
A Warriors Guide to the Spiritual Battlefield

Courage is the fuel. Healing is the direction. Forgiveness is the balm. Love is the atmosphere Divine. There were many types of martyrdoms, spiritual as well as physical ones; visible and invisible, the block took on many forms and could be encountered anywhere, any time. Bucchianeri, Vocation of a Gadfly. When we step out of our protective shell, we each encounter forces much more powerful than we are. Your blood on the cross , Jesus, has paid the price for my sins.

If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin 1 John 1: Father God, thank You that Jesus was obedient to Your plan and willingly shed His blood to provide my redemption and defeat the enemy.

I know that His blood is precious and powerful. As I apply the blood of Jesus over myself and my loved ones, I am declaring to the enemy that he cannot violate that boundary. I give You praise for the protection we have through the blood of Christ. Jesus, I have peace beyond comprehension because of what You accomplished on the cross for me. Help me to stand secure with my feet protected by the good news that You have already prepared and secured for me.

Because I have peace with You and from You, I am able to not only stand strong but to walk forward against the enemy and take back territory he has stolen from us all. Thank You also that You have given me faith and have grown my faith in Your Word. Lord, help me to put on the helmet of salvation to protect my head and mind each day by remembering all You have saved me from, including the lies of the enemy. Enable me to remember only what You say about me and not what the enemy wants me to believe.

Thank You that Your helmet of salvation protects me from warfare in my mind. Your salvation gives me everything I need in order to live successfully. I will remember Your faithfulness at all times. Teach me to not only know Your truth, but to live in it. Help me to take up the sword of the Spirit every day, for Your Word not only protects me from the enemy, but it is my greatest weapon against him.

Enable me to always pray as Your Spirit leads me, and to keep on praying as long as I should. Teach me to be the strong and unshakeable prayer warrior You want me to be so I can accomplish Your will. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. LORD, help me to understand what my spiritual weapons are and to become proficient in the use of them. Grow my faith to believe You and Your Word without doubt. I know that as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are Your ways higher than my ways, and Your thoughts higher than my thoughts Isaiah The word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Help me to ask according to Your leading, seek to understand Your will, and knock on the doors You want opened. Enable me to keep asking, keep seeking, and keep knocking and not give up. I worship You above all things. Lord, help me to engage with You in prayer every day in a powerful and effective way.

I want to see Your will done on the earth, so I commit to hear Your call to pray for people and situations as You lead me. Thank You that You have given me protective armor, powerful weapons, and the promise that You are always with me. I know time is growing short because the enemy knows he has only a short time left to accomplish his evil plans. Help me to always keep that in mind as I continue to pray for Your will to be accomplished.

I commit to praying and leaving the answers in Your hands to accomplish in Your way, in Your time, and according to Your will. I had been agnostic for the last years. I have reverted to Christianity because of this research, as odd as that may sound. I do however, believe in evolution, the big bang, billions of years of the universe etc.

I just believe it was started by a higher power. Now why would I believe that? Do you know how coo-coo that makes me sound? How can I have such a logical reasoning for most of my experience of life and deem this as the answer to the biggest mystery of our existence? I apologize for the lengthy, even unnecessary autobiography. Is there anything you can help me with? This truly is the most confusing time of life and it seems every answer produces 10 more questions.

I appreciate your work, much love!

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Interesting what you say about liking the company of scientists etc. It is often said that Warriors and Scholars have a surprising natural affinity. They complement each other well — Warriors are physical and proactive while Scholars are cerebral and detached, but both dislike wasting their time with imprecise data and nonsensical ideas. You are clearly seeking for deeper truths that can explain many things.

This is very typical of anyone who has what in this framework is called a goal of Growth: I too have this goal and certainly my life has been similarly driven by a constant search for hidden truths. I have no idea what yours is, though I would imagine it to be along the lines of making choices to do with achieving success using your competitive, combative strengths. The main takeaway is: I am most certainly a Warrior myself. Even down to the physical features. I knew I had some sort of warrior spirit before I stumbled onto this website today.

Once I learned that I was naturally aggressive and competitive I began to discover ways of harnessing my aggression for the things that I believed in, which were and have always been fighting for the good and helpless Even before I started becoming more religious. So I kept up with a physical regiment in the gym as well as started to train in F. T or Fierce Israeli guerilla hand to hand tactics. It completely put me in my element. I noticed it gave me great joy and purpose again.

Which as a result calmed my aggression and temper. So needless to say I am a persuasion type of warrior. Funny enough my fate came to me in a dream. I was a freshman in college studying criminal justice as my major when one night I had a dream that I was a soldier wearing body armor with an orange cloudy backdrop. The orange cloudy backdrop was clearly a desert environment like the Middle East. As fate would have it, an Army recruiter called the next day.

Which by the way had never happened before. Even more interesting I never had even thought about the military as an option for the future. It seemed right so I signed up that same day for Army Infantryman 11B.

Ephesians 6:11

Now with a 15 and 12 month tour in iraq under my belt. Life changing stories aside, once you find out what you are, you can harness it to do what you believe in. I have recently become more religious and it has only seated my beliefs in fighting for what is good in the world. I am most certainly a man of action and believe that nothing is more satisfying than teaching somebody through action instead of words. As those with a warrior spirit know it oddly comes naturally and once you realize what you are, it can be taken to new heights.

Most of my Warrior soul buddies including myself that have left the army have began to question rules and peoples intentions. Perhaps not on the level of Tanner but are certainly looking at things from a different angle. Hopefully this was informative for those wanting to learn the warrior soul and perhaps a relief to those seeking answers. Society seems to have all the answers like counseling, medicine, and religion to deal with people with warrior souls. Which often lands us in trouble with society.

Basically your not hurting anybody by reading a book or being naturally talented with electronics. I know that when I have a question about electronics one of my friends who is a scholar through and through is always there to educate me. So often they will put on a front so as not to be walked on.

I encourage her to better stand up for herself and she encourages me to be humane and remain on the positive pole of my soul. Especially because of how new and accurate the information is to me. My significant other is a Warrior Mature level 3. I always wondered how the theatre aspect and a warrior soul fit together, but I understand now.

But perhaps I am over thinking it. Also a few years ago I met a psychic who told me about some of my past lives apparently I have been a polar bear many times, I was also a soldier and at one point a servant in a royal household. Just wondering if you can shed light on any of that and whether they indicate I truly am a warrior?

A War of Spirit Collectible Guide (Hyrule Warriors Switch 2018)

What sort of face do you think most resembles your own? They are very common occupations, globally and historically! Think of what sort of activities and skills seem to come naturally to you, more than they do for a lot of other people. Of the following seven descriptions, , which sounds most like you:. Nurturing, assisting, caring 2. Thinking out of the box, tinkering, imagining or re-imagining 3. Taking on challenges, competitive games, confronting wrong-doing 4. Observing, studying, learning 5. Being witty, crowd-pleasing, telling stories 6. Coaching, counselling, motivating others 7. Leading, commanding, uniting others around you.

How do you think others see you? How would they most likely describe you if they are being honest? Which of these, , fits best? Very helpful, but can also be a bit of a moaner 2. Creative, but can also be a bit of an airy-fairy fantasist 3. Proactive, but can also be pushy or aggressive at times 4.

Brainy, but can also be nerdy and a bit boring 5. Entertaining, but can also be a bit of an attention-seeking missile 6. Uplifting to be with, but can also be a bit preachy and morally superior 7. Extremely competent, but can also be intolerant of others who are less competent.

Please can you break down what soul each number signifies? This is actually a great quiz just asked some friends to do it for themselves — you should make it into a post and then hyperlink to the soul type page each answer correlates to. Thanks Barry — absolutely love this blog. Since recently discovering it I have trawled through all the pages. I am both full of admiration and gratitude. I just wanted to tell the story of my journey as a person and see if anybody can try and make sense of it and tell me what type of soul is really mine.

I was raised by overnurturing parents, though most of my time as a pre-teen I spent home alone because they worked to death to give me a decent home. I was always the loser type. This manifested in my adolescence as social anxiety. I was still a tool and I avoided social interaction even subconciously I spoke really fast and mumbled which made interaction even more difficult.

I was never a good athlete nor the best student. When I graduated high school I felt like this was going to be my life forever. I left for college soon after and started living by myself with the economic help from my parents. I still struggled with social anxiety but gradually I began to work on removing it from my life. Only recently around 3 months ago did I feel the warrior within me brake the chains that bound me my whole life.

Every obstacle, be it academic or social I percieved as an enemy to be confronted and defeated. I started walking taller, I spoke clearer and more concisely, I felt confident and stopped worrying about all the things within me that gave way to my social anxiety. I know now that my foe is my past self and that this foe is to be triumphantly defeated. For the first time in my life I felt what it was to be competitive, I want to excel above my classmates and others even in trivial matters. First it started as a shield but recently I imagine myself as a roman general walking confident and triumphant.

I feel like the warrior spirit is deep within me campaigning against myself and that when it manages to destroy the enemy it will flourish naturally and triumphantly in all aspects of life. Every life unfolds in stages infancy, childhood, etc. But each stage begins with a mini-crisis. Or rather a challenge that means letting to of the previous stage of life and boldly entering a new one. The challenge we all face at birth is to let go of the comfort of the womb and become an independent organism. Most of us do it, but many do not — they opt out. Some are still-born having abandoned the life altogether , while others may be born fine but have subnormal development having come into life but not fully committed to it.

Parents will actually lay their own unconscious image on each of their kids, which a toddler will readily take on board. Throughout childhood, this acquired self-image will be expanded and altered based on more and more feedback from others, especially at school. The 3rd gate is departure and independence , which marks the transition from late childhood to early adulthood. This can be tackled anywhere from, say, 15 to 25, but in our society it is usually focused around 18 or Every hero myth refers to this, from Dick Wittington to Star Wars.

Ecclesiastes 3:8

Some people manage to leave the nest very consciously and easily. You can probably see why some teenagers blow up at times. They feel the urge to stop being a child, yet also fear letting go of their beloved childhood. They want their parents to treat them as adults, yet secretly may not feel ready for it in themselves. The conflicts and frustrations can be very difficult. So you can see how your recent experiences might appear as signs of being a Warrior, but it may simply be about stepping into adulthood.

Every gate can be passed through successfully, poorly, or not at all. But in any case, any gate including birth! Jack, Hello Barry I really like what you have written and the way you educate people on their soul essence. Now I write this becuse I feel kind of lost. I already now that I am on the verge between a mature and an old soul. I always knew that I am a warrior. Since a little kid all I did was either fighting friends with fists or sticks or we played some other kind of imagination games but usually warriorish.

I was a brave and shining kid. I loved cartoons and fairy tales about warriors and princesses, fight and sacrifice. But somewhere along the line i totally changed.

Spiritual Warrior Quotes (8 quotes)

When my parents divorced I lost my confidence I became a lost kid. I was cowardish, I had distorted perception on my body becaues I got fat and did not even realize I did. I was really insecure. And it lasted for a few years during which I tried to change. Be less cowardish and more confident. But again throughout my teen and college years I still had some cofidence problems I got involved in heavy partying and light drugs like marihuana.

Last 4 years on my life even though heavy in partying I always felt like their is something missing. I lacked the purpose. Academic career did not really interest me but I kept going and I still do cos the society and my parents expected me to do so. I always wanted to have some talent like drawing or playing instruments or singing and live out of those talents. Unfortunately I did not have such talents.

I do not see a point of being a modern soldier nor I could be one because of health problems. And I also feel to proud to take up slave wage job I do not have familly to provide for so I do not need to vanquish my pride All of this led me to depression and being suicadal. So I am writing to you cos it is getting better in my life I understand more about my soul a little about my purpose but still I am not sure about the soul type and I really need to know this.

Procrastinating, being passive, lost and depressed at times is mostly what I do recently, so is it still possible that I am a warrior? How can I get to know this? When I watched a movie where there is a battle in it I feel a huge pathos I sometimes cry but always with my chest bumped. Another thing is that I am not typically built like warrior I may have wide jaw but little cheek bones which gives me a little chubby face look even though I am not overweight.

Another thing is the body overall. Health problems with joints are another thing. So I am really lost here and I no longer know what to believe. Can you comment on that? How can I make sure of the soul type? If it is a warrior what can an old warrior do? Generally, kids are true-to-their-role in the first few years of life.

As soon as they can walk and talk, their role can be quite obvious. For example, I was clearly a Scholar up to about age 10 or 11, then at senior school as I tried to fit in with the other teens I acted like I was a bit of everything so as not to stand out as unusually bookish or nerdy.

I would point out to you that while soul type is a constant, body type is a variable. That is, in one life you could be muscular and brawny, in the next life short and fat, in the next life tall and skinny, etc. I am not aware of any reason why a Warrior cannot lapse into depression and procrastination, but I can imagine it would be particularly uncomfortable for them, given their action orientation. In other words, Warriors are happy to carry out a mission that has been assigned to them.

So a Warrior likes to know who or what to follow — not necessarily a leader, but maybe a good cause, a political movement, a charity initiative, whatever. My wife has worked for two Warriors, both women. One was a wheelchair-bound dwarf who championed disability rights; the other a global peace activist. If you were assigned the ideal mission, what would it be? Really enjoyed your insight on the different soul types.

I have always felt a strong connection to the warrior spirit, whether it was through my totem animals, the wolf and the hawk, or my instinctual urge to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Looking through the soul type lens has allowed me to see people clearer and its awesome to see that although our physical bodies may change who we are on the inside stay with us through all of our lives. At only 16 I have already discovered a lot about myself and your ideas on the warrior soul have given names to many of the things about myself I was never quite able to put my finger on.

Moreover what that statement doing here in your so called soul battle. Salma Hayek is a Warrior, and her quote is very typical of something a Warrior would say. It demonstrates the way Warriors value the virtues of strength and courage. Is it possible to be a mix? Like the example of David Beckham.

I had a pretty intense dream about 3 or 4 years ago, and it was like a trancsending type, as each life ended I was transported to the next where I saw my end again. The first end I saw was in a desert with large boulders, as I charged with a large axe into the enemy, and after I had decapitated a few I was overpowered by the army, as I died, I was instantly onboarf of a ship at sea with vikings, and the battle was in our favor, when all of a sudden this hooded men chanted and the sky was red and so was the sea, and me and my men were paralyzed and this beast arose from the sea and I felt his grip around me, and he slammed me into the bedrock of the sea, and i could feel myself fusing with the rock.

While afterwards was attracted to the female which was weird but very cool at the same time. I changed up to 4 times in my dream fighting these beasts which was awesome. But anyway that was my dream, pretty cool but weird at the same time. Hang on pal, cause lucid dreaming can be very intense, and after you wake up just lay in bed for 10mins and and clear your thoughts other than what you just dreamed about.

If you still have trouble having lucid dreams just google lucid dreams and do a little research on how to hone your lucid dreaming skills. Lucid dreaming is almost the best part of my day at times the most lol. I feel so out of place. I have a lot of triggers that set me off.

I read the warrior comments,and it sounds just like me,right from birth. I have always been the one to stand up and say it was not right,or to fight for the less fortunate or those who could not protect themselves. I believe in being true to yourself,as long as they are honorable wants. I have had several near death experiences, grew up in a bad situation from birth till i left home. I always have people staring at me, possibly because i am what is considered good looking, but i also feel like they sense these things about me.

I believe i was put here to help make a change,and enlighten people which i have done and always will. I believe in making the soul pure and good.

I believe in doing what you say. This is just some of who i am, but there is more. Or who could snap them in two if antagonized or threatened. When I see an injustice, I react. I am respected and treated with honor because of my integrity. I would willingly give my life for those I love or take the life of those who have caused others to suffer. Yet, I am not cruel. I believe in justice. It has been a lonely path because most people are not able to confront challenges head on and defeat them.

Being a warrior is a proud and honorable way to spend time on Earth. I first wrote to you a couple of years ago. Took some time off to actually think about this stuff, observe it in my own life and draw conclusions. I mean even the Michael Teachings website proper did nothing for me…I could maybe identify with half the stuff about Warrior, but there were plenty of other things that left me cold. I assumed it was all crap and dismissed it at first. Actually, my mother suggested I was a warrior or a sage both of which I denied.

Then I think I had you photo type me under another email address. And I was just like…maybe I AM a warrior. No challenge, no chance to exceed myself in some way. Nothing to work towards, or against. I get bored without hardship. Wondering where my next meal is coming from, living in a third world country, heavy physical labor, chronic illnesses, fighting lawsuits, even just tight deadlines.

I used to question if there was just something wrong with me. I literally perceive life as war. I am a 33 year old woman raised in the American suburbs by the two most conflict-avoidant people on earth. I think the persuasion-coercion thing is true.

The Warrior soul

At my worst, I end up using too much force—punching things, slamming doors, demanding things, willfully pushing my way toward what I want. But at my best I find I can get what I want or need without having to push. I can make circumstances work in my favor by using what already exists. I have humiliating memories of gym class, where I was always the last person picked and tripped over every ball.

My own gym teacher once made fun of me! Needless to say, team sports were out of the question.