
Use Mnemonic to Remember Easily Confused and Misspelled Words

In other words, mispronounce it. Do that a few times, and the spelling will stick with you. Not Helpful 12 Helpful Not Helpful 4 Helpful 5. My spelling bee is regional and is next week. The schwa sound is hard to spell. If you study the spelling patterns of English words borrowed from other languages, even if you don't know the word you're given, you can make a good guess on how to spell it based on its language of origin.

Following are some more mnemonics for confusing word pairs.

English words originate from many languages like Latin, Japanese, Russian, and so on, and each of these languages has certain recognizable spelling rules. Based on the country, a sound can be spelled many different ways.

For example, when a word has a 'sh' sound in it, if it's from German, it's probably spelled 'sch', but if it's from Latin, it could be spelled 'ti'. You can find these patterns online, and even if the rules don't always work, it's a great tool for tons of words. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 1. Just try to remember the few that don't follow the rule. Make two lists, one a spelling list and one a phonetic-spelling list showing pronunciation. Refer to these lists often. For pronunciation, If you're more an auditory learner than a visual learner, have someone else correctly pronounce the words out loud, and repeat them.

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How to Remember Difficult English Spellings

Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. Tips When learning a spelling, write down the spellings you need to learn on post it notes or plaque cards. This enables you to go back as many times as you like, as often as you need to.

Write down the word you are attempting to spell. By writing the word over and over, you are subjecting your eyes to the memory of not only what the spelling is, but what the spelling looks like written down.

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Remember to go back to previous spelling sessions to recap. Try learning spellings with someone - it can make the learning process a little bit more fun and less tedious. Choose a period of time - perhaps once or twice a week - to test your spelling. If after 2 or 3 sittings you think you have got the spelling, put down some new words to learn how to spell.

10 Mnemonics to Help with Spelling Tricky Words

Learn more than one spelling at a time. However, over 20 may be a bit ambitious and possibly quite stress causing.

How to easily remember: spelling "BELIEVE"

Decide upon your set amount of words and stick to it. Break long words up into smaller words or sounds, etc: Warnings Warnings are not suitable for this particular article. Spelling Print Edit Send fan mail to authors. Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better.

By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Noticeable — Notice the e , without it the word would be pronounced notikable. Rhythm — Think about dancing to music and this sentence: Rhythm helps your two hips move. Imagine ex -ing something out when you use the word except. Verbs are action words.

Remember How to Spell Tricky Words with Mnemonics

Effect is almost always a noun. That blue shirt complements your blue eyes. Quite rhymes with bite and ends with ite. The m sound is missing from the word mnemonic. As mentioned in the previous post, Creative Tips for Spelling Confusing Word Pairs , you and your child can create your own associations to aid in remembering the spelling of tricky words.

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