
Poisonous Science

In this perspective, formal law and social norms, normally stating that the original ownership of copyright belongs to the authors and not to their academic or scientific institutions, mirror freedom of speech and academic liberty. The current scenario however seems completely different.

In theory, Internet represents an extraordinary opportunity to strengthen the scientific debate. But reality tells a very different story. The changing nature of scientific publications is the effect of the commodification of academic research.

The Chemistry of Poison Ivy

While the interaction between commodification of academic research and university patents has been deeply investigated and discussed, scholars have paid relatively little attention to the commodification of academic copyright. In the market of scientific publications, bibliometrics and digitization distort the two functions priority and dissemination of academic copyright.

On the one hand, the right of paternity becomes only part of academic metrics, aimed to generate long lists of publications in academic cv and citations in commercial databases like Scopus, ISI WoS, and Google Scholar. Poison ivy is an example of a poisonous plant—touching it can result in an itchy and sometimes painful rash. Venom is a specialised type of poison that has evolved for a specific purpose.

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It is actively injected via a bite or sting. Because venom has a mixture of small and large molecules, it needs a wound to be able to enter the body, and to be effective must find its way into the bloodstream.

  • Acute Gastrointestinal Bleeding: Diagnosis and Treatment (Clinical Gastroenterology).
  • Scientists Say: Poisonous | Science News for Students.
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  • Poisonous Science : the Dark Side of Academic Copyright in the Digital Age.

For this reason, venomous animals are more active in defending themselves. A taipan, which injects venom through syringe-like teeth, is a venomous animal. Protein toxins produced by venomous snakes and some poisonous plants can be incredibly lethal, but small and properly administered doses of these lethal toxins can activate an immune reaction.

Scientists Say: Poisonous

This process of inoculation produces antibodies that reduce the severity of subsequent reactions. Snake handler Bill Haast regularly injected himself with snake venoms to increase his immunity. Other poisons, such as mercury and arsenic, accumulate in tissue over time, and prolonged exposure can be lethal. But most of these were common nicknames for poisonous plants.

Poison vs. Venom - Curious

Brewed with well-known poisons, such as yew, nightshade, and hemlock, the potion is loaded with aphrodisiacs, neurotoxins, anesthetics, and psychoactives. A life-size model of the witches with their glowing brew is on display at AMNH. Humans have used poisons as weapons for more than 3, years.

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  • Poison - Wikipedia.
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Greeks tipped arrows and spears with poisons and tainted waters with toxic plants. But Roman soldiers favored a more unconventional biological warhead. Roman forces were said to throw fragile clay pots filled with venomous snakes or scorpions at their enemies.