

Demsetz, Harold 1930-

The essays are written so as to be accessible to students of all disciplines and to all other persons interested in capitalism and in economic behavior. They are not text-like treatments, but they do offer useful supplementary readings of an unusual sort for courses in business, economics, and law in matters relating to human behavior, capitalism, ownership, markets, and firms. The organization of economic activity by Harold Demsetz Book 16 editions published between and in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide V.

Ownership, control, and the firm. Efficiency, competition, and policy.

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The market concentration doctrine; an examination of evidence and a discussion of policy by Harold Demsetz Book 13 editions published in in English and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Economic, legal, and political dimensions of competition by Harold Demsetz Book 18 editions published between and in English and Dutch and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Ownership, control and the firm by Harold Demsetz Book 29 editions published between and in English and German and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide.

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Efficiency, competition, and policy by Harold Demsetz Book 22 editions published between and in English and Spanish and held by WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Dichos principios o axiomas se dividen en cuatro grupos: Asimismo, el individuo benthamiano es un ser que calcula, estima las consecuencias de sus posibles acciones y puede comparar y ordenar los efectos considerando la tendencia a su propia felicidad. Los axiomas que rigen esta rama implican consideraciones sobre la seguridad, la subsistencia, la abundancia y la igualdad.

En este esquema, la riqueza genera felicidad, y es objeto de uso y de deseo —i. Lo que presupone que las cosas escasas son valiosas 19 e intercambiables. Lo anterior explica la neutralidad 20 que Walras impone al mercado en competencia, en palabras de Rebeyrol En palabras de Van Daal esto implica que: En palabras de Bentham:. El principio de utilidad se entiende en dos sentidos, el censorial y el enunciativo. Walras no llena de contenido las necesidades. Este criterio establece la igualdad de condiciones y la desigualdad de posiciones.

Las dos implicaciones del criterio de justicia son:. In so far as the sum of the pleasures of all kinds, experienced by the person in question, during the length of time in question, is regarded, as considerable , -the sum of the pains of all kinds experienced by him during that same length of time, being, moreover laid out of the account, -the state which in that respect he is regarded as being in, is termed as state of happiness Bentham, , Voulez-vous aller plus loin encore?

The Economics of Life: From Baseball to Affermative Action to Immigration. The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham. From imperialism to inspiration: American Journal of Economics and Sociology , 39 3 , American Journal of Economics and Sociology , 40 3 , Jeremy Bentham ou le Calcul.

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  5. Journal of Economic Literature , 34, Political Science Quaterly , 33 2 , Sobre su obra original. Cuadernos de Economia 29 53 , Interpersonal Comparisons of Utility. Economic Journal , 48, Los bienes y la gente. She further explains, quoting and functions of money. The important thing here is that it assimilates d An almost current formulation of a that subjective theory of the value to the quantity theory of money, in which prices monetary theory, discovering the mechanisms of are related to the abundance or scarcity of the purchasing power of money that is to say, money.

    They thought of the School of Salamanca, relative to provoked a remarkable ill-feeling at that time, some native authors of this Spanish region.

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    I end up with a short text, corresponding to the This is a compilation volume of all the already Magisterial lesson given by Grice-Hutchinson summarized articles, together with some new when she received the Honoris Cause Doctorate ones recently edited in Spain. The English pub- by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid lication starts with a very interesting introduc- Avila, april 14th, She elaborated a tion by the publishers Laurence S.

    Moss and suggestive synthesis of her investigations, inspired Cristopher Ryan. A Bibliography harmony between religion and economic activity School of Salamanca with some methodological that, to the judgement of the bright doctor, reflections. Not all the approaches are coincident, would express the Scholastic point of view about but they show the different ways to access this those two aspects of human behaviour.

    I want to indicate that I include here Spanish, 4. Specific topics of economic content Portuguese and Latin-American authors. In addition to the linguistic similarity that links Finally I have separated some specific matters that them, there are powerful historical reasons to are studied in some Scholastics works: There is a general consensus about the Gorosquieta ; sity doctors had in the economic analysis Peset ; Chafuen b. But I will leave that task which I estimate quite Appendix of authors important for another occasion.

    It is always difficult to make a list of books or authors, because of the doubts when including 4. Studies on specific authors some names or the omission of others. After the name, I point out the well known dates of birth and death, and I 4. General problems of economic interpretation include in brackets the work translated into Spanish for the latin texts , or recent critical I want to include here some work that complete work, or the very last facsimile reeditions. Sobre intereses, usuras, cambios, recambios de hombres de Comentario resolutorio de cambios, Salamanca, negocios, [ed.

    Tratado sobre los cambios, I.

    The quoted Domingo de Soto Universidad de Salamanca. Campomanes ; 21— Estudios de Deusto 3, 79— Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston. An Austrian Perspective of the History of Society. History of Political Economy 10 1. Spanish edition, , Ariel, Barcelona.