
Out of the Shadow

When his wife claims their baby is being tormented by a supernatural force and seeks the help of a renegade demonologist, he must investigate the past to save his family. Dee McLachlan , Eric C. Nash , Rena Owen. November 9, Rating: View All Critic Reviews 1. View All Audience Reviews. There are no approved quotes yet for this movie. Best of Netflix Movies and shows to binge now. Scientology and the Aftermath. Yes, there is a need for fully-narrated, unabridged audiobooks. But some of this stuff doesn't need it. Honestly, who's reading Tim Lebbon for the writing?

He's an author-for-hire who does some original stuffs from time to time. I'm not knocking the guy for getting paid.

Out of the Shadows into the Light

Nothing wrong with cashing checks and paying your bills with words. What I'm getting at is - he's not someone who'll be winning prizes for his prose unless he drastically changes his writing style, and because of that, his storytelling fits this kind of audio drama. The production quality of this piece is exceptional. It reminded me of kicking back with my grandmother and listening to her recordings of old radio productions, like Welles's War of the Worlds , and that old radio drama The Shadow. Used to dig that shit, man. I need to see if I can find them again My only complaint here is the hokey memory-wipe bullshit the author used to explain away why Ripley never mentioned this time of her life in future Alien sequels.

The whole time I was listening to this, I was thinking, "He's going to use some kind of drug to wipe her memory. A memory wipe is an overused, lazy tactic that pollutes damn near every prequel or paraquel in existence. Memory wipes went out of style with Mars-atmosphere, bugged-eyed Schwarzenegger. I know this is processed, sodium-packed canned fiction, that you're not supposed to think while listening or reading, but the creator could have tried a little harder. Oh, and that shit in the mines was fan-fucking-tastic.

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  • Out of the Shadows!

I loved all that shit. Action-y goodness blended with terrific production quality had me feeling like I was watching a long-lost Aliens movie in my brain parts. I'll definitely be getting the sequels, when or if they do them this same way. Perfect for what it is, and it is what it is. View all 8 comments. No one comes across flat and all serve their appropriate purpose for the most part. Sometimes there was an overdose of flashbacks to her daughter Amanda and imagined horror scenarios for her child.

This especially got heavy later on — a bit too much so — but I think the point of that was setting up a particular technological technique to be seductive and reassuring rather than unrealistic.

Out of the Shadow | Lovell Foundation

He was the stuff of the stars, and when he was a young boy—dreaming of monsters, and looking to space in the hope that he would find them—that had made him feel special. Now, it only made him feel small. The start is interesting with a different group, and I dug the dynamics of the people when they all merged, but it did tend to slow down and drag on a bit when they were at the heart of the Alien trouble. The idea is creative and well executed, although the details can sometimes be a bit lackluster.

It was nice to see Ripley in between voyages and how the mother angle would tie in so highly in the second movie story by bringing up her daughter so often and strongly. I did think the romantic element was a little false, but it also made sense because desperation and loneliness make people clatch on to any new person they can, especially to replace personal loss. Fans of the movies.

Out of the Shadows was a fast-paced and action filled book. I love the movies rewatched Alien yesterday and I was really looked forward to reading the book. I wasn't sure how they would, or even if they would explain how Ripley could be in this story since it takes place between Alien and Aliens, but they did. Perhaps a bit of an easy solution, but at least they explained it. It was a great read.

Perhaps not as terrifying as seeing the movies, but reading some part of the book was just a Alien: Perhaps not as terrifying as seeing the movies, but reading some part of the book was just at chilling as seeing it happened on the screen. Some parts was almost worse, it's awful enough to see an alien burst from a chest, reading about it and the moments up to it wasn't that nice either. View all 9 comments. Jun 10, Lyn rated it it was ok. I wanted to like this.

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Supposedly taking place between the two films, Ellen Ripley is taken out of cryosleep sooner than what was revealed in Aliens 2. We go on another Alien adventure. I place a great store in originality in the books I like and while I knew that this was a series, or tie in, or whatever I thought this may be a new twist on the Alien story.

Lebbon is a good writer and I see many people who enjoyed this, but I could not. View all 4 comments. Oct 03, Eleven rated it really liked it. The performance was excellent, including all the sound effects, particularly the bleeps, the sweeps, and the creeps. Mar 29, Gordon Sleigh rated it did not like it. This is going to be wordy. I'm a sucker for a good sword, spell or space ship.

I normally steer far far away from Franchise stuff though, because its usually spitting distance away from fan fiction on the internet.

Out of the Shadow

We won't talk about the Anderson AvP movies though. I've r Okay, wow. So coming to this book I didn't think much of it when I saw it was coming out but two things piqued my interest. The first was that it was claimed to be canon with the movies. Now, I'm not sure who decides that since there isn't really a single creator of the Alien world, and I'm assuming they OKed a number of horrible acts perpetrated on it over the years as well and then it started getting pretty decent reviews.

That's literally all I knew about the book though. No plot summaries, no timelines, other than 'Alien' I went in blind.

Stratovarius - Out Of The Shadows

Not good, see earlier reference to spitting distance of fan fiction. As thins went on it continued to borrow heavily from the movies. And by borrow I mean copy almost directly. Next imagine my surprise when who shows up but Ripley. They explicitly state its 37 years after the disappearance of the Nostromo from Alien. Oookay, it was 57 years later when the Narcissus Her escape ship that she left with at the end of the first movie is found at the beginning of Aliens and she didn't tell any wacky tales of being woken up and then put back to sleep.

So what continues from there is a pretty generic 'against all odds' sci fi. Through various evolutions the critters get on a mining ship, they go to the surface, they encounter more critters, they have seemingly impossible goals to fulfill to survive while they get picked off one by one, only a few of them make it out alive and they blow up the entire facility before returning to the ship to deal with the one leftover alien.

Where have I seen that story before?

Praise for Out of the Shadow

It claims to be canon but it introduces all sorts of things that make absolutely NO sense to the Alien universe and then wraps things up in a super convenient Deus Ex Machina to explain how it leads into Aliens that probably would have been BETTER written if Ripley had just woken up finding it was all a cryo sleep dream! I actually just reduced my rating from 2 starts down to 1 after writing that and getting even more pissed off.

I shouldn't be surprised, its a money grab book that thumbs its nose at actual fans of the series and there's really no reason for it. Even better its open ended and there's another book coming in June which I'm sure will contain more of Ripleys wacky hijnks everyone was waiting to hear about between Alien and Aliens. There's nothing in this book to recommend it to anyone. Its barely passable sci fi on its own and for an Alien fan its just insulting. Nuke it from orbit, its the only way to be sure. View all 6 comments. Okay, after thinking about it for several hours, I decided to raise my rating to 5 stars after originally giving it 4 stars.

I'm not a fan of Audible's audio dramas at all, and I've tried to listen to quite a few. They leave so much out of the narration, and most of the details necessary for the story are just lost completely. Out of the Shadows. So going in, I was already a fan, and had high expectations for a fun read. This book was set between the events of the original Alien movie, in which Ellen Ripley was the sole survivor of the Nostromo after the crew discovered the aliens, and Aliens, the second movie.

If you haven't seen the first movie in a while, I'd recommend going back to watch that classic. There are many details from that movie that are vital to know as you listen to this book. The story itself is intense; it is, after all, an Alien story. The trek through the mines, the fight to survive in the mines and on the ship, hearing the crew members be taken out, it all fit the overall Alien mythos perfectly. The production was outstanding. The sound effects were perfectly recreated, from the sounds of the ship creaking, collapsing, and exploding, to the sounds of the Alien claws scraping across the metal floors and duct work, even the sounds of the face-suckers.

Surprisingly, the cast could be heard perfectly over the sound effects one of my main drawbacks with these Audible dramas , and there was no doubt as to what was happening, what their plans were, and what happened to each of them. The one thing I didn't like was view spoiler [ the "mind-wipe" that Ripley had near the end of the book. I understand the need for it, because there is no mention of the events in this book in the second and third movies, but it felt very contrived and almost like the "easy way out" hide spoiler ].

Other than that, this was a near-perfect addition to the Alien universe. In , Titan Books released the first in a new series of books set in the Alien film franchise under the supervision of the movie studio 20th Century Fox. Following the destruction of the Nostromo in the first Alien movie, Ripley put herself into hypersleep and drifted through space. Movie buffs know that 57 years passed between Alien and Aliens, but Lebbon has crafted a nicely fitting story that slots itself directly into the middle of this time gap.

Using an ensemble cast of voice actors, including actor Rutger Hauer in his first audio performance as the now-disembodied ghost in the machine of the android Ash, and an array of sound effects and musical score, the production quality on display here is downright phenomenal. The chemistry between these two is terrific and you get a great sense of camaraderie as they form a fast friendship under the threat of the alien menace. Lefkow in particular wowed the heck out of me, and a few times I could have positively sworn that Maggs had gotten Sigourney Weaver to reprise her role. Rounding out the voice talent is the full-fledged sonic experience of the work itself.

From the familiar not-quite dot matrix noises of the computers as they display text, to the ferocious grunts, hisses, and screams of the aliens, and the attendant instrumental score, Out of the Shadows is a frighteningly immersive experience, and one that is very audibly an Alien story.

  1. Re-Awakened Trayvon Martin His Shocking Secret Death Confession Kept from the George Zimmerman Defense Team.
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  3. Out of the Shadow () - IMDb.
  4. Chronology.
  5. Dirk Maggs has been credited with turning the audio drama into an audio movie for his BBC productions, and that particular knack is on full display here. Be sure to listen to this one with a good set of headphones to fully appreciate the layers and depth that went into constructing this audio drama, but be careful not to fall off the edge of your seat.

    Now go give it a listen! This is just ridiculous! How much better these books can become?! I started reading this series out of the order, mostly because of the Audible's aggressive marketing campaign, but it doesn't really matter. Each one for itself in the well-interconnected universe. Finally got time to read the leading story in the canonical Alien Trilogy. I'm not even going to say anything more.

    For every Alien fan - this is as go This is just ridiculous! For every Alien fan - this is as good as you're expecting it to be. And, due to it being recorded by a full cast, perhaps even better! I got scared shitless and loved every second of it! I listened to this freebie audiobook on Audible. This was one of the best I've listened to as far as production quality goes. The voice actors were amazing. The music and sound effects made it feel like I was listening to a movie. Having said all of that, I didn't think the book itself was amazing but I did enjoy it much more than I thought I would.

    May 07, Shawn Thornton rated it really liked it. I listened to this on audio book. It was one of the best audio books I ever listened to. The production on this was amazing. The voice acting was top class and so was the music and effects. I am usually leery of any movie novelisations or tie-ins. However, the recent announcement that South African director Neill Blomkamp District 9, Chappie had been given the green light by Fox to film his long-gestating Alien project coincided with my discovery of this Alien novel by Tim Lebbon, a respected fantasy and horror author.

    Out of the Shadows

    She went to college, fell in love and had two adorable baby girls. Her mother Catherine was a nurse. Nothing has ever been right for me. Millie hates taking medicine. She does not grasp the cause-and-effect relationship between her state of mind and the medications. Because of patient confidentially rules, Susan and Tina have trouble keeping track of their mother.

    We sued the state for guardianship of our mother. Millie visits her aging mother in a nursing home and is agitated by the experience. Her mother dies soon after.