
A Blessing and a Curse (Life Knows No Bounds Book 1)

Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Life Knows No Bounds: Alisa is a money grubbing gold digger who sashays through her days wearing this title like a tiara. Omar is an African American Muslim trying to fight his demons and find his way back to the proper Islamic behavior he knew as a child.

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Distraught over disagreements that divided the Muslim community a decade prior, where many Muslims became victim to inner city chaos, Omar became a product of his environment and is at the head of that chaos. One Who Loves You More. Kindle Edition , pages. Published first published October 1st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Life Knows No Bounds , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. This book was definitely a favorite of mine. This Author really surprised me in a way because im used to reading books with so much profanity and she hardly used any, but this book was off the hook need I say more.

I really felt that Omar was a good Guy and Alisa was taking advantage of that, but she learned real quick that you cant take every body for a sucka lol. I highly recommend this book it will not at all disappoint!!

Alisa is a gold-digger using her looks to get what she desires most—money, jewelry and what she believes are the finer things in life. When she has used her latest conquest to their fullest, she drops them cold and moves on to the next one. Omar is a Muslim gone astray—trying hard to hold onto his religion, but trapped in a corrupt world that was forced upon him. He is struggling to stay true to his faith while doing everything against it.

A chance encounter lands Omar and Alisa in a relationship Alisa is a gold-digger using her looks to get what she desires most—money, jewelry and what she believes are the finer things in life. Overall, One Who Loves You More, is a good story with an interesting plot, but the narrative voice was a little unsettling to me. Having this special power meant seeing some of the bad that was to come in her relationship with her husband Hooch, who was an absolute hot head ooo wee.

Hooch also knew how work his way around Malika's special power and use it to his advantage which added to Malika's stress and confusion.

A Blessing and a Curse (Life Knows No Bounds) by Andrea Clinton

As not to give to give too much away, life for Malika and Hooch had became an emotional tug of war which led to the all around family drama within their house. It had become a question of who would win. I would say that they just didn't know how to love one another the right way and as with anything in life it was a learning process.

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  3. Life Knows No Bounds: One Who Loves You More by Andrea Clinton.
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  7. A Blessing and a Curse (Life Knows No Bounds).

By the end of the story everything came together and I was able to see how Malika's special power could have been both her blessing and her curse. Overall the story was well written and flowed nicely. It's filled with drama, suspense and a little twist to it all which helped to make this a great read for me. Jun 15, Reader's Paradise rated it really liked it Shelves: Get out of your own way How many times have you wished for the gift of seeing the future?

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As far as I can remember the idea of relationship issues being engulfed by the idea of one partner having a gift and the other feeding on it is a first for me. A vacation is the catalyst to Malika understanding her gift as well as a whirlwind brewing at home awaiting her arrival. Malika and Hooch could be the couple who lives next door, average, with everyday real life issues. But her gift sets this one apart.

Life Knows No Bounds: One Who Loves You More

I loved the theme of this book; because in relationships we will have our good days and not so good. We have to pick our fights but in choosing which fight to fight we must remember to hang in their for the long haul, because leaving is easy. A complimentary copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for this review. Jun 21, Sistar Tea rated it liked it. I liked story line. The timeline wasn't always clear. I have huge problem with vacation to Caribbean never revealed what island only compared it to Jamaica a lot.

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Lashanda rated it it was amazing May 22, Leona Romich rated it it was amazing Mar 17, Jackie rated it really liked it Mar 08, Piko Aplo rated it did not like it May 05, Andrea added it Jul 02, June marked it as to-read Jul 28, Tasha marked it as to-read Aug 20, Literary Ladies Book Club marked it as to-read Dec 05, Sherrisa marked it as to-read Dec 28, Tazzyt2bossye marked it as to-read Mar 17, Desiree Lane marked it as to-read May 05, Monique marked it as to-read May 30, We already talked about it, Malika! She grew a smirk on her face at the whole situation as she continued to the car.

She instantly turned and looked at him with an expression that could kill Armed and Extremely Dangerous. Daughter of the Game II.

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