
Miracle Tree

It can reach a height of 10—12m, it has fragile branches, delicate, feathery leaves and long, three-sided seed pods which hang down in clusters. Moringa was used in perfume manufacture in ancient Egypt, classical Greece, and the Roman Empire. It has been prized for centuries for its nutritional and healing properties in Asia and Africa, where the young leaves, stalks and pods are eaten as a vegetable.

When grown from cuttings, the first harvest can be taken within six months of planting. Fruits often do not appear in the first year and for the first few years yields are generally low. By year two, a single tree can produce around pods, by year 3 around A good tree can yield or more pods.

The leaves and stems can be harvested from the young plants 60 days after seeding and then another seven times in the year. Typical yields are six tonnes of fresh matter per hectare per year. Once cut, the leaves should not be exposed to direct sunlight so in some regions they are traditionally harvested in moonlight. The leaves are then washed in purified water and naturally shade-dried. Moringa flowers are used to make tea, and mature seeds can be roasted and eaten like peanuts. Moringa seed powder has anti-bacterial properties and is also highly effective as a water purifier. In the Philippines, moringa leaves are traditionally added to broth used to make a simple soup.

Collection of Moringa oleifera tree related documents, presentations, nutrition values, studies to download and share Moringa oleifera nutritional properties and values.

Recommended daily allowance RDA. How to make and use moringa powder Read more. The cure all plant? Moringa is a highly nutritious plant used as medicine to treat hypertension, skin disorders, diseases, etc. Moringa seed powder can be used as a quick and simple method for cleaning dirty water. Studies showed that this simple method of filtering not only Moringa Recipes - ways to eat and cook Moringa.

Almost all the entire moringa tree can be eaten. You can eat the Moringa leaves, flowers, pods. Moringa trees grow easily from seeds or cuttings. They grow quickly even in poor soil. Grow your own Moringa tree multivitamin. Guide to cultivate, grow Moringa. Moringa stenopetala, native only to Ethiopia and northern Kenya, is often referred to as the African Moringa Tree.

The Moringa oleifera tea is an excellent energy drink. The tea is loaded with antioxidants and vitamins More about Moringa Tea. Moringa oil has nourishing and emollient properties giving it benefits for use in skin and hair care products More about Moringa oil. Trees For Life has planted about million Moringa trees in developing countries. We are all thankful for its pioneering actions and vision. It is a small effort, a small gesture to give a Moringa seed, but huge effects! Germinate a Moringa seed, and it will produce a Moringa tree that grows rapidly and continues to shower you with nutrients for years to come.

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Think of all the possibilities the Moringa tree has to offer. Moringa oleifera is extremely rich in vital nutrients and, can grow very fast in dry and impoverished areas of the world, where food is scarce. Moringa was used as a medicinal plant, since ancient times, known to heal and ease many diseases: In more recent times, Moringa has gained notoriety as a very nutritious plant that can feed the needy and, in fact, save lives. Moringa leaves or leaf powder can be used successfully as a suplement food to nourish small children, pregnant or nursing women, and of course, anybody else.

Moringa benefits backed by scientific studies. Moringa nutrition, safety, efficacy, treatments, recommendations, how to buy, how to eat Moringa. Moringa oleifera leaves, seeds, bark, roots, sap, and flowers are widely used in traditional medicine, and the leaves and immature seed pods are used as food products in human nutrition.

Leaf extracts exhibit the greatest antioxidant activity, and various safety studies in animals involving aqueous leaf extracts indicate a high degree of safety. No adverse effects were reported in association with human studies. Five human studies using Moringa oleifera, have demonstrated anti-hyperglycemic antidiabetic and anti-dyslipidemic activities. These activities have been confirmed using extracts as well as leaf powders in animal studies. A rapidly growing number of published studies have shown that extracts of Moringa oleifera leaves possess a wide range of additional biological activities including antioxidant, tissue protective liver, kidneys, heart, testes, and lungs , analgesic, antiulcer, antihypertensive, radioprotective, and immunomodulatory actions.

Standardization of moringa products is an issue. However, the results of published studies to date involving Moringa oleifera are very promising. Study - Review of the Safety and Efficacy of Moringa oleifera. The Obesity is a condition in which excess body fat is accumulated to an extent that health may be negatively affected. Obesity is associated with a number of chronic health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and cancer. Obesity is a major risk factor for augmented morbidity and mortality and is associated with various medical ailments.

Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation triggered by disproportion in energy intake and expenditure. Alteration in dietary habit and less physical exercises, too, increase the frequency of obesity and related disorders. Further, obesity has been found to be associated with various disorders such as osteoarthritis, ischemic heart diseases IHD , atherosclerosis, diabetes, and hypertension.

Moringa Oleifera - The Ideal Food For Obese And Malnourished

Currently, no pharmacological treatment provides sustained weight loss with minimal adverse effects. Thus, attempts have been made to reduce body weight with such pharmacological intervention that possesses minimal side effects. Plants have been used as traditional natural medicines for healing many diseases. In particular, various oriental medicinal plants are reported to have biological activity. Moringa oleifera possesses various nutritional and medicinal values attributed to its roots, bark, leaves, flowers, fruits, and seeds. Data revealed that most of the parts of the plant possess antimicrobial activity, antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, and for cardiac stimulation.

Preparing Calabash Tree fruit juice by Tinny G Unciano

Study results established that high-fat diet causes elevation in body weight and reduces lipid metabolism as clearly seen by the marked elevation of liver enzymes and lipid level. Findings reinforce the advice of recommending Moringa oleifera consumption to modulate obesity. The Moringa leaves, maybe the best breast feeding supplement on the market? Moringa has been clinically proven to increase the production of breast milk whether it is consumed before or after the birth of a baby.

For pregnant and breast-feeding women, Moringa leaves and pods can do much to preserve the mother's health and pass on strength to the fetus or nursing child. Several studies demonstrated the lactation-enhancing effect of Moringa leaves as evidenced by a greater increase in maternal serum prolactin levels and percentages of gains in the infants' weights among the lactating mothers who take moringa leaves. It is therefore recommended its routine use among mothers of preterm infants to augment lactation, thereby ensuring an adequate supply of breastmilk in the population that needs it the most.

Read more about Moringa for breastfeeding, pregnant and lactating mothers. Moringa Leaf Powder Treating Malnutrition. Malnutrition was a major problem in this area, with more than malnourished infants treated every year. During the test, doctors, nurses, and midwives were trained in preparing and using Moringa leaf powder for treating malnutrition. Village women were also trained in the preparation and use of Moringa leaf powder in foods. This test found the following effects to be common among subjects taking Moringa leaf powder:. Please consult your doctor before taking Moringa.

There are many problems while pregnant and your doctor should be the one to approve any supplement or herb you take during that time period. Iron deficiency or anemia is very common among people, in particular women. Iron deficiency anaemia is one of the most widespread preventable nutritional problems in the world. Haemoglobin levels of the women in reproductive age can be significantly improved with intervention with Moringa oleifera leaves. Moringa has much more iron than spinach. Iron is one of those finicky nutrients that like good company in order to be absorbed and stay in your body!

While many foods contain iron, it is not easily absorbed unless certain nutrients such as vitamin C and others are present. Since Moringa contains high amounts of vitamin C, it represents an excellent source of absorbable iron. Study - Moringa oleifera efficacy in treating iron deficiency in woman of reproductive age and study - Effectiveness of Moringa oleifera leaf powder in treatment of anaemia. Moringa, a Natural Green Viagra? The rats say yes, give me more of that green pills! Moringa seeds and leaves could be an effective and safe alternative remedy in sexual disorders.

Moringa has traditionally been used to boost sexual stamina and desire and to treat male sexual disorders. Scientific tests in rats, confirms that Moringa improve sexual performance,proving this traditional medicine right. In Siddha medicine, the Moringa is used as a sexual virility drug for treating erectile dysfunction in men and also in women for prolonging sexual activity.

Several conditions can interfere with spermatogenesis and reduce sperm quality and production. Many factors such as drug treatment, chemotherapy, toxins, air pollution, and insufficient vitamin intake may have harmful effects on spermatogenesis and the normal production of sperm. A large number of plants have been tested throughout he world for the possible fertility regulatory properties.

Some medicinal plants are extensively used as aphrodisiac to relieve sexual dysfunction, or as fertility enhancing agents. Moringa provide a boost of nutritional value thereby improving sexual performance and libido. Studies confirm traditional believes that Moringa oleifera ingestion may produce increased effects on fertility and reproductive system in adult males. It also lends support to the claims for traditional usage of Moringa oleifera as a sexual function enhancing medicine.

At least in rats it works! You can try some Moringa seeds but please don't intoxicate yourself with it. Too much viagra can't be good for you! Study - Potential aphrodisiac activity of Moringa oleifera seeds. Study - Effect of Moringa oleifera seeds on sexual activity. Study - Moringa oleifera leaves extract attenuates male sexual dysfunction.

Moringa, the Natural Anti-obesity Food. Moringa Oleifera Is Beneficial For Weight Management

ORAC measure the collective antioxidant power of various substances found together in a food. Antioxidants fight the oxidation process, a chemical reaction that can cause damage to many cells in your body. When there are disruptions in the natural oxidation process, highly unstable and potentially damaging molecules called free radicals are created. Oxygen triggers the formation of these destructive little chemicals, and, if left uncontrolled, they can cause damage to cells in the body.

Moringa Tree Benefits | Buy Moringa Oleifera Products

It's much like the chemical reaction that creates rust on a bicycle or turns the surface of a cut apple brown. From the earliest times, herbs have been prized for their pain-relieving and healing abilities and today we still rely largely on the curative properties of plants. The synthetic anticancer remedies are beyond the reach of common man because of cost factor. Herbal medicines have a vital role in the prevention and treatment of cancer and medicinal herbs are commonly available and comparatively economical.

The Moringa oleifera extract shows high antioxidant activity, potent cancer cell anti-proliferation, and induction of quinone reductase. These findings indicate the medicinal value of Moringa oleifera in terms of cancer chemotherapy and chemoprevention. Many studies conclude that Moringa oleifera leaves is a potential solution as natural anti cancer.

Further investigation necessary for its use in the cases of clinical anticancer activity. Study - Moringa anticancer activity and study - Anticancer effect of Moringa oleifera leaf extract on human breast cancer cell. Antimicrobial resistance has become a global problem. Strategies to improve the current situation include research in finding new and innovative antimicrobials. In developing countries, due to the cost of efficient antimicrobials, a large proportion of the population utilizes medicinal plants for the treatment of infectious diseases.

The leaf extracts of Moringa oleifera have varying antimicrobial activity on wide range of microorganisms. Moringa extracts showed to be more effective than traditional antibiotics to combat certain pathogenic microorganisms studied. In vitro studies demonstrated that folk medicine can be as effective as modern medicine to combat pathogenic microorganisms. The use of these plants in folk medicine suggests that they represent an economic and safe alternative to treat infectious diseases. Moringa could be a source of new antibiotic compounds.

Moringa oleifera leaves contain bio-components whose antibacterial potentials are highly comparable with that of the antibiotic tetracycline. Moringa oleifera could become promising natural antimicrobial agents with potential applications in pharmaceutical industry for controlling pathogenic bacteria. However, if plant extracts are to be used for medicinal purposes, issues of safety and toxicity will always need to be considered. Study - Antibacterial evaluation of Moringa Oleifera.

Lab tests have shown that Moringa oleifera leaf powder has potential effect as a hand washing product. Moringa oleifera could be very useful in places where soap or water is not available, and where this tree grows naturally. It could also be a cheap and healthy hand-washing optional product.

Study - Moringa as antibacterial hand washing. Moringa is a very simple and readily available tool to help prevent malnutrition. It is a drought-resistant and fast growing tree which is present in nearly all tropical and sub-tropical countries. Moringa leaves can be produced intensively in a family-size small garden.

The seeds can be spaced as closely as ten centimeters apart. When the plants reach a height of a meter, they can be cut down to a height of 30 centimeters. The leaves can be stripped from the stems and used to prepared sauces or dried for long-term storage as a nutritious food additive, and the stems fed to livestock.

The stumps survive the harvest and will re-sprout, allowing another harvest in as little as fifty days. Using this technique, a Moringa garden can continually produce green matter for several years with very little labor required. See instructions how to build a Moringa garden in your backyard. A study was designed to evaluate the impact of Moringa oleifera in improving the nutritional status of vulnerable groups, including children.

The monitoring of severely malnourished children allowed us to objectively assess the impact of Moringa oleifera leaf powder consumption on these patients. The study allowed us to appreciate the benefits to nutritional recovery of the Moringa oleifera leaf powder, by assessing parameters such as daily weight gain, recovery speed, hemoglobin rate, and side effects. The acceptability of Moringa oleifera amongst patients was good. The study shows that Moringa is packed with nutritional potential, can be used as a dietary supplement, and may contribute to the fight against malnutrition.

Study - Combat malnutrition with Moringa oleifera. In ideal conditions Moringa oleifera plants can grow several feet in a short timeframe. This ability for quick and substantial growth of the plant are linked to the effects of Zeatin plant hormones that induce cell division, growth, and delay aging of cells. Zeatin is also linked to anti-aging or the slowing down of aging processes in the human body. Zeatin is a more natural way to support skin health by regenerating new skin cells.

Moringa: the ‘Miracle Tree’

When the diet includes these plant nutrients, the body as a whole can fight aging, starting at the cellular level. Found in most plants, Zeatin is more abundant in one plant than any other. Moringa oleifera is Zeatin king, in comparison to other plants. Zeatin increases the activity of anti-oxidants to counter act the damage caused by free radicals wikipedia free-radical theory of aging during cell aging and protects healthy cells from the stress of daily life.

Zeatin slows the aging process by helping the body replace cells at a faster rate than they age, giving a more youthful appearance to the skin. Study - Youth-preserving effects of zeatin on human skin. In addition to their essential roles in the growth and development of plants, cytokinins zeatin have various effects in man and animals at both cellular and whole organism levels. Hence, cytokinins and their derivatives have many potential therapeutic applications, including possible efficacy in the treatment of proliferative diseases such as cancer.

Study - Effects of cytokinins Zeatin on human cells. Moringa extract is capable of revitalizing the skin and reducing signs of skin aging. See results achieved in this investigation - Revitalization of human facial skin with moringa leaf extract cream. After drinking your Moringa tea, open the tea bags and put the content in a bowl.

Moringa is this year's big new superfood – but is it really good for you?

Add a little baking powder, honey, rice flower, mix it till you have a nice paste. If you have moringa oil, why not join in a little of it? Gently rub this mixture over your face and leave it as long as you like. Enjoy your new face! Moringa is a fast growing tree that can reach up to 3 meters in its first year.