
Carol of the Birds

Go ahead, read it, it's a nice book.

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Kate Douglas Wiggin wrote Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm along with many other book, this little book one of them. A wonderful story of a little girl, Carol, born on Christmas day. Feb 20, Connie Harkness rated it it was amazing. This book means Christmas to me. It will always be linked with my favorite memories of my mother.

One thing not mentioned in the other reviews is the beautiful pictures. I think this book may be what made such a reader out of me. Dec 02, Krista the Krazy Kataloguer rated it it was amazing Shelves: Typical Victorian "girl dies young and virtuous" story. Get out the box of Kleenex. A sweet but melancholy story about a kind-hearted little girl at Christmas time who gives some wonderful gifts to some poor children.

Santa Claus is mentioned and the children believe in him. A child lets out a rebellious howl and the mother decides not to hit her on Christmas day. I also have hundreds of detailed reports that I offer too. These reports giv A sweet but melancholy story about a kind-hearted little girl at Christmas time who gives some wonderful gifts to some poor children.

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These reports give a complete break-down of everything in the book, so you'll know just how clean it is or isn't. It centers around Carol Bird--originally destined to be named Lucy until she arrived unexpectedly on Christmas. She grows to be an exceptionally happy, loving, and generous girl--despite the fact that she is diagnosed with an unspecified illness at age five and is bedridden by the time she is ten. As the story says, "perhaps because she was born in holiday time, c The Birds' Christmas Carol is a very sweet short novel written by Kate Douglas Wiggin and illustrated by Katharine R.

As the story says, "perhaps because she was born in holiday time, carol was a very happy baby Carol manages to teach her family and readers alike that it really is better to give than to receive. Her fondest wish is to prepare a gala Christmas celebration for the nine Ruggles children who live in a small house behind her own. She finds a way to earn her own money to provide a Christmas dinner that the children will never forget as well as presents the likes of which they have never seen.

While the story is primarily a moral tale about a very angelic child with an incredibly giving heart , it also features some very humorous scenes--particularly when the Ruggles matriarch is attempting to prepare her large brood for their first fine social occasion. Even though it is tinged with sadness at the end, this is a truly lovely story--entirely suitable to the Christmas season.

This was first posted on my blog My Reader's Block. Please request permission before reposting. This was a short sweet, tender novella. It brought tears to my eyes. Carol was born on Christmas, and brought joy to all around her.

The Birds' Christmas Carol

She became ill, and was bed ridden, but she shared all she had with others. There was a large family with nine children, living behind her families large home. Carol read books to them, and she shared her hundreds of books. She invited the nine children to her home for a Christmas dinner, and bought presents for each of them, with money she had earned, and her fami This was a short sweet, tender novella. She invited the nine children to her home for a Christmas dinner, and bought presents for each of them, with money she had earned, and her family added to it.

I loved this book as a child. I still own my copy, but it's falling apart, so I was thrilled to find out the Kindle edition is free the book is now public domain. This is basically a very short novella about a little girl who is born on Christmas day, becomes sickly around age five, and dies before she can reach her teens. She spends her entire life bringing joy to her family and doing as much good as a young girl can do from her bedroom reading to the neighbor children from her balcony, loani I loved this book as a child.

She spends her entire life bringing joy to her family and doing as much good as a young girl can do from her bedroom reading to the neighbor children from her balcony, loaning books to the hospital, etc. What turns out to be her final wish is throwing a grand Christmas dinner party for her neighbors, the Ruggles family, which consists of nine poor Irish children. With a little help from her parents, uncle, and maids, Carol throws the grandest party the children have ever attended, and the last she will ever attend herself.

It's kind of a morbidly sad book, but it has a sweet message. I am happy to say I enjoyed it at 27 as much as I did at Dec 25, Alisa rated it it was amazing. Sometimes I'm terribly disappointed when I re-read childhood favorites. This is the bittersweet story of the 11th Christmas of Miss Carol Bird, an invalid with a heart of gold.

Carol of the Birds

She decides to forego Christmas gifts from her family to make another family's Christmas the best ever. The Ruggleses in the Rear, all nine of them, enjoy an extra-festive Christmas courtesy of Carol. My favorite scene is Sometimes I'm terribly disappointed when I re-read childhood favorites. My favorite scene is when Mrs.

Ruggles attempts to impart dinner party manners in a brief lesson. As when I was a child, I loved the catalogues of food and gifts. OK, it's schmaltzy, but in a good way, at least for me. I didn't like this any better than I did when I first read it as a youngster. I've always liked Victorian Kid Lit, but this one didn't do a thing for me despite its moments of humor. I reread it because I'd recently read Mother Carey's Chickens by the same author, a b I didn't like this any better than I did when I first read it as a youngster.

I reread it because I'd recently read Mother Carey's Chickens by the same author, a book which I simply loved it. I was hoping that my indifference towards this book had been due to reading it at too young an age. But my first impression hasn't changed. View all 3 comments. Feb 01, Pemberley rated it it was amazing.

A classic Christmas tale that has been a traditional read in my family for generations. You can't beat the Ruggles' children for their joy of life or their mother for her McGrillness! It is a story that begins and ends at Christmas, the most joyous time of the year. Obviously, I highly recommend it, but I can never get through it without crying. Sure, but the better for it. Sometimes it takes a sweet, little book to remind us what is special and dear about the Holiday season. I enjoyed this book, it made me cry and made me appreciate what I have to be thankful for.

I'd like to be remembered as a "Christmas Carol! Kevin Cole Kevin Cole is an award-winning musical director, arranger, composer, vocalist and archivist who garnered the praises of Irving Berlin , Harold Arlen , E. Lizzie Bird Kathryn Pawloski. Ned Bird Eric A. Louise Bird Mikki Green. Jack Bird Cameron Pichan. Phillip Bird Aidan Montgomery. Carol Bird Jessica Goik. Benjamin Bird Cameron Plarske.

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Hugh Bird Brady Warsaw. Rebeca Ruggles Betsy Miller. Ve cantant el puput: Picots i borroners volen entre els fruiters cantant llurs alegries; la guatlla i el cucut de molt lluny han vingut per contemplar el Messies. La garsa, griva o gaig diuen: Ara ve el maig! Tot arbre reverdeix, tota branca floreix com si fos primavera.

The Birds' Christmas Carol by Kate Douglas Wiggin

El xot i el mussol al veure eixir el sol confosos se retiren. They go to celebrate Him With their delicate voices.

Carol of the Birds

The imperial eagle flies high in the sky, singing melodically, saying, " Jesus is born To save us all from sin And to give us joy. The wren sang For the glory of the Lord, Inflating with fantasy; The canary follows: Its music sounds like A great song from Heaven.