

He was eventually slain. This section concerns content related to the Warcraft novels , novellas , or short stories. Rend and his brother and sister had a short childhood due to Warlocks aging of children, but unlike other Orc parents Blackhand was happy to put forward his children first for artificial aging.

After the Siege of Telmor, Durotan was offered the city as reward for leading the raid on it.

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When Durotan turned it down, Blackhand and his family were more than happy to take Telmor as their own, even going so far as wearing the clothes and sleeping in the beds of the Draenei they had killed. Eventually, both sons drank the blood of Mannoroth. He and his brother Maim often questioned Doomhammer's orders, as Orgrim killed Blackhand the Destroyer and took his place as Warchief but never disobeyed any order.

However, Orgrim allowed the insubordination because the two brothers were leaders of the powerful Black Tooth Grin clan. During the siege of the Capital City of Lordaeron , Rend was ordered by Doomhammer to have his clan break off and chase after the traitorous Gul'dan , who had taken to the sea in search of the Eye of Sargeras.

Rend and Maim later personally fought Turalyon at the Dark Portal , only to flee when it became evident that the paladin had the upper hand. About two years later, the Dark Portal reopened and emissaries from Ner'zhul , led by Teron Gorefiend, were immediately sent to Rend and Maim asking them to rejoin the Horde, and to ask to borrow the red dragons held captive by the allied Dragonmaw clan.

Rend only laughed and refused. Not only did he call Ner'zhul a coward for staying safe in Draenor while he fought the Alliance with Orgrim Doomhammer , but that Ner'zhul will fail in time. Unable to enter an agreement, Teron leaves the warchief to his bidding. Not long after, Nefarian , sent by Deathwing, came to Blackrock Spire and took control of the Blackhand brothers and the forces under their control. This section concerns content related to the original World of Warcraft.

Warchief Thrall demanded Rend's assassination with his head being brought back. Following the Invasion of Outland , however, it was mentioned that the Blackrock orcs under Rend Blackhand were wreaking havoc beyond Grim Batol. After the Cataclysm , Rend was targeted by Acride who sent adventurers to kill him. This section concerns content related to the canceled game Warcraft Adventures: The Warchief also enlisted the aid of a group of ogres led by Krol. Commanding from the Hellfire Citadel , Blackhand directed the later campaigns against the draenei, including the invasion of the draenei temple of Karabor.

After Karabor's fall, the orcish clans gathered at the Throne of Kil'jaeden , where everyone was certain that Blackhand was going to be the first to drink the blood of Mannoroth , but instead it was Grommash Hellscream who stepped first. Blackhand himself refused his daughter Griselda from drinking.

After the orcs consumed Mannoroth's blood, the draenei's stronghold of Shattrath City fell and Blackhand searched for the body of the Prophet Velen in the ruins, but with no success. Leading the Horde through the Dark Portal after defeating the draenei and after the first failed attack on Stormwind Keep, Blackhand conducted the entire war effort against the Kingdom of Stormwind led by King Llane Wrynn in what became known as the First War.

Warchief Blackhand ordered raiding parties to cut deep into Stormwind's lands to drive panic into the human populace.

Dal'rend Blackhand

Entire villagers in Brightwood , Westfall , and the southern Redridge Mountains fell, their inhabitants either killed or forced to flee. By the time Stormwind's patrols rode to defend the villages, the Horde was already gone. They were an enemy unlike any the humans had ever faced. Deciding to use the orcs' mobility against them, the King's Champion Anduin Lothar studied the pattern of targets the Horde would strike and set up ambushes along their paths of retreat. In some cases, small units of human knights were able to bring down entire orc raiding parties without any casualties.

The orcs soon realized the humans were unlike any enemy they had ever faced as well. Three years after the Dark Portal had been opened, the orcish raids on the countryside had razed farms, towns, villages, forges, and trade houses, causing ruin to Stormwind's economy.

Blackhand - WoW

Even more dire, many sources of food supply had been destroyed or fallen into the Horde's control, threatening Stormwind City with running out of supplies in a few months. With this knowledge in mind, Warchief Blackhand decided to bring the Horde north to conquer Redridge Mountains and from there launch an attack on Stormwind City. The Horde marched on the foothills of Redridge with little resistance and believed the humans would not attack before they reached Stormwind City, which was exactly what Lothar wanted them to think.

An orc raiding party led by Blackhand went into the mountains hoping to claim Lakeshire. However, Lothar and his knights suddenly charged down the slopes without warning and surrounded the orcs in a spectacular ambush. The Horde raiders fought hard but almost all of them were slain. Lothar himself had almost killed Blackhand, but the two Shadow Council warlocks accompanying Blackhand had turned the tide of battle with their fel fire and forced Lothar to withdraw. Blackhand was humiliated by his brush with death and blamed the Shadow Council for not sensing the ambush.

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He personally executed the two warlocks that saved his life for incompetence, which angered Gul'dan as they were his subordinates and limited in number. Weeks later, a larger force took Lakeshire and the surrounding land. Thousands of Horde soldiers marched through Elwynn Forest and encircled Stormwind, cutting off all access except for the sea. To weaken the city's defenses, siege engines bombarded the city walls through the night, and at dawn Kilrogg and Cho'gall launched their attack.

While orcs charged the battlements, warlocks engulfed Stormwind's soldiers in fel fire, resulting in staggering losses. As it seemed Stormwind would fall that day, suddenly cries of an attack came from the Horde's rear lines. Lothar and the majority of Stormwind's knights had moved around the Horde by sea. The King's Commander was now leading a charge through Elwynn Forest, catching the orcs in the rearguard completely by surprise as the knights cut through their lines. As the Bleeding Hollow and Twilight's Hammer tried to push back the knights, Stormwind's large gates opened and soldiers poured out of the city to flank the orcs in a counterattack.

Outflanked on both sides and suffering many casualties, the orcs were left with no choice but to flee. This was the greatest disaster to ever happen to the Horde.

Warcraft (2016) - Lothar vs Blackhand Mak'gora [4K]

Blackhand was infuriated and barely stopped himself from executing Kilrogg and Cho'gall because their clan members might revolt. The Horde withdrew to Redridge to devise a new plan.

Black Hand

During the war, his daughter disobeyed him and fled to the Deadmines with Turok and his ogres. Blackhand learned about this and sent a group of warriors to kill Griselda and her new friends.

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Soon after Gul'dan fell into a coma after attempting to steal information pertaining to the Tomb of Sargeras from the mind of Medivh , Blackhand was left vulnerable. Seizing the opportunity provided by the powerful warlock's incapacitation, Blackhand's second-in-command, Orgrim Doomhammer — later known as the Backstabber for the deed he was about to commit — decided to seize power from the puppet Warchief, hoping he could lead his wayward people from the path they had taken.

Orgrim wasn't pleased at forced to kill as he served him as his second-in-command and was sworn to fight beside him. Nothing more was done to stop them. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This section needs expansion with: You can help by adding to it. This section does not cite any sources. Please help improve this section by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. March Learn how and when to remove this template message.

Ideology and international relations in the modern world. Retrieved 8 November Srbija i Crna Gora u balkanskim ratovima Parlamentarizam u Srbiji od Nationalism, Globalization, and Orthodoxy: National Library of Serbia.

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