
Johannisfeuer (German Edition)

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The White Dream dir. Melody of a Great City dir. The Endless Road dir. Der gebieterische Ruf i.

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The Masterful Calling dir. Gustav Ucicky Die Feuerzangenbowle i. The Punch Bowl dir. Gustav Ucicky Familie Buchholz i. The Buchholz Family dir. Victor Tourjansky Neigungsehe i. Marriage of Affection dir. Carl Froelich Opfergang i. Way of Sacrifice dir. A concentration also took place in the distribution field.

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Since the days of the Weimar Republic, there had also existed an extensive system of educational film hire services which was extended under the Nazi administration. In , there were 37 regional services and 12, city services.


In parallel, the Party Propaganda Department Reichspropagandaleitung ran its own network of educational film hire services which included 32 Gaue , district, and 22, local services. All film hire services had extensive film collections as well as rental 16 mm film projectors available that made it possible to show films in any class or lecture room and at any group meeting of the Hitler Youth. Apart from the Ufa-owned cinema chain, the cinemas were not nationalized. The majority of the 5, cinemas that existed in within the so-called Altreich the "Old Reich", i.

However, a large number of rules and regulations issued by the Reichsfilmkammer limited the entrepreneurial freedom of the cinemas considerably. For instance, it was mandatory to include a documentary and a newsreel in every film programme. Juni the government was also entitled to prohibit the presentation of foreign films.

Johannisfeuer : Schauspiel in vier Akten

An import quota for foreign films had been set during the Weimar Republic, and during World War II , the import of films from certain foreign countries was completely prohibited. For example, from onwards, the presentation of American films became illegal. A quantitative comparison of the percentage of German movies screened vs. The Lives of a Bengal Lancer. In order to boost the propaganda effect, the Nazis supported film shows in large cinemas with large audiences where the feeling of being part of the crowd was so overwhelming for the individual spectator that critical film perception had little chance.

Film shows also took place in military barracks and factories. The Hitler Youth arranged special film programmes Jugendfilmstunden where newsreels and propaganda films were shown. In order to supply even rural and remote areas with film shows, the Party Propaganda Department Reichspropagandaleitung operated film trucks and two film trains that carried all the necessary equipment for showing films in, for example, village inns. The Nazis intended to use television as a medium for their propaganda once the number of television sets was increased, but television was able initially to reach only a small number of viewers, in contrast to radio.

Film propaganda had the highest priority in Germany even under the severe conditions of the last years of World War II. While schools and playhouses stopped working in , cinemas continued to operate until the very end of the war. In Berlin for instance, anti-aircraft units were posted specially to protect the local cinemas in There always had been film stars in Germany, but a star system comparable to the star system in Hollywood did not yet exist. Various Nazi leaders denounced the star system as a Jewish invention.

Entartete "Kunst" ausftellungsfuhrer by Germany Book 2 editions published in in German and held by 68 WorldCat member libraries worldwide Exhibition catalog for a show of modern art organized by Hitler and Goebbels in Munich. Its purpose was to collect "the most hideous creations of a degenerate humanity and of a pathological generation of 'artists'.

Reichskulturkammer und ihre Einzelkammern: Das Recht der Reichskulturkammer: Reichskulturkammer by Reichskulturkammer Germany in German and held by 17 WorldCat member libraries worldwide. Kulturstand geltenden Gesetze u. Handbuch der Reichskulturkammer by Reichskulturkammer Germany in German and held by 4 WorldCat member libraries worldwide.

Dramatische Werke. - Version details - Trove

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Wir verraten, wo und wann Sie dieses Schauspiel Mit Lichterzauber auf der Pielach wird Die Sommersonnenwende wird in Germering mit einem Sonnwendfeuer begangen. German words that begin with s. German words that begin with so.

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