
Thank You for Keeping Me Sober, Volume II: Philip of the Streets

I tried advertizing with the forum and that does not seem to be working. What else can I do besides standing on a street corner?

The mind of a heroin addict: the struggle to get clean and stay sober

What areas on the LifeRing website to I join for solid information? Lastly I am a graduate student who is going to college full time as well as doing my internship. My field of study is addictions, so I really want to make this happen in more ways than one, and yes I do meet the criteria needed to be a convenor. I attend LR meetings in St. Would like to hear from likeminded people. You might visit https: Hello, Can you tell me how to register?

I no longer remember how to sign in, passwords,etc.

  • Best summer books 2018, as picked by writers and cultural figures – part two;
  • Ping 2 - Les Impatiences de Ping (French Edition).
  • Philip Seymour Hoffman Found Dead in New York.
  • Best summer books , as picked by writers and cultural figures – part two | Books | The Guardian.

At the time I may not have been the best member but situations change. I am an atheist and live in Mobile, Al. I became very angry last night at a meeting last night. I have a problem with alcohol and want no part of a god delusion. I have enough problems already. I really feel isolated and would like to at least check out LRS Safe once more.

Would be good to talk to someone. Marguerite, Sounds like you could use an E-pal! Hi to all from the UK mainland….. We have started a successful group in Belfast Northern Ireland…. Any chance of some of you guys starting meetings……. Is anyone aware of any lifering groups in Australia? I am a struggling atheist addict trying to navigate the waters of NA but feel constantly compromised and insincere. Just wanted to check in. Courts and attorneys find their hands tied in this locale because there is no alternative to the 12 Steps in Stanislaus County.

I have srarted a LifeRing group in England. I am pretty sure we are the flagship group first group to set up here. How do I go about having this listed on the website?


Also, I am in the process of setting up a website and eventually this will need listing. I did email the webmaster a while back but not sure if that ever arrived there as I did not get a response. I can be found occasionally in the chat room as anthony I look forward to hearing from you Dubs out there. I am recovering alcoholic , some years sober.

Shirley, You sound like a candiate for our on-line groups, assuming there is no face-to-face group near you.

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Just picked up empowering your sober self. See on website that the meeting in Fresno is on thursday nights at Kaiser.

Maggie O’Farrell

Where exactly are the meetings held. Kath, The listing for the Fresno meeting mentions Redwood 2nd Floor which should narrow your search some. The very first meeting of LifeRing was held in Belfast today. What a giant step forward, thank you Denis thank you Marty. There is currently one meeting in Seattle on our schedule — see https: Be sure to call or email first just to double check. Facebook Twitter Youtube Email. If you're looking for a Face-to-Face Meeting, check this link out: Find a face-to-face meeting near you For those who do not live close to a face-to-face meeting or who are more comfortable communicating with the online LifeRing community, we offer the following services: Name Please enter your name.

Email Please enter a valid email.

Russell Brand: my life without drugs

Your Message Please enter a message. Craig Whalley on February 23, at 1: Deanna on April 28, at 8: Looking for a new way to support my sobriety. Craig Whalley on April 28, at James K on January 3, at 1: Any meetings in the Los Angeles, CA area? If not yet, are any planned anytime soon? Craig Whalley on January 3, at 4: Amy A on February 5, at 9: I would be very interested in a Los Angeles area in-person meeting.

Craig Whalley on February 5, at 3: Christopher John Smith on April 24, at 7: Is it okay to be religious or is this group just for anti-theists? Craig Whalley on January 3, at 7: Craig on December 2, at 9: Craig Whalley on December 3, at 4: Irina on February 6, at 3: Thanks again for offering a choice! Lea on November 5, at 9: Craig Whalley on November 6, at 6: Neal on September 26, at 9: Craig Whalley on September 26, at Linda on August 17, at Craig Whalley on August 17, at 5: Steve D on August 13, at 7: Craig Whalley on August 13, at 2: Jeffrey on August 13, at 8: I would love to get involved with Lifering.

Craig Whalley on August 14, at 6: Kate on August 4, at 6: Craig Whalley on August 4, at 8: Keith on March 17, at 7: Craig Whalley on March 18, at 8: Craig Whalley on February 1, at Victoria on January 30, at Craig Whalley on December 29, at 4: Bella on January 3, at 6: Ewa Conroy on February 10, at 4: Would love to hear from you! Ewa Conroy on February 10, at 3: Look forward to hearing from you! MK on October 3, at 8: Craig Whalley on October 3, at Greg on October 1, at 3: Craig Whalley on October 1, at 9: Dave Heitz on May 26, at Craig W on May 26, at Craig W on January 27, at 1: Craig W on January 17, at 5: Craig W on January 2, at 2: Shelton, Attending a LifeRing meeting can help a lot.

Selvaraj on December 16, at 9: Craig W on December 17, at 9: Fahad on September 2, at 2: Craig W on September 3, at 7: Radhey Shyam Singh on August 21, at 6: Craig W on August 23, at 1: Tipsi on August 20, at 6: Kindly send me chennai Tamilnadu address for take treatment for forget alcohol. Even though I saw it coming, it still hurt when it eventually hit me. What was so painful about Amy's death is that I know that there is something I could have done.

I could have passed on to her the solution that was freely given to me. Don't pick up a drink or drug, one day at a time. It sounds so simple.

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It actually is simple but it isn't easy: Not to mention that the whole infrastructure of abstinence based recovery is shrouded in necessary secrecy. There are support fellowships that are easy to find and open to anyone who needs them but they eschew promotion of any kind in order to preserve the purity of their purpose, which is for people with alcoholism and addiction to help one another stay clean and sober. Without these fellowships I would take drugs. Because, even now, the condition persists. Drugs and alcohol are not my problem, reality is my problem, drugs and alcohol are my solution.

If this seems odd to you it is because you are not an alcoholic or a drug addict. For me, this is not an option. I will relinquish all else to ride that buzz to oblivion.

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Even if it began as a timid glass of chardonnay on a ponce's yacht, it would end with me necking the bottle, swimming to shore and sprinting to Bethnal Green in search of a crack house. I look to drugs and booze to fill up a hole in me; unchecked, the call of the wild is too strong. I still survey streets for signs of the subterranean escapes that used to provide my sanctuary.

I still eye the shuffling subclass of junkies and dealers, invisibly gliding between doorways through the gutters. I see that dereliction can survive in opulence; the abundantly wealthy with destitution in their stare. Spurred by Amy's death, I've tried to salvage unwilling victims from the mayhem of the internal storm and I am always, always, just pulled inside myself. I have a friend so beautiful, so haunted by talent that you can barely look away from her, whose smile is such a treasure that I have often squandered my sanity for a moment in its glow. The gutter is within.

It is frustrating to watch. It is frustrating to love someone with this disease. A friend of mine's brother cannot stop drinking. He gets a few months of sobriety and his inner beauty, with the obstacles of his horrible drunken behaviour pushed aside by the presence of a programme, begins to radiate. His family bask relieved, in the joy of their returned loved one, his life gathers momentum but then he somehow forgets the price of this freedom, returns to his old way of thinking, picks up a drink and Mr Hyde is back in the saddle.

Once more his brother's face is gaunt and hopeless. The fact is, though, that they can't, the sufferer must, of course, be a willing participant in their own recovery. From Pulitzer prize-winners to Penguin classics, poetry anthologies to the latest page-turners, here are the books to take to the beach this summer. Illustrations by Leon Edler. Sun 8 Jul It follows Arthur Less — who keeps emphatically reiterating that he is absolutely not heartbroken by his boyfriend marrying someone else — from San Francisco to Japan, to Italy and back again.

I might have to feign illness to devote myself to them. Rupert Thomson is an astonishing writer, who should be far more celebrated than he is. Time is something we think we know about instinctively; here he shows how profoundly strange it really is. Instead of returning home with a tan, you will be likely to return home looking pale and haunted, and with your eyes sunken in your skull, but you will thank me for the tip.

Two recent favourites are memoirs that use other books to tell their story. In her joyful memoir Bookworm: A Memoir of Childhood Reading Vintage , Lucy Mangan revisits our most beloved childhood books Milly-Molly-Mandy crops up again , brings the characters of our collective childhood back to life and uses them — with great wit and wisdom — to tell her own story.

Jonathan Cape is as quiet and aching and intimate as a James Blake ballad. Holidays are for distraction-free immersion in books with heft. Counter that with Practice: I will be in the Tuscan hills this summer and I am taking with me Shape of Light: I heartily recommend Who Is Rich? The narrator, Rich Fischer, a once somewhat famous cartoonist, will please anyone who likes their protagonists clever and deluded, hopeful and doomed.

His poems are intelligent and moving and find the perfect balance between intricacy and directness. Please discover Sylvia Townsend Warner this summer. The Battle for the Bridges, Viking. In the second world war, the Germans used 2. I plan to read it while visiting my sister in Providence, Rhode Island. On a trip that is mainly travel, I want books that will inspire me, that are humane and thought-provoking.

Oscillating between bold declarations and restrained, seething fury, the poems slowly build to a storm in the psyche. The book is a masterclass in line-making and metaphor.