
Dieu Dispose (French Edition)

There is a considerable inventory of over food references in English, with detail given on ingredients, cooking utensils, cutlery and crockery, food ingredients, food preparation, portion sizes and food reception. The foods may therefore be assigned to the following six categories: Food items 77 ; Food and cooking utensils 34 ; Comments on taste, texture, quality, supply and preferences 40 ; Food actions 23 ; Food supply, settings and meals 24 ; Food safety and hygiene The reader is therefore taken into two food contexts in the second story, the market and the kitchen.

The French translation of this second story is again predominantly literal, with retention of a greater proportion of the narrative than in the chapter on the visit to the cinema.

Dieu Dispose, Volume 2 (French Edition) (Paperback)

Most interestingly, the cover art for the French edition shows a food market. Previous research Frank has confirmed the importance of translated covers, titles and blurbs in signalling the genre and in revealing many of the cultural preoccupations and perceptions that account for translating strategies evident in the text. Paddington is pulling a fully loaded environmentally friendly shopping trolley containing unwrapped bread and fresh vegetables leek, cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes as he rushes past a woman serving behind a fruit and vegetable stall. Noting that the first story in the French edition recounts his visit to the cinema and the second story his efforts in the kitchen, it is already apparent that the choice of a food context is preferred by the French publisher than references to the film context.

Interestingly, the cover art and illustrations for the French edition show Paddington without footwear, thereby showing consistency with the original edition. Within the text, Paddington does not appear in any footwear in the first or second story of the English and French editions, with his clothing consisting solely of his old hat with either a duffle coat or apron, depending on the context.

Food references in the shortened French text are predominantly literal, with an overall total of references for the same six categories: Food items 47 ; Food and cooking utensils 16 ; Comments on taste, texture, quality, supply and preferences 22 ; Food actions 18 ; Food supply, settings and meals 15 ; Food safety and hygiene 6. Apart from the category of food actions, the remaining categories in French reflect relatively consistent correlations on a percentage basis with the categories in English.

The category of food actions in French reflects a higher retention of references per category, thereby emphasising the dominance of verbal or action phrases in the translation over thoughts and emotions.

l’homme propose et Dieu dispose - French-English Dictionary

The open food environment of the market connotes freshness and choice, social interaction and bargaining. While the translation includes the first two benefits of shopping, the reference to bargaining is omitted. In a language of understatement, the author of the Paddington series successfully plays on the image of Englishness as defined by these traits.

This form of English humorous and witty understatement is a forerunner to a style characteristic of highly successful comedy series, such as Monty Python , Fawlty Towers and Keeping up Appearances. The choice to omit these defining traits has been made in the translation. Overall good intentions and politeness once again help him to avoid many of the consequences of his actions, obliging people to assist him or simply forgive his shortcomings.

They are astute in complimenting Paddington on his culinary achievement, even though they fully know that his cooking attempt has not gone according to plan. Similarly, the confinement of Mr and Mrs Brown allows Paddington the opportunity to experience a personal sense of worth within a food context, an importance that is omitted in the French version. Incidences of implicit humour are also greatly reduced in the translation of the second story.

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This last example reflects another defining aspect of the Paddington books in so far as the emphasis on Paddington as an anthropomorphic character is appreciably more pronounced in the English text. The French illustrations for kitchen food items show the flour in a paper package, the milk in a plastic carton, and the butter in paper.

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  • l'homme propose, dieu dispose translation English | French dictionary | Reverso.

The sandwiches given to the Browns are thick, uncut and oozing with marmalade. Paddington is depicted serving his painstakingly prepared stew for the Browns on a tray with two individually rolled cloth serviettes in holders, two silver knives and forks, two ceramic bowls of stew, a decanter filled presumably with water, and two half-filled glasses with stems.

Unfortunately, but predictably, some of the water has already spilled on the tray. No condiments are mentioned in either edition, and the two illustrations in the English edition that show food items feature flour in a paper package, a wine-shaped bottle, a pot of stew, a hat filled with dumpling batter and the inevitable spillage of other ingredients on the kitchen surfaces. On another occasion Paddington is shown mopping his brow while surrounded by mess, suggesting that the French illustrations reflect the subtleties of the original text more than the written translation.

Idiomatic translations of "l'homme propose et Dieu ..."

While the translator has retained the overall fluidity of the narrative, observations can be made on the use of stylistic and literary devices. Faced with cultural markers, the translator has the choice to leave them intact, to give equivalents, or to provide neutral terms. In contrast to conditions in aristocratic European households, the history of governesses in England, particularly in Victorian times, is synonymous with poverty, insignificance, powerlessness, overwork, oppression and loneliness Brandon The unique difference in the Brown household is that she also has responsibility for Paddington.

The translation of English culture through food references and character traits reveals the nature of the strategies favoured by the translator in recreating the Paddington stories for a French readership.

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Apart from the varied treatment of cultural markers of place, there is complete consistency in the translating strategies throughout both stories. Patterns of translation technique rarely show evidence of the translator slanting the text to reflect French cultural norms and identity, or models of behaviour that are more acceptable and desirable in French culture. There is instead a general neutralisation of culturally specific aspects of the original work.

Le Roi Lion - Soyez prêtes

The copious colour illustrations in the French edition compensate for omissions in the written text and function on occasions as the primary source for conveying the meaning. Apart from the cover art of the French edition that features a food context, changes and omissions relating to food reflect the constraint of text length for young readers and the perceived requirement for simplification.

In a similar way to his rotund counterpart in Babar on the other side of the Channel, specific character traits are manipulated in translation. The Paddington portrayed in English is a different and subtler character than the Paddington of the translated version. However, the retention of his endearing clumsy behaviour, the appeal of a series of colourful books in small format, and the already well-established marketing strategies of Paddington paraphernalia will no doubt endear him to French readers for some time.

I am grateful to the University of Melbourne for study leave to complete this research. Bond, Michael Les aventures de Paddington 2: Catherine Cazier; Catherine Orsot-Naveau, ill. The Life and Times of the Governess , London: University of Toronto Press.

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  • cultural stereotypes, food references and humour.
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Challenges and Strategies , Manchester: Alcohol obviously plays a leading role in the theatre of mankind - no matter how old: All in all it was an amuzing read with suspense, romance and even some real history. It was very interesting to me to get known with the atmosphere of students life in Europe back in the beginning of XIXth century. It's crearly the oposite of nowadawys - students and scientists were concidered the highest class of people, unlikely the treatment they usually get today well, I have to admid also that the percent of "students who shouldn't be students at all" today is quite bigger.

The bad ending surprized me a little and the whole ending part was a bit boring and a little contradictive maybe. But despite that it's a good book.

l'homme propose et Dieu dispose.

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