
Lernsoftware Französisch - Réalité Interactif (German Edition)

All cause mortality was 29 3. Mortality due to tuberculosi as was 11 1. Among pulmonary tuberculosis, Prevalence of tuberculosis in Kotli was lower than the overall prevalence in Pakistan. Male to female ratio was lower than that generally observed in Southeast Asia. It was more common in middle to old age population. Frequency was higher in housewives and labourers. Very significant proportion of pulmonary TB was sputum smear positive. Among EPT, pleural effusion was the most common mode of presentation.

Izdelava spletne strani z uporabo programske opreme kot storitve. Do programske opreme kot storitve lahko dostopamo od povsod, kjer imamo internetno povezavo, vendar je za to po Enne renoveerimist koliti hoone teise kohta. V diplomskem delu z naslovom V ozadju spolnega dimorfizma: Spoznaj sebe in druge: Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden.

Ane Krajnc, knjigi s preprostim, a zgovornim naslovom Spoznaj sebe in druge. Magistrsko delo obsega naslednja poglavja: Slednje seveda ni absolutno res, ni pa tudi popolnoma ovrgljivo. Miselna naravnanost o osebnosti kot dejavnik spoprijemanja s konflikti v partnerskih odnosih. Vol 8, No 2 - Articles Correlation of magnetic resonance imaging findings with arthroscopy in the evaluation of rotator cuff pathology. Quick scan IMS vendors. IMS is gaining momentum in the market.

Vendors like Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson. Frequency of hepatitis B in asymptomatic patients of district Headquarter hospital Kotli , Azad Kashmir. Hepatitis B is prevalent throughout the world including Pakistan. A large proportion of patients suffering from Hepatitis B may be asymptomatic and can transmit the disease to healthy population. Objectives of this study were to estimate the frequency of Hepatitis B in asymptomatic adult population coming to District Headquarter Hospital Kotli , Azad Kashmir and to determine the risk factors associated with its transmission.

This was a cross-sectional study extending from January to December Both males and females between the ages of years were included in the study. The patients thus confirmed were interrogated for different risk factors associated with transmission of Hepatitis B. A total of 9, patients were analysed. Out of them Patients between years of age were most commonly effected Blood transfusion was the most common risk factor Frequency of Hepatitis B in asymptomatic people in this study was quite high.

Blood transfusions and dental procedures were the most common risk factors associated with the transmission of Hepatitis B. Frequency of hepatitis C in asymptomatic patients in district headquarters hospital Kotli , Azad Kashmir. Hepatitis C is a common problem in developing world. It can affect a large number of asymptomatic people in whom it may cause serious complications in long run.

Moreover, these asymptomatic infected people pose a serious risk for the transmission of infection to healthy population. Objective of this study was to estimate the frequency of Hepatitis C in asymptomatic adult patients attending medical OPD of District Headquarters Hospital Kotli , Azad Kashmir, and to assess the risk factors associated with its transmission. This was a cross-sectional study that included asymptomatic patients of both genders, aged years, attending medical OPD of District Head quarter Hospital Kotli , Azad Kashmir from January to December, They attended the OPD for problems other than Hepatitis and most of them presented with vague complaints like generalised body aches, tiredness and dyspeptic symptoms.

Those who were confirmed were assessed for the risk factors associated with HCV transmission. The study included 9, patients. Out of them 4,2 A total of 6. Blood transfusion was the most common Frequency of Hepatitis C is quite high in our population. Rate is higher in young adults. It is needed to adopt organised preventive strategies to overcome this problem. Blood transfusion is still the most significant risk factor followed by dental and surgical procedures.

Breginjski kot is among the most endangered seismic zones in Slovenia with the seismic hazard assessed to intensity IX MSK and the design ground acceleration of 0. Since the previous microzonation of the area was based solely on the basic geological map and did not include supplementary field research, we have performed a new soil classification of the area.

First, a detailed engineering geological mapping in scale 1: Mapped units were described in detail and some of them interpreted anew. Stiff sites are composed of hard to medium-hard rocks which were subjected to erosion mainly evoked by glacial and postglacial age. At that time a prominent topography was formed and different types of sediments were deposited in valleys by mass flows.

A distinction between sediments and weathered rocks, their exact position, and thickness are of significant importance for microzonation. On the basis of geological mapping, a soil classification was carried out according to the Medvedev method intensity increments and the Eurocode 8 standard soil factors and two microzonation maps were prepared.

The bulk of the studied area is covered by soft sediments and nine out of ten settlements are situated on them. The microzonation clearly points out the dependence of damage distribution in the case of Friuli earthquake to local site effects. A Gram-staining positive, non-motile, rod-shaped, catalase positive and oxidase negative bacterium, designated NCCP T , was isolated from a hot water spring soil collected from Tatta Pani, Kotli , Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan.

LL-DAP was detected as diagnostic amino acid along with alanine, glycine, leucine and glutamic acid. The isolate contained MK-9 H 8 as the predominant menaquinone. Major polar lipids detected in NCCP T were phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylinositol and unidentified phospholipids. Major fatty acids were iso-C On the basis of phylogenetic, phenotypic and chemotaxonomic analysis, it is concluded that strain NCCP T represents a novel species of the genus Streptomyces, for which the name Streptomyces caldifontis sp.

Therefore, not only Quality of Service QoS but also resilience is required. Reliability evaluation of systems has been widely researched for improving system resilience especially in designing processes of a complex system. The resilience of the IMS architecture is studied by applying 1: The model analysis provides useful reliability characteristics of the system and can be further applied for system design processes Delegation und Kooperation im Gesundheitswesen.

Multi proxy approach to evaluate and delineate the potential of hot springs in the Kotli District Kashmir, Pakistan. This study evaluates these hot springs based on surface geological information, radon emission measurements, hydro-geochemical and isotopic signatures and potential source mechanisms. Field observations reveal that the hot springs are located at the crest of the Tattapani anticline along the faulted contact of Cambrian carbonates with Paleocene siliciclastics. In addition, remnants of igneous intrusions in the Cambrian carbonates are commonly observed. Spatial distribution of radon emissions ranging between 2.

Hydro-geochemical data show sodium-bicarbonate affinity of hot springs. The highest surface temperature of these springs is recorded at Giggenbach ternary diagram Na-K-Mg suggests a non-equilibrium state between fluid and rock, whereas isotopic and chemical data indicate heat loss by conductive cooling and mixing with groundwater during the flow of thermal water up to the surface. Furthermore, absence of tritium in the thermal water suggests a residence time of more than 50 years. Environmental concerns regarding contamination of ground water due to the presence of different elements is of great importance.

Study of ground water quality is an essential parameter for healthy population of Quaid-e-Azam industrial estate Kot Lakhpat Area. The measurements of ground water quality parameters were found in the following ranges such as pH 7. IMS Application Developer Handbook will give a hands-on view of exactly what needs to be done by IMS application developers to write an application and take it "live" on an operator's network.

It will offer practical guidance on building innovative applications using the features and capabilities of the IMS network, show how the rapidly changing development environment is impacting on the business models employed in the industry and how existing network solutions can be moved towards IMS. Full Text Available Wir wollten es einfach wissen. This report examines the market potential of a miniature, hand-held Ion Mobility Spectrometer.

Military and civilian markets are discussed, as well as applications in a variety of diverse fields. The strengths and weaknesses of competing technologies are discussed. The conclusions drawn from this study are: The IMS system currently represents the best available compromise regarding sensitivity, specificity, and portability. Commercial users typically do not invest R and D funds in this type of equipment rather, they wait for off-the-shelf availability. Zaposleni kot neznani akter? This paper challenges that deficit by carrying out a semantic analysis of the literature with the aim to identify the various actor constructions used implicitly in the ESO discourse.

We conduct a sema Indoor radon concentration levels, gamma dose rates and impact of geology - A case study in Kotli , State of Azad Jammu and Kashmir, sub-Himalayas, in Pakistan. Inhalation of indoor radon has been recognized as the largest contributor to the total effective dose received by human beings.

Indoor radon data were collected from the dwellings lying on the sedimentary rocks sandstones, siltstones and clays of the Murree Formation, Nagri Formation, Dhok Pathan Formation, Mirpur conglomerate and surficial deposits of the Kotli area in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan.

The ambient gamma dose rates both indoors and outdoors in different parts of Kotli were also measured. The average value of gamma absorbed dose rates prevailing in the indoor environment was The measured gamma dose rates have a weak positive correlation with indoor radon concentration. The annual effective dose for inhabitants in Kotli due to radon ranged from 0.

This dose is relatively higher than the world mean dose of 1. That is explained by the particular geology of the. Jung und Alt im Dialog. Full Text Available Rezension zu: Generationen im Dialog durch aktive Medienarbeit. Gesellschaft - Altern - Medien 3. Gesundheit und Pflege im Alter. Gesundheit und Pflege im Alter: Resilience of the IMS system. The resilience behaviours of communication across multiple IMS domains are investigated at different communication scenarios and compared with previous state The results disclose interesting resilience behaviours for long distance communications Individualisierte Produkte im Fokus der intergrierten Produktentwicklung.

Individualisierte Produkte stellen neue Herausforderungen an die Produktentwicklung — vornehmlich im Bereich der Produktstrukturplanung, der kundenindividuellen Produktadaption und dem Zielkostenmanagement. Application of Hadamard transform in IMS. In this paper, the ion spectral signals were processed by Hadamard transform based on the IMS detector hardware platform. This document provides a high-level description of several advanced IM operations that NASA is considering for future research and development.

These are preliminary descriptions to support an initial benefits analysis. Argumentellipse in der "weichen" Nachricht im Deutschen und im Slowenischen. Unsere Aufmerksamkeit gilt bier der Textsorte "weiche" Nachricht, die als Abweichung des Grundmusters gilt. Full Text Available An essential element in a learning object repository is the meta-information associated with the resources housed by the repository, as this is what enables the objects to be retrieved.

In many cases, the meta-information which is described consists of the classification of a resource in relation to a taxonomy or thesaurus. Part of the meta-information described corresponds to the classification of the object with respect to a group of taxonomies and a thesaurus, which have had to be described using the ims vdex standard to enable them to be managed from the federation nodes.

This article describes the way in which ims vdex has been used in order to create this description and how these metadata instances are managed. Professionalisierung und Doping im Sport. The author analyzes the interdependencies between a growing commercia Some entities time-series, images, a algorithm -specific parameters must be managed Despite decades of research on India's plural health care market, the practices of many local health traditions outside the allopathic and codified traditions are under-studied. Drawing on interview and observational data, this paper explores the space in which indigenous traditional Khasi healers in Meghalaya state, northeast India, practice.

Khasi indigenous healers describe themselves as doktor sla, plant doctors, to distinguish themselves from doktor kot , or book doctors. This distinction operates as a rhetorical resource, utilised to carve a distinct sphere of expertise in relation to the allopathic sector, and to mark claims for the specifically local appropriateness of traditional practices within a shifting market of state-sponsored provision.

Khasi healers are a heterogeneous group who treat a wide variety of conditions, including physical ailments which have no obvious correlates in biomedical systems, and musculoskeletal disorders, with which they have recognised expertise. In addition to claiming these discrete strengths, healers also present themselves as accommodating deficiencies in biomedicine, including inherent generic weaknesses of allopathic care as well as specific local gaps in rural health care provision.

Thus, the expertise niches of traditional healers have evolved through their interactions with, and the needs of, the community, but also through managing a shifting boundary with biomedical practitioners, who are explicitly sceptical of their efficacy, but tacitly accepting of the ways in which they manage the gaps in biomedical provision. While codified non-biomedical traditions in India have engaged in universalising professionalising projects, in this setting at least, non-codified practitioners have instead utilised discourses of localism.

Digital Medien im Naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht. Und auch die Alltags- und Berufswelt ist ohne Informationstechnologien nicht mehr vorstellbar. Wie gelingt im Schulalltag die Balance zwischen Kreidezeit und interaktivem Whiteboard nach mittlerweile 30 Jahren Erfahrung mit Schulcomputern? Zu Wort kommen Hochschullehr This list of frequently asked questions was composed on the basis of questions asked of the Educational Technology Expertise Centrum. The questions addessed are: The target population is overweight individuals who wish to reduce their abdominal fat.

The applicant states that adipocyte size at the subcutaneous abdominal The target population is overweight individuals who wish This framework contains a scalable, flexible, and volatile information model Uber IM and a real-time, "organic" communication and storage process e2eUber. It leverages the proprietary interfaces We document the e2eUber IM requirements and its design Facultad de Bellas Artes.

I'm a Map, I'm a Green Tree. I'm talking about the ways we represent ourselves and our world. I've put some thoughts on the topic together here--a gathering that enacts new media creating and takes up conceptual layers like metaphors, models, and composing. Diese Kurse sind online auf dem folgenden Link www. The MTAs are an identification Variation im heutigen Deutsch: Sprache - Kommunikation - Kultur.

Literatur zu Gast im Globe. Als sie um Monate und Jahre verharrt die Welt wie in einer riesigen dreidimensionalen Fotografie, bis ein wiederum schockierendes Ereignis die 'Chronifizierten' aus ihren physikalischen Spekulationen und seltsamen Lebensformen reisst. Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit im Sport in Brandenburg. Mit der Querschnittsstudie "Wir und die Anderen — Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit im organisierten Sport in Brandenburg" wurde das Syndrom Gruppenbezogener Menschenfeindlichkeit im organisierten Sport untersucht.

Das Konzept der Gruppenbezogenen Menschenfeindlichkeit — ausgehend von einer Ideologie der Ungleichwertigkeit — wurde von Prof. Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit im Sport in Sachsen. Verletzungen und Fehlbeanspruchungen im leistungsorientierten Rudersport. Retrieved June 30th, , from. Please, cite this publication as: Proceedings of International Workshop in Learning Networks. Radiological information management system Rad IMS. Westinghouse Idaho Nuclear Company, Inc. WINCO is developing and implementing an information management system, known as Rad IMS , to track and record personnel exposure to ionizing radiation.

These records must be retrievable for the entire working life of the individual and be available to other USDOE contractors on request. To meet these general needs, Rad IMS provides for retrieval of detailed, comprehensive individual exposure histories as well as the usual online interactions to accomplish day-today radiation protection operations. The exposure histories include database text, paper, microfilm, and electronic bitmaps. Midlatitude magnetometer chains during the IMS. The International Magnetospheric Study IMS is an international program to study global problems of magnetospheric dynamics.

A key element of the U. This network included a number of arrays at high and low latitudes. Descriptions of the type of equipment, station locations, types of data display, and availability of data for each chain are presented in this report. A major problem of the data analysis phase of the IMS will be reducing selected subsets of these data to a common format. Currently, there are no plans to do this in a systematic manner.

Across Canada, healthcare organizations, as well as governments, understand that information and information technology are needed to deliver quality care and to sustain our publicly funded health system. Lernmanagement, Kompetenzmanagement und PLE. De stand van zaken. De stand van zaken In: Leertechnologie in de Lage Landen pp. Ook beschikbaar in dspace: The paper presents the design and implementation of an emulation platform for the IP Multimedia Subsystem. The purpose of the emulation is to offer to IMS service developers an environment where they can integrate development Having demonstrated the technical viability of P2P- IMS we have also found a way to add a new management dimension to existing P2P systems.

P2P- IMS comes with a natural "data management" mechanism,. Findings and Strategic Implications. Specifically, THOR will study how turbulent fluctuations at kinetic scales heat and accelerate particles in different turbulent environments within the near-Earth space. To achieve this goal, THOR payload is being designed to measure electromagnetic fields and particle distribution functions with unprecedented resolution and accuracy. Each sensor combines a top-hat electrostatic analyzer with deflectors at the entrance together with a time-of-flight section to perform mass selection.

IMS electronics includes a fast sweeping high voltage board that is required to make measurements at high cadence. IMS is being designed to address many of THOR science requirements, in particular ion heating and acceleration by turbulent fluctuations in foreshock, shock and magnetosheath regions. The IMS instrument is being designed and will be built by an international consortium of scientific institutes with main hardware contributions from France, USA, Japan and Germany.

Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur sonographischen Frakturdiagnostik im Kinderalter. Nach einem Trauma ist die klinische Untersuchung und Bestimmung des Schmerzmaximums gerade bei Kindern oft sehr schwierig. Die hierbei auftretende ionisierende Strahlung geht jedoch besonder Professionelle Literaturrecherche und -verwaltung im Web [Praxisbericht.

Dynamik des Kaufverhaltens im Bio-Sortiment. The ultimate goal is to design and build a very smart ion mobility spectrometer IMS that can operate autonomously. To accomplish this, software capable of interpreting spectra so that it can be used in control loops for data interpretation as well as adjusting instrument parameters is being developed. Fuzzy logic and fuzzy numbers are used in this IMS spectra classification scheme. Instead of using 'max' and 'min' values, the product of the truth values is used to determine class membership.

Using the product allows rule-bases that utilize the AND function to allow each condition to discount truth value in determining membership, while rule-bases with an OR function are allowed to accumulate membership. Fuzzy numbers allow encapsulation of the uncertainties due to ion mobility peak widths as well as measured instrumental parameters, such as pressure and temperature.

Associating a peak with a value of uncertainty, in addition to making adjustments to the mobility calculation based on variations in measured parameters, enables unexpected shifts to be more reliably detected and accounted for; thereby, reducing the opportunity for 'false negative' results. The measure of uncertainty is anticipated to serve the additional purpose of diagnosing the operational conditions of the IMS instrument.

PCTS 10 / 2017

Eine Fankultur im Medienzeitalter. Empathie wurde im Selbst- und Peerbericht erhoben. Security in the internet; Sicherheitsaspekte im Internet. Aim of the study: Is it possible to use the Internet as a secure media for transport of telemedicine? Which risks exist for routine use? In this article state of the art methods of security were analysed. Telemedicine in the Internet has severe risks, because patient data and hospital data of a secure Intranet can be manipulated by connecting it to the Web. Establishing of a firewall and the introduction of HPC Health Professional Card are minimizing the risk of un-authorized access to the hospital server.

HPC allows good safety with digital signature and authentication of host and client of medical data. Planning all activities exactly as well as following legal regulations are important requisites for reduction of safety risks in Internet. Es sollten die Fragen beantwortet werden, ob es moeglich ist, das Internet als sicheres Uebermittlungsmedium fuer Telemedizin zu nutzen und welche Sicherheitsrisiken bestehen.

Dazu wurden die gaengigen Sicherheitsmethoden analysiert. Telemedizin im Internet ist mit Sicherheitsrisiken behaftet, die durch die Oeffnung eines Intranets mit der Moeglichkeit zur unberechtigten Manipulation von aussen bedingt sind. Diese Sicherheitsrisiken koennen durch eine Firewall weitgehend unterbunden werden. Chipkarten wie die Health professional card ermoeglichen eine hohe Sicherheit bei digitaler Signatur und sicherer Authentifikation der Sender und Empfaenger von Daten im Internet.

Auch Standards wie Pretty good privacy sind inzwischen fuer sichere e-mails einfach einzusetzen. Wichtige Voraussetzung fuer die Reduktion von Sicherheitsrisiken ist unter Beruecksichtigung der gesetzlichen Vorgaben die exakte Planung aller Aktivitaeten im Internet, bei denen medizinische Patientendaten versandt werden sollen, in einem Team aus Aerzten und Informatikern.

The use of Ion Mobility Spectrometry IMS in the Detection of Contraband Sandia researchers use ion mobility spectrometers for trace chemical detection and analysis in a variety of projects and applications. The emphasis to date has been on explosives detection, but the detection of chemical agents has also been pursued and Verweise mit Demonstrativa im Gesprochenen Deutsch Verweise mit Demonstrativa im gesprochenen Deutsch: Grammatik, Zweitspracherwerb und Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Berlin ; New York: Kriminologie und Kriminalistik im Zugriff der Geschichtswissenschaft.

Full Text Available Rezensierte Werke: Silviana Galassi, Kriminologie im Deutschen Kaiserreich. Franz Steiner Verlag , S. Eine Geschichte der Kriminalistik, Darmstadt: Primus Verlag , S. Cambridge University Press , S. Corporate Venture Capital im Bankensektor: Politische Inhalte im Internet: Welche Bedeutung kommt dem Internet in der Politikvermittlung zu?

December, 10, , Wollongong, Australia: Evolution oder Revolution anhand konkreter Beispiele. Das Energiesystem als Gesamtes und die Verteilnetze im Speziellen werden smart. Diese Entwicklung ist eine Evolution, nicht aber eine Revolution. Einheit und Vielfalt in der Rechtsgeschichte im Ostseeraum. Unity and plurality in the legal history of the Baltic Sea area Sechster Rechtshistorikertag im Ostseeraum, 3.

Frankfurt am Main u. Information Management System IMS is an essential tool in supporting the provision of information needed for planning and decision making in any organization. Proper IMS facilitates the smooth flow of information both vertical and horizontal. This paper presents the findings of a survey on information needs of the Gender Support interoperability and reusability of emerging forms of assessment: Full Text Available Diese am 5.

Antarctic observations available for IMS correlative analyses. A review is provided of the wide-ranging observational programs of 25 stations operating on and around the continent of Antarctica during the International Magnetospheric Study IMS. Attention is given to observations of geomagnetism, short period fluctuations of the earth's electromagnetic field, observations of the ionosphere and of whistler mode signals, observational programs in ionospheric and magnetospheric physics, upper atmosphere physics observations, details of magnetospheric programs conducted at Kerguelen, H-component magnetograms, magnetic field line oscillations, dynamic spectra of whistlers, and the variation of plasmapause position derived from recorded whistlers.

The considered studies suggest that, in principle, if the level of magnetic activity is known, predictions can be made concerning the time at which the trough occurs, and the shape and the movement of the main trough. Terroristen machen sich das Bild zur Waffe und produzieren erst durch die Positionierung an der Medienfront Sinn in ihren Taten. Durch die terroristische Kommunikationsstrategie wird das Verbrechen erst zum terroristischen Akt. Das ist die theoretische Grundannahme dieses Aufsatzes.

Durch die Entwicklung des Web 2. So ist es nicht erstaunlich, dass terroristische Organisationen sich eine gewisse Expertise im Umgang mit sozialen Medien zugelegt haben. Wie schnell und suggestiv die Videos arbeiten, ist etwa davon abh. In Deutschland leben ca. Diese kann angeboren oder im Laufe des Lebens erworben sein. Im folgenden Artikel werden die Schwerpunktsetzungen dieses Konzepts vorgestellt und durch praktische Beispiele verdeutlicht. This software integrates the whole control of the equipment in an IMS station, including the management of consumables used in daily or periodic operation.

It permits an easy retrieval access of the technical features, suppliers, etc. Although this project is still in a starting phase, a preliminary version of this software is being used in radionuclide station RN01 Buenos Aires , having already demonstrated its usefulness and potential for the improvement of IMS station management. Proceedings of Adaptive Hypermedia. Retrieved June 30th, , from http: The presentation gives an overview of the approach of the development programme of the OTEC department towards the development of Open Source.

Preussen und Livland im Zeichen der Reformation. Quantensprung Digitalisierung - Energiewirtschaft im Energieversorger, die sich dem Wandel nicht stellen, drohen den Anschluss zu verpassen. Zuerst muss jedoch betont werden, dass es einen Unterschied zwischen dem Begriff der Travestie, mit anderen Worten der Verkleidung,[1] und dem der Metamorphose, dem Verwandeln der Gestalt,[2] gibt. Es gibt auch eine moderne Definition des Begriffes Travestie aus dem Hier beinhaltet diese ein Verfahren oder eine kritische Zielsetzung.

Das Problem der Ethnogenese im antiken Griechenland. In Griechenland haben die Zuwanderer die Suffixe -ss und -nth oder -nd nicht erst kennengelernt, sondern zumindest zum Teil schon mitgebracht und vermutlich im 3. Full Text Available Integration of management systems for quality, environment, health and risk management as well as corporative social responsibilities is workable corporative approach to reduce costs, effective use of resources, higher motivation of employees and better fulfillment of requirements of social engagements and stakeholders.

This paper presents contents of literature and review of a company motives on integrated management system IMS implementation, namely factors affecting the IMS implementation. Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit im Sport in Sachsen-Anhalt. Wie sieht Supply-Chain-Management im Jahr aus?

Wir und die Anderen: Mit der Querschnittsstudie "Wir und die Anderen — Gruppenbezogene Menschenfeindlichkeit im organisierten Sport in Sachsen" wurde erstmals das Syndrom Gruppenbezogener Menschenfeindlichkeit im organisierten Sport untersucht. Der Bericht beinhaltet Ergebnisse von Fleischuntersuchungen auf den Eisengehalt.

Vor 30 Jahren lag der Eisengehalt In der Literatur existiert eine eigene Welt, die mit Raum und Zeit verbunden ist. Jahrhundert gewinnen beide, Raum und Zeit, an Bedeutung als bewusst eingesetzte Gestaltungselemente. Deutsche Wirtschaft im Aufschwung. Coherent ambient infrasound recorded by the global IMS network. The International Monitoring System IMS includes a global network of infrasound arrays, which is designed to detect atmospheric nuclear explosions anywhere on the planet.

The infrasound network also has potential application in detection of natural hazards such as large volcanic explosions and severe weather. Ambient noise recorded by the network includes incoherent wind noise and coherent infrasound. The Foreign language pedagogy section consists of 7 articles, representing a valuable contribution to teaching English and German in a culturally rich, diverse medium, with traps and challenges which can be successfully addressed by competent and talented professors.

The following five articles are written in German. Sabina De Carlo, DDAD lecturer at Politehnica University of Timisoara, shares her findings on the role of Germans in the Romanian higher education system, especially in the Banat region, where German is taught both as a mother tongue and as a foreign language. Her questions, on how many languages are needed for the 21st century intellectual, which foreign language? The volume also contains a section of abstracts in English, which is aimed at facilitating a wider dissemination of the published papers and at encouraging the cross-cultural reception of the endeavours of valuable researchers who attended the 10 th PCTS conference in Timisoara.

The full programme of the conference can be found at http: Her research interests focus on contemporary French semantics, discourse analysis, LSP translation and French grammar. His research interests include: He has published many articles and books, including La concertation dans le paradigme du mythe Peter Lang, Author of 14 books on stylistics, journalism and modern history and co-author of 4 professional dictionaries, her focus is on applied linguistics, communication sciences and political science.

Her professional experience includes translation, counselling in public relations, academic management provost of a private university, , and political journalism. She is distinguished with the National Order for Merit in Education She is a member of the European Communication and Research Association, vice-president of the Alliance of Universities for Democracy, vice-president of the Association for Romanian Media History, vice-president of the Centre for Ethical Resources and Initiatives and a member of the Association for Professors in Journalism and Communication.

He teaches IR Theory and International Communication and publishes intensively analyses and forecasts on international media relations. He is the author of 20 textbooks and university courses in institutional and diplomatic discourse, translation studies, globalization studies, and terminology. He has written 3 books on literature including an edition of John Donne, with his father, T. Craik , a host of academic articles and scholarly notes, and 6 books of poetry, one of which, Those Years, was translated into Bulgarian and nominated for a Pushcart Prize. In , he was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to Sofia University, Bulgaria, and gave poetry readings in Bulgarian universities.

His research interests include translation theory and methodology, LSP translation, and discourse analysis for translation purposes. His research interests include different aspects of specialised discourse, especially legal communication and multimodal mediation of scientific knowledge. His research focuses on the interplay between meaning and knowledge as individual and collective entities. He is one of the editors of the international journal Fachsprache and member of a number of editorial boards of international journals.

His teaching and research interests include sociology, communication, Corporate Social Responsibility CSR , fields in which he has published three books and more than 30 scientific articles. He was involved in research projects with administrative institutions, NGOs, local and multinational companies. Her research projects include: Her research covers a wide range of subjects, such as translation theory, literary translation and economic translation. She has written papers on translation and gender, translation theory as an interdisciplinary field of study, and translation and power, and more x.

She is a member of several advisory boards of journals and research centres, both national and international. Moreover, she has been working as a translator of economic and financial texts for over 13 years now for Spanish, as well as international, institutions.

  1. European Language Label Publication - European Commission by ΙΔΕΠ Διά Βίου Μάθησης - Issuu?
  2. Unfinished Business.
  3. Gangland UK?
  4. Seagulls ·2·.
  5. Calaméo - PCTS 10 / ;
  6. GOING SOLO ! Sugar...the Hidden Eating Disorder & How to Lick It....HYPNOTICALLY! - Part Three - Imagery, Imaginology & Self-Hypnosis (GOING SOLO! Sugar...the ... & How to Lick It.... HYPNOTICALLY! Book 3).

Her research interests include communication theory, intercultural communicarion, rhetoric, and German didactics. She has been authoring and co-authoring more than 10 books and German language courses. Her research interests include rhetoric of science, narrative theory, technical and scientific communication, multimodal composition, and research methodologies in rhetoric and composition.

In and , she was Director of the Thomas R. Watson Conference in Rhetoric and Composition. He holds a PhD in Translation and Interpreting from the University of Malaga, Spain and his research centres on legal translation and translation technologies. She is editor-in-chief of the scientific journal Translatologia. Her research areas include translation and communication studies, intercultural communication, translation theory and translation tools.

Her research interests focus on German linguistics, comparative linguistics, languages in contact and German grammar. She teaches courses of German morphology and syntax. She is the author and the co-author of numerous articles and several books: Schwerpunkte der deutschen Grammatik: He does research in Systemic Functional Linguistics and has published several articles on information, thematicity and picture books, etc.

His research interests are also in Applied Linguistics. Multisemiotic Issues Palgrave Macmillan, A Systemic Functional Approach Equinox, British and American Studies, published uninterruptedly for almost 20 years. She has been a distinguished member of and has held leading positions in the European Society for English Studies whose publication — The European English Messenger she currently edits. Her domains of expertise are English lexicology, applied and cognitive linguistics and translation studies. An Introduction to English Lexicology and book chapters in thematic volumes, most of them published abroad.

Metaphors in Non-Literary Contexts and member of the editorial board of two academic journals — Translationes and British and American Studies, both indexed in a number of important international databases. She has published over thirty-five articles in her areas of research and has attended over thirty conferences both in Romania and abroad. At the same time, as researcher and organizer, he is president of the Romanian Association for the History of Media, member of the Professional Journalists Union, member of the Romanian Association for compared literature, corresponding member of the Romanian-American Academy and others.

He is the author of the following volumes selection: Vienna, Prague, Warsaw, Budapest , Memoirs of the war in Romanian culture , How to write a scientific text, , Insights into the Romanian media history, Trends and tendencies in contemporary journalism , Changes in Europe, changes in the media , Trends in Cultural journalism , Sequences in the history of Romanian press , Media style and language media in Romania , xii. His main areas of research include applied linguistics, communication science, translation science, intelinguistics and language technology.

He has published many articles and books, including Knowledge, Language, Media, Work. Contrastive Dependency Syntax for machine Translation Professor Klaus Schubert is also the co-editor of trans-kom, a scientific journal of translation studies and technical communication, and of the book series TransUD. Claudia Stoian is also working as a translator of English, Spanish and Romanian.

She has published a book on the discourse of tourism websites, several papers on discourse analysis and cultural differences, and some translations. Her research has focused on areas which run parallel to her teaching: She has also co-authored Professional Genres in Public Administration and two bilingual dictionaries of robotics She coordinated a research project on a NCSRHE grant about professional genres used in business and public administration settings.

She is the author of the book The Persuasive Function of Written Advertisements and of several scientific articles, published both in Romania and abroad. Her research interests are in the field of applied linguistics, genre studies, interpreting, advertising and teaching. His main areas of research are specific didactic issues of translation and interpreting, community interpreting and translation of commercial texts. He is also involved in projects dedicated to terminology work. Her current research focuses on food narratives in media discourses and she teaches courses in British studies, British media, and interpretation of media texts.

She is the executive editor of Essachess — Journal for Communication Studies covered in 14 international databases. Her research interests include epistemology of communication, scientific journalism, symbolic communication, organizational communication. She teaches French linguistics and translation and her research interests include French and Romance linguistics, contrastive analysis, and translation theory and methodology. Etudes de traductologie; coord. She is teaching courses related to linguistics, ESP, teaching methodology and second language acquisition at the undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

Her fields of interest are: She holds a doctorate in philology linguistics. She is interested in applied linguistics and media discourse analysis. Her most recent book is Eine Stadt vermittelt sich: She is psychologist and assistant at Politehnica University of Timisoara. Her research interests include the influence of social media on the representation of news, the role of smartphones in blurring interpersonal and mass communication, and also the representation of religion in the media.

Carol teaches a variety of courses including introduction to mass communication, media ethics, media and society, media writing, editorial writing, and video storytelling. Her publications include articles in the American Communication Journal, Vol. Carol is a member of the Association for Women in Communications, Detroit chapter. Her research fields include grammar for communicative purposes, didactics of foreign languages, communication, linguistics and translation studies. She teaches German as a foreign language to engineering students, contemporary German and economic translation.

She published various scientific articles in these fields and she has taken part in several international conferences, seminars and training programs Goethe Institute in Bucharest, Romania; University of Saarbrucken, Germany; University of Nitra, Slovakia; University of Maribor, Slovenia. She defended her PhD thesis in title: Her research interests are in the fields of sociolinguistics language policy and planning, terminology management, language contact , Hispanic linguistics, translation and communication studies. She has a PhD in Philology and a master in Germanistic from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Her research covers mainly these areas: Her research work is the result of numerous collaborations with German researchers from several Western Universities focusing on the practical implementation of theory. Graduate of the Faculty of Letters, Al. Cuza University, Iasi, Romania; fields of study: His research interests include applied linguistics, LSP and translation studies.

He participated in several international conferences and published three research articles. He worked as a lecturer at Al-Anbar University in Iraq and as a tutor in many private institutes and universities in Iraq. At the Romanian Cultural Institute in Vienna — she was the initiator and head-trainer of the projects Romanian to Go partner: University of Vienna and Coaching Romanian.

She graduated from the University of the West in and completed her doctoral studies with the thesis entitled Body Conundrums and Pleasuring Strategies in the Postmodern Novel at the University of the West. She published papers on gender in specialized journals, and currently her main areas of interest lie in the study of translation and economics as she teaches Business translation.

He delivers courses and seminars on intercultural communication in business and on business correspondence in English and German and published books and textbooks in German and Romanian to related topics: Her research interests cover areas like xvi. She has published three books so far, all related to LSP-teaching: He defended his PhD in Comparative Literature in and is the author of eight books of literary and communication theory: Intersemiotic Translations , Take the Floor.

Interpretarea textului contemporan Communication and Creativity. His areas of interest are translation studies, the theory of communication, comparative literature, cultural studies, translation studies, and British and American studies. Her main field of research is ESP, besides pragmatics and translation. She is a member of the Association of Conference Interpreters of Serbia, the Association of Literary Translators of Serbia, and a translator of more than 20 book-length publications.

She acts as executive editor of [sic] — a journal of literature, culture and literary translation, published by the University of Zadar, Croatia. Her current research interests include Australian studies, spatiality in fiction, and translation studies practice and didactics. She teaches early modern and Victorian literature, literary translation, literary theory. She has published several books on Shakespearean drama, British culture, and literary genres. She is also a columnist in the Romanian literary and cultural press.

Degrees and Postgraduate studies: She is the author of one book, as well co-author of one book. She has published several book chapters and articles in the field of xvii. He is the author of nearly books and articles, including The Things in Heaven and Earth: He is part of an international team of researchers interested in the fields of sociocultural studies, applied philosophy and technological transfer. In his researches, he touches subjects like the relation between writers and journalists and the political power, the involvement of mass-media in democratization and the changes appeared in journalism under the influence of digital media.

He is the author of the books: Truth and Imaginary , E. She obtained a philology PhD in In parallel with the teaching activity, she has a significant researching activity, which is materialized in 30 scientific articles published in specialized volumes and magazines from Romania and abroad, numerous translations and reviews and scientific papers communicated at national and international conferences.

Committed to both political and communication sciences, the author published research papers on various subjects related to discourse and politics. She focuses her research on the political discourse analysis and campaign strategies. In his recent Farewell Address US President Barack Obama remarked that if we want to improve our political environment and accomplish significant political ends we need to stop attacking one another on Twitter and on-line, and converse with one another face-to-face.

In the end, there is no reason to think that digital technology is necessarily detrimental to useful political engagement and communication with one another. That we often use it detrimentally contributes to misunderstanding and social divisions. More genuine communication in the sense of engagement through shared meanings is critical and a necessary condition of experience and growth, both individual and social.

Such communication, digital or otherwise, is enhanced through the pursuit of common interests. Introduction First, I would like to thank the organizers for the invitation to speak today. It has been some time since I was in Timisoara, and it is a pleasure to return. It is also an honor to have the opportunity to deliver a Keynote Address at this conference on language and communication. I have to ask your forbearance because as you know, I am not a specialist in communication but rather in philosophy, and I have an irrepressible impulse to wax philosophical regardless of the topic I am addressing.

I promise to try to keep the abstract philosophizing to a minimum, and to focus on the topic at hand, which is to say political communication and digital technology. My topic today concerns not Twitter directly, but questions that have to do with contemporary, especially political, communication and the place within it of currently influential technologies. To refer to Twitter, then, is rather a stand-in for the broader topic.

As I will say again below, the fact is that I know nearly nothing about Twitter, and I am perfectly happy to keep it that way, at least for now. The issue is, rather, how we may come to terms with certain questions related to political communication in a digital age; a related concern will be to articulate how we might understand the goals and purposes of political communication. Political Communication and Its Tensions Political communication is an increasingly interesting and extremely important field of focus. As the entire world knows, the new American president Donald Trump 3.

There has been a great deal of hand-wringing about this among some of the American political and journalistic set. Interestingly, those who raise objections to the way President Trump uses Twitter tend to be hostile to him on other grounds, while those who support him generally find his Twitter moments to be either unimportant or an admirable new form of political communication.

The reaction to his use of the technology in his political communication turns out to be a stand-in for reaction to him in general, or so it seems. This means in turn that if President Trump is in fact engaging in a new form of political communication through his Twitter communiques, as it would appear he is, then the jury is still out concerning its value and its virtues, or lack thereof.

On this point, I do not want to fall into the trap of using talk about technology actually to be talk about Trump. I prefer to acknowledge that this form of political communication may indeed be something new and worth our attention, and leave it open for now as to whether it is something we should embrace or shun. Surely, however, it has its limits. During the first week of his presidency Trump caused an international crisis by complaining on Twitter about Mexico and an upcoming visit of its president in relation to the border wall Trump wants to build.

Fortunately, both presidents quickly realized that they had better put down their Twitter accounts and get on the phone so they could work this out. I confess that I find the idea of communicating a message in characters to be perverse. It works for writers of haiku, but most of us do not possess that special talent. That said, I do not think that such digital means of communication as Twitter indicate the end of civilization as we know it, even though I and others do not find it comfortable.

One has to make an effort to avoid the unfortunate tendency among many philosophers to elevate personal preference to the level of high principle. My interest today is, rather, to think about the role of digital technology in political communication, and specifically in relation to the importance of the pursuit of common interests in political activity. This theme is prompted by two factors. I will return to develop this theme in a moment. The other factor that prompted this topic is a remark that former US President Barack Obama made in his Farewell Address last January, namely that if we want to improve our political environment and accomplish significant political ends we need to stop attacking one another on Twitter and on-line, and converse with one another face-to-face.

It is, however, more than catchy in that it pulls on several thematic strings at once. One of them is the importance of efforts to communicate with and to understand one another, and a second is the idea that communication through technology is inferior to communication face-to-face. This is not the ordinary, daily communication with our Facebook and Twitter friends and followers, but a form of engagement with those we do not know, and who because of the technology may be anywhere in the world.

In academia, we can look at the discussion thread that accumulates in a couple days over a given on-line article, for example, to see what Obama meant. Many people seem predisposed to use such an occasion not just to argue with strangers but to attack, dismiss, demean, and generally belittle and run roughshod over those with whom we disagree. To offer a personal illustration, soon after I arrived in Malta several months ago to assume my current position I gave an interview that appeared in a prominent local newspaper.

For various reasons the creation of the American University of Malta has been, as we may say in American English, a political football, so my interview attracted politically charged comments online. I took the latter observation to explain my taste for fried chicken. We often, even when we are not being nasty, tend automatically to place others, especially strangers, into categories that we have come to assume define our analytic options. None of this is helpful for communication, if we mean by communication the engagement with one another through shared meanings.

For one thing, such categories as these are not fixed, and their meanings change over time and from case to case. Traditionally, to use a first-person illustration, I have always considered myself a person of the left. The only thing this can possibly mean is that the categories themselves have altered their meaning and they are no longer the reliable guides in communication that we once thought they were. Such categorial flexibility means that thinking in terms of categories like these turns out to be an impediment to communication in political contexts.

So, our tendency too breezily to categorize one another is a problem for communication, and so is the nastiness with which we increasingly do it. Obama suggests that digital technology facilitates ways of treating one another that would be less likely if we engage face-to-face. I suspect he is right about this, though it would not be a universal rule. We all know people, some of them public figures, who are as abrasive in person as they are in any other context.

In fact, some political commentators make a living this way. For most of us, though, it is harder to dismiss and demean those who are standing, or 5. We do have to be a bit careful here. There is no reason to think that digital technology is necessarily detrimental to useful political engagement and communication with one another. On the contrary, because we are not able to be in physical proximity with one another, the technology can provide occasions for serious and valuable communication.

And, as has often been pointed out, communication through such technologies as Twitter has a certain democratic character by allowing direct and mass communication, thus avoiding the interpretive filter of the press. Still, though, there does seem to be something about the technology, which I assume has to do with the anonymity of it, which brings out the demons in us.

If that is right, then we would do well to be wary of relying too heavily, or rather too unreflectively, on the technology if we are genuinely interested in meaningful political communication. If we are only interested in doing battle and scoring points, then the technology may be a most useful weapon, but if we have higher aims than that, then we would do well either to engage face-to-face, or to try to the extent possible to recreate the conditions of face-to-face engagement even when we are in occasions to make use of the technology.

The medium, we may say, is only part of the message. It may make it easier for us to avoid valuable communication, but it does not have to do so. Avoiding that outcome, though, does require some degree of vigilance. It is worth pausing for a moment to consider why Obama felt compelled to make his point in the first place. The reason, I think, is that common wisdom these days holds that there is a vast and growing divide among Americans along cultural and political lines. Actually, this theme is itself extremely complex because in the end it involves cultural, class, political, national, geographic, and other factors.

Recognizing the complexity and the fact that just now we are not able to engage that complexity, I think it is fair to say that in very general terms the divide can be understood as consisting of those with populist or nationalist predispositions on one side, and those with more internationalist or cosmopolitan inclinations on the other. Trump, and the other by Ms. If this description of a political division in the society is more or less right, then one may quickly notice that it is not confined to the American context.

The Brexit vote in the UK fell along similar lines, as have the political lives of people across Europe, from Finland, Poland and Hungary to France and Austria, not to mention Italy, Germany, and elsewhere. Nationalist versus more cosmopolitan inclinations have, as I understand it, long engendered political issues in the Romanian context as well, so there is really nothing very new here.

Much of the cultural and political hand-wringing and lamenting going on now in the US is over the presumption, probably correct, that the people on both sides of this divide not only do not understand one another, they do not even speak with one another.

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Each has its own sources of news, its own forms of entertainment, its own forms of cultural engagement and expression, and its own forms of communication. This, presumably, is the reason we continually surprise one another, for example in the Brexit vote and in the recent US presidential election. Except for those who have nothing but bald partisan aspirations, most of us would agree, I expect, that this is not a healthy situation, and that societies cannot prosper, or perhaps even survive, in such conditions.

I recognize that this has a rather trite sound to it, rather like instructing a child to play nicely with others. It appears, though, that many of us did not learn this lesson from the school playground. I have always disliked partisan politics, and we have put our finger here on one of the reasons why. When political partisans are doing battle with one another, there is a very good chance that the public good, a term I use reluctantly, recedes into the background before long. That particular evasion has always seemed to me a bit too neat and easy. This is not a comment on anything having to do with Romanian politics, with the details of which I am not in any case familiar.

I am not, as I have said, attracted to party politics, but I must add that I do not have a better idea, either. One may wonder, though, whether this really matters much. Maybe a partisan antagonistic battling is the best we can expect in political contexts, and maybe we should be willing to accept what occurs in such cases to be the most we can hope for with respect to political communication.

He thinks that we do need something that constitutes communication in the sense of the engendering of shared meanings and purposes, and I would argue that he is right about that. My point about partisan politics should be taken as a cautionary note that even, or especially, within the heat of partisan battle, it would be wise for all of us to remember that it is always possible that the public good, assuming that there is such a thing, may transcend immediate partisan interests.

For this reason, partisan opponents in fact often have far more in common than may appear to be the case. This is not, in the end, a question of partisan politics, but of the strength and health of a society. Democracy and Common Interests The reason we want to say that genuine communication is important, or anyway one of the reasons, is that it is, it turns out, a necessary condition of experience and growth, both individual and social. That is a mouthful, and I would like to unpack the claim a bit. Dewey spoke about this in many places, one of which is in his famous book Democracy and Education, published in Dewey , There he made the argument that democracy has its roots in two aspects of all successful communities.

The first is that 7. This is, I would maintain, a conceptually powerful and practically valuable way of understanding community, democracy, and by implication communication. The basic difference is that the idea of the common good usually suggests one value, or a set of values, that is good for a community or society as a whole. It is in fact far too easy to refer to the common or public good as if there really are or were some values on which we would all agree or which we would all accept, and then assert such a value or values as that to which we should aspire.

The problem is that it becomes far more difficult to identify such values. Even certain obvious candidates, for example peace, may turn out to be a value that arm makers, and the average people who need the jobs in their factories, as well as arms dealers, not to mention many with aspirations to political or military power, would not endorse.

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Common interests, however, imply no general or overarching applicability, but rather interests that some set of individuals or communities or societies or nations may share with some others. One of the reasons for the practical value of the idea of common interests is precisely that it does not require too much of us. To illustrate the point, one of the more common ways that democracy, and other forms of social and political life for that matter, have been conceptualized requires that we gradually achieve some degree of consensus in society, which is to say the recognition of some sort of common good, or that the value of a given way of life is that it is conducive to consensus.

The relevant assumptions in such theoretical analyses is that consensus is a virtue and that it is achievable. I rather doubt that either of those assumptions is true. It is not at all clear to me that we are better off if we agree on every, most, or even many things. At the level of intellectual satisfaction, to speak autobiographically for a moment, I certainly enjoy the satisfaction that comes from having my own ideas reinforced by those who agree with me, but I enjoy at least equally the challenge and engagement of the company of those who do not agree with me.

On a broader scale, there is great advantage to the diversity of ideas, habits, and social practices over the commonalities implied in consensus. It is not that consensus is to be avoided, but simply that it ought not to be regarded as an overarching individual, social, or political end.

Moreover, it is almost certainly impossible anyway. Any society of lively, intelligently engaged individuals is going to contain a multitude of differing conceptions and ends, and there is no reason to think that those could somehow be shaped, through discourse or any other means, 8.

Consensus as a general social and political objective, in other words, is neither desirable nor possible. Another way some theorists have characterized democracy is in terms of embodying and spreading certain values. Consequences alone should enable us to infer that such neo-conservative and liberal interventionist conceptions of democracy are counter-productive and damaging to perpetrator and victim alike. Among the advantages of understanding individual, political, and international relations in terms of common interests is that it requires neither the intellectual straight jacket of consensus nor the moral arrogance of interventionism.

Dewey was right that it is a simple social fact of the matter that we have some interests in common. We do not have all interests in common, and we do not in any given case need to be convinced that we should have any particular interests in common. We simply do share some interests among ourselves and between our societies and others, and these commonalities are distributed variously rather than as a single whole. On an individual level, it is almost certainly true that, for example, any given member of the audience and I share some interests and not others, and some of those others he or she or I may share with some of the rest of you.

If we were to outline and trace them we would have among us a web or latticework of intersecting lines rather than a solid block. None of us has to be convinced to have common interests; we simply do have them by virtue of living together. To demand more of us, for example consensus or the recognition of a common good, in terms of what we individually embrace and pursue is to overreach in our objectives.

I suspect, in fact, that one of the reasons we are seeing today a nationalist backlash in many of our countries is that those with certain more internationalist and cosmopolitan goals were forcing those perspectives socially in ways that many people have resented. If, on the other hand, we chose, or choose now, to engage one another in terms of the common interests we already have rather than telling one another how we ought to think and act, we may find that the result is far more satisfactory than we have currently managed.

The same is true at the level of social institutions. To offer a personal example again, and as earlier one that has to do with my current position, a few months ago I had the pleasure of meeting with the Rector of the University of Malta. The possible consequences for that university of the creation of mine has been among the sensitive points that have created controversy. Our two universities do not share all interests, and there is no reason we would or should have all interests in common.

We do, however, share some interests, and we agreed explicitly that in those areas in which we have common interests we will be pleased to cooperate with one another. With respect to interests that we do not share, we will mind our own respective business in those matters that do not concern the other, and we will communicate and work through those matters 9. Nothing more than that is required or even desirable. Malta will benefit from various sorts of institutions, so there is no advantage in our attempting to reach an overall consensus.

This point can, I would argue, be generalized to other social institutions in other contexts, including in Timisoara and Romania generally. The same approach, I have argued elsewhere, could and should be the basis of relations among nations. Das Projekt besticht durch die Umsetzung von sprachlichen Initiativen durch die Einbindung von lokalen Einrichtungen und Gemeinschaften. Their work addresses the needs of learners with diverse backgrounds and abilities and is based on formative situations: With 30 different activities, the festival gives them a taste of language learning by enabling each of them to take part in 6 workshops.

Students can take part in language games using ICT technologies. Many languages are being used during this event: The festival addresses the students from the 1st to the 6th form Technical, Vocational and Main stream as well as their teachers and the rest of the staff. Teachers noticed that the students were more eager to learn languages after such an event.

Moreover, the number of students going abroad to learn languages after the festival is increasing. According to the teacher in charge of the project Murielle Bachelart , this is the best reward they could expect from the event. Secondary school students mainstream, technical and vocational , teachers and all school staff Languages. Comment on the selection This multilingual and multicultural event helps pupils realise how important it is to learn different languages. During this day they can experience another way of learning languages, get in touch with new languages and meet natives and people with interesting language experiences.

Spreadthesign Spread the sign is an international Leonardo da Vinci project within transfer of innovation, which is supported by the European Commission through the Swedish International Programme Office of Education and Training. The partners worked with spreading sign language from different countries using the Internet. Only fantasy sets the limits of the use of this dictionary.

Between October and October we uploaded words from most vocational fields into the dictionary and enlarged its size. We also included sound as well as more 3D animations to the words. We also extended the languages in the dictionary beyond the EU. Spread the sign goes global.

Comment on the selection The project uses the spread sign language as the way of communication throughout the world and enables the students to travel and work abroad. During the project pupils communicated with each other with the help of foreign literature and produced translations of the texts in their mother tongue. Moreover, these children will not catch up with their peers during their academic development in regards to their level of literacy and will experience difficulties with other school subjects as well. The Reading Express mediates between people, and brings them into contact with one another by reading with and to each other.

The project aims to help children from 2 to 8 years old who have language problems, or who are expected to experience language problems in the future. Therefore, the main goal of this project is to improve the language skills of children. Moreover, this will hopefully result in children enjoying reading more, the language situation in their home will be enriched, and their parents will learn how to read to their children themselves.

The families who participate in this project experience difficulties with their Dutch language proficiency. The result of which is that the parents are unable, for whatever reason, to read to their children themselves, which causes means the children in these families fall behind in their educational development compared to their peers.

In this way, the volunteers aim to enhance the fun in reading for the children, they enrich the language situation in their home with reading materials, as well as socially and they work together with the parents to improve the language development of the children. Many families in socially mixed neighbourhoods mainly have contact with neighbours in the same social position. The Reading Express also aims to connect families to Dutch society.

In addition, the volunteers can also notice some problems or needs in the families themselves. Even though the volunteers are not social workers, they can assist the families in getting the help that they need. One way this can be done is by bringing relevant projects and facilities to the attention of the families through the volunteers. Comment on the selection The judges are impressed by the substantive results that this project has accomplished: One very noticeable effect of this project was that the number of books in the families grew.

Furthermore, the judges are also impressed by the thorough research that the organisation has done. Moreover, the project makes excellent use of volunteers and enhances the social cohesion in the cities. In addition to enhancing the language skills of the children, the project brings people from different socioeconomic backgrounds into contact with each other. This does not only enlarge the social life of the families and the volunteers, but also their cultural awareness. In conclusion, the impact of language is huge, especially when the children participating in this project are this young.

Leerlingen die kampen met leesproblemen zullen deze achterstand op school niet meer inlopen en bovendien steeds meer moeite krijgen met andere vakken Inspectie van het Onderwijs, De VoorleesExpress maakt het mogelijk dat stadsgenoten elkaar ontmoeten rondom het voorlezen. Het doel van de VoorleesExpress is het verbeteren van de taalvaardigheid van de kinderen. Daarnaast willen ze het plezier van de kinderen in het voor lezen vergroten, de taalomgeving in het huis verrijken en de ouders in staat stellen om zelf voor te lezen aan hun kinderen.

Het project richt zich op gezinnen waarbij kinderen van 2 tot 8 jaar een taalachterstand hebben, of waarbij het risico groot is dat de kinderen een taalachterstand ontwikkelen. De gezinnen die deelnemen aan de VoorleesExpress hebben moeite met de Nederlandse taal. De kinderen hebben achterblijvende schoolprestaties. De ouders ervaren drempels om zelf voor te lezen. Een VoorleesExpress-vrijwilliger introduceert het voorleesritueel bij het gezin thuis en geeft de ouders handvatten om het voorlezen een plekje te geven in het gezin.

Veel bewoners in kansarme en gemengde wijken hebben vooral contact met buurtbewoners met vergelijkbare sociale posities. Grote verschillen in inkomen en in opleiding blijken een drempel te vormen voor contact en identificatie. In de praktijk blijkt bovendien dat de VoorleesExpress gezinnen verbindt met de samenleving.

De vrijwilliger bouwt in de 20 weken een vertrouwensband op met het gezin, waardoor ouders mogelijke hulpvragen durven voor te leggen. Vrijwilligers signaleren soms ook zelf problemen en behoeften in het gezin. De VoorleesExpress wil van zijn vrijwilligers geen hulpverleners maken. Via de voorlezer kan de projectleider wel zorgen voor passend aanbod voor elk gezin. Gezinnen kunnen gewezen worden op relevante andere projecten en voorzieningen.

Opmerking over de selectie De jury prijst de organisatie voor het grote effect dat is bereikt: Een gevolg van het project is dat het boekenbezit in allochtone gezinnen wordt vergroot. De jury is onder de indruk van het grondige effectenonderzoek dat de organisatoren hebben verricht. Het project maakt uitstekend gebruik van vrijwilligers en bevordert de sociale cohesie in de stad.

Het opzetten van een dergelijk project is geen sinecure en de jury prijst de organisatie voor haar lef, doorzettingsvermogen en culturele sensitiviteit. De kracht van taal voor de jonge leeftijdsgroep is enorm: Dit is een mooi, compleet en inspirerend project dat het verdient te blijven groeien. Naast het vergroten van de taalvaardigheid van de kinderen, brengt het project personen van doorgaans verschillende sociaaleconomische achtergronden in contact met elkaar. Dit vergroot niet alleen de kennissenkring van zowel de vrijwilliger als de familie, maar ook het cultureel bewustzijn van beide.

Language skills as a preparation for work Linguistic and intercultural skills increase the chances of obtaining a better job. Multilingual people can choose among a wider range of job offers, including jobs abroad. Projects under this priority should be outstanding examples of teaching language skills as a preparation for work.

Research and teacher education for business and economics the added value of lifelong learning and interdisciplinary networking. Teachers, researchers, doctoral students, graduates of bachelor studies, with an interest in improving advanced, specific competences, relevant for career improvement and educational cascading Languages. English and synergies with other language and cultural environments Romanian, German, French Year of the Award. English on the move for key people The project has arisen in response to the need for a teaching approach that would provide an innovative method of learning the English language to replace the commonly used company training format.

Managers can actively participate without interfering with their regular work activities and can engage in the course activities and tasks even when they are out of town or travelling abroad on business. The Victoria Company di Romagnoli G. The initiative has been considered interesting for the following reasons: The partnership team was composed of language and vocational teachers, and administrators in vocational training institutions from seven different EU countries: It makes an appropriate use of technology, including the option for learners to download the files onto their iPod whilst on placements abroad.

The Eurocatering project was based on a clear needs analysis for vocational language and culture preparation for mobility in the catering sector. There is added value in the wide variety of languages on offer, including lesser used languages such as Galician. It had very clear objectives and results and is now being implemented very successfully.

Users are motivated to use the resource as it is easy to use and relevant to their vocational needs, in terms of both language and culture. It is very straightforward to use and can be easily demonstrated on College Open Days and the cartoon characters appeal to students. There is potential for transfer to other languages and other vocational sectors.

The subjects were the following: A few factors were the key to the success of the course. The women came voluntarily, after receiving an invitation from Efling. It turned out well to give the course to Polish women only. The variety of subjects also turned out positive and the course was interesting as well as enjoyable. Growing has now been held three times with the same good result. The experience has encouraged the union to run the same course for men as well in another language.

Comment on the selection This was a highly ambitious project, built on experience and professionalism. It aims at promoting the learning of less widely learned and spoken languages and contributing to develop a European identity based upon multilingualism and multiculturalism. The project offers four levels ranging from A1 to B2. It is available to Erasmus students and in the campus Europae network. Comment on the selection This project has proven to be of high quality with a very wide European dimension, readily transferable and it has a great impact on foreign language learning.

The combination of language learning and practical work in various fields is the basis to improve linguistic, professional and intercultural skills. All students are offered the opportunity to acquire a certain amount of international experience, which is especially valuable for those unable to participate in mobility programmes. Due to its great success and the constant interest among students and lecturers, the project is well established within the University of Applied Sciences and bears evidence of the good cooperation between the Centre of Foreign Languages and lecturers of all disciplines who collectively organise the project week.

Comment on the selection The jury emphasises that the project was designed to support students and the invited lecturers as well — by establishing networks between various European universities. The simulator trains common professional language expressions used in everyday border guard work.

The first version of the simulator recognised and assessed the quality of speech based on the full sentence i. The improvement of the programme shows the misused word in the sentence. Right now the language robot beta version has only one language English but the aim is to develop further and by the product should be available at least for 20 different languages. This means that the more users use it the more different accents and language preferences will be available, which will make it even easier for the teacher to manage different exercises.

The number of exercises is unlimited, therefore it can be used for many different tasks and professions in future. Comment on the selection All aspects in the project are associated with language learning learners, teachers, materials and methods and the needs of learners have been taken into account; it increases motivation for learning and teaching of languages; it represents real innovation and will serve for qualitative as well as for quantitative improvements; it has a European dimension and addresses linguistic diversity.

The project is important from the point of view of national as well as European security. Projekt on oluline nii rahvusliku kui ka Euroopa turvalisuse vaatepunktist. The project is designed for intermediate B2 and advanced C1 students containing activities originating from real life and work situations. Currently we are still working on the project to prepare new study materials and courses involving other areas of law and to implement the already existing modules into other European languages.

They created contacts with companies and learned more about the economic situation in their region. This project addresses not just the teachers and students of this Official School of Languages, but some other language schools in the area, educational centres, and its population as a whole.

The Workshop is grounded on the economic and cultural needs and peculiarities of the citizens in the area, and it provides added value to the lifelong training of both its native and its immigrant populations. The language school turns into an open space capable of making use of the resources directly available to improve the quality of the education offered.

The Workshop is an excellent activity aimed at fostering and improving the communication capabilities of the students, teaching staff and other inhabitants in the area, given that it is conducted in English, French and Spanish, with certain aspects in Portuguese, Romanian, Italian and Bable Asturian , and it is certainly open to the entire population of the region, other language schools and educational centres.

Other citizens who are not part of the school itself also take part in the cultural events and in arranging winery tours, embedded in the multilingual nature of the project. Winery tours, conferences, book presentations, wine tasting sessions and other activities are scheduled, and the organisers prepare the materials in the foreign languages accordingly. La Rioja General Sanjurjo, 4. The main project aim was to increase the quality of language competences in the German language of people working in the tourism sector, as well as the students entering the labour market.

The developed educational material is focused on thematic fields organised in three modules: The modules are developed in accordance with language levels of the CERF. The target group are especially workers, even students, in the tourism field - services, marketing and management working at various positions in hotels, pensions, restaurants and information centres. They can update their knowledge and competences in the German language according to their language level, their own choice of a topic, time of learning and pace.

Language learning based on new technologies Technology influences many aspects of our lives, language learning included: The creation and educational use of social networks also boosts the fostering of multilingual engagement and participation across boundaries, and represents a means to interact and to learn foreign languages. ADOK is available free of charge on the website http: Situations from daily professional life are simulated and this will have a positive effect on the motivation of the students. Computer-modified, animated and interactive learning material for the combined teaching of Control Technology and German language will be produced on the basis of authentic texts and diagrams.

Comment on the selection The project team is international and professional, with a system-based and integrated approach to the theme. The first year of collaboration was in the name of two main topics: Fair Trade and virtual training firms. A common questionnaire on Fair Trade was created and processed using Google Docs.

A lot of students consider the B. Comment on the selection Students used various methods of online communication and ICT tools which helped them increase their level of English language as well as digital competency. So it is also about the promotion of intercultural communication, the contribution of innovation in Dutch and French language learning in the school context and enhancing the innovative use of ICT. The project features two websites.

Each website offers free teaching tools on the Internet for people wanting to improve their knowledge of French or Dutch. Five thousand exercises are available on www. They are based on various themes from everyday and working life. The exercises also include factsheets covering grammar, vocabulary and communication situations — as well for beginners as advanced language learners.

It includes subtitles and it is free and available to all registered users. Comment on the selection This large-scale project based on authentic material is a very good example of cross-border collaboration. Zodoende gaat dit project ook over het bevorderen van interculturele communicatie, levert het een bijdrage aan de vernieuwing van het leren van het Nederlands en het Frans in een schoolse context en helpt het het vernieuwend gebruik van ICT te vergemakkelijken.

Het project heeft twee websites. Elke website biedt gratis onlineleermiddelen voor mensen die hun kennis van het Frans of het Nederlands willen verbeteren. De oefeningen bevatten eveneens praktische gegevens over grammatica, woordenschat en gesprekssituaties zowel voor beginners als gevorderden. De toelichtingen zorgen ervoor dat de lerende vooruitgang kan maken.

Het materiaal bevat ondertitels, het is gratis en beschikbaar voor alle geregistreerde gebruikers. Toelichting bij de selectie Dit grootschalig project dat gebaseerd werd op authentiek materiaal is een zeer goed voorbeeld van grensoverschrijdende samenwerking. De website is gratis en beschikbaar voor iedereen die zijn praktische kennis van het Frans of het Nederlands wil opfrissen of her activeren.

In Vlaanderen was het ELL-thema in De Vlaamse jury selecteerde dit project omwille van het groot aantal beschikbare materialen die gratis aangeboden worden, de sterkte qua didactiek, de aansluiting bij de leerplannen en de brede partnergroep die eraan werkt. Cooler World The international project entitled Cooler World was implemented from August 1, to July 31, , with the financial support of the Lifelong Learning Programme, the subprogramme Comenius - School Partnerships.

It was aimed at sustainability, environment, European citizenship and improving knowledge and skills in using new information and communication technologies, as well as at improving communication in foreign languages. Each participating school created also its own IT centre, where students and teachers of the schools can prepare for example various international school projects. The schools participated in the project using the newest information and communication technology for their mutual communication as well as for the development of the project outputs.

Skype meetings were organised approximately once a month. During the project, each school created an IT centre where the teachers and students could mutually cooperate, for example in preparation of various international school projects. Using the new ICT for communication between teachers and students in English language, as well as for creation of the project results, supported developing their communication skills significantly, developed a lasting international network of the project partners. Skype, Ning, eTwinning, Google. Learning English the Easy way Having operated as an English language school for the last decade, Easy School of Languages has gained a sterling reputation over the years for its innovative way of teaching English to its clientele.

Having been awarded the European Language Label award in , Easy School will continue to thrive in learning about, and using, new initiatives in the field of teaching languages and exchanging this knowledge and good practices with other European institutions. Adult students from different countries in the world whose age range from 18 to 90 years old Languages. Comment on the selection Nowadays, technology is an integral feature of our daily routine as it influences many aspects of our lives.

Innovative teaching, through technology, is seen as crucial in motivating and inspiring students to keep learning, even in their adulthood. This is especially true when teaching multilingual classrooms, given that it is very challenging for teachers to lecture students who do not share a common mother tongue. Therefore it is important that teachers adapt their techniques in order to take this diversity into account and respect it, in order to provide learners with the best possible communication and grammar skills in the target language.

InteractiFLE gives access to online resources that could be downloaded on their website: Their activity falls in the Web 2. The project website is simple and user friendly, and the pedagogical offer is clear. The ISPY project developed a new online platform to support the study of foreign languages. The project partnership created teaching and studying materials, individual or in groups, for widely used foreign languages such as English, Spanish and German and also including less widely used and taught languages like Romanian, Polish and Dutch. The ISPY methodology is therefore based on games and electronic support making the materials accessible online and offline which stimulates and motivates students to learn and practice foreign languages.

The initial stage of the project was represented by research meant to identify and present the tradition and specificities of foreign language study in each of the project countries. This game is to be uploaded on the Moodle platform of the project where teachers can then add complementary materials depending on the language level of the students. ISPY introduces flexible and easily transferable modern products. In conclusion, ISPY promotes innovation and creativity. Moreover, it supports further innovation for all the students and teachers involved. Comment on the selection The ISPY project creates an interactive platform of language learning activities games which addresses both educators and students and allows a constant update of information so that it suits new beneficiaries.

ISPY is an innovative project mainly due to the wide range of aspects it approaches for its activities and final outcomes. Teaching languages through ISPY resources involves the transfer of aspects related to language, culture and society. The Scuola Media Enrico Fermi is a bilingual school, split The aim of the project is to develop, test and evaluate approaches and methods for language teaching and learning using ICT. It is now being adapted for use at secondary school level.

  1. paramyxovirus-partikeln im kot: Topics by www.newyorkethnicfood.com.
  2. Download e-book for iPad: Studies in Second Language Acquisition of Chinese by Dr. ZhaoHong Han.
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Here, new ICT methods combine formal and non formal learning, offer an attractive personal learning environment, and thus improve both motivation and results. Participation, multifunctionality and proximity to the learning process are thus key to the success of the project, because they make students more willing to learn. This then translates into greater progress. Comment on the selection This project combines formal and non formal learning and uses digital media in a creative way to teach languages. Neue Methoden der IKT verbinden dabei formales und non-formales Lernen, gestalten den individuellen Lernprozess attraktiv und steigern somit die Lernmotivation und die Lernergebnisse.

Linguaswap — Second level language swapping Linguaswap. Wicklow and has been used by students to develop their language skills through links with students in schools in Germany, France, Spain and in the future with other countries. Linguaswap offers a database for students who are learning languages and who would like to link via video chat with others to swap their languages online.

Members can browse and choose chat buddies from the relevant countries. The service is monitored and screened by registered teachers. They can now practise what they have learned in class with real people of their own age. Comment on the selection The Linguaswap project provides a safe and supportive environment for students to practice and improve their language skills.

There are several languages involved in this project: English, French, German and Spanish. There are plans to include other languages in the future, e. The project meets the needs of the learners, enabling them to become more fluent and gain in confidence in the languages they are learning. It is particularly useful for students in their preparations for oral examinations.

There are approximately participants. This project encourages students to use their languages beyond the four walls of their language classroom. Creativity and originality are hallmarks of this project. The four teachers involved in this project are very enthusiastic and so are the students. Linguaswap is moderated and monitored by the teachers who continue to successfully disseminate this project.

The highlights of this exchange project are the visits to meet each other in person, with the students staying with their project partners. This work extends beyond the classroom. The student group is working for six months with their Spanish partners, and contact continues in their free time outside of school. Dadurch erleben sie hautnah das Leben in einer spanischen bzw. Das Endprodukt ist eine gemeinsame Webseite: Hinter dieser Webseite steckt viel kreative und lustvolle Arbeit, die ansteckt und sich positiv auf den Spracherwerb auswirkt.

Le produit final est une page internet commune http: Il punto forte dello scambio sono le visite reciproche. Lo scambio non si limita al contesto scolastico: The product covers the syllabus in grammar and vocabulary on B2 level of the CEFR in ten modules developing the following major skills: The communication between the tutor and their students is carried out within the platform using the forums, chat rooms, messages and blogs. The feedback is given automatically upon submission. Distance learning has gradually been gaining ground.

But above all, this is due to the fact that the learners assume responsibility for their own tuition. The diverse activities boost their imagination and expand their horizons and they develop skills for life. Thus in the long run they will become autonomous and will take the responsibility for their personal development in their own hands. Secondary school students sitting the final state exam in English; teachers, coaching students for the final state exam; Bulgarian students living abroad, contemplating Bulgarian Diploma for Secondary Education Languages.

It is entirely designed on the basis of new information technologies. It is adapted to the needs of the target group of students and provides an individual approach to language training. My schools network The University of Applied Sciences in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, has a regional network of schools with whom they cooperate intensively. Especially the remoteness of the schools in the northern part of Friesland was reason to investigate if digital tools could be used to broaden the horizons of their students. The focus of this project was to connect remote areas in North Vietnam.

Both projects seemed to be ideal to combine. The already existing infrastructure of MSN could be filled with schools in the Netherlands, as well as schools abroad, especially schools in the remote areas, to give students the opportunity to work on their linguistic abilities as well as their citizenship competences via digital means. In total, 12 classes of 8 different secondary schools received accounts for MSN and got some time to get to know the programme. Students had three weeks to work on their story. They could ask for help by asking students from different countries via the MSN, as well as students from the teacher training.

After another three weeks, the definitive version of their story had to be uploaded, after which the personal coaches students wrote their judgement on the base of the CEFR. Their judgement was sent to the teacher, who put these results in the student administration.

For the students of the teacher training, online coaching is an obligatory subject. In this subject, the CEFR, rubrics and analysis of mistakes are being taught. On 24 April, all participating students, teachers and nominees were invited for the festive award ceremony, and to join an exciting online battle. Comment on the selection This is a large project that joins students from the Netherlands with students abroad.

The project coordinators have built an impressive organisation by using minimal means. The network is very reliable. The project is easily transferable and is being implemented in Belgium.

The judges admire the rich and lifelike supply that is created for the students. Vanuit met name de scholen uit het noorden van Friesland de zogenaamde Waddencampus kwam een aantal jaren geleden het verzoek om een impuls te geven aan intercultureel en verbindend onderwijs met behulp van digitale middelen. Rond die tijd waren een aantal docenten en studenten druk doende het sociale leernetwerk MySchoolsNetwork MSN te ontwikkelen naar aanleiding van een ontwikkelingsproject in het uiterste noorden van Vietnam.

Ook hier lag de focus op het verbinden van afgelegen gebieden. Een en ander bleek heel goed te combineren. De bestaande infrastructuur van MSN kon verder gevuld worden met scholen in binnen- en buitenland met name in de eerder genoemde afgelegen gebieden om zo leerlingen de kans te bieden in een authentieke setting aan hun taalvaardigheden en burgerschapscompetenties te werken. Tegelijkertijd was er bij de lerarenopleiding al geruime tijd behoefte aan uitbreiding van de mogelijkheden om studenten MVT aan hun taalbegeleidingsvaardigheden te laten werken.

Tijdens stages ligt de nadruk veelal op classroommanagement en didactische voorbereiding terwijl de vakbegeleidingsvaardigheden minder aandacht krijgen dan zou moeten. In ons project hebben we geprobeerd de twee doelgroepen als volgt te bedienen. Het project had de vorm van een wedstrijd waarbij het erom ging welke leerling het mooiste, origineelste verhaal met de mooiste bijbehorende illustraties zou maken.

Leerlingen hadden vervolgens 3 weken de tijd om aan hun conceptverhaal te werken.