
Psychologische Aspekte der Projektarbeit (German Edition)

Kellstedt, Paul and Guy Whitten. The Fundamentals of Political Research, Cambridge: All researchers face similar challenges posed by core issues of research design. A research design is a plan that specifies how you plan to carry out a research project and, particularly, how you expect to use your evidence to answer your research question. This course aims to provide an overview of potential research designs for establishing causal inference and their advantages and disadvantages.

Students should also understand the trade-offs involved in choosing a particular research design. Students are expected to have their own ideas about potential research questions to be able to actively participate in seminar-style meetings that are organised within this lecture course. Tutorial Game Theory Seminar, English. The lab sessions will focus on the practical issues associated with quantitative methods, including obtaining and preparing data sets, how to use statistical software, which tests to use for different kinds of problems, how to graph data effectively for presentation and analysis, and how to interpret results.

The seminar will also serve as a software tutorial. No prior knowledge of statistical programming is expected. The main focus lies on the introduction to statistical models and estimators beyond linear regression useful to a socialscientists. A good understanding of the classical linear regression model is a prerequisite and required for the further topicsof the course. We will first discuss violations of the asymptotic properties of the linear regression model and ways to addressthese violations heteroscedasticity, endogeneity, proxy variables, IV-estimator.

The second part of the class is dedicated to first the maximum likelihood estimator and second to nonlinear models for binary choice decisions Logit, Probit , ordinaldependent variables, and count data Poisson, Negative Binomial. Classes will be accompanied by lab sessions to repeat andpractice the topics from the classes.

Regression Analysis of Count Data. Counterfactuals and Causal Inference. Methods and Principles for Social Research. A Guide to Modern Econometrics.

Meaning of "Birgitta" in the German dictionary

Information for Mannheim Master in Data Science students: Please be aware that there are only 3 places reserved for students of the Mannheim Master in Data Science. You can register via the portal until 28 January Places will be allocated randomly after this deadline. Please check the portal on 5 February to see if you are still registered.

Lab sessions will repeat and practice topics from the lecture based on weekly exercises. We will use the statistical software Stata and do as well by hand calculations. The goal of the lab session is that students develop an understanding how to applythese statistical methods to their own future research. Basic understanding of the methodology of sociological explanations; knowledge of key sociological theories and theoretical tools; skills to evaulate the quality, especially the information content, of theoretical statements; awareness of the challanges of the theory-data link; critical assement of the theory-guidance of empirical research.

Approaches and Methodologies in the Social Sicenes. On the principles of analytical sociology. Little, Daniel, Varieties of Social Explanation. A more detailed reading list will be provided in the first session. This lecture introduces incoming students to the fundamental principles of social science, different theoretical paradigms in sociology, and empirical-analytical sociological research on social mechanisms.

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First, as an introduction into the epistemological foundations of social sciences, we will address key insights of the philosophy of sciences, sociological theory and analytic sociology on social mechanism. What is a reasonable causal explanation of social phenomena and how can it be verified? Furthermore, we will study the different paradigms in the social sciences and in particular important variants of sociological theory ranging from interpretative approaches to rational choice theory.

In how far are these complementary or do these represent disparate perspectives? Finally, actual sociological applications of analytical sociology studying particular social mechanisms will be discussed. Requirements Regular and active participation, including preparation of course readings Guiding one weekly session by offering a critical assessment of one study in order to facilitate discussion.

Course description The methodological toolbox that is available to social scientists has considerably increased in recent years. Unfortunately, however, this increased methodological precision is not always accompanied by theoretical precision. In this course, we aim to shift attention from identifying causal mechanisms empirically to theorizing about them.

For this purpose, we discuss how selected exemplary studies tackle the key questions of applied sociological theorizing. Roughly speaking, we proceed in three steps. In a first step, we ask what, exactly, the scientific or social problem under study and the related research question is. This question may sound almost trivial, but it is not, given that everything else depends on a clear understanding of the underlying problem. After establishing the explanandum, our second step is to examine the theoretical explanation that the authors offers to explain the observed phenomena or pattern.

In order to do so, we discuss the sometimes hidden assumptions and scope conditions of respective theories. We also discuss how convincing these theoretical explanations are, what observable implications they have, and how the authors test these implications empirically. In the final step, we assess whether the study has succeeded in advancing our theoretical understanding of the problem it sought to address. The main purpose of this research seminar is to lay the groundwork for your master thesis.

Synonyms and antonyms of Birgitta in the German dictionary of synonyms

To this end, the seminar follows a workshop format. It is primarily an opportunity for you to identify a substantive research question, find suitable data sources to answer it, and to develop an appropriate research design and framing of your thesis project. We will have multiple rounds of presentations of your projects over the course of the semester. At each round, we will discuss the latest version and offer constructive feedback, thus improving the thesis projects as we move forward.

Integration and Intergroup Relations Research seminar, English. Students are required to write a research paper of no more than 10, words including all tables, figures, appendixes, and references suitable for publication in an international sociological journal. The paper should include an abstract, an introduction, a review of the relevant literature, a description of the setting, the case study, or of the comparative context, a methods and measures section, a description of the findings described in tables or figures, and the conclusions.

All syntaxes or do files must also be provided in a PDF or in. Papers should be submitted in an electronic version no later than 20th of January. Reading list will be provided in the first lecture. The recent wave of forced migration into Europe, presented a clear demonstration of one of the common outcomes of immigration namely, the emergence of anti-foreigner sentiments. The purpose of the seminar will be to develop and peruse a research program that explains the emergence or the consequences of anti-foreigner sentiment to societal or social integration. Each student is expected to conduct a quantitative analysis for the investigation of processes associated with anti-foreigner sentiments using secondary data.

Concept papers Class 4: Dimensions of comparison Class 5: Comparative analysis measurement equivalence Class 6: Personal meetings Class 7: Progress presentations and summary Description: Reading list will be provided in the first lecture Class 1: Progress presentations and summary. Experts and public problems Seminar, English. Experts shape everyday life with arcane knowledge that the public has no full understanding of, and consequentially cannot control. While many still regard doctors, lawyers and even obscure scientists highly for their services, this trust rapidly erodes in other groups.

This course uncovers organizational arrangements of expert knowledge and asks how arcane expertise shapes public and private life. We investigate this relationship in three problem areas: Across these empirical settings we analyze different processes by which abstract knowledge gains lay salience: Informal relationships between mentors and students, or doctors and patients; formal organizations, ranging from labs and firms to governments and NGOs; and occupations, which regulate medical doctors, architects and others; and we finally ask whether expertise could unfold systematically outside of specific relationships and institutionalized boundaries, such as in open discourse and arguments.

Organizational Theory Seminar, English. This advanced seminar will explore recent social science research that seeks to explain variation in organizational behavior and development. We will consider a variety of research questions that tap into both formal and informal ways of organizing: Where do such institutions come from?

Why do we observe very different outcomes across contexts even though they share the same market-supporting institutions? Why do some organizations survive even though they face the most unfavorable environments? How do conditions at the time of an organization's birth shape its development? To address these and further questions, we will rely both on recent theoretical advances and on empirical studies in a various settings. Unlike seminars that concentrate on one core thematic topic, this seminar will address a selected variety of different research topics in current social psychology.

In each seminar session we will have a presentation either by participating students or by members of the social psychology group. Each presentation will address a current research topic in social psychology. The seminar provides the opportunity to actively discuss methodological, theoretical, and applied implications of the presented research. Participants need to have passed at least one other social psychology seminar in the master program or, alternatively, they have to be enrolled in one other social psychology seminar during the same semester for international visiting students these preconditions may differ, please contact the program manager psychology.

The seminar will start on September 11th! Sex and gender belong to the most basic categories recognized in all human societies. Also sex and gender affect all aspects of human life. This course will focus on how sex and gender are related to and affect main dimensions of social inequality, namely education, work, income, and the welfare state. The course begins by introducing how social scientists conceptualize sex and gender and ends with reflections on how to theorize these concepts.

In this course you will learn how sex and gender shape social inequalities in Western societies. You will be introduced to the main theories as well as to important findings in this field. Through your course work, your presentation and your term paper you will gain experience in writing scientific texts and presenting scientific results.

Knowledge of basic concepts and theoretical models in sociology, in particular in the field of social stratification and social inequality, is beneficial. In addition sound methodological competencies are advantageous. Birgitta Falk wird ab dem 1. Sie tritt die Nachfolge des am Das Paar lebte nach Medienberichten German words that begin with b. German words that begin with bi. German words that begin with bir. Load a random word. The populations are aging.

Rates of child birth have declined and the number of retirees has boomed. Since the s, more and more immigrants have arrived in Western European countries to fill the labor shortage generated by an aging population and to provide competitive wage labor in a globalized labor market. Moreover, immigrants arrive seeking better fortunes than they left behind in their home countries. Some also flee from violence, oppression and war. Today Western Europe has more foreign-born immigrants than at any point since the world wars. These immigrants are often, but not always, disadvantaged compared to natives in terms of social capital.

This means that they lack the same level of integration into society and culture, have less access to education, and often get jobs that are lower status than natives. In addition, they sometimes face hostile response to their presence, especially for those who come from Muslim countries. The past two decades saw waves of success for anti-immigrant populist movements and political parties. We will investigate the how immigrants fare in the labor market, what their family lives are like, and how much trust and engagement they have in society; and how this compares with natives.

As Western Europe is the site of the most intensive immigration, we will focus on these countries. The course is simultaneously a literature review of recent research on immigration in Western Europe and a practical research course. We will develop hypotheses based on the literature and investigate them through PIAAC data analysis using Stata software. Students are expected to individually or in groups design a research plan using PIAAC data and to write a paper describing the statistical results they find. Presentations, discussion and the final paper in this course will be in English.

Knowledge of Stata is helpful but not required. Empirical Family Research Seminar, English. The seminar treats various aspects of social inequality in the labor market. We look at sociological theories of the labor market and then consider particular aspects like professional licensing, the gender wage gap, the minimum wage, working poverty, and ethnic discrimination.

The course is for M. Learning social research through replication Seminar, English. This seminar will give you the opportunity to apply and expand your knowledge of social research by replicating published research findings. Data from surveys like these have several advantages: Replicating published research has the advantage that you are able to check your results against existing results. By trying to replicate previous research you learn where the original researcher has made tacit decisions not documented in the paper e. Replicating social research also trains you to judge the validity of research results.

In addition to these primarily pedagogical aspects replicating research is important from an epistemological point of view as well. Through replication of research by independent research groups biases in previous work can be discovered and findings can be validated see Hendrick , King Assignment Participants should choose a published paper and try to replicate the findings reported in it using the same data.

The results to be replicated often will be given in a table containing the outcome of a multivariate model. Please document each step in your attempt to replicate the findings, report and explain the decisions you had to make during data preparation and data analysis.

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If you fail to replicate the results please indicate possible explanations. Your paper should not exceed 10, words; please add your documented syntax in the appendix. Papers should be delivered in electronic form no later than January 20, Using modern data collection methods to study transient populations Seminar, English.

The Seminar in Research Methods deepens and extends knowledge of advanced methods of empirical social research in preparation for the subsequent seminar Research Project. Transient populations, whose members are hard to reach due to the fact that they are highly mobile and can only be accessed at specific locations for a limited time period e. This seminar explores the challenges of locating, recruiting, and surveying these populations.

We will review different methods and innovative technologies to overcome barriers in sampling and studying transient populations, including respondent driven sampling, mobile web surveys, smartphone tracking, and making use of administrative records. We will also discuss issues of writing survey questions on sensitive topics and ethical considerations that arise from studying these populations.

Class Structure and Course Concept The amount of digital data generated as a by-product in society is growing fast, e. This type of data is characterized by high volume, high velocity, and high variety. The hope from this development, paired with a rapid increase in open data access, is to gain insights from this data for different areas such as e. The change in the nature of the new types of data, their availability, the way in which they are collected, and disseminated are fundamental.

The change constitutes a paradigm shift for researchers that in the past relied primarily on surveys. However, data quality frameworks well established in statistics production still hold. Thus the goal of this course is to equip the next generation of social and economic scientists as well as survey researchers with the right tools to face these data. The lecture uses specially curated data sets and a working example that runs through the entire course. A series of guests from local data providers will be invited to speak. Prerequisites familiarity with survey and administrative data; mastery of a statistical software package; completion of an online Python programming class.

Here are some online sources. This is an interactive tutorial — you write code into an interpreter on the webpage. The code academy tutorial assumes very little students write answers to exercises in their web browsers before moving on which some students will like. The downside is that it will be too slow for more advanced students, and because of the interactive format, it's harder to browse ahead to parts that are more interesting. This is also good for beginners, and some students may prefer to skim a text tutorial than work through interactive exercises.

This has text, videos and a few simple exercises. Learn how to evaluate which data are appropriate to a given research question and statistical need. Learn the different data quality frameworks and learn how to apply them. Learn the basic computational skills required for data analytics for text-mining, large-scale data integration and visualization , typically not taught in social science, economics, statistics or survey courses. Learn how to apply statistical and data quality frameworks to big data problems. Identify new approaches to creating and displaying information for Federal Agencies.

Multivariate Auswertungsverfahren Lecture, German. Testen und Entscheiden Lecture, German. Die Anmeldung erfolgt im Studierendenportal. Intensive longitudinal methods Seminar, English. Capturing life as it is lived. Annual Review of Psychology, 54, An introduction to diary and experience sampling research.

Handbook of research methods for studying daily life. Intensive longitudinal studies e. Although increasingly popular in psychology, but they offer also many options for researchers in sociology and the political sciencies.

Importantly, multiple assessments allow for modeling changes in affect, attitude, and behavior over time courses. In this course I will give an overview of the nature of intensive longitudinal methods, the research options they offer, as well as potential problems and challenges. I will discuss how to design empirical studies that use intensive longitudinal methods and will provide conceptual information about how to analyze the data however, this course will not give an in-depth introduction in multi-level modeling.

Advanced social and economic cognition Seminar for doctoral students, German. The lecture will present cutting edge research conducted in Cognitive Psychology at the University of Mannheim. After an introductory overview of Cognitive Psychology and its advanced methods by A.

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The following reseacrher are planned as lecturers changes possible: Die Vorlesung wird verschiedene Forschungsthemen der Kognitiven Psychologie anhand der aktuell in Mannheim betriebenen kognitionspsychologischen Forschung vertiefen. Die Dozentinnen und Dozenten sind voraussichtlich: Studierende des Masterprogramms Kognitive und Klinische Psychologie 1. Semester und des Masterprogramms Arbeit, Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft 3. Die Veranstaltung findet freitags von This course takes place in L13, 17, room On October 21st, this course will take place in L13, 17, room Social cognitive neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field devoted to understanding how biological systems implement social processes and behavior and to using biological concepts and methods to inform and refine theories of social processes and behavior.

The objective of this lecture is to introduce the basic concepts and methods of social cognitive neuroscience. The lectures address the following topics: Die Seminarsprache ist Deutsch, das Lesen englischsprachiger Literatur wird jedoch vorausgesetzt. Selected Topics in Cognitive Psychology: Neuroscience and Legal Responsibility Seminar, English. For incoming students 2 additional ECTS are available on fulfilment of further course requirements.

Die Veranstaltung findet in L 13, 17 in Raum statt. Does legal responsibility hinges on metaphysical features of the universe or on psychological features of human agents? The seminar invests whether recent advances in social, cognitive, and affective neuroscience might threaten the moral foundations of legal practices. The seminar will focus on topics such as responsibility and mental capacity e.

The discussion of topics will testify that social, cognitive and affective neuroscience has the potential to enrich and impact responsibility practices; such as providing insight into the nature of normal and pathological human agency or offering powerful new diagnostic and intervention tools and techniques with which to appraise our human minds. Knowledge in work and organizational psychology as acquired during bachelor studies. Journal papers; reading assignments will be given at the beginning of the semester.

This course provides an overview of core topic within work and organizational psychology. We will focus on recent theoretical approaches and empirical research findings. In addition, we will discuss practical implications.

Universität Mannheim: Social Sciences - Master (all)

Work motivation, stress and health, leadership, teams, personnel selection. Lecture, reading as homework , teamwork assignments during class. Requirements for course credit: Research proposal and peer feedback. Wird in der Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben. Forschungs- und Anwendungstechniken 2. Verschiedene Einzeltermine mit z. Forschungs- und Anwendungstechniken 2: Der Fokus des Seminars liegt auf der praktischen Anwendung der theoretischen Inhalte der Vorlesung insbesondere Regression und Allgemeines Lineares Modell, Mehrebenenanalyse, sowie exploratorische und konfirmatorische Faktorenanalyse.

SPSS ausgewertet und die Ergebnisse interpretiert. Klinische Beurteilung Seminar, German. Die Literatur wird zu Beginn des Seminars bekanntgegeben. Im Seminar sollen Grundlagen zur Erstellung psychologischer Gutachten und gutachterlicher Stellungnahmen vermittelt werden: An open-source, graphical experiment builder for the social sciences.