
Pirates Maiden

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Now here's a band that's putting a positive spin on music piracy. Iron Maiden noticed its music was being heavily pirated in South America, but instead of sending in the fuzz, or trying to clamp down, it targeted the area for upcoming tours, CiteWorld reports.

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It made millions of pounds from ticket sales and merchandise. Sure there's a lesson to be learnt here.

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Such was the success of Iron Maiden LLP -- the holding company for the heavy metal band -- that it outperformed the UK music industry as a whole, according to stats compiled by Growth Intelligence. So how did Iron Maiden go about turning the table on the pirates? It enlisted a UK company called Musicmetric to find out where its tunes were being pirated heavily, and hence where it had lots of fans.

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Artists could say 'we're getting pirated here, let's do something about it', or 'we're popular here, let's play a show'. Apparently the Maiden is huge in Brazil, judging from the amount of BitTorrent traffic it gets there. So the band has focussed exclusively on South American tours in recent years. Its number of social media fans went through the roof, too. In the 12 months ending on 31 May , the band gained more than 3. After a recent UK tour, its online fan base grew by 5 million.

Pirates Maiden

So there you go. Maybe suing your own fans isn't the way to go after all. Although endlessly interesting the battles between the entertainment industries, their armies of lawyers and millions of Internet users has a tendency to get terribly depressing.

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  5. The past 15 years is littered with casualties. Dozens of file-sharing services have been shut down, with Napster, Kazaa, Grokster, LimeWire, Megaupload and isoHunt merely heading up an almost endless list of sharing tools subjected to destruction. Sadly they are just the tip of the iceberg, with much of the action this year going on under the surface.

    During Hollywood and the music industry deliberately calmed down in the United States, putting citizens there at ease after the SOPA debacle.

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    But while the United States sleeps they are doing their work overseas in countries such as the UK. Grabbing a domain is out of the question on home soil, but doing it through a foreign proxy is easy.

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    Other miserable developments have their roots in the past. Last decade the RIAA decided it would be a good idea to sue its own customers and continued for years until finally realizing they were getting nowhere.

    Pirate Maidens Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia

    The same cynical practice is today being carried out by dozens of bottom-feeding troll companies such as Prenda Law , Malibu Media and GoldenEye International, each looking to profit from piracy and doing so by the most damaging and cruel means possible. So when an article gets published that states that Iron Maiden, a huge band with a massive following, has decided to look at piracy and do something positive with it, people get properly excited.

    Learning that the band monitored BitTorrent networks and collected pirate location data not to sue their fans, but to find out where they are in order to play for them , was a wonderful juxtaposition to the snarly image Metallica cultured when crushing Napster at the turn of the century.