
How to Create Your Own eBook

MOBI is a descendant of a format used on the old Palm handheld devices. This lets you export from Word files, or any other format OpenOffice can open, as well as the native Open Document Format. Apple provides a couple of options for Mac users. You can even use it to edit existing EPUB documents. Another approach is to use a separate application, on your computer or on the web, for conversion. This is a little more complicated, but you can get more options and better conversions. It also makes a great ebook reader. You can do the conversion online with Online-Convert.

Just make sure to back everything up first. These are just some of the ways to generate ebook files. There are just a few more steps to making it into a top-quality ebook. Taking these steps makes the difference between a hasty piece of work and a polished one. Or to put it another way, between a book that only your most dedicated fans will buy and one that will grab a wider audience. People do judge a book by its cover, whether they should or not. Seeing a bare title or an amateur illustration will discourage readers. Make it one that looks exciting and professional.

Unless you have a graphic artist in your family, you should expect to pay for the work. Your distributor may include cover design as part of its services. Suggest a few possibilities. Maybe a good photograph of you with a sugar glider on your shoulder? A stylized drawing is another possibility, if your designer has the artistic skill.

The designer may give you several sketches to choose from and suggest some more ideas. Take a little time to think about how your potential readers will react to the cover. The right one means more sales. For a cheap DIY option have a look at Snappa. Being your own publisher is enough. At the very least, a skilled human proofreader needs to go over your book.

If possible, you should get a copy editor. If you do your own conversion, pay attention to any warnings the software gives you. Whether you run it yourself or the distributor handles the conversion, read the resulting file carefully. View it on a couple of devices with different screen sizes. The conversion might not handle everything properly. Make sure everything looks right. Your distributor may offer some useful extras. Creating a small print run or offering a print-on-demand option can be attractive. Hardcover and saddle-stitch binding are expensive in tiny print runs. Without DRM, they can keep and read the book as long as they want with any compatible application.

With it, the book might someday become unreadable due to software changes. DRM is only a minor inconvenience to serious pirates. So you are probably better off not getting DRM. Not all distributors use it. Some that do, like Amazon KDP, let you opt out. It has a good cover.

Outright rejection is unlikely but possible. If the distributor declines your book, figure out the reason. Maybe you can fix the problem or demonstrate there was a mistake. If not, you can try again with someone else. After a reasonable period, your book should be up for sale! To do that, you have to let people know about it and persuade them to buy it.

As a self-publisher, you have to do nearly all the marketing yourself. The place to start is your blog. Once the book is out, write a blog entry giving your readers the great news. Thank them for their support and give them a discount code. People are more likely to buy when you make them feel special. Put a conspicuous permanent link to your book on your site, with a thumbnail of the cover. If you have a mailing list which is distinct from the blog, mention it there also.

Give the mailing list readers a different discount code from the blog. In general, spread discount codes around as much as you can, and use a different one for each promotion.

How To Create & Sell An Online Class Or eBook! - Step-by-Step Tips

That will give you feedback on which ones are working best. Social media promotions are another big part of your strategy. Use the cover image. Mention the book repeatedly, but space the mentions out. Be persistent but not annoying. Find ways to reach them. Forums and mailing lists are appropriate places to mention your book. Here, even more than other places, you have to mention it as part of a discussion, not as begging people to buy.

Give credit to people in the community wherever you can. Encourage people to review the book. The keys are planning and commitment. Start the project recognizing it will require you to invest time and money. And it should boost your recognition in your field. Screenshots courtesy of the editor. In theory, getting more readers sounds simple. Not only do ebooks help give your brand some much-deserved credibility and establish you as an expert among your competition.

For these reasons, anyone running an online business ought to learn how to create an ebook. Follow these steps, and anyone can create a killer ebook on any budget. Get the free eBook design worksheet here! For us, ebooks are primarily a source of lead generation. We often use our ebooks as lead magnets and give them away for free as a way to entice people to sign up for our mailing list, and as a way to more formally introduce them to our brand. Not only do these help us draw people into our sales funnel, but depending on what ebook someone downloads, it helps us segment each new lead.

This also gives us invaluable information about what our audience is looking for and what they want from us.

Create an Ebook: The Complete Guide

Due to the low-cost nature of ebooks, online businesses stand to generate a significant return on investment from just one ebook. One foolproof method is selling digital products like ebooks. While you can potentially spend hundreds of dollars to hire a professional graphic designer, or a copywriter to create your ebook for you, the good news is that if you have a little time and energy to spare, you can create an ebook entirely for free.

No matter what your budget is, here are some tools you can use to create your own ebook from scratch. Word is still the standard, and the most powerful option, but Google Docs has come a long way, and can create some very sophisticated text documents. It also features a bunch of helpful templates for you to use. Here are some cool tools you can use to help you design your own ebook cover. For serious graphic designers out there, these popular, yet expensive, pieces of software are all you need to design an amazing looking ebook. You can even pay for a license by the month these days.

Remember, when it comes to hiring a graphic designer, make sure to clearly define your specific needs for this project. Be upfront about the costs and what you expect, otherwise you might end up getting burned. At Foundr, we have our own in-house graphic designer who helps us create our ebooks, along with any other design materials we need. However, remember that you do get what you pay for and the talent pool can range greatly.

It always help if you can get a friend to recommend a particular designer to you.

The Best Way to Create an Ebook for Every Budget | Foundr

A fantastic service for anyone looking for a quick turnaround. Another option to find yourself a great graphic designer would be to check out Upwork. You can even use Upwork to find yourself a copywriter, or a professional editor to give your text a once-over as well, if you have the budget for it. In case you have some additional needs not met with the above, here are some extra resources you can use to create an ebook. Calibre is a free program designed to help you organize the ebooks in your collection.

Another feature that might help you with writing your own ebook is that it allows you to download content from your website and export it in ebook-friendly format. On a similar note, if you happen to have some high-performing blog posts that you particularly like, you can easily turn them into an ebook lead magnet with this handy little tool called Beacon. We occasionally use it at Foundr for some of our blog posts to create simple cheatsheets or checklists, rather than full-fledged ebooks.

Similar to Beacon, Designrr allows you to easily convert a blog post into an ebook, and it even comes with easy-to-use templates and features that allow you to edit and tweak the design of your ebook. Make sure to check out some of these sites for free-to-use images for your ebook, in order to give it more of a visual appeal. While we prefer using Clickfunnels at Foundr, you can also use other services like Leadpages or Unbounce to create your own landing pages.

How To Create A High-Converting Ebook From Start to Finish For Every Budget

While you can make it so your ebook is downloadable from a cloud service like Google Drive or Dropbox, we personally prefer using AmazonS3, as it gives us a better ability to track how many people are downloading our ebooks. The first step is to take a very careful look at who your audience is.

Another way to figure out what topics your audience might be interested in would be to check out what your competitors are doing. You can pull up a list of their top-performing articles and get a good idea of what kind of topics your audience is into.

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  • Create an Ebook: The Complete Guide;
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  • Writing Your Ebook.

Are you using it as a part of your sales funnel? Are you going to potentially start selling it? For example, at Foundr, for our Instagram Domination 2. Maybe you need to cut three chapters to shorten your story. Perhaps your title is misleading. Create the cover art. Cover art is going to be a big selling point for your book.

Even in an online marketplace, people judge books by the cover. Or, if you or a friend know how to design, you can take a stab at it. Your cover should be exciting and related to the theme of your story. Look at the covers of your favorite books for inspiration. Notice what the cover says about the book. Prepare your eBook for self-publishing online.

You can easily upload your manuscript to the KDP program and begin to sell copies. Kindle Direct Publishing will accept a variety of file formats when uploading. Kindle uses a Mobi format to output the eBook so that eReaders can read it. Use can use a program like Calibre to convert your manuscript to Mobi or ePub before uploading if you wish. Decide on your format. These formats allow readers to adjust the size of the text in an eReader. This format is good for text-heavy books. This format preserves the qualities of a printed page. Choose how to publish on Amazon.

Amazon has a few eBook publishing options. The standard is the KDP service. Though both are free to upload.

You also have the option to make your book free or discounted for five days. You will have to read and agree to the terms of service. Once completed you will have a publishing account. The details allow you to specify if the book is part of series, book type, pricing, etc. You can add you ISBN code if you have one.

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But it is not needed with Amazon. Amazon encourages you to add up to two categories to get better exposure. Search for books like yours and see which categories these books have used. You can also add up to seven keywords to make your book show up better in a search. Finally, upload your cover.

Amazon allows you to choose if you want to enable digital rights management DRM or not. Enabling DRM makes it harder for others to copy and share your work without you earning payment. You can see how your book will look on a variety of devices from a Kindle to an iPhone to a browser window. You should look over your book in all these options to make sure everything is how you want it. You will now have the option to price your book. Amazon will also give you an option for royalty percentage.

You get the marketing benefits and ability to discount your book for a time. This fee is usually 15 cents per megabyte. Once you pick your royalty options, you are finished and your book is now available! Congratulations, you are a published author. If you have people in your life that you trust to read and edit your book, I would go to them.

If not, I would suggest submitting your book to multiple editors, and if you really feel like the changes they are making are bad for your book, then don't make those changes. Keep in mind that even the most talented and skilled writers still use editors. You need a second and perhaps third, fourth, etc. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 0. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other.

By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. If you prefer, you can find a service that will format your book for you for a fee, since reformatting your eBook can get complicated. So if you choose to upload there, you will have to convert your manuscript if you had it in another format.