
The Story of Patsy

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Story Of Patsy by Wiggin, Kate Douglas

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The story of Patsy

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Patsy & Delia -- Love Story

The story of Patsy Author: Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin Publisher: Boston ; New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Co. English View all editions and formats Summary: A street urchin enrolls himself in a Kindergatern and he and the teacher both learn about charity and Christian life. Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private.


Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Wiggin, Kate Douglas Smith, Fiction, Juvenile audience, Internet resource Document Type: Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin Find more information about: Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin. Reviews User-contributed reviews Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers.

Bestselling Series

Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Similar Items Related Subjects: Conduct of life -- Juvenile literature. Conduct of life -- Fiction. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Feb 14, Majenta rated it it was amazing. Meet a teacher who meets a boy who believes he has lost three years of his life: But wait, it had "two big, pathetic, soft dark eyes, so appealing that one could hardly meet their glance without feeling instinctively in one's pocket for a biscuit or a ten-cent piece.

The Story of Patsy

If I could only fix on a printed page Danny Kern's smile when he conquered his temper yesterday, put into type that hand clasp of Mrs. Finnigan's that sent such a thrill of promise to our hearts, show a subscriber Mrs. Guinee's quivering lips when she thanked us for the change in Joe--why, we shouldn't need money very long. It did not strike me at the time Feb 22, Sarah Suchon rated it it was amazing. As a teacher, this book hit close to home.

I think every teacher should read this book, and people who want to understand why teachers do what they do should read this book. Amazing, really reminds you of why every little helpful act is important. The end made me bawl!

Jun 26, Jenny rated it really liked it Shelves: This was a different era, and I was happy to spend an hour in it with this little book. Gave me some things to think about, and a laugh or two. Mar 19, Soybean Soybean rated it liked it. A very touching little story about a boy named Patsy. You might want to keep a handkerchief nearby Jeannette rated it it was amazing Sep 08, Sheela Shenoy rated it did not like it Dec 20, Cindy rated it liked it Dec 06, Pamela Burdick rated it it was amazing Nov 24, John Lopez rated it really liked it Oct 25, Emily rated it liked it Dec 23, Kendall rated it liked it Feb 14, Hannah rated it really liked it Feb 13, Linda rated it liked it Mar 04,