
Deadly Friendship (The Rick Cunningham Mystery/SuspenseTrilogy - Book Two 2)

North Africa finally enters the Noir Series arena with a finely crafted volume of dark stories, translated from Arabic, French, and Dutch. Based on a true, ripped-from-the-headlines story, a voyage into the noir heart of present-day Guatemala. Cantwell and Leonard Gill. Paco Ignacio Taibo II. Literary crime fiction master Tom Franklin curates this volume of stellar noir from the Deep South.

In , a French Resistance hero investigates a murder in a small Breton town, while awaiting his own trial. James Grady and Keir Graff. Grady and Graff, both Montana natives, masterfully curate this collection of hard-edged Western tales.

Jacques Filippi and John McFetridge. Natalia Smirnova and Julia Goumen. Moscow has been chomping at the bit to enter the Noir Series. This anthology fearlessly investigates the darkest recesses of this fabled and troubled metropolis. A gorgeously written and tightly plotted mystery novel that brings the city of Delhi alive, in ways both enchanting and provocative.

Amy Bloom masterfully curates a star-studded cast of contributors, including Michael Cunningham, Stephen L. Beneath the glitter of Mardi Gras lies the sleaze of Bourbon Street; under the celestial sounds of JazzFest, the nightmare screams of a city traumatized long before the storm. This sequel to the original best-selling New Orleans Noir takes a literary tour through some of the darkest writing in New Orleans history.

Tim McLoughlin , S.

Eddie Muller and Jerry Thompson. You may be disturbed—or possibly titillated—to discover what can happen once you cross the Orange Curtain. A washed-up ex-journalist looking for a missing girl in San Francisco is framed by a Guatemalan hit man for a series of murders. Philly finally enters the Noir Series arena: A bad-ass noir novel set in hip hop culture, by best-selling and critically-acclaimed author Nelson George.

The noir quotient of this legendary Eastern European city will enthrall and terrify readers from across the globe.


On the heels of Brooklyn, Manhattan, and the Bronx, the borough of Queens enters the chambers of noir in this riveting collection edited by defense attorney and acclaimed fiction writer Robert Knightly. The River City emerges as a hot spot for unseemly noir as life, death, and American history mix together into a frightening Southern cocktail. Chiara Stangalino and Maxim Jakubowski. Dashiell Hammett and William Vollmann are just two treats in this stellar sequel to the smash-hit original volume of San Francisco Noir , which captures the dark mythology of a world-class locale.

On the heels of Rio Noir, beloved Brazilian rock star and best-selling novelist Tony Bellotto ushers another world-class city into the Akashic Noir Series. The second installment in the Dead Detective series finds protagonist Harry Doyle embroiled in a multiple-murder investigation involving Scientology executives. Undistilled noir in the much-anticipated third novel from the American Book Award—winning Bronx native. Nina Revoyr brings us a compelling story of race, love, murder, and history against the backdrop of Los Angeles.

Following the international success of the Noir Series, this volume marks the launch of a new drug-based sister series. BookishDreamer marked it as to-read Dec 26, Eleighna marked it as to-read Jan 12, Jude marked it as to-read Dec 01, Ethelberta added it Feb 22, Barbara White marked it as to-read Jun 24, Maame Abena marked it as to-read Jun 25, Regina marked it as to-read Jul 11, Anne marked it as to-read Aug 27, Lisa marked it as to-read Nov 23, Vallerie Gilbert marked it as to-read Mar 07, Robin marked it as to-read May 29, Cindi marked it as to-read May 29, Harvina Britain marked it as to-read Oct 07, Eric Vanorsdale marked it as to-read Jun 01, Jo Notary marked it as to-read Jan 30, Dee marked it as to-read Feb 10, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.

Though born and raised in Virginia, Sam has called Florida his home since He currently shares a comfortable and rewarding lifestyle in St. Augustine with Anne Staschiak, who happens to have been his teen-age bride. In this debut, a group of criminals pull off the art heist of the century in Boston. The last surviving thief gets out of jail 40 years later and goes hunting for the missing loot—and 30 years after that, a new generation of treasure hunters search for the still-missing art.

Artists Working from Life

Forever and a Day: In this origin story, James Bond gets his chance to earn his license to kill after the body of the original surfaces in the waters off Marseilles. But first he must take on the brutal underworld of the French Riviera. John Pentecost returns to the farm where he grew up in the Endlands, where his grandfather—the Gaffer—has recently died. Little Comfort by Edwin Hill Aug.

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Harvard librarian Hester Thursby helps track down lost people. Her new case is finding Sam Blaine, who fled his small New Hampshire town with his friend, Gabe DiPursio, as a teenager and has no desire to be found. After a dozen years, Sam and Gabe surface in Boston, and their bond is about to be tested as Hester closes in. Back in New York, she learns even more disturbing secrets about his hidden past.

The intruder is retired detective Harry Bosch, researching the cold case murder of a year-old girl, Daisy Clayton. Ballard joins forces with Bosch to find out what happened to Daisy and finally bring her killer to justice. The Question of the Dead Mistress by E. Copperman and Jeff Cohen Oct. Emily soon realizes that Pammie will stop at nothing to split them up. Tear Me Apart by J. In the effort to save her life, Mindy must unravel years of family lies.

Warshawski Novel by Sara Paretsky Oct. Michael encounters a Washington, D. Firefly by Henry Porter Oct. An ex-MI6 agent tries to find the boy before terrorists get to him first. Fugitive Red by Jason Starr Nov. Convinced that her husband is the killer, Jack sets out to prove his innocence and save his marriage.

Editorial Reviews

The disappearance of Father Livermore, an American priest with a troubled past, is undoubtedly connected to allegations made against him by the family of an year-old boy. Father Anselm investigates, but he soon finds himself on the trail of an impostor.

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  8. Precious Ramotswe of the No. She defeats her opponent, the scheming Violet Sephotho, but Violet appears to triumph after Precious resigns and Violet replaces her as the runner-up. Jessie Sloane is on the path to rebuilding her life after years of caring for her ailing mother, until she applies to college and the college informs her that her social security number has raised a red flag. The Spy of Venice: In , young Will Shakespeare leaves Stratford-upon-Avon for London, where he falls in with a band of players—and is recruited as a spy by the English ambassador to Venice.

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    Once in Venice, Will must contend with Catholic assassins. Set in Sicily, this story collection features the young Inspector Montalbano, who brings his brash yet clear-sighted investigative style to eight cases early in his career. Fogland Point by Doug Burgess Aug. Her fragile memories may hold the key to a bizarre mystery half a century old—and perhaps the murder of her neighbor. The police assume that Campion tried to kill himself by jumping off the George Washington Bridge above, but Kat has her doubts. Holy Ghost by John Sandford Oct.

    The mayor of Pinion, Minn.