

His son also developed a fascination with the Avengers and greatly desired to see them, specifically Iron Man , in action. However, his happiness was not to last. Zemo sent his family to take refuge at his father's home outside of Novi Grad , where he believed they would be safe from peril. Despite this, his wife, son and father were killed as a result - their bodies were found by Zemo two days after the Sokovia battle. Knowing he could not hope to win by force, he sought to manipulate them into destroying each other instead.

Zemo finds and tricks Vasily Karpov. Having discovered Karpov's location, Zemo knew that he would be unable to easily break into Karpov's home so instead faked a car crash and asked Karpov to invite him inside to discuss the matter in private, rather than contacting the police.

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Zemo questions and tortures Vasily Karpov. As soon as Karpov opened the door, Zemo attacked and subdued Karpov before tying him upside down above a sink slowly filling with water. Using a hammer to bust through the walls of Karpov's cellar, Zemo found and took the Winter Soldier Book from Karpov's HYDRA files and introduced himself while speaking politely to Karpov, before demanding information about the assassination of Howard and Maria Stark which had occurred back in the year Despite Zemo making his intentions very clear that he would not stop until he had the information he needed to exact his violent revenge, noting that his loyalties did not lie within HYDRA , Karpov refused to help him.

Zemo then walked straight out of the house, taking his new stolen belongings while Karpov slowly drowned inside of his own sink. Zemo frames the Winter Soldier for a bombing.

Using the information he had obtained, Zemo framed the former Winter Soldier , Bucky Barnes, into taking the fall for a bombing which killed the Wakandan king T'Chaka. The timing of events coincided with the signing of the Sokovia Accords , a framework that would place enhanced people under government oversight, and a burgeoning cause of friction between Captain America , who refused the oversight, and Iron Man , who supported it.

Zemo awaits the arrival of Theo Broussard. Having been hunted across the world for his apparent involvement in T'Chaka 's death, Bucky Barnes was eventually caught and subdued in part to the efforts of Everett Ross ' men and War Machine and, into the custody of the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre. Zemo brought Broussard back to his own hotel room where he proceeded to murder him and hide his body in the bathtub. While practicing reading the trigger words from the Winter Soldier Book he would need to gain control of Barnes, Zemo was interrupted by the arrival of his breakfast, not allowing the woman to enter so she did not see Broussard's body or the bomb he had made.

Zemo then had an ally deliver the bomb to a power station. Zemo interviews the captured Bucky Barnes. Arriving at the facility, Zemo found Barnes was locked in a contained cell with his robotic arm tightly fixed down as Zemo posed as the psychiatrist Broussard, who was supposed to evaluate his mental well-being before Barnes was sent to Wakanda to await his trial for the murders of King T'Chaka and many others. Knowing that the cameras were on him and people like Everett Ross were watching him closely, Zemo began by doing a true evaluation of Barnes' mind while awaiting news on the next stage of his plan.

Zemo continued the evaluation, he then got a text giving him a warning just before the power around the base was cut out, including the cameras. Zemo manages to activate the Winter Soldier. Zemo then reactivated Barnes' Winter Soldier Program training by using the HYDRA manual he procured from Barnes' former handler Vasily Karpov , which led to Barnes breaking free of his restraints to stop Zemo's plans, ripping his arms free and punching the glass to try and get away.

Zemo was able to finish saying the codewords just as Barnes broke free and became his willing assassin. Zemo requested the mission report about the death of Howard Stark. Zemo being confronted by Steve Rogers.

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Having obtained the information he needed, Zemo ordered the Winter Soldier to fight and kill anyone who attempted to stop him before getting in a helicopter and escaping to seemingly prove his guilt for the bombing. Rogers demanded to know what Zemo wanted and was told that he wanted to see an empire fall. Zemo makes his escape from Sam Wilson. Before Rogers could take Zemo into custody however, the Winter Soldier charged forward and attacked, knocking Sam Wilson onto the floor before using his Prosthetic Arm to throw Rogers down an elevator shaft.

As Zemo went to check if Rogers had been killed, Wilson awoke and chased the fleeing Zemo, who ran up a flight of stairs with Wilson close behind. Eventually Zemo made it outside into Berlin where he ditched his jacket and disappeared. Zemo, however, was standing right next to the vat containing the chemical, which poured over his hooded face. The adhesive quickly seeped inside and permanently attached the hood to Heinrich's flesh, preventing Zemo from ever removing his hood.

After the mask was permanently bonded to his face, Zemo abandoned his long-suffering wife and toddler son , toward whom he had become emotionally and physically abusive. With an army of mercenaries loyal to him, Zemo enslaved a tribe of natives and lived as a king as he tried desperately to find a solvent that would remove his mask.

After decades passed, Captain America was revived by the Avengers. This causes Zemo to renew his rivalry with the Captain. Among his attempts included sending agents to take the place of participants of a hand-to-hand combat demonstration with Captain America in order to capture him. As Captain America learned that Zemo was behind this attack, he sent a taunting message on Zemo's minions' communicator to provoke the villain into becoming more carelessly aggressive against him and thus provide an opportunity for the superhero to deal with the villain directly.

Heinrich then formed the original Masters of Evil to serve as a villainous counterpart to the Avengers; the other founding members included the villainous Black Knight , the Melter , and the Radioactive Man who were gathered by his pilot. He tried to have Adhesive X spread over New York, but the Teen Brigade seized Zemo's pilot, preventing him from speaking, then tied him up to stop him causing trouble. They switched the adhesive with remover made by Paste-Pot Pete.

Zemo used his sceptre's hypno-ray on the Teen Brigade, placing them under his control. In his final battle with Captain America, Captain America used his shield to deflect the sun's rays and cause Zemo to shoot blindly. His ray gun's shot hit a rock, starting an avalanche that killed him, and Captain America felt that Bucky's death had finally been avenged. The 13th Baron Zemo, Helmut J. Zemo, the son of Baron Heinrich Zemo, then followed in his father's footsteps for revenge of killing his father.

Battling Captain America many times.

Baron Zemo - Wikipedia

Helmut was then responsible for bringing back the Masters of Evil and then forming the Thunderbolts. He still remains the current Baron Zemo. Covenant of the Shield miniseries, set in a sword and sorcery version of the Marvel Universe, features Dreadlord , an alternate version of Zemo, as its main villain. Dreadlord was previously Zymo of Z'axis, a general who fought in the Worldwar. When Z'axis lost the war, Zymo adopted a new identity - and swore that he would not remove his hood until Z'axis triumphed once again.

Baron Zemo and other members of the Masters of Evil are seen among the enthralled villains defending Krona 's stronghold. Strucker says that Stark is not the first Zemo, and that they all wear the hood so no-one from their former life will recognize them. Zemo shows up prior to Nova's arrival as Thor destroys Zemo's teammate Moonstone under the codename Meteorite by smashing Meteorite's head completely. His only appearance is of him with a torn mask and the teeth and milky eyes of the Marvel Zombies and he proclaims loudly "Meteorite!

In this version, Helmut is a white supremacist and conspiracy theorist attempting to create a segregated community for whites in America. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Archived from the original PDF on Stan Lee Jack Kirby. He insisted that he would use it to help the world, despite the consequences of doing so. Songbird, having temporarily lost her own powers during the final battle, was told by Zemo " However, the vision of Songbird's betrayal turned out to be true after all.

Baron Zemo

Just before he was completely sucked into the vacuum, he screamed out that he "would never have hurt a world he worked so hard to save". The limited series Thunderbolts Presents: Helmut, sucked into the vacuum, wakes up in medieval Germany , witnessing Harbin Zemo's death and his succession, while in the present academic Wendell Volker and Reed Richards deduce that Helmut has traveled in time.

Captured and taken prisoner as a leper , Helmut manages to inspire Harbin's twelve year old grandson Heller Zemo to kill his own father Hademar Zemo and fulfill his destiny as the third and most enlightened and progressive Baron Zemo.

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Heller goes to the hidden cell to free his "muse", discovering that Helmut has somehow disappeared. Helmut makes a jump to where he fights alongside Heller's son Herbert Zemo, then later jumps to where he slays Herbert's son Helmuth Zemo, and later arrives in where he narrowly escapes being killed by Helmuth's son Hackett Zemo. Meanwhile, in the present, Volker reveals that the Zemo bloodline is not just limited to Helmut's immediate family. In fact Harbin's descendants are spread out all over the world. In the past Helmut sees Hilliard and Elsbeth in love, realizing that the residual energy of the Moonstone is drawing him into the present, but forcing him to stop and live every key moment of Zemo's lineage.

Helmut manages to save Elsbeth, who is sentenced to die by the Diet because of her Jewish ancestry and her wealthy family, but in the present Volker kills her distant descendant, convinced that his actions can pull Helmut to his proper place in the time stream. Helmut next ends up in where he stays for several weeks working his way up to be part of the travelling guard of Hobart Zemo, the tenth Baron Zemo. Hobart is killed during a civilian uprising shortly after German Emperor William passes legislation to curb the Socialist party.

Helmut jumps forward in time before he can save his own great-grandfather. Helmut witnesses Herman's men slaughter the majority of the British forces with mustard gas. Later, Helmut goes with Herman and his men to find Castle Zemo reduced to rubble by the war. Back in the present, Volker discovers that Castle Zemo has been restored in the present.

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Wendell tours the castle with a local German police man and Interpol agent Herr Fleischtung, Wendell murders both men. Wendell has apparently murdered several Zemo relations in the belief that this spilling of Zemo blood would bring Helmut back to the present. After battling his own father in the past, giving him the inspiration to take up the Zemo mantle, Helmut returns to the present and manages to convince Wendell not to kill him as well, instead taking what is discovered to be his cousin under his wing, as he sets out to do something new for the world. Following the events of The Siege crossover as seen in the Heroic Age storyline, Luke Cage assumes control over the Thunderbolts and has Fixer impersonate Zemo as a test to see which of his new teammates would betray the team if offered a chance to escape.

Helmut Zemo

Having spent his time on the sidelines, watching Norman Osborn 's rise to power with the intent of waiting to see what Norman would do with control over the Thunderbolts and later S. A chance encounter at the Thunderbolts' former base in Colorado with the Ghost led to him learning Bucky Barnes was the current iteration of Captain America.

Zemo confronted his rival and discovered how the man had survived his father's death trap only to become the Winter Soldier, a trained Soviet assassin who killed scores of people for several Russian handlers. But most alarming was the fact that Zemo discovered the original Captain America had not only forgiven his successor for the crimes, but had actively covered them up even after Winter Soldier blew up a huge chunk of New York, killing several dozen S.

This included drugging Bucky with nanites that caused Captain America to behave irrationally and attack police officers and leaking to the media, not only detailed files revealing Winter Soldier's acts of terrorism committed as a mind-controlled pawn of the Russians, but video footage as well of him being trained by handlers.

Zemo ultimately kidnapped Bucky and took his father's victim to Heinrich's island which is where Bucky's original "death" occurred.

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There Zemo confessed that he did what he did, not out of a desire to finish the job his father started, but out of jealousy over how Captain America and his allies quickly forgave Bucky for his crimes, yet continue to scorn the reformed Helmut who had saved the world on numerous occasions. Zemo then escaped from the island unharmed.

Zemo has since turned his eye towards Hawkeye , who he blames for usurping control over the Thunderbolts from him. When the training was complete, Zemo reneged on the deal. Trick Shot on the brink of death was delivered to Avengers Tower to serve as a message to Hawkeye. Before he died in his former pupil's arms, Trick Shot warns Hawkeye of the threat he will soon face. Zemo later becomes the new leader of Hydra and enters into conflict with Sam Wilson , the new Captain America.

He briefly witnessed an eerie girl bring a bird back to life until she is taken away by some adults. Then he encounters a mechanic named Phil who arranges a meet-up following his arson activity. On Day 40, Jim met Phil who had created a device that enabled people to return to their true selves. A demonstration was shown when Graviton was turned into a Pleasant Hill inhabitant named Howie Howardson. As Phil uses the device on himself and Jim to restore their true selves, Jim was restored back to Zemo while Phil was Fixer once again. Both of them vow to use the device on the other brainwashed supervillain prisoners and reduce Pleasant Hill to dust.

Then Zemo led a coordinated assault on a S. Kobik ended up teleporting Zemo and Selvig away from Pleasant Hill. They were last seen in the Himalayas trying to make their way back to civilization. Zemo brings Selvig with him as he's crucial to his next plan. Zemo then tries to escape with Doctor Selvig until Captain America enters his plane. Zemo then starts to recruit all the supervillains who escaped from Pleasant Hill. After Rogers kills the Red Skull's clone in his mansion during the "Opening Salvo" part of the Secret Empire storyline, Zemo arrives with his team of supervillains called the Army of Evil.