
The Ultimate Discipline

I am doing it to practice my discipline. I know that when I do this, my whole day is more productive.


As soon as I break the routine then everything else goes with it. I want to become a better writer and be in top physical condition so these two things are critical for me to practice. So not only am I improving my discipline, but also I am improving in the two areas that I mentioned. Exercise in particular is so darn straight forward. If I want a good workout I am going to have to push myself to a limit that feels uncomfortable.

I will want to quit, but by not quitting I am increasing my fitness but also increasing my discipline. One of my clients has lost 60 pounds and people always ask her how she did it.

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People always want to find a shortcut around working hard, but those results tend to be fleeting. If you truly want to change your life for good, you gotta put in the work. Fitness is a great place to start with this: The process of making a physical transformation totally changed my life.

It left me feeling unstoppable! Here is a blog post I wrote about what it meant for me to enter a figure competition at age 42 and win two trophies! It was NOT just about transforming my outsides! I decided to make it the hardest thing I could think of.

I had read about Impossible Abs on the […]. Physical fitness is the ultimate discipline. It can help stave off the effects of aging on the brain, and improve cognitive function. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem.

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Return to Book Page. Preview — Self-Discipline by John Collins. They are only men who were given an opportunity to take on a life changing challenge that would elevate them mentally and physically for the rest of their lives. In Basic SEAL Training they are given a choice every day to quit and end the hardship of training or to forge on and become unbeatable.

Through self-discipline they have attained strength of will and a winner's mindset. Quitting is not an option. What could you do with an unwavering level of self-discipline? Kindle Edition , 45 pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Self-Discipline , please sign up. Lists with This Book.

Why Discipline In Your Life Brings The Ultimate Freedom | Thought Catalog

This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jun 14, Jeff Lamb rated it really liked it. However, it related well to the everyday person. Well written, easy read, short. Dec 06, Vaishnavi Ramesh Jayaraman rated it it was amazing. Exercising and eating right gives me the freedom to test myself and expand my horizons both physically and mentally. The only way I was able to do it was by putting in hours and hours of work on the trails and in the gym. Maybe you would like to lose ten pounds or play games with your kids. We all need to be able to move through this world without fear of injury.

Having the discipline to question your own viewpoints while listening to the opposing views of others gives you the freedom to learn and grow. Holding steadfast to a position can lead to ruin.

The Ultimate Discipline Guide

There is no reason to tie our self-worth into any position. Look at the research on nutrition, there are so many opposing viewpoints on what is good for you and it constantly changes. To do this you need the discipline to test your ideas and always be curious. Search out information that conflicts with your opinions and try to understand it. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: It is not easy to be disciplined in life and I struggle with it daily. There are many times I would rather sit on the couch and mindlessly watch TV instead of sticking to my plan but I know in the long game this will not serve me.

Motivation can only get you so far. Changing your life and achieving your goals takes hard work and it starts with discipline.