
The Boat Club or, The Bunkers of Rippleton

His actions are established as purely selfish and callow, yet from time to time there are hints that he suspects he can be better if only he knew how.

Boat Club; or, The Bunkers of Rippleton - William Taylor Adams - Action & Adventure - English - 3/3

The Boy who is poor, and is equally saintly as boy type one. His role is to accept charity and pity humbly while also being above moral reproach.

The boat club; or, The Bunkers of Rippleton,

The other plot points of the classic boys novel are here; needless and obvious subplots involving false accusations so transparent that there is never any doubt they will be overthrown, a Christ-like moment of redemption, swift justice for the bad boy, pages of needlessly detailed instructions on parliamentary procedure, a mysterious stranger, and oodles of extended rhapsody about the importance of forming good character in boys. This is a book that one must be familiar with to truly appreciate the sea-change wrought by Horatio Alger in the tone and flavor of these books. Also to see how revolutionary Mark Twain was, and the reasons behind his gusty disdain for their hollow moral bankruptcy.

But most of all, Optic was a pretty good writer.

Shallow and simplistic though his plots are, and his prose is impossibly stilted at times, yet he still cobbled together stories that were light years ahead of other children's novels at the time: Strange though it seems, we owe writers like Optic the invention of popular children's literature.

If I have one damning thing to say about Optic, it is because of him and the runaway popularity of Boat Club in the midth century that we have the plague of the Twilight series today.

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Jan 02, Alger rated it really liked it. The kind of boy's novel where using slang and disobeying your parents is deemed just as morally corrupt as a case of assault with intent to maim.

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Fortunately there are boats involved to teach the boys the difference between right and wrong. Jessica rated it liked it May 03, Nora Roberts rated it liked it Apr 25, Patrick Murtha rated it really liked it Dec 28, Courtney Watson rated it it was ok Feb 06, Benjamin rated it liked it Jul 10, Paige Gray rated it it was ok Feb 01, Merlin rated it it was amazing Oct 20, Don't have an account? Update your profile Let us wish you a happy birthday!

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The Boat Club or The Bunkers of Rippleton (Paperback)

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Shallow and simplistic though his plots are, and his prose is impossibly stilted at times, yet he still cobbled together stories that were light years ahead of other children's novels at the time: Strange though it seems, we owe writers like Optic the invention of popular children's literature. If I have one damning thing to say about Optic, it is because of him and the runaway popularity of Boat Club in the midth century that we have the plague of the Twilight series today.

Jan 02, Alger rated it really liked it.

Catalog Record: The boat club, or The Bunkers of Rippleton | Hathi Trust Digital Library

The kind of boy's novel where using slang and disobeying your parents is deemed just as morally corrupt as a case of assault with intent to maim. Fortunately there are boats involved to teach the boys the difference between right and wrong. Jessica rated it liked it May 03, Nora Roberts rated it liked it Apr 25, Patrick Murtha rated it really liked it Dec 28, Courtney Watson rated it it was ok Feb 06, Benjamin rated it liked it Jul 10, Paige Gray rated it it was ok Feb 01, Merlin rated it it was amazing Oct 20, Marty Crosson added it Jan 11, Valerie Anne added it Jun 01, Glorybeafarm marked it as to-read May 05, Cyndi marked it as to-read Aug 18, Luisa Knight marked it as to-read Apr 28, Nicole Groenewald marked it as to-read Jun 26, Steve marked it as to-read Jun 23,