
LUltime Détresse (Les Algos t. 1) (French Edition)

One establishment per chain was audited at each time period. The audit included 37 eligible chains of 92 regulated chains. Um total de 5. This system is one of the most important groundwater reservoirs; it is shared by four neighboring countries covering an area larger than one million square kilometers. Serra Geral, an effusive Cretaceous complex, covers the sandstones and provides a high degree of confinement to the system.

These data, recorded in three profiles, mainly provide the depth to the crystalline basement, determinant for the presence of aquifer-related sediments. Models showed that the discrimination of the basalts strongly depends on local electrical characteristics. Model information is quite consistent with the information from oil and thermal wells located close to the profiles. Reflejos de Salud Study. Reflejos de Salud was a successful family-based randomized controlled trial designed to improve dietary behaviors and intake among U. The novel intervention design merged a community health worker promotora model with an entertainment-education component.

This process evaluation examined intervention implementation and assessed relationships between implementation factors and dietary change. Participants included mothers randomized to an intervention condition. Process evaluation measures were obtained from participant interviews and promotora notes and included fidelity, dose delivered i.

Outcome variables included changes in vegetable intake and the use of behavioral strategies to increase dietary fiber and decrease dietary fat intake. Participant satisfaction was high, and fidelity was achieved; Trends suggested that keeping families in the prescribed intervention timeline and obtaining support from other social network members through sharing of program materials may improve changes. Study findings elucidate the relationship between specific intervention processes and dietary changes. Monte Carlo x Bootstrap. Etude de la transmission sonore a travers un protecteur de type "coquilles": On estime que sur les 3,7 millions des travailleurs au Quebec, plus de sont exposes quotidiennement a des niveaux de bruits pouvant causer des lesions de l'appareil auditif.

Lorsqu'il n'est pas possible de diminuer le niveau de bruit environnant, en modifiant les sources de bruits, ou en limitant la propagation du son, le port de protecteurs auditifs individualises, telles que les coquilles, demeure l'ultime solution. Bien que vue comme une solution a court terme, elle est communement employee, du fait de son caractere peu dispendieux, de sa facilite d'implantation et de son adaptabilite a la plupart des operations en environnement bruyant.

Cependant les protecteurs auditifs peuvent etre a la fois inadaptes aux travailleurs et a leur environnement et inconfortables ce qui limite leur temps de port, reduisant leur protection effective. Afin de palier a ces difficultes, un projet de recherche sur la protection auditive intitule: S'inscrivant dans ce programme de recherche, le present travail de doctorat s'interesse specifiquement a la protection auditive au moyen de protecteurs auditifs " passifs " de type coquille, dont l'usage presente trois problematiques specifiques presentees dans les paragraphes suivants.

La premiere problematique specifique concerne l'inconfort cause par exemple par la pression statique induite par la force de serrage de l'arceau, qui peut reduire le temps de port recommande pour limiter l'exposition au bruit. Il convient alors de pouvoir donner a l'utilisateur un protecteur confortable, adapte a son environnement de travail et a son activite. La seconde problematique specifique est l'evaluation de la protection reelle apportee par le protecteur.

La methode des seuils auditifs REAT Real Ear Attenuation Threshold aussi vu comme un "golden standard" est utilise pour quantifier la reduction du bruit mais surestime generalement la performance des protecteurs. Les techniques de mesure terrains, telles que la F-MIRE Field Measurement in Real Ear peuvent etre a l'avenir de meilleurs outils pour evaluer l'attenuation individuelle. Si ces techniques existent pour des bouchons d'oreilles, elles doivent etre adaptees et ameliorees pour le cas des coquilles, en determinant l'emplacement optimal des capteurs acoustiques et les facteurs de compensation individuels qui lient la mesure microphonique a la mesure qui aurait ete prise au tympan.

La troisieme problematique specifique est l'optimisation de l'attenuation des coquilles pour les adapter a l'individu et a son environnement de travail. La piste des outils predictifs a ete tres peu etudiee jusqu'a present et meriterait d'etre approfondie. L'utilisation du prototypage virtuel, permettrait a la fois d'optimiser le design avant production, d'accelerer la phase de developpement produit et d'en reduire les couts.

L'objectif general de cette these est de repondre a ces differentes problematiques par le developpement d'un modele de l'attenuation sonore d'un protecteur auditif de type coquille. A cause de la complexite de la geometrie de ces protecteurs, la methode principale de modelisation retenue a priori est la methode des elements finis FEM. Pour atteindre cet objectif general, trois objectifs specifiques ont ete etablis et sont presentes dans les trois paragraphes suivants.

Oliver au kibboutz (Collection Oliver t. 4) (French Edition)

Ces ondes un disque; de Mach. Composition des mailles amorphes construites 11 Tableau 2. Proprietes des polymeres et plastifiants utilises 11 Tableau 3. Comparaisons entre les Tt Trends in the quality of care for elderly people with type 2 diabetes: This study aimed to characterize the sociodemographic data, health status, quality of care and 6-year trends in elderly people with type 2 diabetes. This study used two French cross-sectional representative surveys of adults of all ages with all types of diabetes Entred and , which combined medical claims, and patient and medical provider questionnaires.

Mean HbA 1c 7. The overall prevalence of complications increased. Renal complications were not monitored carefully enough missing value for albuminuria: Elderly people with type 2 diabetes are receiving better quality of care and have better control of cardiovascular risk factors than before.

However, improvement is still required, in particular by performing better screening for complications. In this patient population, it is important to carefully monitor the risks for hypoglycaemia, hypotension, malnutrition and contraindications related to renal function. Physical activity at home, at leisure, during transportation and at work in French adults with type 2 diabetes: Our study assessed the distribution of physical activity during various typical tasks of daily life in adults with type 2 diabetes T2D , a population typified by low physical activity.

We investigated the duration and intensity of physical activity in four domains work, leisure, transportation and domestic , and how individual determinants might influence the repartition. The main contributors to total physical activity were domestic chores, followed by leisure-time activities and transportation median: Releitura do Conceito de Cosmografia: The concept of "Cosmography" is in disuse since the 80s of the last century, but the astronomical themes previously discussed in the school subjects of Geography and Cosmography remain in current textbooks.

The use of term "Cosmography" was rescued in this research, and the study of its re-signification prompted the appearance of the term Geographic Cosmography. The Geographic Cosmography is a field of studies of the Geography, whose set of knowledge and skills is predominantly scholar. It studies the interface between terrestrial and celestial knowledge, and assigns a geographic significance to them.

It examines human and natural relationships with Sidereal Space and its consequences for society and nature. Etude des phenomenes chimiques au contact entre le bloc cathodique et la barre collectrice d'une cellule d'electrolyse d'aluminium. Estas intencionalidades no son mutuamente excluyentes. Le transfert de connaissances entre les mathematiques et les sciences. Une etude exploratoire aupres d'eleves de 4e secondaire. Au moment ou dans plusieurs pays on travaille a refondre les programmes d'etudes, tant au primaire qu'au secondaire, l'interet pour le transfert renait. Un des concepts fondamentaux en apprentissage consiste en l'habilete a reutiliser de facon consciente et efficace un acquis d'une situation a une autre situation.

Cette recherche emane de preoccupations professionnelles au moment ou le chercheur etait enseignant au secondaire. Au cours de ces annees, il lui a ete possible de constater que plusieurs eleves percevaient difficilement les liens presents entre les disciplines mathematiques et scientifiques. Des travaux en psychologie cognitive et plus particulierement selon une perspective du traitement de l'information ont servi de cadre de reference pour evaluer et analyser les capacites de transfert aupres d'eleves de 4e secondaire.

Ce cadre de reference permet de formuler le principal objectif qui est de mieux comprendre le processus de transfert chez des eleves en situation de resolution de problemes scientifiques. Cette these s'interesse donc au transfert en tant que phenomene important du processus d'apprentissage au sens de l'integration. La methode de recherche choisie, de nature qualitative, est principalement axee sur l'evaluation de la capacite a transferer des connaissances lors d'une epreuve et d'un entretien.

Pour evaluer ce potentiel de transfert, nous avons elabore deux outils: Pour la passation de l'epreuve, le chercheur a pu compter sur la collaboration de sujets provenant de deux ecoles. L'entretien complete la prise de donnees avec 13 sujets ayant accepte de poursuivre l'etude. Les donnees recueillies par ces instruments font ensuite l'objet d'une analyse de contenu. En premier lieu, les verbatims de l'epreuve et de l'entretien ont ete transcrits, puis codifies. La correction des reponses fournies pour les problemes resolus s'est faite a partir d'une grille d.

Les conducteurs organiques quasi-bidimensionnels kappa-ET2X presentent d'importantes similitudes avec les SCHT telles qu'une phase isolant de Mott, un regime de pseudogap et un etat supraconducteur. L'etude de leurs proprietes apparait donc complementaire.

Parmi les interrogations persistantes concernant la physique de ces systemes, l'origine du ou des processus exotique d'appariement, responsable de la supraconductivite est le sujet suscitant l'interet le plus marque dans la communaute. L'hypothese d'un mecanisme lie a la proximite d'un etat antiferromagnetique est privilegiee. Une etape importante dans la resolution de cette problematique est l'identification de la symetrie du parametre d'ordre. D'apres de nombreux travaux sur les systemes fortement correles, la sonde ultrasonore, de par sa sensibilite aux excitations de quasiparticule a basse temperature, est consideree comme particulierement adaptee a l'etude de cette propriete.

Cependant, son emploi necessite l'utilisation d'un compose metallique a basse temperature et completement supraconducteur. En effet, il est situe loin de la transition du premier ordre de Mott et est completement supraconducteur. De facon surprenante, ce systeme semble se coupler fortement avec le reseau ce qui augmente significativement la sensibilite de cette sonde aux proprietes du gaz electronique.

Cependant, des difficultes techniques importantes, liees a la nature intrinseque de ce materiau, doivent etre surmontees pour proceder a des mesures suivant differentes polarisations. La presente etude a profondement modifie notre comprehension de ce systeme. En effet, ces mesures ont permis de constater que le kappa-ET2Cu[N CN 2]Br est un compose qui est situe en bordure de la zone de coexistence entre la supraconductivite et le magnetisme, ce qui constitue un resultat totalement inattendu. Los datos se obtienen de las primeras rondas de dos encuestas sobre envejecimiento: Etude experimentale et optimisation d'un systeme hybride hydraulique pour camions a ordures et amelioration des performances par raffinement de sa logique de controle.

The aim of this thesis is to demonstrate experimentally the operation of a hydraulic hybrid system specifically dedicated to the application of refuse trucks in addition to proposing solutions to improve its control strategy. The developed hybrid system recovers the vehicle's kinetic energy during braking. A variable displacement hydraulic motor then uses the energy stored in a hydraulic accumulator to assist the internal combustion engine ICE at suitable times.

The particular aspect of this system is that assistance to the ICE can occur when it operates at idle and drives the auxiliary hydraulic equipment of the refuse truck. Essentially, the control strategy initially developed maximizes the recovery of braking energy and uses that energy to minimize the solicitation of the ICE at idle. The experimental results obtained with two prototypes tested in real operating conditions show that the hybrid system can recover a significant portion of braking energy.

In addition, the results show that it is possible to reduce the load on the ICE during idle with the application of an assisting torque. However, the advantage of assisting the ICE in specific areas of the operating range is slim since the ICE's gross efficiency varies only slightly depending on conditions of operation.

This is confirmed by the optimization of the control logic using deterministic dynamic programming. Therefore, since the efforts that would be required to emulate the ideal behavior in real time are significant for a relatively small and uncertain gain, the initial control logic is considered near optimal. Finally, this thesis proposes an improved version of the torque assisting hybrid system that could shut down the ICE when the vehicle is stopped while maintaining functional the auxiliary hydraulic equipment. The simulation of a basic control strategy shows that such pressure management may be feasible in real time and that the potential gain in fuel savings is achievable.

Evaluation experimentale de l'efficacite des gants de protection contre les nanoparticules de dioxyde de titane dans des conditions de travail. Manufactured titanium dioxide nanoparticles nTiO2 enter into the formulation of several commercial products including cosmetics, paints, varnishes or food. An increasing number of people will be exposed to nanoparticles NP , in particular, scientists during their research and workers in companies. As such, they are an emerging source of hazard. Indeed, an increasing number of studies are warning against their likely harmful effects on health.

Furthermore some studies have shown that the skin is not an impervious membrane to the NP and that NP penetration is possible when the skin is injured by abrasion, after repeated flexions or even intact. Therefore, dermal protection will be necessary in order to thoroughly protect NP users. Based upon the precautionary principle, gloves should be used as protection against chemicals.

However, to the best of our knowledge, no study on their resistance towards NP has been conducted. In this study, the performance of protective gloves was evaluated with respect to nTiO2 solutions and powders, under conditions simulating occupational use. Mechanical deformations, simulating those produced by hand flexing, were applied to nitrile and butyl rubber and latex samples that were in contact with nTiO2 in water, in propylene glycol or in powder form.

Following these results, the physicochemical and mechanical phenomena that facilitate the penetration of nTiO2 were identified and studied. It was shown that mechanical deformations caused both damage to the sample surface but also a change in the degree of crystallinity of the glove material. Strain energy was also measured. It decreased significantly in presence and absence of nTiO2, indicating a weakening of the polymer chains.

A qualitative study showed that repetitive deformations also lead to a decrease in the size of the agglomerates that were contained in the nTiO2 powder.

Search results

Glove materials that were in contact with colloidal solutions produced a swelling phenomenon. Finally, measurements of the elongation of glove samples immersed in colloidal solutions were used to determine diffusion coefficients across the materials. The transport of the nanoparticles was driven by that of the carrier liquid water or propylene glycol.

Given the carrier solutions and nanoparticles could be transported through the gloves, exposure to skin could occur. Shifts z and z' toward the red of the galaxy NGC for a beam of 21 cm, z measured in radioastronomy with a frequency meter and z' measured in optics with a spectrograph, not being equal, it follows that the speed of light from a galaxy c ' is not equal to that of a galaxy c which is measured on earth from stationary source. The Doppler empirical formula cannot be explained in classical mechanics since it is in contradiction with it.

If we consider the universe represented on a three-dimensional space H , non-Euclidian, with Euclidian connection plunged in a Riemannine four-dimension space E , a certain universal time, like that of an astronomer, can be defined and its course calculated in relation to this time: However, c ' and c as well as z' and z are so close in all the experiments carried out on earth, even when an artificial satellite is used, that the errors made in using the Doppler formula are clearly inferior to experimental errors. Consequences experimentales des effets des fluctuations du vide sur la fluorescence parametrique et la generation du second harmonique en milieu confine.

Les fluctuations du vide, qui consistent en l'apparition momentanee de particules, ce qui est permit par le principe d'incertitude de Heisenberg, joue un role primordial dans les processus photoniques, en particulier les processus non-lineaires. Par la manipulation de ces fluctuations du vide a l'aide de confinement optique, on retrouve deux phenomenes particuliers: Dans ce travail, on presente les resultats dans le cas classique ; c'est-a-dire sans fluctuations du vide et confinement.

Par la suite, on presente les effets des fluctuations du vide et du confinement, ce qui mene aux deux effets mentionnes. Dans le cas de la fluorescence parametrique, le bruit quantique sur le champ interne et externe est calcule, le role du desaccord de phase dans le modele est expose et une generalisation tridimensionnelle est etudiee afin de generaliser la conception du modele d'un cas unidimensionnel a un cas tridimensionnel planaire. Dans le cas de la generation du second harmonique, les difficultes d'un modele purement tridimensionnel sont exposees et ensuite le cas limite planaire est etudie.

This article examines an important new manuscript discovery: No evidence of the intellectual and methodological assumptions of the apothecaries in this period has previously been known; the article contextualizes the lectures, and identifies the authors-a prominent group of apothecaries centered on the controversial John Buggs and the botanist Thomas Johnson.

It then proceeds to discuss the contents of the lectures, which consist, to a remarkable extent, of reflections on the nature of physic and pharmacy inspired by the works of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century medical humanists. The apothecaries used the resources of medical humanism to raise the status of pharmacy as a medical discipline, and to argue for the proficiency of the apothecary as a fully fledged physician. Moreover, they emphasized the role of operative arts and used the rhetoric of "experiment" and "experience" in ways that might seem, on first impression, to foreshadow the "new science" that would soon emerge in England.

As such, the lectures allow us to make not only some major revisions to existing accounts of the apothecary-physician relationship and the intellectual assumptions behind it, but also to some prominent recent literature in the social history of science and the history of the concept of "experimental philosophy. Published by Oxford University Press. For permissions, please e-mail: Traces de l'interaction entre galaxies. Within a galaxy, collisions between stars are exceptional; collisions between galaxies are themselves much more frequent.

They are even supposed to play a major role in the formation of structures according to the standard hierarchical cosmological model. Gravitational interactions, tidal forces and following mergers shape the morphology of galaxies, and leave vestiges which can survive for a few Gyr. They consist of stellar shells, streams, tails and plumes which emit a diffuse and extended optical light. Several deep imaging projects use telescopes of all sizes to try to detect this light.

We detail here what the census of collisional debris can tel us about the past history of galaxies and about the models and simulations supposedly accounting for it. Diminuer le niveau d'exposition des populations aux particules est souhaitable. Estudio de la influencia de la refrigeracion con aire de forma natural e inducida en el comportamiento de instalaciones fotovoltaicas.

The presented research provides a deep knowledge of how they work as well as information and results for an improvement in future designs of building integrated photovoltaic systems. Este estudio se centra en analizar la influencia negativa de la temperatura en la produccion electrica de paneles fotovoltaicos al estar emplazados sobre cubierta de acero, como sucede en naves industriales y sobre un invernadero.

Se estudian diferentes configuraciones que permitan refrigerar los paneles, reduciendo su temperatura y mejorar su rendimiento. Para abordar este problema, se han construido dos instalaciones experimentales , fieles a plantas solares en funcionamiento. Una instalacion engloba dos paneles fotovoltaicos sobre estructura fija al suelo.

Uno de los paneles esta integrado sobre una superficie paralela y metalica. Entre ambas superficies existe un espacio que posibilita circular aire, permitiendo refrigerar el panel por conveccion natural, o conveccion forzada impulsando el aire con un ventilador. El otro panel, libre por su cara posterior y se ha considerado de referencia. Se ha estudiado el comportamiento del panel integrado sobre cubierta para diferentes secciones de aire y velocidades inducidas, comparandolo con el panel de referencia.

Se ha desarrollado un modelo experimental que nos permite determinar la temperatura del panel en funcion de las variables que influyen en su refrigeracion. Adicionalmente, se han analizado los datos de una planta solar en funcionamiento, con paneles de igual caracteristicas, obteniendo correlaciones entre la temperatura del panel y las variables electricas y comparandolos con las obtenidas en la instalacion experimental.

La segunda instalacion experimental reproduce parte de una instalacion solar sobre un invernadero, formada por cuatro paneles fotovoltaicos colocados sobre el plastico del invernadero, existiendo un canal divergente entre ambas superficies. The shock waves Droduced by condenser discharge in a gas tube were investigated. The study was limited to wave velocities less than five times the speed of sound, propagated in gas at low pressure several mm Hg.

A method was designed and perfected for the detection of the shock waves that are insufficiently rapid to produce gas ionization. This method consisted of the creation of an autonomous plasma, before the arrival of the wave, which was then modified by the wave passage. The qualitative study of the modifications produced on the wave passage showed the remarkable correlation existing between the results obtained by the two methods. The experimental results on the propagation laws for shock waves in a low-diameter tube agreed with theory. The variations of the coefficient oi recombination were determined as a iunction of the electron temperature, and the results were in good agreement with the Bates theory.

It was shown that the electron gas of the plasma had the same increase of density as a neutral gas during the passage of a shock wave. The variations of the frequency of electron collisions on passage of the shock wave could be explained by considering the electron--ion collisions with respect to electron-- atom collisions. Disponible sur le site. Optics Microwave Interactions Interactions entre optique et micro-ondes. On the other hand in HBT, in addition to photo-generated electrons at the collector depletion region, there is an. Teachers and administrators in schools with large, working-class Latino populations often complain of parents' indifference or lack of involvement in children's schooling because of their low visibility at school events and relatively little face-to-face communication with teachers and school administration.

In a series of semi-structured…. A Astronomia no Ensino Superior Brasileiro entre e Vulnerability to alcohol consumption, spiritual transcendence and psychosocial well-being: La media total de encuestados fue de Las participantes respondieron un cuestionario estructurado aplicado por entrevistadoras entrenadas. Resultados Edad promedio de Initial results of experimental studies of prairie dogs in arid grasslands: Implications for landscape conservation and the importance of scale Resultados Iniciales de Estudios Experimentales en Perros Llaneros de Pastizales Aridos: Numerous ecologists and conservationists believe that prairie dogs increase ecosystem diversity and preserve the function of grasslands Whicker and Detling , Miller et al.

In contrast, many ranchers and land owners view prairie The pelagic ecosystem of the Moroccan Atlantic coast is influenced by the spatiotemporal variability of upwelling. The changes in the physicochemical and biological parameters as well as their interrelationship and regrouping by the principal components analysis allowed us to subdivide the Atlantic coast in four active areas: To cite this article: Research provides insight into parent attributes that support partnerships with teachers.

These attributes include warmth, sensitivity, nurturance, the ability to listen, consistency, positive self-image, personal competence, and effective interpersonal skills. Researchers have cited positive attitudes, continuous teacher training, involvement in…. La formation a Bukavu au Zaire: A description of the socio-educational situation in Bukavu since the colonial era clearly shows why the population has sought means of overcoming the gradual abandonment by the Zairean State of its responsibilities, which has been aggravated by the large-scale influx into Kivu, in Eastern Zaire, of refugees from Rwanda and Burundi and of Zaireans who has been living in those countries for some years.

A new approach has been deveoped, that of training the trainers working for non-governmental development organisations. Trainers of trainers have been recruited locally among the many graduates of the Higher Institutes of Education and Rural Development, which have been affected by unemployment and the miserable salaries which the State offers to its employees. The trainers of trainers could be trained by the Higher Institute of Rural Development, making the largest possible use of local skills.

However, such training should be one of a set of reforms of the Zairean education system. All of this only makes sense if Zaire and its neighbours urgently defuse present socio-political tensions so that all of our populations can peacefully and resolutely engage in the healthy transformation of our societies. In Latin America there is a lack of communication concerning educational research. This lack has been underlined in many regional meetings, but no action has been taken. Possible steps that would lead to improvement include circulation of research summaries, both for completed and current works, efforts by research centers to organize meetings,….

Dominicanas entre La Gran Manzana y Quisqueya: Drawing from a one-year qualitative research study, this article explores the transnational lives and experiences of three young women and their little sisters in New York with close ties to the Dominican Republic. Using ethnographic research methods--life history interviews, focus groups, participant observation, and document analysis, I examine….

Entre Reproduction et Mobilisation: But what about their situation within adult education and training? This article, comparing Canada and France, shows that, while it is well known that more women than men participate in adult education, their greater presence in professional training courses is a new development.

The analysis highlights certain particular findings, such as the growing demand for continuing education in Canada and the increased rate of participation by full-time employees in France. In both countries, a number of social factors continue to influence women's participation. Reflejos de Salud Randomized Controlled Trial. Examine intervention effects among mothers involved in a healthy eating randomized controlled trial. Furthermore, examine the mediating roles of individual and familial influences on observed outcomes. Between and , families were recruited; half were assigned to an session community health worker-delivered family-based intervention targeting Spanish-speaking Latino families in Imperial County, California.

The intervention was delivered over a 4-month period. Home visits and telephone calls were delivered approximately weekly, with tapering near the end of the intervention to promote independence from the promotora. In this article, mothers' self-reported dietary intake was the primary outcome. Evaluation measures were taken at baseline, 4 months, and 10 months. Mediators of improvements were behavioral strategies to increase fiber and lower fat intake, family support for vegetable purchasing, and decreased unhealthy eating behaviors and perceived family barriers to healthy eating.

Family-based behavioral interventions are effective for changing the skills and family system needed to improve diet among Latina mothers. Health care providers and other practitioners are encouraged to target skill development and fostering a socially supportive environment. Let's Talk About Water: The format of the event is quite simple: Properly handled, this simple format can be very effective. A film creates a context of subject and language for the discussion--it gets the audience and the panel on the same page.

The moderators must actively manage the discussion, both challenging the panelists with follow up questions, asking questions to simplify the language the expert is using, and passing a question among panelists to bring out different points of view. The panelists are provided with the film in advance to view and, most importantly, meet the day before the event to discuss the film. This makes for a much more convivial discussion at the event. We have found that these discussions can easily be sustained for 90 to minutes with active audience participation. This format has been applied at college campuses with a target audience of lower-level undergraduates.

Student clubs are engaged to help with publicity before the event and to assist with registration and ushering during the event. Appropriate classes offer extra credit for student attendance to ensure a strong turnout. A Hollywood film "Chinatown" in southern California, "A Civil Action" in Boston is shown on campus during the week preceding the event to help advertise the event.

The event itself is typically held on a Saturday with a morning screening of the film. The audience is provided with index cards and pencils to write down questions they have about the film. A lunch is provided during which the questions are organized and used to initiate different discussion themes. The discussion begins with points raised by the movie are these issues real? Do they apply here? What are the scientific, engineering, and policy solutions to these problems? Our past events at UC Irvine and at UMass Boston have been successful in attracting large audiences and have been viewed positively by attendees.

Los errores del Posicionamiento Satelital eran de varios metros y en posicionamiento relativo, del orden de medio metro. De Nederlandse vertaling verscheen in voorpublicatie in het literaire tijdschrift DW B 3. Vele maanden of dagen lang daarna poogde Scarton volijverig zijn rugzak te herkrijgen: Of dat allemaal nu waar is of niet echt, doet er hier niet toe, maar uit zijn telefoongegevens was zonder gerede twijfel op te maken dat hij in de omgeving van Rua D'Esperanza was op 23 augustus rond 22 uur 13 's avonds, en dat hij daar — toen hij het nieuws hoorde over een Brand in zijn oude brutalistenwijk thuis in Endeland sic en werd bevangen in een diepe 'heimway-koorts', verschillende honderd en 17 keren naar huis probeerde te bellen.

De ogen van de Scarton werden zwaar van de pijn, zijn hartslag klopte schuin. Voor Scarton was Sophistia zijn Hartappel, het Einde helemaal van zijn ketenen, en zij was Viagra voor zijn Lul, en hij zei ook dat zij het Citroensap voor Zijn Ogen was Na Jarenlange Bestoking met het Traangas van de Wereld, maar zei zij hem dat hij zijn mond moest houden en dat dat te ingewikkeld was. Sophistia, mompelde hij bij elke gelegenheid, Sophistia enz. Sophistia was werkelijk 's ochtends en 's avonds de naam op zijn lippen, van welke hij snel een tattoo liet maken op zijn schouders, net boven waar 'Narcoleptic Barmy Army' stond, wat een losse zombietienermodegrill was met connecties met voetbalvandalisme waarvan hij deel had uitgemaakt toen hij jong was.

Voor het huwelijk echter gedaan kon worden, vervoegde Scarton zich bij de Politie van Lisboa, zoals toen de gewoonte was, in de hoop op nieuws over zijn gestolen rugzak om zijn zaken op tijd voor de voltrekking te hebben afgehandeld. Zodra de sowieso zinloze update van die idioot Scarton over zijn tas enz klaar was, zette de politie hem achter slot op verdenking van betrokkenheid bij een andere zaak die niet het onderwerp is van deze vertelling. Tijdens zijn eerste nacht in de gevangenis lag Scarton tot aan de ochtend wakker in zijn cel.

De tweede nacht in zijn eenzame gevangeniscel kon hij ook niet slapen. En de derde en vierde 4e nacht idem dito, hij lag op wat voor een matras doorging te staren naar wat voor een plafond doorging en telde de uren af als een gevangene van de Tijd zelf. Die nacht droomde hij terwijl hij sliep een epische, verwarrende en levensechte droom, van het soort dat plaatsvond lang voor televisie en andere troep samenspanden om 'de menselijke verbeeldingskracht van het volk ' sic te verpesten.

In de droom was hij Scarton een bedelaar die om muntgeld vroeg op een straathoek vlakbij een geldautomaat in Lisaboa, en later voer hij de haven uit op een zeilvaartuig, met in zijn handen een vlag van de aloude Marine en nog een vlag, met name die van een bekende Bank die je overal tegenkomt. In het laatste deel of hoofdstuk van de droom was Scarton terug in Lisaboa, nu geen bedelaar meer, maar weergaloos rijk en bovendien gelukkig en wettelijk getrouwd met Sophistia. In de droom stond de bron van zijn rijkdom op een of andere vage manier in verband met een geheimzinnige pakketje welke Sophistia constant voor Scarton met zich meedroeg, het pakketje bestond uit een materiaal dat andere personen niet konden ontwaren, meer bepaald een soort oranje canvasachtig, maar synthetisch materiaal.

Natuurlijk was het Scarton in zijn nachtrustvisioen duidelijk en bekend dat dit heel-geheimzinnige pakketje dat Sophistia voor hem bewaarde, een soort vrij losse vervanger of tijdelijk Symbolisch was voor zijn vermiste rugzak, en dat het lot van de twee voorwerpen, het ene echt, het andere in grote mate overdrachtelijk, onweerlegbaar vervlochten was. Toen hij wakker was, begon hij met zijn plastic bord en bekertje keer op keer tegen de tralies van zijn gevangeniscel te slaan om zo de bewakers bij zich te roepen wat hem zowel op hun respectloosheid kwam te staan als op het grote ongenoegen van zijn medegevangenen die hun nachtrusten veel langer wensten voort te zetten, of tenminste zo lang als mogelijk was in die verschrikkelijke gevangenis.

Tot bedaren gekomen door deze woorden trok Scartan zich terug in het hoekje van zijn cel waar hij zich stevig oprolde met zijn onderarmen als een knoop van leed dubbel om zijn eigen schedel geslagen, waarmee hij zich in het donker hulde huilend en bang om Sophistia te verliezen. In zijn jas gedoken met zijn capuchon op om zijn identiteit grotendeels te verbergen en met het idee dat hij snel weg moest wezen, ging Scarton zo rap mogelijk de gevangenistrap af, tuimelde hij snel door de dubbele deur onderaan Lisabon in, waar hij opging in haar schaduwen, haar gedrang en haar nacht op zoek naar zijn geliefde, Sophistia.

Scartan ging eerst naar het adres aan de Rua Psychose waar zijn lief hem gezegd had dat ze woonde, maar dat bleek een dichtgetimmerd pand te zijn, voor een deel gesloten, en voor een deel overgelaten aan een groothandel in de doorverkoop van genetisch gemodificeerde landbouwproducten die niet geschikt waren voor menselijke consumptie. Stuurs en met tollend hoofd zat Scarton vis uit blik te eten en om de haverklap Sophistia elke 90 seconden op haar mobieltje te bellen dat zij niet opnam en een boodschap na boodschap in te spreken en ondertussen in gesprek rakend met zogenaamd Lisaboaanse dames die gekleed gingen in het duizelingwekkende hoogtepunt van uitverkoopmode die vooral bestond uit lovertjes, gegiechel en purschuim, en dat hij niet echt kon uitmaken of ze nu aardig waren of dat ze hem alleen maar lekker maakten zodat ze hem mee naar buiten konden lokken een donker steegje in waar hun vriendjes hem zouden beroven van zijn portemonnee, zijn mobiel en zijn horloge en zijn Timberlands.

Aan het eind zag de Scartem het zo niet meer zitten dat het hem amper ook niet kon schelen wat er met hem gebeurde helemaal. Hij smachtte zijn liefde en zijn rugzak. Hij wist niet wat er aan de hand was. Hij wilde gaan liggen. Hij wilde nog een glas. Hij wilde dat het allemaal achter de rug was en toen de meisjes met wie hij praatte van de bar Ines weggingen, werd hij dan ook bevangen door een onbedwingbare neiging er met hun opuit te gaan ondanks alle gezond verstand ten spijt.

Hij wist uit een adviesrubriek die hij ooit online had gelezen heel goed dat hij zich niet met 2 vrouwen tegelijkertijd moest inlaten, vooral niet met vrouwen die zo dronken waren als deze 2, maar hoedanook ging hij desalniettemin met ze mee toen zij naar buiten de straat op wankelden in een vruchteloze, kromme poging een feestje of zoiets te vinden. Scartam hobbelde mee van tent naar tent, ge3en een onbeholpen driemansnummer dat door het doolhof van Lisboa's steeds Duisterder straten trok.

Scarton voelde zich nog beroerd, maar genoot op de een of andere vage manier toch van de opwinding en kocht op een verlaten Rua Misdryvery zelfs hagedisjes voor de meiden van een straatschooiertje dat onverwacht uit het niets opdook, een voorrechtelijk reptielenvertegenwoordigertje op blotevoeten in T-shirt met Vladimir Poetin erop. Terwijl de nacht zich ontspon dacht Scarton van tijd tot tijd aan Sophistia en checkte hij zijn telefoon, belde hij haar of stuurde een SMS, maar het mocht allemaal niet baten.

Terwijl Scarton en de meisjes samen voortstrompelden, hield rond 3 misschien 4 uur in de ochtend het langste meisje op met maar blijven lachen en klaagde ze juist dat ze moe was en toen dat ze zich helaas ziek begon te voelen, al waggelend en draaierig op haar hakken in haar naveltruitje en korte lovertjesshorts.

Toen ze ergens op een marmeren trap ging zitten, liet ze de hagedis uit haar hand glippen en keek ze hem wezenloos na terwijl hij een gat in de grond in schoot, toen kreunde ze en zakte ze achterover nog dichter bij de grond om uiteindelijk van haar stokje te gaan en haar vriendin bleef maar 'Jennifer, Jennifer' zeggen om haar wakker te krijgen, maar zij Jennifer werd maar niet wakker, de enige tekens van leven werden trager en trager tot haar stem goed en wel op was bijna, en toen wilden haar ogen niet meer en haar tong werd te dik en uit de diepte kon je bijna haar nog netaan horen fluisteren 'help, help, help me, help' en toen kwam er tot slot een andere stem uit haar die haar stem helemaal niet was en die zei steeds: Hij wilde maar wat graag naar huis om te zien of S.

De agenten namen er alle tijd voor; en vingerafdrukken en weetjesvragen, achtergrondchecks, wattenstaafjes, strikvragen, netvliesscans, bloedtesten, IQ-testen, Lakmoestesten en Turingtesten en enz en toen Scarton eindelijk thuis aankwam, was het al vijf uur 's ochtends en stampte de Pasteleraria sic onder zijn appartement op volle toeren betoveringen, herrie en kokkerelgeuren uit in het buurtochtendgloren. Op de parkeerplaats voorbij de Best Buy op Florissant staken demonstranten op een avond een beeltenis van de Trojka in brand, ze paradeerden met de groteske figuren van de Europese Unie, de Europese Centrale Bank en het IMF op hun rug voor ze hen neersmeten en in brand staken bij de deuren van het Parlement onder het gejuich van de dronken menigte.

Later hoorde hij liggend op de matras op zijn vloer opnieuw de droeve klanken van Lama Del Ree die steeds dichterbij leken te schommelen in de nachtlucht alsof ze werden gevlochten op de schreeuwen en kreten van de massa die nog steeds vol venijn door de straten trok. Er zal nooit meer een evenwicht zijn. De weegschaal slaat altijd door.

Op den duur kwam aan het zingen en schreeuwen van iedereen een eind en Scarton sliep in wat op dat moment in Lisboa voor stilte doorging. Maar wat er ook gebeurde, hij kon Sophistia niet vergeten. Vele nachten daarna lag Scartone onrustig te dromen dat hij op een of andere manier terug was in de oorspronkelijke Tuin waarin hij dit onwaarschijnlijke verhaal sic was begonnen, en weer op het daadwerkelijke gras lag met zijn daadwerkelijke, treurige hoofd weer rustend op de daadwerkelijke rugzak.

Vanuit deze vreemde, scheve Invalshoek kon hij de pauwen zien rond scharrelen, de ene kant op en de andere, en hij hoorde bovendien een geluid van ver weg, tenminste dat leek hem zo in de droom, en hij kreeg zichzelf overeind van de plek waar hij in het droomgras lag om ernaar te gaan zoeken. Nacht na nacht probeerde hij, zonder succes, om bij dat geluid te komen tot uiteindelijk de gestalte van Sophistia opdook hem verscheen in de droom en hem erheen bracht. De lichten van de stad versprongen en knipperden, flikkerend in een patroon dat helemaal geen patroon was enz maar toen Scarton zich in de droom omdraaide naar Sophistia voor iets van een verklaring was zij verdwenen.

Toen Scartan wakker werd uit die lange droom lag hij weer in zijn appartement in exact dezelfde houding als toen hij was gaan slapen, in een kronkel op de matras sic op de vloer en tot zijn overrompeling was Sophistia naast hem gelegen, alleen zat ze onder het bloed en had ze een heel dood lijkende glimlach op haar ooit-prachtig uitziende en voorheen levende gezicht. Hij bleef maar rondlopen door het appartement waarbij hij het bloed van zijn dode geliefde in het vloerkleed liep en over het geheel verstoorde wat de politie later een plaats delict zou noemen. Toen hij zijn geestelijke evenwicht weer terug bij af had, pakte Scartaum zijn telefoon om de politie te bellen maar net toen hij het nummer draaide, besefte hij hoe slecht dit er allemaal uit zou zien als ze binnen zouden komen met dat bloed en de dode Sophistia en hoe stom zijn verhaal zou klinken en zij hem waarschijnlijk niet zouden geloven in zijn woorden die hij sprak en hij stopte de telefoon weer in zijn zak, waste zijn handen en probeerde in het bad het bloed van zijn schoenen te krijgen met de douche en papieren handdoekjes toen pakte hij een tas in en hij verfde zijn haar oranje met een mengsel van kruiden en kinderverfjes die om een of andere onverklaarbare reden in een keukenlade waren achtergelaten.

Aldus vermomd nam Spartan een taxi naar de terminal luchthaven , huilend en rouwend om Sophistia en er de hele weg steeds beroerder uitziend, hij staarde uit de ramen naar zijn geliefde Lisboa in de wetenschap dat hij voorgoed vertrok van de mooie lichten en de duisternis aan de kade en zijn lief, zijn lief die hij niet meer zou zien nooit. En toen terwijl ze de snelweg af reden, herinnerde hij zich ineens dat hij zijn paspoort niet bij zich had en hij zei de chauffeur dat hij om moest draaien en dat deed de chauffeur en ze gingen terug naar het appartement en de taxi wachtte bij de Pastelaria sic waar de stoommachines overuren begonnen te maken en Sparton liep de trap op in beven en angst en opende de deur met een bonzend hart en ook handen.

In het appartement was het leeg en er lag geen Sophistia onder het bloed en gewond en dood en er lag nergens bloed meer en Spartan ging langzaam van de ene kamer naar de ander, en wreef in zijn ogen met een razend hart en maar dacht hij en wat en wat en als en waarom en wanneer en wat en wat en hoe en hoe en hoe en waarom en wat en wanneer en waarom en wat en waarom en wat en als en waarom en wat krijgen we nou. Het was allemaal te ver naar de kloten, dacht hij, hij wist dat hij niet kon blijven. Op de verlaten weg naar het vliegveld was radio therapie en wat wijze woorden het enige wat de chauffeur te bieden had, Scartan betaalde met een vuist vol munten, wipte langs bij de EasyJet-balie en kocht een ticket terug naar Endeland sic.

Bij de Gate at hij een doosje pastel del nata en staarde hij naar de landingsbaan, de schemerende lucht, de lichten van het vliegtuig terwijl ze opstegen en hoogte kregen. Hij sliep de hele vlucht naar huis. Endeland was, toen hij was aangekomen, een poel van fluorescent licht weerkaatst in linoleum en de lange wrede bijtende vragenronde aan de Immigratiebalie. Waarom was hij thuis gekomen? Hoe lang was hij in het land Lisboa geweest? Wat had hij daar gezien? Alongside these effects, we also observed potent humoral responses, such as the generation of Ag85B-specific serum IgG and respiratory IgA.

Finally, we found that YC-NPs were able to activate antigen-presenting cells via an unconventional IRFassociated activation signature, without the production of potentially harmful inflammatory mediators, providing a mechanistic framework for vaccine efficacy and future development. Transcutaneous immunization with tetanus toxoid and mutants of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin as adjuvants elicits strong protective antibody responses. In this study, the adjuvanticity of 2 nontoxic derivatives LTK63 and LTR72 of heat-labile enterotoxin of Escherichia coli LT was evaluated and was compared with that of a cytosine phosphodiester-guanine CpG motif, after transcutaneous immunization with tetanus toxoid TT.

Preexisting immunity to LT mutants did not adversely affect their adjuvant potency. Overall, these findings demonstrate that mutants of enterotoxins with reduced toxicity are effective adjuvants for transcutaneous immunization. Expression of non-toxic mutant of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin in tobacco chloroplasts.

  • That Strange Intimacy.
  • Buso Renkin, Vol. 3: If You Doubt That You Are A Hypocrite: v. 3.
  • Netzahualcoyotl (Spanish Edition).

Chloroplast transformation systems offer unique advantages in biotechnology, including high level of foreign gene expression, maternal inheritance, and polycistronic expression. LTK63 is devoid of any toxic activity, but still retains its mucosal adjuvanticity. The LTK63 was cloned into chloroplast targeting vector and transformed to tobacco chloroplasts by particle bombardment. PCR and Southern blot analyses confirmed stable homologous recombination of the LTK63 gene into the chloroplast genome.

The amount of LTK63 protein detected in tobacco chloroplasts was approximately 3. Thus, the expression of LTK63 in chloroplasts provides a potential route toward the development of a plant-based edible vaccine for high expression system and environmentally friendly approach. Development of an effective vaccine against leishmaniasis is possible due to the fact that individuals cured from cutaneous leishmaniasis CL are protected from further infection.

First generation Leishmania vaccines consisting of whole killed parasites reached to phase 3 clinical trials but failed to show enough efficacies mainly due to the lack of an appropriate adjuvant. In this study, an efficient liposomal protein-based vaccine against Leishmania major infection was developed using soluble Leishmania antigens SLA as a first generation vaccine and cytidine phosphate guanosine oligodeoxynucleotides CpG ODNs as an immunostimulatory adjuvant.

The group of mice that received Lip-SLA-CpG showed a significantly smaller footpad swelling, lower spleen parasite burden, higher IgG2a antibody, and lower IL-4 level compared to the control groups. Role of gangliosides in active immunotherapy with melanoma vaccine. Among various tumor associated cell surface antigens, gangliosides, the glycosphingolipids that contain sialic acids, offer a variety of epitopes, some of which are preferentially expressed on melanoma cells.

These surface components of the bilayered lipid membrane of tumor cells are the targets of active immunotherapy with melanoma vaccine. Purified gangliosides in aqueous solution form micelles and, at high density, form lactones. Their antigenic expression physical conformation and orientation on the cell surface is governed by the nature of the sphingosine and the fatty acids they contain. Evidence is accruing to show that the nature of the fatty acid moiety of gangliosides differs in normal and neoplastic cells.

Gangliosides per se are not immunogenic and require extrinsic adjuvanticity. Preparation of a melanoma cell vaccine for active immunotherapy requires an understanding of the ganglioside profile of melanoma, the ganglioside-associated heterogeneity of melanoma, and the role of shed melanoma gangliosides in the immunosuppression of cell mediated and humoral immunity. In addition, the role of some of the anti-ganglioside antibodies in the elimination of shed gangliosides, the cytotoxic killing of tumor cells, as well as in the down-regulation of lymphocyte functions must be considered in the formulation of vaccine.

Different strategies for augmenting the immunogenicity of melanoma associated gangliosides with melanoma vaccine are evaluated. Induction of lupus autoantibodies by adjuvants. Exposure to the hydrocarbon oil pristane induces lupus specific autoantibodies in non-autoimmune mice. We investigated whether the capacity to induce lupus-like autoimmunity is a unique property of pristane or is shared by other adjuvant oils. Serum autoantibodies and peritoneal cytokine production were measured. All of these hydrocarbons had prolonged effects on cytokine production by peritoneal APCs.

The ability to induce lupus autoantibodies is shared by several hydrocarbons and is not unique to pristane. It correlates with stimulation of the production of IL and other cytokines, suggesting a relationship with a hydrocarbon's adjuvanticity. The potential to induce autoimmunity may complicate the use of oil adjuvants in human and veterinary vaccines. From stock bottle to vaccine: Elucidating the particle size distributions of aluminum adjuvants using dynamic light scattering. The physicochemical properties of aluminum salts are key determinants of their resultant adjuvanticity in vivo when administered as part of a vaccine.

While there are links between particle size and the efficacy of the immune response, the limited literature directly characterizing the PSD of aluminum adjuvants has stymied the elucidation of such a relationship for these materials. Hence, this comparative study was undertaken to monitor the PSD of aluminum adjuvants throughout the process of vaccine formulation using DLS. These results suggest that the PSD of aluminum adjuvants is greatly influenced by dilution and the degree of protein adsorption experienced within the vaccine itself.

The size of the resultant antigen-adjuvant complex may be important for its immunological recognition and subsequent clearance from the injection site. The changing shape of vaccination: Micro-device use for vaccination has grown in the past decade, with the promise of ease-of-use, painless application, stable solid formulations and greater immune response generation.

However, the designs of the highly immunogenic devices e. Within this study, we explore a way to more effectively use energy for skin penetration and vaccination. Using a commercial seasonal trivalent human influenza vaccine Fluvax , our new patch design resulted in an immune response equivalent to intramuscular injection with approximately fold less dose, while also being a practical device conceptually suited to widespread vaccination. Liposomes containing recombinant E protein vaccine against duck Tembusu virus in ducks.

To obtain an effective vaccine candidate against duck Tembusu viral DTMUV disease which causes egg-drop and great economical loss in the Chinese duck industry, liposome vaccines containing recombinant E protein were prepared and assessed in this study. The recombinant E proteins were purified and entrapped by liposomes through reverse-phase evaporation. Eighty-four cherry valley ducks were randomly divided into seven groups and inoculated intramuscularly at one- or seven-day-old with liposomes-E protein or Freund's adjuvant-E protein vaccine.

Blood samples were collected from the first week to the tenth week for serum antibody, plasma for viremia, as well as oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs for virus shedding analyses after being challenged with a 10 2. Results showed that serum antibody level of the liposomes vaccine was higher than the Freund's adjuvant vaccine, and inoculating twice was superior to once; furthermore, the viremia and virus shedding tests also proved that the liposomes vaccine can provide complete protection against DTMUV challenge.

These results demonstrated that the liposomes-E protein vaccine could be used as a potential candidate vaccine to prevent DTMUV infection in ducks. Non-adjuvanted TTxd commonly induces very poor antibody response by the transcutaneous route. Here we demonstrate that by using non-toxic fractions of saponin combined with CTA1-DD we can achieve a safe and above all highly efficacious mucosal adjuvant vector.

We optimized the construction, tested the requirements for function and evaluated proof-of-concept in an influenza A virus challenge model. The versatility of the vector was best exemplified by the many options to insert, incorporate or admix vaccine antigens with the vector. Strong serum IgG and mucosal IgA responses were elicited and CD4 T cell responses were greatly enhanced after intranasal administration of the combined vector. Together these findings hold promise for the combined vector as a mucosal vaccine against influenza virus infections including pandemic influenza.

There is a growing body of evidence documenting probiotic bacteria to have a beneficial effect to the host through their ability to modulate the mucosal immune system. Many probiotic bacteria can be considered to act as either immune activators or immune suppressors, which have appreciable influence on homeostasis, inflammatory- and suppressive-immunopathology. This review will focus on the immunomodulatory role of probiotics on signaling pathways in innate immune cells: Research investigations have shown probiotics to modulate innate functionality in many ways including, receptor antagonism, receptor expression, binding to and expression of adaptor proteins, expression of negative regulatory signal molecules, induction of micro-RNAs, endotoxin tolerisation and finally, the secretion of immunomodulatory proteins, lipids and metabolites.

The detailed understanding of the immunomodulatory signaling effects of probiotic strains will facilitate strain-specific selective manipulation of innate cell signal mechanisms in the modulation of mucosal adjuvanticity , immune deviation and tolerisation in both healthy subjects and patients with inflammatory and suppressive pathology. The anti-cancer activity of saponins and phenolic compounds present in green tea was previously reported. However, the immunomodulatory and adjuvanticity activity of tea saponin has never been studied.

In this study, we investigated the immunomodulatory effect of tea saponin in T-lymphocytes and EL4 cells via regulation of cytokine response and mitogen-activated protein kinases MAPK signaling pathway. Quantitative analysis of mRNA expression level of cytokines were performed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction following stimulation with tea saponin, ovalbumin OVA alone or tea saponin in combination with OVA. Tea saponin inhibited the proliferation of EL4 cells measured in a dose-dependent manner.

No cytotoxicity effect of tea saponin was detected in T-lymphocytes; rather, tea saponin enhanced the proliferation of T-lymphocytes. Chlamydia vaccine candidates and tools for chlamydial antigen discovery. The failure of the inactivated Chlamydia-based vaccine trials in the s has led researchers studying Chlamydia to take cautious and rational approaches to develop safe and effective chlamydial vaccines.

Subsequent research efforts focused on three areas. The first is the analysis of the immunobiology of chlamydial infection in animal models, with supporting clinical studies, to identify the immune correlates of both protective immunity and pathological responses. Second, recent radical improvements in genomics, proteomics and associated technologies have assisted in the implementation of creative approaches to search for suitable vaccine candidates.

Third, progress in the analysis of host response and adjuvanticity regulating both innate and adaptive immunity at the mucosal site of infection has led to progress in the design of optimal delivery and adjuvant systems for enhancing protective immunity. Considerable progress has been made in the first two areas but research efforts to better define the factors that regulate immunity at mucosal sites of infection and to develop strategies to boost protective immunity via immunomodulation, effective delivery systems and potent adjuvants, have remained elusive.

In this article, we will summarize progress in these areas with a focus on chlamydial vaccine antigen discovery, and discuss future directions towards the development of a safe and effective chlamydial vaccine.

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The T-cell adjuvanticity of mycobacterial cord factor trehalose 6,6'-dimycolate TDM is well established. The identification of the C-type lectin Mincle on innate immune cells as the receptor for TDM and its synthetic analogue trehalose 6,6'-dibehenate TDB has raised interest in development of synthetic Mincle ligands as novel adjuvants. In contrast, the TMXs triggered macrophage activation only at high concentrations. Insertion of a short polyethylene glycol between the sugar and acyl chain in TDS reduced Mincle-binding and macrophage activation.

Immunization of mice with cationic liposomes containing the analogues demonstrated the superior adjuvant activity of trehalose diesters. Recombinant Lactobacillus plantarum induces immune responses to cancer testis antigen NY-ESO-1 and maturation of dendritic cells. Given their safe use in humans and inherent adjuvanticity , Lactic Acid Bacteria may offer several advantages over other mucosal delivery strategies for cancer vaccines.

And to investigate the immunostimulatory potency of this new candidate vaccine on human dendritic cells DCs. With respect to immunomodulation, immature DCs incubated with wild type or L. Moreover, they upregulated the expression of immunosuppressive factors such as IL and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase. Collectively, the data indicate that L. Membrane-bound IL and IL serve as potent mucosal adjuvants when co-presented on whole inactivated influenza vaccines. Potent and safe adjuvants are needed to improve the efficacy of parenteral and mucosal vaccines.

Cytokines, chemokines and growth factors have all proven to be effective immunomodulatory adjuvants when administered with a variety of antigens. Mucosal immunization using IL and IL bearing whole influenza virus vaccine WIV was more effective at eliciting virus-specific nasal IgA and reducing viral lung burden following challenge compared to control WIV vaccinated animals. The co-presentation of immunomodulators in direct context with viral antigen in whole inactivated viral vaccines may provide a means to significantly lower the dose of vaccine required for protection.

Comparison of the adjuvant activity of aluminum hydroxide and calcium phosphate on the antibody response towards Bothrops asper snake venom. The adjuvanticity of aluminum hydroxide and calcium phosphate on the antibody response in mice towards the venom of the snake Bothrops asper was studied. It was found that, in vitro, most of the venom proteins are similarly adsorbed by both mineral salts, with the exception of some basic phospholipases A2, which are better adsorbed by calcium phosphate. After injection, the adjuvants promoted a slow release of the venom, as judged by the lack of acute toxicity when lethal doses of venom were administered to mice.

Leukocyte recruitment induced by the venom was enhanced when it was adsorbed on both mineral salts; however, venom adsorbed on calcium phosphate induced a higher antibody response towards all tested HPLC fractions of the venom. On the other hand, co-precipitation of venom with calcium phosphate was the best strategy for increasing: These findings suggest that the chemical nature is not the only one determining factor of the adjuvant activity of mineral salts.

Novel mucosal vaccines generated by genetic conjugation of heterologous proteins to pneumolysin PLY from Streptococcus pneumoniae. Induction of immunity at mucosal surfaces is thought to be an essential feature in the protection of the host against the many pathogens that gain access through these surfaces. Here we describe how strong local and systemic immune responses can be generated when proteins are genetically conjugated to pneumolysin PLY from Streptococcus pneumoniae. This form of vaccination is highly effective with antigen specific antibodies detected after a single dose of nanogram quantities of the conjugated proteins.

In addition, generation of a non-toxic variant eGFPDelta6PLY indicated that while the toxic activity of PLY was not essential for adjuvanticity , it contributed to the magnitude of the response generated. Whilst vaccination with the PsaAPLY fusion proteins did not protect the animals from challenge, these studies confirm the utility of pneumolysin to act as a novel mucosal adjuvant to substantially increase the local and systemic humoral response to genetically fused protein antigens.

Copyright Elsevier Ltd. Adjuvant activity of peptidoglycan monomer and its metabolic products. Peptidoglycan monomer PGM is a natural compound of bacterial origin. It is a non-toxic, non-pyrogenic, water-soluble immunostimulator potentiating humoral immune response to ovalbumin OVA in mice. It is fast degraded and its metabolic products-the pentapeptide PP and the disaccharide DS -are excreted from the mammalian organism upon parenteral administration.

The present study investigates: PP and DS were prepared enzymatically in vitro as apyrogenic and chemically pure compounds. Results implicate that the adjuvant active molecule, capable of enhancing long-living memory generation, is PGM itself, and none of its metabolic products.

A current update on the phytopharmacological aspects of Houttuynia cordata Thunb. The present review is an attempt to put an insight into a medicinal plant Houttuynia cordata Thunb, which is indigenous to North-East India and China. It is an aromatic medicinal herb belonging to family Saururaceae and is restricted to specialized moist habitats. The review provides detailed information regarding the morphology, distribution, phytochemistry, ethnopharmacological uses and also describes various pharmacological activities reported on the plant H.

The review describes therapeutic efficacy of the whole plant and its extracts, fractions and isolated compounds in different diseased condition. Among the important pharmacological activities reported includes, anti-mutagenic, anti-cancer, adjuvanticity , anti-obesity, hepatoprotective, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, free radical scavenging, anti-microbial, anti-allergic, anti-leukemic, chronic sinusitis and nasal polyps activities.

Thus, the present review will act as a source of referential information to researchers to perform clinical studies on isolated compounds that may serve the society and will help in improving human health care system. All three adjuvants induced equivalent geometric mean titers of rotavirus-specific serum antibody and intestinal immunoglobulin G IgG.

The availability of a safe, effective mucosal adjuvant such as LT-RG will increase the practicality of administering recombinant vaccines mucosally. Nanomaterials have been widely tested as new generation vaccine adjuvants, but few evoke efficient immunoreactions. Clay nanoparticles, for example, layered double hydroxide LDH and hectorite HEC nanoparticles, have shown their potent adjuvanticity in generating effective and durable immune responses. However, the mechanism by which clay nanoadjuvants stimulate the immune system is not well understood. They also form nodules with loose structures in tissue after subcutaneous injection, where they act as a depot for up to 35 d.

More importantly, clay nanoparticles actively and continuously recruit immune cells into the depot for up to one month, and stimulate stronger immune responses than FDA-approved adjuvants, Alum and QuilA. In contrast, Alum-antigen complexes show minimal antigen release from the depot. These findings suggest that both clay nanoadjuvants can serve as active vaccine platforms for sustained and potent immune responses.

Preparation of mucosal nanoparticles and polymer-based inactivated vaccine for Newcastle disease and H9N2 AI viruses. To develop a mucosal inactivated vaccines for Newcastle disease ND and H9N2 viruses to protect against these viruses at sites of infections through mucosal immunity. In this study, we prepared two new formulations for mucosal bivalent inactivated vaccine formulations for Newcastle and Avian Influenza H9N2 based on the use of nanoparticles and polymer adjuvants.

The prepared vaccines were delivered via intranasal and spray routes of administration in specific pathogen-free chickens. Cell-mediated and humoral immune response was measured as well as challenge trial was carried out. In addition, ISA71 water in oil was also evaluated. The results of this study demonstrate the potentiality of polymer compared to nanoparticles adjuvantes when used via spray route. Mass application of such vaccines will add value to improve the vaccination strategies against ND virus and Avian influenza viruses.

La tuberculose pulmonaire et le tabac: Groupe A et 50 patients non tabagiques: Le spectre des missions Canada and the Cuban Missile Crisis. Riles attendant du contr Introduction to Dynamic Bifurcation. Neuf plongeurs de lutte contre les mines ont A similar result could be obtained by using NVGs already equipped with beam La perception du relief ne peut se faire par mise en eu de le stroscopie seuls los facteur corticaux da cotta parcaption 5O. Momentum balance requires that the radial particle flux satisfy a pinch-diffusion relationship.

The pinch can be evaluated in terms of measurable quantities rotation velocities, Er, etc. Plasmas 15, La politique africaine de la France et des Etats-Unis en Afrique sub-saharienne. Le facteur religieux Les missionnaires en All other definitions are merely negative chaos which p,. Laps a,, margin- al Among ,ie very slightly modified. The chosen target was a concert hall. State member in Syria who was communicating with him online.

A tenth unidentified attacker blew himself up during the French commando raid in Saint-Denis on. O Axial Position, ern o. Same of these compounds were eval- uated with IMX to detereine their Advances in Commun Contr. Langatate boule photo courtesy of the Univ. Central Florida and typical resonators for testing. Office of Naval Research Contract No Introduction In a paper to soon Third Year Poststocking Results. Baseline Studies Volume I Background Conformity is a psychological variable related to the propensity of an individual to match his or her behavior and opinion to the perceived social and cultural norm, even if these do not represent the true beliefs of the person.

The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the psychological variable of conformity is different in two distinct modes of renal replacement therapy RRT in end-stage renal disease ESRD. The lowest conformity was found in healthy participants who were asked to imagine an acute medical problem. Conclusions Being chronically ill and having adaptable views may be more favorable traits for coping with ESRD in dialyzed patients, especially in elderly HD patients. On the other hand, conformity can be deleterious if CAPD patients decide to overlook certain facts or not confront the medical aspects of their condition.

Plasma response to off-axis EC heating, in fact, exibits a lower limit to electron temperature gradient length, Lc , below which electron thermal conductivity switches to higher values.

Stiffness, however, is attenuated in the plasma core of saw-tooth free discharges with flat-hollow temperature profile and during current ramp-up [3,4,5], in which cases the temperature gradient length can be brought to very low values by means of on-axis ECH. Steady and current ramp-up discharges probed by steady and modulated ECH are analyzed in terms of stiffnes. Critical gradient length dependence on local features of computed current density profile is discussed. Characterization of H4-IC31 formulation and H4 antigen conformation. Tuberculosis TB is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, making the development of effective TB vaccines a global priority.

However, efficient and robust methods for assessing these formulated components are lacking. In addition, zeta potential is indicative of the adjuvant to antigen ratio which is the key in the immunomodulatory response of the vaccine. Our findings demonstrate the applicability of biophysical methods to characterize vaccine components in the final H4-IC31 drug product without the requirement for desorption.

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The identification of plant lectins with mucosal adjuvant activity. To date, the most potent mucosal vaccine adjuvants to be identified have been bacterial toxins.

The present data demonstrate that the type 2 ribosome-inactivating protein type 2 RIP , mistletoe lectin I ML-I is a strong mucosal adjuvant of plant origin. A number of plant lectins were investigated as intranasal i. As a positive control, a potent mucosal adjuvant, cholera toxin CT , was used. None of the other plant lectins investigated significantly boosted the response to co-administered OVA. Immunization with phytohaemagglutinin PHA plus OVA elicited a lectin-specific response but did not stimulate an enhanced response to OVA compared with the antigen alone.

Intranasal delivery of tomato lectin LEA elicited a strong lectin-specific systemic and mucosal antibody response but only weakly potentiated the response to co-delivered OVA. Thus, there was not a direct correlation between immunogenicity and adjuvanticity although the strongest adjuvants CT, ML-I were also highly immunogenic. First generation Leishmania vaccines consisting of whole killed parasites with or without adjuvants have reached phase 3 trial and failed to show enough efficacy mainly due to the lack of an appropriate adjuvant. Due to the susceptibility of PO CpG to nuclease degradation, an efficient liposomal delivery system was developed to protect them from degradation.

In addition, there was no significant difference in immune response generation between mice immunized with PS CpG and the group receiving PO CpG when incorporated into the liposomes. A suitable adjuvant and delivery system are needed to develop an effective vaccine against leishmaniasis. The potential of bacteria-mediated tumor therapy BMTT is highlighted by more than a century of investigation.

Attenuated Salmonella has prevailed as promising therapeutic agents. For BMTT - categorized as an immune therapy - the exact contribution of particular immune reactions to the therapeutic effect remains ambiguous. In addition, one could argue for or against the requirement of bacterial viability and tumor targeting. We show that therapeutic efficacy against CT26 tumors does not require bacterial viability. Conversely, therapeutic effects against RenCa tumors were abrogated upon bacterial avitalization and limited using isolated adjuvants. This argues for an alternative mechanistic explanation for SL against RenCa that depends on viability and persistence.

This emphasizes a need for recombinant strengthening and vehicular exploitation to accommodate potency, plasticity and distinctiveness in BMTT. Background Shikonin, a phytochemical purified from Lithospermum erythrorhizon, has been shown to confer diverse pharmacological activities, including accelerating granuloma formation, wound healing, anti-inflammation and others, and is explored for immune-modifier activities for vaccination in this study.

Transdermal gene-based vaccine is an attractive approach for delivery of DNA transgenes encoding specific tumor antigens to host skin tissues. Skin dendritic cells DCs , a potent antigen-presenting cell type, is known to play a critical role in transmitting and orchestrating tumor antigen-specific immunities against cancers. The present study hence employs these various components for experimentation. Fluorescein isothiocyanate sensitization assay was performed to trace the trafficking of DCs from the skin vaccination site to draining lymph nodes.

Topical application of shikonin onto the immunization site before gene gun-mediated vaccination augmented the population of skin DCs migrating into the draining lymph nodes. Conclusion Together, our findings suggest that shikonin can effectively enhance anti. Local application of bacteria improves safety of Salmonella-mediated tumor therapy and retains advantages of systemic infection.

Cancer is a devastating disease and a large socio-economic burden. Novel therapeutic solutions are on the rise, although a cure remains elusive. Application of microorganisms represents an ancient therapeutic strategy, lately revoked and refined via simultaneous attenuation and amelioration of pathogenic properties. Salmonella Typhimurium has prevailed in preclinical development.

Yet, using virulent strains for systemic treatment might cause severe side effects. In the present study, we highlight a modified strain based on Salmonella Typhimurium UK-1 expressing hexa-acylated Lipid A. We corroborate improved anti-tumor properties of this strain and investigate to which extent an intra-tumoral i. Our results show that i. A11 tumors similar to a systemic route of inoculation.

Adverse colonization of healthy organs was generally reduced via i. Most interestingly, also secondary tumors could be targeted with this strategy, thereby extending the unique tumor targeting ability of Salmonella. Uveitis induction in the rabbit by muramyl dipeptides.

Intraocular inflammation uveitis was produced in rabbits by intravenous or subcutaneous treatment with N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine and several of its synthetic analogs at doses of greater than or equal to 0. A dose-dependent increase in permeability of the ocular blood-aqueous barrier as measured by leakage of protein or fluoresceinated dextran from the serum into the eye was observed from 2 to 14 h after glycopeptide treatment.

Peak response occurred at approximately 3 h postdose. Analogs of N-acetylmuramyl-L-alanyl-D-isoglutamine which were homologous in the lactyl side chain were found to cause less uveitis. The uveitis was potentially reversible and occurred with decreased severity as long as 2 months after cessation of chronic treatment. Vascular leakage but not cellular infiltrate in the choroid could be modulated by pharmacologic means. Pyrogenicity but not adjuvanticity correlated with ability of glycopeptides to induce vascular leakage.

Several adjuvant-active muramyl dipeptide analogs with minimal ability to cause acute vascular leakage or chronic inflammation in the rabbit eye have been identified. Environmental and T cell-intrinsic factors limit the expansion of neonatal follicular T helper cells but may be circumvented by specific adjuvants. Follicular Th T FH cells have emerged as a new Th subset providing help to B cells and supporting their differentiation into long-lived plasma cells or memory B cells. Their differentiation had not yet been investigated following neonatal immunization, which elicits delayed and limited germinal center GC responses.

Postponing immunization to later in life increases the number of T FH cells in a stepwise manner, in direct correlation with the numbers of GC B cells and plasma cells elicited. The involvement of innate receptors that recognize pathogen- and danger-associated molecular patterns is critical to programming an effective adaptive immune response to vaccination. The synthetic TLR4 agonist glucopyranosyl lipid adjuvant GLA synergizes with the squalene oil-in-water emulsion SE formulation to induce strong adaptive responses. Local application of bacteria improves safety of Salmonella -mediated tumor therapy and retains advantages of systemic infection.

Histomorphometric characteristics of immune cells in small intestine of pigs perorally immunized with vaccine candidate F18ac nonenterotoxigenic E. We also evaluated levamisole as an immune response modifier IRM and its adjuvanticity when given in the combination with the experimental vaccine. Adjuvants in vaccines are immune stimulants that play an important role in the induction of effective and appropriate immune responses to vaccine component s. Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis DPT vaccine contains not only aluminum hydrate alum to enhance the immune response to the vaccine ingredients, but also, both for that purpose and as a principal ingredient, pertussis toxin PT.

However, both adjuvants strongly promote T helper Th 2 type immune responses. Th1 and Th2 type immune responses are counterbalanced in vivo, and a Th2-prone immune response is not effective against intracellular infections but promotes IgE production, which is related to allergic disease.

In this study, we used the CpG motif contained in oligodeoxynucleotide CpG-ODN , which has an adjuvant effect and also induces the Th1 response, as an adjuvant to this vaccine, and we investigated its adjuvanticity and its potential to modulate immune responses to DPT vaccine. Moreover, we investigated the antibody response to orally administrated ovalbumin OVA after vaccine administration. Enhancement of ovalbumin-specific Th1, Th2, and Th17 immune responses by amorphous silica nanoparticles.

Nanomaterials present in cosmetics and food additives are used for industrial applications. However, their safety profile is unclear. Amorphous silica nanoparticles nSPs are a widely used nanomaterial and have been shown to induce inflammatory cytokines following intratracheal administration in mice. The current study investigated the adjuvant effect of nSP30 nSP with a diameter of 33 nm on T helper Th 1, Th2, and Th17 immune responses as well as immunoglobulin Ig levels in mice.

Aluminum hydroxide was used as a positive adjuvant control. The responses were nSP30 dose-dependent. When different sized nSPs were used with 30, , and nm diameters , the responses to OVA were enhanced and were size-dependent. The smaller sized nSP particles had a greater adjuvant effect. Understanding the mechanisms of nSP adjuvanticity might lead to the development of novel vaccine adjuvants and therapies for allergic diseases caused by environmental factors.

Rationale, Current State, and Future Prospects. Infections take their greatest toll in early life necessitating robust approaches to protect the very young.