
Batman: Dark Victory

In , Loeb and Sale produced a follow-up titled Catwoman: When in Rome , focusing on Catwoman 's movements in Italy. During the events of Batman: The breakout is staged so in the confusion, the two can find Harvey "Two-Face" Dent and kill him as a peace-offering to Sofia Gigante Falcone.

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In the aftermath, Alberto is granted conditional parole based on his actions during the riot. Soon after, police officers began to die, one on each major holiday, with crude hangman games pinned to their hung corpses and evidence suggesting that Harvey Dent is the killer. As the Hangman's spree of terror escalated, so too did Two-Face's war with Sofia and her family. The collateral damage of the war included the parents of Dick Grayson , who was taken in by Bruce Wayne.

Mario, who had an alliance with Janice Porter, was soon faced with isolation as Porter began a secret affair with Two-Face and was eventually slain by him. At the same time, however, Two-Face saved Gordon's life when the Hangman tried to hang him on the Batsignal , stating that he wasn't the killer.

Batman: Dark Victory

The endgame of the battle came on the following Halloween; Sofia revealed that she was never disabled, and that she committed the Hangman murders, targeting all the cops, whether honest or crooked, who had helped Harvey Dent's career. She then suffocated Alberto.

Batman: Dark Victory by Jeph Loeb(Book Review)

She opened the gas lines and set Gotham City ablaze to smoke out Two-Face, who was hiding in the sewers. Saved by Batman, Two-Face turned on Sofia and shot her to death.

  • The Secret World of Money.
  • Batman: Dark Victory #13 (of 13).
  • Batman: Dark Victory Digital Comics - Comics by comiXology!

The responsible is the Joker, who tells Sofia that he thinks she can actually move, and that if she doesn't get up until he counts three, he will shoot her and kill her. At that moment, Joker is shot in the shoulder by Alberto Falcone; a. Batman breaks his way inside the house and takes down Falcone but Sofia tells him that the Joker is the true menace. Batman follows the clown outside the house and knocks him out. The day is almost over and Batman regrets not being able to visit his mother's grave on mother's day.

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Haly and tries to convince him to let him use the circus as a way to transport "stuff" across the state lines. Haly wasn't completely sure but Zucco forces him by threatening the circus' main attraction: The whole scene was being watched by the kid, Dick Grayson. Bruce returns to Wayne Manor , where Alfred gives him his daily mail. Batman and Dick attack Two-Face and Joker and when they have the situation under control, Batman starts beating Two-Face until the latter pulls out a gun and points it towards Batman.

Two-Face feels victorious for having eliminated all the organized crime in Gotham, turning him into the most powerful force in the city, until Joker shoots him and makes him fall to a dark abyss in the cave. Joker tells Batman that he wouldn't let Two-Face have it all, because in the end, all he wanted was to get rid of the organized crime, just like the "old" Harvey Dent.

Batman: Dark Victory: (New Edition)

Joker starts telling Batman that only they understand Gotham City but before he is finished, Dick knocks him down by breaking a staff in his face. Batman is surprised with Dick's performance and with his costume.

After the incident, Batman decided to seal off the tunnel from the sewers, to prevent events like that from happening again. Days later, Gordon and Batman discuss the aftermath of the events and Gordon thanks Batman for the help provided in the hangman case. Gordon also tells Batman that he wants to meet his young partner sometime.

Batman: Dark Victory Vol 1 13 | DC Database | FANDOM powered by Wikia

At the Falcone Estate, Mario has lost what he had left of sanity and he burned the whole place down after learning that Sofia Falcone murdered their own brother Alberto. As the last member of the Falcone Crime Empire, the man has been left in a broken state. Selina Kyle visits the reconstructed gravesite of Carmine Falcone and she reveals that she always robbed from him because she always had the right to claim some of his money to change her life into one that she deserved. She explains that she left for Italy in order to prove once and for all that she is Carmine's daughter. She failed, but deep inside, she is convinced that Falcone is her father.

Meanwhile, somewhere in Gotham's sewers, Two-Face keeps the corpse of the man he hated the most, Carmine Falcone , inside a block of ice. In the Batcave, Batman makes Dick go through a ritual in which he is asked about his costume and the name he wants to be called. Dick tells that he chose his costume in honour of his dead parents and that his secret name from now own will be Robin. Under the dim light of a candle, the two orphans swear to protect Gotham together. Sign In Don't have an account?