issued in , but the preface is dated Are in good condition, but have a library stamp on the inside blank leaf.

Also a soft green leather edition with gold edging on pages of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte,second edition December 21st, with a note to the 3rd edition dated April 13th Has a handwritten name, dated Also a library stamp. Is there any value to any of these books? Also an German book: Published in Philadelphia by Mentz and Roboudt. Not sure if I have spelled everything right, the typeface is difficult to read. The cover had a lock which has deteriorated. Somehow my comment was deleted during a wait on reply.

I hope you can tell me about an old book my Dad just acquired. Dear Christine, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. You may be able to find out more about your book on a used book website: I have looked on a few websites for pricing on two old books but without any luck. Paper page edges are gold color gilded. Any assistenace would be appreciated. Bone, who will find full particulars of himself in the dedication of this book! Thanks for the comment. I have beee trying to find information online about the pubplication date or possible worth of a book but I am unable to find any on the particular edition that I have.

It is a Blue cloth covered with numbered pages. Do you have any information about this book? This book is signed. Also has several samples of binding that can be obtained. Other illustrations have a small page insert describing the illustration.. I have never been able to find any info on this second book.

Any help will be most appreciated. Your comment is awaiting moderation. December 11, at 4: It was published in My copy is intact, no tears, and the only flaw is that the corner edges of the cover is slightly worn. I have no true idea of its worth nor do I know where it is best to sell it.

  1. In School and Out: or, The Conquest of Richard Grant from Project Gutenberg!
  2. StealthWork?
  3. Alone in the Valley.
  4. Work and Win; Noddy Newman on a Cruise.
  5. Sunday Morning Threesome (The Morning After Book 1).
  6. As I Rode by Granard Moat.
  7. Navigation.

I would appreciate your expert opinion. Hi my question is, I have the book, The Side of Paradise Fitzgerald, is without the dust cover but is on.. I have three books in my precence at this time, just curious if they may hold any value, they are: I am curious to know if this is a valuable book-all I can find on the Internet is about reprints in and so I am assuming this must be a worthwhile book to be still reprinting it.

It is in pretty good condition apart from the back covering of the spine. Thanks for any info on the book! Hi John, Thanks for the comment. I have a few books that I am trying to find info on. I do not see a date in 2 of them along with no copy right date. All have tissue paper over the illustrations. They appear to be leather bound. But it could be some faux material. They all have the same designs on the spine. They are burgondy in color. Thank You for your time. Gary, Please fill out an auction evaluation form on our website: I think the book is from the late , so before WW II.

Published in Germany and survived the huge bookburning sessions of the Nazis. Do you have any idea of what it would be worth? Tom, To find out what this book may be worth at auction, please submit photos of the title page and copyright page using the auction evaluation form on our website: I have book in a Czechoslovakian dialect with a printed date of yes !

A person with a rudimentary knowledge of the language told me it is a biblical book. Unfortunately, I rescued the book from an incinerator so the top of the book is singed in one spot going down into the cover and title page about one inch. The cover is in very poor shape and the spine is virtually unreadable. The pages are quite remarkable in their clarity. How do I determine if this book has any value? Thank you for your time and consideration. Jerry, Thanks for your comment. To find out what your book may be worth at auction, please send a photo of the title page and an auction evaluation form on our website: Thank you for your article!

Stokes, great condition, blue cloth lining — no illustration or design embossed on the cover — simply the title. Presumably a christmas present from May to an unidentified recipient. Please submit photos of the book and an auction evaluation form on our website: I have stumbled across your webset by luck perhaps? I have a book published in July of if my reading of Roman numerals has not failed me from the Roycroft Shop, East Astoria. The book well essay is titled: Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emmerson. I have been tried to find a value on the book before my father died but it appears the prices are scattered all over the place.

The edition I own has a green suede cover, a hand-drawn portrait inside covered with vellum, the thick paper is not evenly cut to me-as an artist-it almost appears as handmade paper. Where would I find a more accurate price on this book? Their names are as follows: To find out what the value may be at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: Hi, just6 wondering if there is a reply to my questions of Nov.

I have inherited a large collection of old books. I have found one that came with a dust cover that is not paper but a flower printed cardboard. Signed by him as a Christmas gift Published by Dorrance and Company Philidelphia. It came with a post card to order new books, a bulletin with his picture announcing his new books and a reprint of an article from The Sunday Vindicator, May 8, with a detailed story of the author.

The book is in excellent condition. To find out what your books may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: It is a hard back in fairly good shape, has all the pages and a library stamp on the first blank pages. I have been quoted various prices from various people, few of whom i actually feel have any clue about what they are talking about.

Is it an actual first edition? Any info or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

The Reign of Richard II, 1377 to 1399

I have an Grams unraveled Atlas of the world. To find out what your atlas may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: I paid bucks for it! To find out what your copy of Morals and Dogma may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: Green cloth boards, no dust jacket. Book is in overall good condition.

To find out what your Burroughs book may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: I was going through my mothers old things and found a book by Maurice Shadbolt: Summer Fires and Winter Country. Can you help me with where to look to see if the book is worth something?

Library of Congress catalog Card Number Signature in book of George C. League Press [], Montgomery, Alabama Binding: The authors name is not on the book and the only printing info is as follows: S for the Southern District of New York. There is a photo of Hampton Court covered by tissue paper in the front of the book. Can you please tell me if this is worth anything.

In School and Out: or, The Conquest of Richard Grant

These books are not something we would handle at auction. Hello, My mother has a full set of Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedias from the s in perfect condition. They seem to be leather bound or some sort of very durable binding and have gold leaf on them. I also have 5 boxes of vintage books that my senior in-laws want me to sell. Also, do Christian Bibles ever accumulate much value?

Bibles need to be very special to be valuable. Also, collectors are interested in first editions of different Bible translations, and other landmarks in Bible scholarship. It was published by the John W. It does not give a year when they where published. These books appear to be quite old. I was wondering if you can determine what year they where published and the value of them. Thankyou for your time. I have a copy of Narratives and Adventures of Travellers in Africa. The book is in poor shape, with fading on the cover,spine and back, and the binding inside has separated.

I could not find a date anywhere, though the cover says Alta Edition. What does make this book interesting is that it was bound backward. Does this make a book any more valuable? Philip gives the book Martin Luther year, luther on its last page make notes about it in Latin. Apparently the book was in the City Library in Subotica — Serbia at that time Kingdom of yogoslavia until when Subotica was occupied by Hungarians. After that this and number of other valuable books has gone missing!

Any information about this book will be greatly appreciated. Also do you know how would one go about searching for such book? Thanks to Google Books I have complete pdf file of the Austrian book. I have a red letter new testament bible Lic. Lay of the bell. I have a book titled: This is what is engraved on the front cover.

It is published by Charles Schribner, copyright What are your thoughts? Can you tell be approximate value range of and or direct me perhaps to a Biblical specialty site for:. Adam Clarke published for: Methodist Episcopal Church, Mulberry-Street. This website should help you out: Edited and prefaced by R. This is from the private library of E. Randall of Baker University signed and dated November 24, Please tell me a value. This Charles Lamb book is not something we would handle at auction. The cover is not in great shape, and the binding is very loose.

While there are a few pages that are soiled by time, the illustrations show very little signs of fading and are in overall great shape. The book was a gift from the first dean of the Duke Law School, and has an inscription from him not sure if this hurts the value or not. I have an antique book Love-songs of childhood by eugene field copyright and one hundred narrative poems by scott, foresome and company copyright and some other antique books in very good condition im curious of the worth. All pages intact with no tears. Any ideas on it? All Blue with gold print Sinclair Lewis imprint on front with sig.

Hi Phyllis, To find out what your Sinclair Lewis and Robert Louis Stevenson books may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: I have a copy of Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert…dated by Bibliotheque-charpentier printed in french. Book is bound in brown leather and marbled colored front and back.

In School and Out; The Conquest of Richard Grant - William Taylor Adams - Religion - English - 1/3

Is this a book of any value? Valerie — Thanks for the comment. The publishing date is sept. I have not been able to find a copy for sale anywhere. Is this book worth anything? I am not a book collector but I enjoy antiques. I currently have a book that I believe is an original print as in printed in the year indicated from titled Tasker Jevons; The Real Story.

I currently have this book for sale on eBay. The pictures of the book can be viewed on my ad at http: Good luck with the sale. One of the oldest books I have is titled: Front and back cover OK. The spine is in bad shape. Chris, To find out what your book may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: I have a agamemnon of aedchylus translated by robert browning, with half of the pages uncut at the top.

The pages are yellow how much is this worth? This Charles Dickens book is not something we would handle at auction. It is in excellent like new condition with a dust cover. It has never been checked out. Ville Du Havre November 23, from Mrs. Adams of Augusta, Georgia. Written at Sea November 28, I have been trying to look up a book now for a long time. I can not find it any where. I would like to find the value to know how safe of an area I should keep it in. Thank you for your help!

The person I got it from received it in Is there any value to this book. This Hans Christian Andersen book is not something we would handle at auction. Robey Is it worth anything? Marge, This real estate book is not something we would handle at auction. The value of this H. I have 6 paperback books from the Riverside Literature series.

Dates range from Do these books have any value? Thank you so much for your help. This Riverside Literature series is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and expertise. My sister has three books she would like some information on please. She said it was published by the Worthington Company. She says it is in fair condition. Thompson, fair condition, published date by Lovell and Corele Group? I believe he served in in Chile. The copyright has first then It was first published by Phillips Mulbrey?

It is in worn condition. I have a not great condition book some of the binding at the bottom is torn off and pages very yellowed Arlington Edition of David Copperfield. Cover is hard and intact but a 1 cm gash and edges worn. Published New York; Hurst and Co. Inside Back cover has an ad for Sohmer and Co. Hi Kelly, This David Copperfield book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. I have a few old books that I am wondering if your auction would be interested in. Websters Handy Dictionary illustrated. Merriam then under it says by Eloise W.

Abbie Wood Steward and under that has a W. I see nothing of dates. It is a Bible that my grandmother had. There is no date anywhere other than handwritten is Harley Pursley born Apr 23, Hi Lisa, These old books are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. I have a copy of Henry Noel Humphries, ed. One page is free from the binding but it is otherwise very good condition.

Can you please give an idea of the value? Kathryn, This book is not something we would handle at auction. Most were not bought as collector items, I think. Lomax was a real character, or perhaps a fictitious name inscribed by an ambitious book dealer. Nothing against any book dealers, by the way. Book is in excellent shape. However, it has a fake dust jacket marked Facsimile Dust Jackets L. Should I try to sell it with or without the fake cover?

What is an estimated value either way? Green cover with gold emboss. Copyright by Houghton, Mifflin and Co. Boston and New York Riverside press Cambridge. It has been stored in a musty basement for years. Two of the volumes appear to be signed. I plan to donate these to the Poetical Society, but would like to know what their value might be?

The pages appear to be all there and I can see only one handwritten pencil note on the inside—in German. This copy of Das Kapital is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. I have the following books: Robert Schuller 18 Volume Collectible set. The works of zane grey volume hardcover set. Also, is there a place where I can sell these books?

Should I approach an auction house with the books and ask for valuation? These sets of books are not something we would handle at auction. I have the following book: Signature and date of on owners page. Second story in book is Agnes Grey. Good condition with some worn edges. Anne — This copy of Wuthering Heights is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction.

This book has been donated to the Newseum but have always been curious about its potential among collectors. Kennedy with a personal greeting to my uncle who was a friend of the family. This was given as a gift at the time of its publishing. Joseph — This book is not something we would handle at auction. I have a first edition copy of Midnight Weddings by Mrs. Meeke, which I hear is very rare, published London, by T.

It has the publisher stamp in the front of the book, the pages are readable, the cover is a bit old and worn. James — This book is not something we would offer at auction. The older books are signed I followed her around book fairs in the 70s and 80s. I am interested in an evaluation of my collection for estate purposes. I am also interested in selling the duplicates I have and possibly the entire collection. Can you help me or refer me to a source that can? All have their dust jackets which are protected with sleeves and the books have been in climate comtrolled storage for some years. I have been out of that loop for some time and have lost touch with my contacts.

Hi Sam, This collection is not something we would offer at auction. You may wish to contact the Appraisers Association of America for assistance with an assessment: Revell Company, copyright Judy — This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. Kelly — This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. I have 12 books published in of Shakespeare. They are leatherbound I think, and in very good condition considering the age. Are these worth anything more than sentimental value?

Hi Kim — No, these book are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. Covers are a dark tan with black printing. I do plan to sell it but have no idea of value. Thank you so much for your helpful response to my question about the book I have. I have the bible designed to be read as living literature the old and new testaments in the king James version Arranged and edited by Ernest Sutherland Bates.

Copyright by Simon and Schuster, inc. Conley Company, Publishers, Gregory — Your bible and copy of Poems of Passion are both not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. These old books are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. Before posting a comment here, please look for your book on a used book website: To get an idea of the types of books Skinner offers at auction, browse our past auction catalogs.

New Edition and illustrated. Translated from French to English in Two Volumes in one. Translated from the french of M. Thank you for your time. Colleen — This book is not something we would handle at auction. I have a number of late 19th century books that are in excellent condition with decoratively etched covers, most with gilded bars for the title. Is there a market for these books and how would I learn more about them? Hi Sally, These 19th century books are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. You may be able to find out more about your books on the following websites: In the bibliography for it said that there were limited edition copies made, how can I tell its that one?

The only images I can find on the web are the exact same only 2 but do not specify. William, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction. Please give me some idea of it s value. Doug, This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction.

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  • Are any of these worth a substantial figure? They are in fabulous condition with slim leather covers. These books and encyclopedias are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. Josh, These two books are not of high value. Could you tell me the possible value of the following book: Blanche, This book is not something we would handle at auction. Hello, I have found an old Dickens Oliver Twist that does not have a date but has Lupton Publishing Co New York as the publisher—It has a green hard back cover and has Federal book co on the bottom outside on binding. I cannot find a copy on Abe books or Amazon.

    Meri, Thanks for the comment. I have 3 books that are dated back mid s mark Twain Christian science it was copyrighted in from Harpers and brothers publishers with a signature from T. The second book is the pioneers and patriots or America by John S. Abbott it has a signature and date on it from it was published by Dodd and mead in and the sparrowgrass papers by Frederic S. Cozzens dated back to and has signature and date on it all from the old feather and ink on it looking to see what they are worth. David, These books are not of high value. Hello, your dictionary is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction.

    I am having trouble with a book that I was hoping you could help with. The book has no date but says it is the complete and unabridged edition and has pages. On the cover Cristo is spelled Christo. It does have a couple of problems, the cloth on the top and bottom of the spine is a little worn and the binding is coming apart to the point that the first few pages are almost falling out. Any help you can give me is much appreciated, Thanks. Charles — This book is not of high value and is not something we would offer at auction.

    Adia, To find out what your Zane Grey books may be worth at auction, please submit photos and an auction evaluation form on our website: I have 3 books handed down from great grandma: Hi Joanne, These old books are not of high value and are not something we would offer at auction. Published by Canton Press in just after the factory was built.

    It is signed buy the original owner of the book in the first book not on title page. All tissue paper in front of photos are intact. They are in pretty good shape, with one page folded in half down the center. They there are old fingerprint throughout the books, but all pages seam intact and together. Slight wear on cover. There are obvious ink fades, missing letters and smears as well.

    What can you tell me about these books and what are they worth? I understand this is his previously unprinted biographical accounts from prison. Printed in Paris France. Alcott used her story Eight Cousins to deplore Adams' use of slang, his cast of bootblacks and newsboys, and his stories of police courts and saloons. Adams responded in kind, pointing out Alcott's own use of slang and improbable plot twists. Around this series was reprinted in a uniform edition of two series, the "Riverdale Story Books" and "Flora Lee Stories", each of six volumes.

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    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For other people named William Adams, see William Adams disambiguation. Secretary of the Commonwealth, p. Marquis Who's Who, New International Encyclopedia 1st ed. Retrieved from " https: Views Read Edit View history.