
Spinning Straw, Weaving Gold: A Tapestry of Mother-Daughter Wisdom

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Words were not her strength, but she wove into her children faithfulness and diligence, "building her house. My college-age Isabel commented one day: With the pithy focus of Brother Lawrence, she uses a macro lens to bring home the details that remind us of our interconnectedness.

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These short exchanges are very intimate and beautiful. Here is my favorite: The Mother reflected aloud as they worked: Pg 11 The dialogues progress into deeper and deeper questions about life. The Mother tells the daughter that our lives are woven together as the spinning and weaving of our practical work. We weave the straw of our lives into meaning. This connection between the work women do and the unfolding of the Pattern of their lives, Ms.

Anders says, is something women do best. It is waiting and learning and doing; not a grasping and taking. This is a feminist book in its own quiet, strong way. Spinning and weaving are excellent metaphors for this process that women naturally experience in their lives, which can sometimes produce different shades and forms of result than those commonly valued by men.

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One of the tasks that women especially struggle with is the quest for time—more of it, and a better quality of experience. It shows how weaving—of actual materials and of experiences, including those of the spirit—allows women time. They can, in solitary or shared labor, begin to evaluate, choose, and reflect, while creating in a slow but steady way the necessary conditions for their lives. Spinning and weaving can also symbolize a process through which to proceed to another stage in life.

Penelope, in the absence of her husband on his travels, was besieged by many suitors. But she managed to put off choosing who would replace Odysseus in the event of his not coming back. She did this by asserting that she would not decide until she had finished weaving a shroud for her father-in-law Laertes. But for three years she would weave during the day and then unravel her work at night, so that no progress ensued.

In my mother-daughter dialogues I envision a timeless feminine context in which not only carding, spinning, and weaving could occur, but in which two women the daughter has grown and now works side-by-side with her mother can actively participate in mining the wisdom that comes through their shared experience. Containing valuable life lessons, written in a simplistic, yet poetic and beautiful language, it imparted biblically based values without being an actual biblically based book.

Anders has, however, written other books which have a biblical basis and are full of scriptural references. Isabel quickly became one of my favorite authors, a mentor and friend. Recently, she honored me with the chance to review her newest book, a sequel to Becoming Flame. Spinning Straw, Weaving Gold: A Tapestry of Mother-Daughter Wisdom continues with the same impartation of wisdom and literary beauty that began with BecomingFlame.

  • Spinning Straw, Weaving Gold: A Tapestry of Mother-Daughter Wisdom by Isabel Anders.
  • A Wife in Time (Harlequin Comics).
  • Pediatric Dermatology.
  • Spinning Straw, Weaving Gold presents more dialogue between a mother and her daughter as they discuss the strength and beauty contained in the essence of womanhood. Drawing on various biblical and literary references, Isabel Anders once again presents a poetic treasury of spiritual lessons as the daughter consults her mother for an impartation of wisdom on life. The mother lovingly provides guidance, direction and answers to her daughter. This book is available from online retailers such as www.

    One actual home…and the other a spiritual home, which thou are to carry with thee always. These are the two lives we are building as we labor, sometimes all in one motion.

    Spinning Straw, Weaving Gold: A Tapestry of Mother-Daughter Wisdom - Isabel Anders - Google Книги

    The result is a rich tapestry of carefully-chosen colors. It was beautiful, so thank you for the gift of your writing! Spinning Straw, Weaving Gold is a lyrical little book, rooted in myth. References to stories from the Bible and such as those of Ariadne and Penelope enrich the simple form of a dialogue between mother and daughter. As Isabel Anders says in the introduction, 'woman's work and woman's wisdom come to us…as two inseparable strands, braided within her very person', and it is in the two womens spinning and weaving that they express their wisdom, and reveal a female spirituality deeply rooted in the physical.

    It is in the artful weaving of these two primary life strands…that deep fulfilment is sought. Isabel Anders has woven straw into gold with her wisdom-filled mother-daughter dialogues. This is a wonderful book to sit with and reflect on the treasures Anders brings that are as new as each day, and as old as the first mother and daughter conversation. Isabel Anders is a teacher pulling up threads in the tapestry of our collective lives so that we might examine them and then weave them into our own personal tapestry. They are page breathers, allowing us to linger with uncommon thoughts.

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    Spinning Straw, Weaving Gold: Mother-daughter dialogues are also an encouragement to readers to trust this process. Christian Sleuth as she explores the mature, grounded spirituality embodied in this beloved pop icon. Here is the whole quote from Jerrie Lewallen: The book is not a page turner.

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    It is a page breather. It allows lingering with uncommon thoughts. Time to spend a lot of time on the internet hehe. Thank you for stopping by, Perry. Please feel free to comment anytime. It comes with loads of fine information.