
Quick and Easy Ways to Protect Your Fruits and Veggies: Plus 10 Fruit and Vegetable Smoothie Recipes

I sneak in handfuls of spinach without them even detecting it since it has such a mild flavor yet is such a nutritional powerhouse. Since smoothies are full of fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein — the options are endless. I am posting our fabulous six superfood smoothies which are filled with superfoods that will start your mornings off right. Here is where I am going to get a little personal. I was a healthy and active girl when I got hit with an autoimmune disease that rocked my world.

I visited the doctor and he performed an insane amount of blood tests to figure out what was going on with my body. My weight had even skyrocketed for no apparent reason which will put any woman in a tailspin. After many blood tests confirmed I was dealing with several autoimmune issues, I was referred to both a rheumatologist and endocrinologist to deal with the effects of my immune system going haywire.

The specialists wanted to put me on a host of medications to help with the swelling and inflammation, all with a list of negative side effects. I went home and my husband and I just sobbed together on the couch which he may not like me admitting publicly since he is not a crier , afraid of what the future might hold. I started studying like crazy. I began driving around to every library in town, picking up stacks of health books, and researching everything I could about my disease. I became a full-on nerd!

Don't Like Vegetables? Try This!

I kept reading over and over about the powerful healing powers of whole foods. After much research, I decided to implement a day healthy food plan. It included only cold-pressed juices, whole food smoothies, vegetables, fresh fruit, fish, and chicken. Being the baker that I am, it just about killed me! Okay truth be told…. I supplemented my diet with a whole host of herbs that help with inflammation and autoimmune disorders. I filled my refrigerator with the freshest ingredients and spent hours at a time creating smoothies and filling glass jars with them.

I drank everything from raw fermented beet juice to cleanse my liver to lemon turmeric drinks to help calm my inflammation. After several weeks, my swelling drastically improved and I was able to move around with ease. The best part was going to visit the doctor for another round of blood tests and finding out that the most alarming results were reversed! I still had a long way to go but this was a start. I am not a doctor but will share some things that have helped me. Here are some of the healing vitamins, herbs and supplements that have helped me with my autoimmune diseases: Tumeric or Tumeric Force — for reducing inflammation.

Holy Basil — helps calm, reduce stress and adrenal support. Vitamin D — immune support and energy. Vitamin B12 — natural energy booster. Magnesium — natural relaxer, calms nerves, good for ADHD. Vitamin C — immune system booster. Selenium — very helpful if you have a thyroid disorder. Probiotics or Refrigerated Probiotics — the gateway to gut health. Helps to rebalance gut flora. Fermented Foods — Kefir, Kimchi, Sauerkraut.

Bone Broth — helps with gut issues. L-Glutamine , Berberine , Digestive Enzymes. Vital Proteins Collagen or Unflavored Collagen Protein — good source of protein and helps the gut lining repair. There are so many out there dealing with the effects of autoimmune diseases and I would LOVE to hear your story and what has helped you. Please feel free to leave a comment below and share your story.

I believe we can all learn from each other. Knowledge is power and when we take our own health into our hands, we can invoke a healthy change. I LOVE to read, study, and learn from the experts in the industry. I have found several books that are very helpful and will share my favorites. Autoimmune Wellness Handbook ,. The Autoimmune Solution ,.

An Epidemic of Absence: If you would like to sign up for my newsletter, I will include the specific things that have helped me in my health journey. After years and years of my mother-in-law telling me that the Vitamix is the greatest appliance ever made, I bit the bullet and bought one. I am so grateful because I use it every single day. You can buy one here. For extra detoxification benefits, a lemon turmeric flush first thing in the morning will do the trick. Mix together, water, lemon juice, turmeric, ginger, cayenne pepper optional and cinnamon.

Add stevia, honey or maple syrup to taste. The cayenne pepper adds a kick to it so not everyone can handle it. If I am suffering from anything — from allergies to autoimmune issues to overeating the night before, this helps to clean out my liver and belly. I woke up this morning with swollen eyes caused by allergies and this drink helped the swelling go down quickly. You can drink it heated up or drink it cold straight out of the refrigerator. We make a large pitcher and keep in the refrigerator to last a week.

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We give it a good stir and guzzle it down. The best superfood healthy smoothie recipes. I would LOVE to hear from you about how you have benefited from drinking smoothies or juices and how you like these 6 Healthy Superfood Smoothies. Share with your friends on Facebook, Pinterest, and Yummly. Thank you, as always, for your support. You can also find a recipe for my pitaya dragon fruit smoothie bowl HERE. Thanks so much, my friend! I use powder for the most part for ease.

I do love the flavor of fresh ginger so I use that half of the time. I add more tumeric to my smoothies than I put in the recipes just because it helps me so much. I do have one and since so many people have been asking for it, I will update my website later this afternoon with the recipe. You can also sign up for the newsletter to get more information as well. Thank you for visiting! Hi Melissa I have been to knee doctors for the pain in my knees.

One says artiritis, one says inflammation. Got an injection that lasted 3 days. In the daytime when I sit for a while, it hurts so bad when I get up to walk. Please help in terrible pain. I am so sorry that you are experiencing so much pain. It can be debilitating and frustrating. I dealt with popping knees for awhile and the crackling sound was so loud. I was able to turn it around. I am not a doctor but I can give you some advice that I hope can help you. I would suggest tumeric which helps with inflammation. You can buy it in the capsule form and swallow it with water.

You can also add ground tumeric into your smoothies. You can buy it online or at Costco. High quality fish oils can be incredible for joints to help lubricate them. Also, food can be extremely healing so try to fill your diet with leafy greens you can try my youthful green smoothie , vegetables, fruits, lean protein and try to stay away from gluten, dairy, fried foods, and sugar. Give it one month of taking those supplements and changing your diet and see how you feel. I wish you the very best and hope and pray that you get feeling better. Thank you for reaching out. Double those peas and carrots.

A sandwich is another blank canvas just waiting to get stuffed with color. Take your routine turkey sandwich and jazz it up with sliced apples, cucumber, zucchini, sprouts, and spinach. Try these tips to sneak in one or two extra servings into your day. Shred or grate fruits and vegetables down, or puree them up and see how creative you can get with your favorite recipes.

Grated zucchini and carrots do wonders for turkey burgers, meatloaf like our Veggie-Packed Meat Loaf shown here , and meatballs, adding both moisture and nutrients to the dish. In addition to your traditional tomato sauce base, use any combination of chopped mushrooms, eggplant, onions, peppers, squash, and carrots.

This versatile sauce can then be used in a variety of creative ways to add both flavor, as well as a serving of vegetables to your day. Spoon it over noodles, mix it into lasagna, start it as a soup base, spread it over pizza crust, or use it as a dipping sauce. Both vegetables and fruits are healthy, delicious, and fabulous additions to breads, cakes, biscuits, and pies. Both savory and sweet, what better way to add a vegetable serving to your day? The concept is simple: One day a week, cut out the meat.

And Monday seems to be a good day to try. By eliminating meat once a week, you may reduce your risk of cancer and heart disease, support sustainability, and even come out saving a buck or two. To make your goal even more attainable, use your Meatless Monday as a make-ahead day to prepare extra fruits and vegetables for the week.

Enjoy throughout the week in wraps, over a bed of spinach, or heated into omelets. Bag them up and keep them easily accessible in the refrigerator.

Add them to sauces, soups, stir-fry, casseroles, pizzas. Try to experiment with a new seasonal vegetable or fruit each week. You are far more likely to fall in love with its lush, juicy, tangy taste in the height of summer. Get the whole family involved. Allow either yourself, or a family member to choose a new item from the produce section and add it to your meal. Invite a friend or two over to try the new dish with you.

Two heads are often better than one, and you can both learn together. Check the weekly specials at your local grocery store and choose one of the items on special that week. The specials often reflect the abundance of certain seasonal produce. Snacks have gotten a bad rap. A healthy snack can help you curb hunger throughout the day and provide energy and important nutrients. Make all of your snacks revolve around fruits and vegetables.

Stock countertops, pantries, refrigerators at home and work , desk, car, and purse with some form of fruit or veggie. Keep them eye level in the fridge for easy access. Desserts tend to be regarded as a sweet treat for special occasions only. But a fruit-based dessert has the ability to offer a light, refreshing, naturally-sweet ending to a satisfying meal, with the added bonus of an extra fruit serving. My recipe is my standard go-to smoothie, but I will also give you a list of some options for substitutions and variety! Add what you like and try out different ingredients to see what works.

I enjoy cooking meals and treats for my husband and three teenagers. They are my official taste testers!

Healthy Smoothies: Best Smoothie Ingredients & 10 To Ditch

This yummy smoothie is a great healthy way to start the day! After all the holiday feasts, I need to go back to healthier eating, and this smoothie recipe is a must — so full of healthy ingredients and so tasty! Happy New Year Kathy!! I need a good recipe for a smoothie and happy to see yours! Kathy, thanks so much for following my blog. I think they are both the chia and raspberry seeds. I love reading your blog, Fran! Keep up the good work! I love the blender shot with all of the rainbow of produce showing! This smoothie sounds amazing.

Tip 1: Boost Your Breakfast

I love a good smoothie! Glad I can use fresh or frozen fruit. And what a great way to use up those bananas that are getting mushy on the countertop. Smoothies are my go to try after a workout Kathy, and this one sounds delish! I need to cut out the sugar too!

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Easier said than done for me though! I feel ya on the post-holiday food hangover. It happens every year, but then the next year comes around and I want holiday food again!

Healthy Smoothies: Best Smoothie Ingredients & 10 To Ditch - EatingWell

Smoothies are an excellent way to keep it on the lighter side…thanks for sharing your recipe! This smoothie sure look like the right way to start out the new year, Kathy! I definitely need less sugar after the holidays too. Those straws are adorable!