
Leben und Ereignisse des Peter Prosch (German Edition)

Weiterhin werden auch die verschiedenen Moeglichkeiten der radiologischen Refluxpruefung zur Untersuchung der Funktion des gastrooesophagealen Sphinkters verglichen und deren Wert diskutiert. Die Pruefung der Funktion von Oesophagus und gastrooesophagealem Sphinkter als ein integraler Bestandteil der Roentgenuntersuchung der Speiseroehre verbessert deren Treffsicherheit, wodurch die radiologische Untersuchung die primaere diagnostische Methode bei Patienten mit Schluckstoerungen darstellt.

Radiological diagnostics of malignant tumors of the musculoskeletal system in childhood and adolescence; Radiologische Diagnostik maligner Tumoren des Muskuloskelettalsystems im Kindes- und Adoleszentenalter. In the last two decades the prognosis of patients with such malignancies improved significantly. On the one hand because of the advances in chemotherapy and orthopedic surgery, on the other hand also because of the innovations in radiological diagnostics. The precise pre-therapeutical staging of tumors of the musculoskeletal system provides important prognostic information and has impact on the entire therapy management.

During respectively after therapy, imaging is extremely important in the follow-up and in diagnosing a possible recurrent disease. Modern imaging diagnostics of musculoskeletal tumors basically consist of conventional X-ray, of computed tomography CT and magnetic resonance imaging MRI , and of modalities of nuclear medicine such as szintigraphy, positron emission tomography PET and PET CT. In den letzten beiden Jahrzehnten hat sich insgesamt die Prognose der Patienten mit solchen Malignomen deutlich gebessert. Einerseits aufgrund der Fortschritte in der Chemotherapie und orthopaedischen Tumorchirurgie, andererseits nicht zuletzt aufgrund der zahlreichen Innovationen der radiologischen Diagnostik.

Das praezise praetherapeutische Staging von Tumoren des Muskuloskelettalsystems liefert wichtige prognostische Informationen und beeinflusst das gesamte Therapiemanagement. Radiological findings, evaluation and treatment of patellofemoral pain after total knee arthroplasty; Radiologische Diagnostik , Beurteilung und Behandlung des patellofemoralen Schmerzes nach primaerer Knieendoprothetik. Total knee arthroplasty TKA is one of the most successful operative procedures over the last decades in orthopedic surgery; however, some patients suffer from pain, limited range of motion, instability, infections or other complications postoperatively.

Mainly increasing and localized contact pressure and patella maltracking are held responsible for PFP but the reasons vary. Diagnostics and therapy of PFP is not easy to manage and should be treated following a clinical pathway. The authors suggest that patients with PFP should be categorized after basic diagnostic measures according to the suspected diagnosis: Efficient application of special diagnostic measures and further therapy is facilitated by this classification.

Insbesondere der erhoehte retropatellare Anpressdruck und eine schlechte Fuehrung der Patella werden fuer den PFS verantwortlich gemacht, doch die Ursachen sind vielfaeltig. Diagnostik und Behandlung sind komplex und sollten strukturiert durchgefuehrt werden. Nach der Basisdiagnostik schlagen die Autoren daher eine Einteilung in eine der 4 Gruppen vor: Durch die Einteilung in diese verschiedenen Gruppen werden eine effiziente spezielle. Diagnostics for diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract from the viewpoint of the internist and surgeon. Demands made on radiological diagnostics; Diagnostik von Erkrankungen der Gallenblase und - Wege aus Sicht des Internisten und Chirurgen.

Anforderungen an die radiologische Diagnostik. Abteilung fuer Allgemein-, Viszeral- und Unfallchirurgie. Jaundice and colic pain of the right upper quadrant are the main symptoms of biliary diseases. Gallstone-related diseases often lead to hospital admission. The evaluation of a patient with biliary symptoms requires a combination of history taking, physical examination, laboratory analysis, and imaging modalities. A high-quality magnetic resonance imaging MRI or computed tomography CT scan is usually sufficient to evaluate a patient with painless jaundice. Ultrasonography is helpful as an initial screening test to guide the diagnostic work-up.

Die durch Gallensteine verursachten Beschwerden und Erkrankungen zaehlen zu den haeufigsten gastroenterologischen Krankheitsbildern, die eine Klinikaufnahme erfordern. Die Abklaerung eines Patienten mit biliaeren Symptomen erfolgt durch eine Kombination von Anamnese, Medikamentenanamnese, koerperlicher Untersuchung, Laboranalysen und bildgebenden Verfahren.

Der Ultraschall ist fuer die Planung der weiteren Diagnostik oft entscheidend. Der Stellenwert invasiver Methoden, wie z. Radiologic diagnosis of echinococcosis. Radiologische Diagnostik bei Echinokokkose. Medical imaging and laboratory parameters permit a reliable detection and differentiation of cases of echinococcosis.

Computerized tomography is a particularly valuable diagnostic tool here. In cases of liver infestation the resulting calcified foci are less readily revealed by magnetic resonance imaging than by CT, even though the former method has its merits in the diagnosis of concomitant vascular changes. In those cases, X-ray pictures of the osseous tissue show a light patch of a cyst-like appearance. Computerized tomography and nmr imaging are also able to visualize any soft tissue invasion beyond the limits of the diseased bony structures.

Magnetic resonance imaging is the most sensitive method to detect bone marrow infestation. Radiological diagnosis of maxillary sinus aspergillosis. Radiologische Diagnostik der Kieferhoehlenaspergillose. Aspergillosis of the maxillary sinuses shows an increasing incidence in even otherwise healthy patients.

Next to inhalation as the mode of infection, a dental root canal filling with an orosinusal fistula can be the cause. As most infections remain initially undetected or underestimated as common sinusitis, early diagnosis must be achieved. Standard X-ray of the paranasal sinuses, conventional tomography as well as CT scans are of major importance. Centrally located hyperdense opacifications are a good criterion and can be best seen in CT.

Even when the case has not progressed too much, radical surgery combined with Amphotericin B therapy is still the treatment of choice since the infection may progress rapidly. COPD is a heterogeneous disease defined by expiratory airflow limitation.

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Airflow limitation is caused by a variable combination of emphysematous destruction of lung parenchyma and small airway obstruction. Only advanced emphysema can be diagnosed by chest X-ray. Less severe emphysema and changes in small airways are commonly diagnosed by computed tomography. Typical visual appearance of pathologic changes in lung parenchyma and airways of COPD patients are presented, furthermore methods for quantitative assessment of these changes and the crucial role of imaging for surgical and bronchoscopic treatment in COPD are discussed.

Radiological diagnosis in traumatology; Radiologische Diagnostik in der Traumatologie. This loose-leaf publication covers all radiological problems that may possibly occur in accident surgery.

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The focus is on conventional radiological diagnosis. The physical and technical fundamentals of diagnostic examination methods are discussed, followed by practical hints on radiation protection, technical equipment and quality assurance, as well as accurate information on the procedure of taking and interpreting standard X-ray pictures. The indications for standard X-raying, tomography, CT and MRT are presented in consideration of the radiation exposure incurred by the patient. The reader is also informed on the dynamics and varying morphology of bone fracture healing, potential disturbances of callus formation and reconstruction, as well as on possible complications.

The main section of the book discusses injuries of the skull, spinal cord, pectoral girdle, upper arm, elbow and lower arm, wrist and hands, pelvis, hip joint, knee and upper and lower leg, ankle joint and foot, thorax and abdomen. The diagnosis and treatment of non-occlusive gut ischaemia. Non-occlusive gut ischaemia is a disease of advanced age. Its causes are reduced cardiac output or shock, facilitated by digitalis, adrenaline, ergotamine and diuretics. The persisting microcirculation and development of gut necrois leads to an increase in certain serum enzymes, such as lactate, LDH and CK-NB.

The early application of mesenteric angiography using a DSA technique reveals four grades of under-perfusion. Early and correct diagnosis of the disease should lead to intra-arterial treatment with prostaglandin. In 10 out of 42 cases, conservative therapy led to re-perfusion of the gut.

Radiological diagnostics in the clinical context; Pulmonale Hypertonie. Radiologische Diagnostik im klinischen Kontext. Pulmonary hypertension PH has a broad differential and the radiological task is to define and characterize the pathophysiological background. The first part of the review is focused on the clinical categorization and specific features of the various groups of PH. Overall, PH is a rare disease and the clinical symptoms are non specific. Therefore, the disease is usually detected delayed. Each radiological technique, especially chest X-ray and CT, do show specific findings suggestive of PH, which will be discussed.

Verification of the severity of PH is still a domain of invasive right heart catheterization. However, there are promising approaches using MRI to determine the pulmonary arterial pressure non-invasively. Current methods in the radiological diagnosis of oesophageal tumours. Aktuelle radiologische Diagnostik von Oesophagustumoren. The presence of dysphagia can easily be confirmed or disproven on the basis of conventional X-ray pictures without thereby compromising the patients' well-being. Such X-ray procedures should preferably precede endoscopy, as any pathological findings thus revealed may provide clues to the use of the latter method.

Double contrast procedures may yield very useful additional information in hypotension, while CT and MRT have their merits in preoperative tumour staging. Radiological diagnosis and differential diagnosis of headache; Radiologische Diagnostik und Differenzialdiagnostik bei Kopfschmerzen im Erwachsenenalter. Headache is very common and affects almost everyone at some point. It is one of the most common disorders that leads patients to see their physician. All different forms have the nociception via trigeminal nerve fibers in common. Beside the clinical course headaches are classified as either primary or secondary, with the latter having an identifiable structural or biochemical cause.

Imaging has a low diagnostic yield in primary headache but play an important role in the differential diagnosis of secondary forms. An overview of different forms of secondary headache is given, outlining diagnostic procedures and the morphologic imaging features of each syndrome. To present current data on diagnosis, indication and different therapy options in patients with cholangiocarcinoma CC based on an analysis of the current literature and clinical experience.

The diagnostic routine includes laboratory investigations with parameters of cholestasis and also serum tumor markers CA19 - 9 and CEA. An endoscopic retrograde cholangiography ERCP can then be planned, especially if biliary drainage or cytological or histological specimen sampling is intended. A curative approach can be achieved by surgical resection, rarely by liver transplantation. However, many patients are not eligible for surgery.

In addition to systemic chemotherapy, locoregional therapies such as transarterial chemoembolization TACE , hepatic arterial infusion HAI - also known as chemoperfusion -, drug eluting beads-therapy DEB as well as thermoablative procedures, such as laser-induced thermotherapy LITT , microwave ablation MWA and radiofrequency ablation RFA can be provided with a palliative intention. Patients with Klatskin's tumour present clinically unspecific symptoms such as painless jaundice and cholangitic discomfort. The only curative treatment is R0 resection of the tumour. To allow stage-specific therapy, accurate tumour staging is indispensable, the first step of which is abdominal sonography.

Biopsy using ERC is required before starting any specific treatment. If therapeutically relevant peritoneal carcinosis is clinically suspected although not radiologically confirmed, PET should also be performed. For optimal treatment, close cooperation between clinicians and radiologists is necessary.

Eine R0-Resektion ist der einzige kurative Therapieansatz. Um eine stadiengerechte Therapie zu ermoeglichen, muss ein moeglichst exaktes Tumorstaging erfolgen. Primaer kommt die abdominelle Sonographie zum Einsatz. Wird klinisch trotz negativem Nachweis einer Peritonealkarzinose eine solche suspiziert, sollte bei Therapierelevanz z. Um den Patienten eine optimale Therapie zukommen zu lassen, ist eine enge klinische Zusammenarbeit zwischen Radiologen, Internisten und Chirurgen notwendig.

Diagnosis of venous disorders; A challenge for the radiologist.

Die radiologische Diagnostik von Venenerkrankungen; Eine Herausforderung. Limited accuracy in the clinic diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis VT makes such diagnostic tests such as duplex sonography or venography necessary. Exact information on the age and extent of the thrombus are necessary for the clinician to optimize the therapeutric management. The correct diagnosis of calf vein thrombosis and of recurrent VT in patients with postphlebitis changes also has implications for treatment.

After exclusion of thrombosis, the radiologist should evaluate the leg for other possible causes of symptoms besides VT. Investigation of the venous sytem also has a role in the diagnosis in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism. In patients with chronic venous insuffficiency the deep venous system should assessed for patency and venous valve function.

The superficial veins should be differentiated in segments with sufficient or insufficient venous valves, and it is also necessary to look for insufficiency of the perforrating veins. In patients with superficial phlebitis there is risk of propagation into the deep venous system. Radiology of the male breast. Radiologische Diagnostik der maennlichen Brustdruese.

Mammographie, Sonographie, pathohistologische Korrelation. Diagnoses included gynaecomastia in 53 cases, pseudogynaecomastia in 9 cases, 3 carcinomas, 2 inflammatory lesions and 1 lipoma. Mammography and sonography can differentiate reliably true gynaecomastia from pseudogynaecomastia. Gynaecomastia and especially inflammatory lesions may not always be readily differentiated from carcinoma. Sonography can be helpful by demonstrating hyperreflexive glandular tissue, whereas carcinomas are usually hypoechoic. Diagnostic imaging of skeletal injuries; Kindesmisshandlung. Radiologische Diagnostik skelettaler Verletzungsfolgen.

Diagnostic imaging, besides medical history and clinical examination, is a major component in assessment of cases of suspected physical child abuse. Performance of proper imaging technique, and knowledge of specific injury patterns is required for accurate image interpretation by the radiologist, and serves protection of the child in case of proven abuse. On the other side, it is essential to protect the family in unjustified accusations.

The reader will be familiarised with essentials of the topic 'Physical child abuse', in order to be able to correctly assess quality, completeness, and results of X-ray films. Moreover, opportunities and limitations of alternative diagnostic modalities will be discussed. Posttraumatic radiological diagnostics of the cervical spine; Posttraumatische radiologische Diagnostik der Halswirbelsaeule. Mutze, Sven [Unfallkrankenhaus Berlin Germany. The objective of this article is to determine, for each available method, the indications for imaging as well as the associated possibilities and limitations.

It furthermore examines the desirability of close co-operation with clinical colleges to avoid unnecessary tests while identifying necessary procedures quickly and effectively. Individual cases are studied systematically and with numerous examples, and additional injuries, for example dissections of cerebral arteries and dural injuries, are highlighted. Excercises in diagnostic radiology. Uebungen in radiologischer Diagnostik. Diagnostic radiology in emergency patients as a supplement to anamnesis and examination has gained increasing importance in the last few years.

Usually, the physician in charge has only few signs to go by when a patient is sent to radiology. The most frequent signs are pectoral pain, headache, dyspenea, etc. The cases in this book have been selected accordingly. Although the names have been invented the case histories presented have not been greatly changed.

The original 'negatives' of the anamnesis are not presented in most cases as they would have taken up too much space. No important information has been omitted. A typical and unusual cases are characterized as such. Diagnostic imaging in child abuse; Bildgebende Diagnostik der Kindesmisshandlung. Diagnostic imaging in child abuse plays an important role and includes the depiction of skeletal injuries, soft tissue lesions, visceral injuries in 'battered child syndrome' and brain injuries in 'shaken baby syndrome'.

The use of appropriate imaging modalities allows specific fractures to be detected, skeletal lesions to be dated and the underlying mechanism of the lesion to be described. The imaging results must be taken into account when assessing the clinical history, clinical findings and differential diagnoses. Computed tomography CT and magnetic resonance imaging MRI examinations must be performed in order to detect lesions of the central nervous system CNS immediately.

CT is necessary in the initial diagnosis to delineate oedema and haemorrhages. Early detection of brain injuries in children with severe neurological symptoms can prevent serious late sequelae. MRI is performed in follow-up investigations and is used to describe residual lesions, including parenchymal findings. Trotz scheinbar leerer Anamnese gelingt es, typische Verletzungsmuster als Misshandlungsfolge zu erkennen, sowohl im Bereich des Skeletts, der Weichteile, des Abdomens 'battered child syndrome', heute: Den klinischen Symptomen entsprechend, wird im Verdachtsfall ein adaequates diagnostisches Verfahren eingesetzt, das erwartete charakteristische Befunde nachweist, den Mechanismus der Verletzung aufzeigt und das Alter der Laesionen annaehernd festlegt.

Radiologische Skelettbefunde werden hinsichtlich ihrer Spezifitaet fuer eine Misshandlung bewertet. Alle Resultate der Bildgebung sind zusammen mit Anamnese und klinischen Befunden zu deuten. Indikationen, Biomechanik, Typen und radiologische Kriterien. Rueckenschmerzen und eine signifikante Verbesserung in den disability scores. Die radiologische Diagnostik ist wichtiger Bestandteil der praeoperativen Abklaerung. Ausschluss von Spondylarthrosen, eines Morbus Baastrup und anderer moeglicher Schmerzursachen angefertigt werden, ausserdem ein MRT zum Nachweis des Wasserverlustes der Bandscheibe, Ausschluss groesserer Prolabierungen oder zur Darstellung von Aktivierungszeichen.

Die postoperative radiologische Diagnostik sollte Nativaufnahmen in 2 Ebenen und im spaeteren Verlauf Funktionsaufnahmen beinhalten. Eine ideal eingesetzte LBEP sollte im a. Bild mittig zentriert und in der Seitaufnahme dorsal nahe der Wirbelkoerperhinterkante abschliessen. Bei Fehllage drohen segmentale Hyperlordose und ungleiche Belastung mit der Gefahr der Einsinterung und der Migration.

Aktuelle Diagnostik der kindlichen Harninkontinenz. Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden. Auch eine Komedikation mit Ritalin wegen Aufmerksamkeits-Defizitsyndrom findet sich zunehmend. Radiological imaging of osteoarthritis of the knee; Radiologische Bildgebung der Kniegelenkarthrose. Die demographische Altersentwicklung der westlichen Industrielaender prognostiziert einen deutlichen Anstieg der Arthroseinzidenz fuer die naechsten Jahrzehnte.

Nach wie vor stellt die konventionelle projektionsradiographische Roentgenbildanalyse die einfachste und guenstigste radiologische Modalitaet bei der Beurteilung und Verlaufskontrolle der Kniegelenkarthrose dar. Das Roentgenbild birgt zunehmend in zahlreichen klinischen und wissenschaftlichen Situationen signifikante Limitierungen, welche durch moderne bildgebende Methoden wie der Magnetresonanztomographie MRT und Sonographie ueberwunden werden koennen.

Intravitale Knorpelbeurteilungen anhand spezieller bildgebender MRT-Methoden werden zunehmend in der Diagnostik und Verlaufskontrolle der Arthrose eingesetzt und koennten bei breiter klinischer Anwendung zukuenftig zu einem Paradigmenwechsel bei der Behandlung arthrotischer Knorpelschaeden fuehren. In diesem Uebersichtsartikel sollen die wichtigsten radiologischen diagnostischen Merkmale der Kniegelenkarthrose und deren radiologisch Beurteilung dargestellt werden. Die systematische radiologische Beurteilung der Kniegelenkarthrose umfasst die Bestimmung der Gelenkkapselstrukturen, Synovia, Knorpeldicke, des Knorpelvolumens, eventueller Knorpeldefekte, des makromodularen Netzwerks des hyalinen Gelenkknorpels, eines Knochenmarkoedems, der Menisken und der artikulaeren Gelenkbaender.

Moderne bildgebende Methoden wie die MRT und Sonographie sind in der Lage, die Schwaechen der Projektionsradiographie zu eliminieren und das Kniegelenk mit seinen knoechernen, knorpeligen, ligamentoesen und weichteildichten Strukturen detailliert abzubilden. Diagnostic evaluatuin of gastrointestinal tumors; Diagnostik bei Tumoren im Gastrointestinaltrakt. Klinik und Poliklinik fuer Nuklearmedizin. In such cases a PET scan may be helpful. PET seems to be more accurate in this respect, too. Auch die Differenzierung eines Lokalrezidivs von postoperativer Narbenbildung, z.

Lebertumoren sollten primaer sonographisch und bei fraglicher Dignitaet anschliessend mittels MRT untersucht werden. In der Differentialdiagnostik von unklaren Leberherden ist die nuklearmedizinische Rezeptorszintigraphie wegweisend. Ergeben die vorgeschalteten Untersuchungen den Verdacht auf einen malignen Prozess, sollte zusaetzlich eine CT-Arterioportographie durchgefuehrt werden, da dieses.

Diagnostics and therapy of spinal disc herniation; Diagnostik und Therapie des Bandscheibenvorfalls. Degenerative processes in a movement segment of the vertebral column, which can potentially give rise to herniation of elements of the nucleus pulposus, are complex and of variable clinical and radiological dimensions; however the mere assumption that degenerative changes precede disc herniation remains a matter of debate.

By definition, spinal disc herniation SDH refers to components of the gelatinous nucleus pulposus protruding beyond the dorsal level of the vertebral body margin through tears in the annulus fibrosus. Clinical presentation may include pain, paresis and sensory disturbances. In the majority of patients a conservative approach with physical therapy exercises and adequate analgesic and antiphlogistic medical treatment results in a substantial improvement of symptoms. Selbst die Annahme, dass Bandscheibenvorfaellen eine Degeneration vorangeht, ist keineswegs unumstritten.

Definitionsgemaess spricht man von einem Bandscheibenvorfall BSV , wenn das Gewebe des gelatinoesen Nucleus pulposus durch eine Dehiszenz im Anulus fibrosus ueber das Niveau der normalen dorsalen Begrenzung des Bandscheibenfachs hinaus prolabiert. Klinisch kann dies mit Schmerzen, Paresen und Sensibilitaetsstoerungen einhergehen. In der Mehrzahl der Faelle fuehrt ein konservatives Vorgehen zu einer deutlichen Besserung der Symptomatik im Verlauf. Pediatric radiological diagnostics in suspected child abuse; Kinderradiologische Diagnostik bei Verdacht auf Kindesmisshandlung.

Advanced and specialized radiological diagnostics are essential in the case of clinical suspicion of pediatric injuries to the head, thorax, abdomen, and extremities when there is no case history or when ''battered child syndrome'' is assumed on the basis of inadequate trauma. In particular, the aim of this sophisticated diagnostic procedure is the detection of lesions of the central nervous system CNS in order to initiate prompt medical treatment. If diagnostic imaging shows typical findings of child abuse, accurate documented evidence of the diagnostic results is required to prevent further endangerment of the child's welfare.

Diese soll insbesondere im Bereich des ZNS Verletzungsfolgen erfassen, um therapeutische Massnahmen einleiten zu koennen. Bei typischen, auf eine Misshandlung hinweisenden radiologischen Befunden ist eine praezise beweissichere Befunddokumentation erforderlich, um eine weitere Kindeswohlgefaehrdung zu vermeiden. Radiologic diagnostics of dementia; Radiologische Demenzdiagnostik. Dementia is one of the most common diseases in the elderly population and is getting more and more important with the ageing of the population.

A radiologic structural examination with CT or MRI is meanwhile a standard procedure in the diagnostic work up of patients with dementia syndrome. Radiology enables an early diagnosis and a differential diagnosis between different causes of dementia.

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Because structural changes occur only late in the disease process, a more detailed structural analysis using volumetric techniques or the use of functional imaging techniques is mandatory. These days, structural imaging uses MRI which enables to detect early atrophic changes at the medial temporal lobe with focus on the amygdala hippocampal complex. These changes are also present in the normal ageing process. In patients with Alzheimer's disease, however, they are more rapid and more pronounced.

The article gives an overview of the current status of structural imaging and an outlook into the potential of functional imaging methods. Detailed results of structural and functional imaging are presented in other articles of this issue. Sie dient der Frueherkennung und der Differenzialdiagnostik der verschiedenen Ursachen einer Demenz. Dies gilt insbesondere in Hinblick auf zu erwartende und bereits vorhandene Therapiemoeglichkeiten.

Da jedoch strukturelle Veraenderungen erst relativ spaet im Fortschreiten der Erkrankung visualisiert werden koennen, sind detaillierte strukturelle. Diagnostic radiology of the osteo-articular system. Bohndorf, Klaus [Medizinische Univ. Exzellenzzentrum Hochfeld-Magnetresonanz; Woertler, Klaus ed. Muenchen Klinikum rechts der Isar Germany. The book on diagnostic radiology of the osteo-articular system includes the following chapters: Radiologic diagnostic and therapeutic options in patients with pulsatile tinnitus; Radiologische Diagnostik des Ohrgeraeuschs und therapeutische Optionen.

A pulse synchronous tinnitus is characterized by a rhythmic sound that is in sync with the patient heartbeat or respiration and can be perceived by the patient as a bruit. Different from the more common classic and continuous ear sound, with pulse synchronous tinnitus one may often discover a pathological neovascular condition that can be diagnosed with medical imaging. This review covers the different conditions leading to pulse synchronous tinnitus and provides indications requiring preventive and active treatment to avoid potential but serious sequela for the patient.

Radiological imaging of the upper gastrointestinal tract. The esophagus; Radiologische Bildgebung des oberen Gastrointestinaltrakts. In the diagnosis of diseases of the esophagus, conventional x-ray evaluation still plays a more important role than endoscopy in the visualization of stenoses. CT plays a major role in the staging of malignancies of the esophagus, while MRI plays does not play a major part in the diagnostic evaluation of the upper GI-tract but is equal to CT for the staging and evaluation of the extent of local infiltration.

The main indication for the radiological examination of the esophagus by barium studies is dysphagia. The use of barium allows a functional examination of esophageal motility. Swallow motility disorders can be diagnosed by videofluorography using high frame rate imaging. Zenker's diverticulum and other pulsion diverticula should also be investigated by functional esophageal imaging.

Candida esophagitis can be identified by its characteristic ulcerations using barium swallow. The extension of gastroesophageal hernias are more accurately evaluated with barium studies than with endoscopy. The diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease should be made by barium studies, but discrete inflammation as well as epithelial dysplasia are best investigated by classic endoscopy and modern endoscopic techniques. In cases of esophageal carcinoma, radiology adds to the findings of endoscopy and endosonography. Mit konventionellem Roentgen kann die Funktion des Oesophagus untersucht werden, zudem sind Stenosen besser darstellbar als in der Endoskopie.

Die MRT wird im oberen Gastrointestinaltrakt kaum mehr diagnostisch verwendet, ist aber im Umfeldstaging und fuer die lokale Infiltrationsausdehnung dem CT gleichwertig. Hauptindikation zur radiologischen Oesophagusdiagnostik ist die Dysphagie. Der Oesophagusbreischluck dient der morphologischen Diagnostik , die Motilitaet kann in Bauchlage mit Barium untersucht werden. Schluckstoerungen werden mit der Roentgenkinematographie abgeklaert. Fractures of the cervical spine. Diagnostic procedures in patients with severe cranio-cervical trauma; HWS-Frakturen.

Diagnostik bei polytraumatisierten Patienten. Muenster Germany ; Schuierer, G. Muenster Germany ; Hufendiek, A. Muenster Germany ; Peters, P. The purpose of our study was to analyze diagnostic procedures of the cervical spine in severely traumatized patients. Findings in plain radiographs and computer radiography of patients were evaluated. The image quality of the plain radiographs was examined. Casualty reports were evaluated retrospectively. Frequency, distribution and morphology of cervical spine fractures were analyzed: Twenty of the fractures diagnosed in CT were not diagnosed in plain radiography and 7 fractures were uncertain findings; 5 fractures were not detected at the casualty site.

A new screening procedure in patients with severe head injury is introduced. Retrospektiv wurden Roentgenaufnahmen und Computertomogramme der HWS von polytraumatisierten Patienten analysiert. Konventionelle HWS-Aufnahmen wurden in bezug auf ihre Qualitaet untersucht und der Befund der konventionellen Aufnahmen mit dem der Computertomographie verglichen.

Die Befunde vom Unfalltag wurden den retrospektiv validierten Befunden gegenuebergestellt. Ein neues Untersuchungsprotokoll mit routinemaessiger computertomographischer Untersuchung von HWK 1 und 2 bei Schaedel-Hirn-Traumata wird vorgestellt. Bone and bone marrow - nuclear medicine in the diagnosis of disorders of the hematopoetic system; Skelett und Knochenmark - nuklearmedizinische Diagnostik bei onkologischen und haematologischen Systemerkrankungen.

Significant progress has been achieved during the last years regarding therapy of neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the hematopoietic system by introduction of new therapeutic modalities like highdose chemotherapy, bone marrow and stem cell transplantation, interferon-therapy and others. Diagnosis is still based on biopsy and histopathology of bone marrow. Imaging methods, however, provided by radiology and nuclear medicine, are now increasingly employed to give an additional macroscopic view over morphological and functional changes of the entire bone marrow. Bone marrow scintigraphy either using radiocolloids or immunoscintigraphy against granulocyte-antigenes may be performed as an alternative or an addition to nuclear magnetic resonance imaging.

Bone scintigraphy has been successful in the detection of additional bony lesions for more than two decades. Positron emission tomography using fluorine-deoxyglucose has recently been employed as a new and promising tool also for assessment of bone marrow infiltration in malignant lymphomas. Grundlage der Diagnostik ist nach wie vor die histologische Beurteilung des Knochenmarks nach Biopsie. Ergaenzend spielen bildgebende radiologische und nuklearmedizinische Verfahren zur makroskopischen Beurteilung morphologischer und funktioneller Veraenderungen des gesamten Knochenmarkraumes eine zunehmende Rolle.

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Die Knochenmarkszintigraphie mit Radiokolloiden bzw. Die Skelettszintigraphie als bewaehrte Methode vermag zusaetzlich ossaere.

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Diagnostic radiology of thoracic diseases. The book on diagnostic radiology of thoracic diseases covers the following topics: Modern radiological postoperative diagnostics of the hip joint in children and adults; Moderne radiologische postoperative Diagnostik des Hueftgelenks im Kindes- und Erwachsenenalter. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology; Egermann, M. The assessment of bone healing and loosening of endoprosthesis material was long the primary indication for postoperative projection radiography and CT imaging of the hip joint following trauma and endoprosthesis implantation.

With the increasing number of joint-preserving surgery, e. In this review article, diagnostic imaging of the hip joint is presented following common trauma surgery and orthopedic surgery interventions. Sonography sufficiently reveals synovial fluid and Baker cysts, but cannot be recommended for evaluation of synovial proliferations or pannus formation.

Computer tomography has only limited indications and may be used for the evaluation of subtle erosive lesions or the quantitation of osteoporotic changes. Magnetic resonance imaging has shown excellent visualization of cartilage, fluid, synovium and soft tissues and is the method of choice for the demonstration of early affection and the evaluation of panus activity and therapy control.

With daministration of contrast agents gadolinium , dynamic studies may demonstrate inflammatory activity. Das Kniegelenk ist das haeufigste einzeln betroffene Gelenk, seine Affektion manifestiert sich zumeist mit synovialer Hypertrophie, chronischen Erguessen und oftmals auch Bandinstabilitaet. Schmerzen sowie Schwellungen in den dorsalen Weichteilen sind oft durch Vordringen inflammatorischer Synovia oder Ergussansammlungen bedingt Baker-Zyste.

Das konventionelle Roentgenbild bildet zwar einen Grundpfeiler in der CP-Diagnostik, zeigt jedoch oft erst bei fortgeschrittenem Krankheitsverlauf. Directory of Open Access Journals Sweden. We report about a case of rare disorder of xanthomatous polyarthritis , the socalled lipoid-gout, which lead to destructive changes of the joints of the wrist and some metacarpophalangeal joints. Quantitatively evaluated dynamic MRT in rheumatoid arthritis of the knee joint.

Follow-up after intraarticular steroid therapy. Quantitativ evaluierte dynamische Magnetresonanztomographie bei chronischer Polyarthritis des Kniegelenkes. Therapiekontrolle nach intraartikulaerer Kortisonapplikation. Following intra-articular application of 25 mg prednisolon, 18 patients were reexamined after two of three weeks and 7 out of 18 patients were re-examined after 8 to 16 weeks, both by MRT and clinically.

Single intensity-time curves were treated quantitatively in relation to the pannus, muscles and effusions. Two or three weeks after treatment the curve parameters showed a reduction in pannus vascularisation which remained constant for the 8 to 16 weeks of further observation. Contrast diffusion in the pannus is initially reduced but approaches the early measurements at the time of the second examination. Multicenter study of radiosynoviorthesis. Clinical outcome in osteoarthritis and other disorders with concomitant synovitis in comparison with rheumatoid arthritis; Multizenterstudie zur Radiosynoviorthese: Klinische Ergebnisse bei aktivierten Arthrosen und anderen Gelenkerkrankungen mit chronischer Synovialitis im Vergleich zur rheumatoiden Arthritis.

Gallen Switzerland ; Panholzer, P. Chronic lead intoxication; Chronische Bleiintoxikation. The case of a female 68 years old patient is described. Here, a chronic lead intoxication was diagnosed after a two year old medical history with increasing attacks of colic-like abdominal pain often described as life-threatening.

After repeated hospitalizations and intensive search for the cause of the symptoms, porphyria and anemia was found to be a sign of a chronic lead poisoning. The source of exposure could not be found by now. Neither home inspection nor environmental investigations have shown a recent source of lead intake by the patient. However, a possible occupational source of lead exposure at a blast furnace was established by anamnesis for to Thus, osteoporosis induced lead mobilisation was suspected. Noticeable are the results of the six abdominal survey radiographies taken during hospitalization within one year; three radiographies were taken following clinical admission and three before discharge of the patient.

In comparison, the course shows a chronic relapsing alimentary supply from metallic particles of unknown genesis. She was free of complain afterwards. Erst nach wiederholten stationaeren Krankenhausaufenthalten mit intensiver Suche nach der Krankheitsursache wurden das Krankheitsbild und die Laborwerte durch Zusatzuntersuchungen ergaenzt, so dass sich in der festgestellten Porphyrie und Anaemie die Diagnose der.

Imaging of chronic osteomyelitis; Chronische Infektionen des Skelettsystems. The diagnosis of chronic osteomyelitis is made on the basis of clinical, radiologic and histologic findings. The role of imaging in patients with known chronic osteomyelitis is to detect and to delineate areas of active infection. To correctly interpret the imaging findings, it is essential to take both the individual clinical findings and previous imaging studies into account.

Reliable signs of active infection are bone marrow abscess, sequestra and sinus tract formation. Only the combined evaluation of bony changes together with alterations of the adjacent soft tissues provides good diagnostic accuracy. Projection radiography gives an overview of the condition of the bone, which provides the basis for follow-up and the selection of further imaging modalities. Computed tomography can be used to evaluate even discrete or complex bony alterations and to guide percutaneous biopsy or drainage. Magnetic resonance imaging achieves the best diagnostic sensitivity and specificity and provides superior contrast as well as anatomical resolution in both bone marrow and soft tissues.

In this paper the features and clinical relevance of imaging in primary chronic osteomyelitis, posttraumatic osteomyelitis, tuberculous spondylitis and osteomyelitis of the diabetic foot are reviewed, with particular respect to MRI. Bei bekannter chronischer Osteomyelitis soll die Bildgebung einen floriden Prozess und die betroffenen Kompartimente herausarbeiten. Die Klinik des Patienten, seine individuelle Krankheitskonstellation und die Verlaufsbeobachtung sind essentiell fuer die Befundinterpretation.

Erst die kombinierte Beurteilung der Veraenderungen am Knochen selbst sowie die der umgebenden Weichteile fuehrt zu einer validen Aussage. Sichere Zeichen einer floriden Osteomyelitis sind lediglich Knochenmarks abzess, Sequester und Fistelgang. Radiographic changes in the os calcis in rheumatoid arthritis; Radiographische Veraenderungen am Fersenbein im Rahmen der chronischen Polyarthritis. Klinik fuer Roentgendiagnostik; Stenzel, I. Plain films of the calcanea of patients with confirmed rheumatoid arthritis were examined retrospectively with reference to inflammatory rheumatic changes.

In three patients there were additional plantar erosions. Our observations indicate that involvement of the os calcis is not uncommon in rheumatoid arthritis; routine examination of this bone would appear to be indicated even in patients without symptoms. Since the defect is unilateral in half the patients, unilateral occurrence of an erosive lesion cannot be regarded as a criterion for a bacterial-inflammatory bursitis. Contrary to the symmetrical involvement of joints in the hands in rheumatoid arthritis, defects in the calcanea are often unilateral or asymmetrical.

Bei drei Patienten gelangte zusaetzlich eine plantare Erosion zur Darstellung. Unsere Beobachtungen belegen, dass eine Fersenbeinbeteiligung im Rahmen der chronischen Polyarthritis nicht selten auftritt, weshalb routinemaessig Roentgenaufnahmen des Fersenbeins bei Patienten mit. Primary Meningococcal Polyarthritis in an Adult Woman.

Meaning of "Gelärme" in the German dictionary

Full Text Available Primary joint infection caused by the Gram-negative bacteria Neisseria meningitidis is rare. Normally, joint involvement comes secondary to meningitis or severe sepsis caused by this agent. When primary arthritis is seen, monoarthritis is the most common presentation. A meningococcal polyarthritis is described in less than 10 case reports according to current literature.

This case report aims to briefly review this rare clinical event in an adult woman with no previous history of rheumatological disease. Early diagnosis of polyarthritis caused by meningococcal bacteria usually present a good prognosis when properly treated. Chronic polyarthritis as isolated manifestation of toxocariasis. Human toxocariasis is a parasitic zoonosis mainly caused by Toxocara canis or Toxocara cati and is acquired by ingestion of the parasite's embryonated eggs. However, to our knowledge, chronic polyarthritis , as the isolated presentation of Toxocara infection, was not reported.

One of the patients that was followed up at our service 0. A 3-year-old girl was referred to our service with severe painful chronic polyarthritis for a period longer than 10 weeks and morning stiffness of 30min. Dog contact exposure history in the recreational areas of neighborhood was reported. After eight months of follow-up, she was on clinical and laboratorial remission. In conclusion, we described a case of chronic polyarthritis , as isolated manifestation of toxocariasis, mimicking juvenile idiopathic arthritis and leukemia.

Importantly, this zoonosis should be considered in patients with arthritis and eosinophilia. However, to our knowledge, chronic polyarthritis , as the isolated presentation ofToxocara infection, was not reported. One of the patients that was followed up at ourservice 0.

A 3-year-old girl was referred to our service with severe painful chronicpolyarthritis for a period longer than 10 weeks and morning stiffness of 30 min. Dog contactexposure history in the recreational areas of neighborhood was reported. After eight months of follow-up, she was onclinical and laboratorial remission. In conclusion, we described a case of chronic polyarthri-tis , as isolated manifestation of toxocariasis, mimicking juvenile idiopathic arthritis andleukemia.

Importantly, this zoonosis should be considered in patients with arthritis andeosinophilia. Zahlreiche internationale Studien konnten den negativen Einfluss einer bestehenden Malnutrition auf den Verlauf einer Erkrankung belegen. Radiology of chronic diseases of the ankle joint; Chronische Krankheitsbilder am Sprunggelenk. Einrichtung fuer Magnetresonanztomographie; Kreuzer, S. Klinik fuer Zahn-, Mund- und Kieferheilkunde. Chronisch entzuendliche Veraenderungen, wie sie im Rahmen einer chronisch juvenilen Arthritis, des M. Reiter, der Psoriasis oder chronischer Monoarthritiden, wie der chronischen Gicht zu beobachten sind, haben nicht selten ihre Manifestation am Sprunggelenk.

Seltenere entzuendlich chronische Affektionen hingegen koennen jedoch auch bei enteropathischen Arthritiden, granulomatoesen Erkrankungen, wie der Tuberkulose oder Sarkoidose, beobachtet werden. Auch chronisch verlaufende Pilzaffektionen koennen zu atypischen Bildern fuehren. Chronisch degenerative Erkrankungen entstehen am Sprunggelenk fast ausschliesslich sekundaer. Praedisponierend sind hier angeborene oder erworbene Fehlhaltungen sowie chronische Veraenderungen auf Basis abgelaufener oder repetitiver Traumen. Der neuropathische Formenkreis stellt eine weitere Causa chronischer Veraenderungen dar, mit im fortgeschrittenem Stadium massiven Gelenks- und ossaeren Veraenderungen.

Chronische Veraenderungen sind auch bei der Haemophilie im Rahmen des Blutergelenkes zu erwarten. Als chronisch tumoroese Veraenderungen koennen die pigmentierte villonodulaere Synovitis PVNS und die Gelenkschondromatose betrachtet werden, mit teils ossaeren und teils charakteristischen Kapsel und Weichteilveraenderungen.

Die modernen Gelenkdiagnostik umfasst zudem auch chronische Veraenderungen an den Sehnen und Baendern. Besondere diagnostische Herausforderungen stellen letztendlich Syndrome dar, die klinisch zwar beobachtet, jedoch erst durch moderne Bildgebung in den letzten Jahren zunehmend spezifiert werden konnten. Chronic spinal subdural hematoma; Spinales chronisches subdurales Haematom. Compared with spinal epidural hematomas, spinal subdural hematomas are rare; chronic forms are even more uncommon.

These hematomas are associated not only with lumbar puncture and spinal trauma, but also with coagulopathies, vascular malformations and tumors. Compression of the spinal cord and the cauda equina means that the patients develop increasing back or radicular pain, followed by paraparesis and bladder and bowel paralysis, so that in most cases surgical decompression is carried out.

On magnetic resonance imaging these hematomas present as thoracic or lumbar subdural masses, their signal intensity varying with the age of the hematoma. We report the clinical course and the findings revealed by imaging that led to the diagnosis in three cases of chronic spinal subdural hematoma. Ursaechlich sind neben Lumbalpunktionen und traumatischen Verletzungen auch Blutgerinnungsstoerungen, Gefaessmalformationen und Tumoren. Aufgrund der Kompression von Myelon und Cauda equina kommt es zu zunehmenden Ruecken- oder radikulaeren Schmerzen mit anschliessender Paraparese sowie einer Darm- und Blasenstoerung, weshalb in den meisten Faellen eine operative Entlastung durchgefuehrt wird.

Magnetresonanztomographisch stellen sich die Haematome meist als thorakale bzw. Wir berichten ueber den klinischen Verlauf und die bildgebende Diagnostik von 3 Patienten mit spinalen chronischen subduralen Haematomen. Seronegative Bilateral Symmetrical Inflammatory Polyarthritis: Think Twice Before Starting Immunosuppression. Full Text Available The most common cause of bilateral symmetrical polyarthritis in the small joints is rheumatoid arthritis. However, if seronegative arthritis is involved, it could be the case that other underlying causes need to be diagnosed.

This is particularly important for those coming from or living in developing countries where infectious causes should always be considered. The case of a young Nepali woman is presented in this article. She was referred as a case of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis for DMARDs therapy but this was not the case due to her origin from Nepal and seronegativity for RF, Anti-ccp, and ANA as well as faint macular skin lesions over her face and upper extremities, which the patients are not aware of.

Consequently, skin biopsy was carried out which subsequently confirmed that the infectious cause of her polyarthritis was leprosy. Een onderzoek naar sekseverschillen in reacties op chronische aandoeningen. Daarnaast werd er naar mogelijke verklaringen voor sekseverschillen gekeken. Case report physiotherapy care of a patient diagnosed with polyarthritis with early rheumatoid arthritis.

Title of bachelor's thesis: The bachelor thesis deals with polyarthritis disease with early rheumatoid arthritis and its physiotherapy care. It consists of two parts. The general part contains a general joint anatomy, deals with the major problems of disease and polyarthritis rheumatoid arthritis, its diagnosis, treatment and physiotherapy care.

Special part includes a case repor Neutrophilic dermatosis resembling pyoderma gangrenosum in a dog with polyarthritis. This report describes a case of neutrophilic dermatosis in a dog, with a number of clinical and pathological similarities to human pyoderma gangrenosum. A seven-year-old, female German shepherd dog with a history of non-erosive idiopathic polyarthritis was presented with severe facial swelling, bilateral erosivoulcerative lesions on the muzzle and multiple, eroded, dermal-subcutaneous nodules on the cranial trunk.

Histopathological examination of skin biopsies revealed a necrotising neutrophilic dermatitis. No infectious agents could be detected using specific stains, immunohistochemistry, serology and bacterial aerobic, anaerobic or fungal cultures. A sterile neutrophilic dermatosis resembling human pyoderma gangrenosum was presumptively diagnosed, and the patient showed an excellent response to treatment with prednisone and ciclosporin. Ontwikkelingen in de kennis van de epidemiologie en etiologie en mogelijkheden voor preventie. In dit rapport wordt een overzicht gegeven van de actuele stand van de kennis omtrent etiologie, determinanten en mogelijkheden voor preventie voor chronische aspecifieke luchtwegaandoeningen CARA.

De nadruk ligt in dit rapport op de rol van leefstijlfactoren roken, voeding en lichamelijke. Prevalentie van chronische -vermoeidheidsyndroom in 4 huisartspraktijken in de regio Leiden [Prevalence of chronic fatigue syndrome in four general practices in Leyden region.

De prevalentie vaststellen van chronische -vermoeidheidsyndroom CVS in de huisartspraktijk. Huisartspraktijken in Leiden en omstreken. Het geanonimiseerde geautomatiseerde databestand van het Registratie Netwerk Universitaire Huisartspraktijken Leiden en. Retrospective results of radiation therapy of the Eustachian tube in chronic otitis media; Retrospektive Ergebnisse der perkutanen Strahlentherapie der Tuba Eustachii bei chronischer Otitis media.

The treatment results of symptomatic radiation therapy of the Eustachian tube in chronic otitis media had to be evaluated retrospectively. Between and , 66 patients were referred for therapy. The median age was 58 years. In the clinical presentation, all the patients had a hearing impairment, 35 patients complained of pain, 21 had otorrhea. In their history, 20 patients indicated chronic recurrent infections.

The complaints lasted for 4. In 40 of 66 patients, finally radiation therapy was done of both Eustachian tubes. With opposed fields and cobalt photons a total dose of 6 Gy at single doses of 1 Gy, three times a week, was applied. Under the causes for exclusion of radiation therapy were non-acceptance of the patients nine , prior radiation therapies six or spontaneous improvement after initial presentation in our department. The treatment results were evaluated by interviews of the patients and regular otorhinolaryngological examinations.

There were no side effects noticed. In a subgroup analysis concerning the duration of otitis media radiation therapy proved more effective in an acute and subacute stadium of disease of up to 5 years duration, while the patients resistant to radiation therapy were entirely in a chronic stage of disease exceeding 5 years duration.

Die Behandlungsergebnisse der symptomatischen Radiotherapie bei chronischer Otitis media sollten retrospektiv evaluiert werden. Comparative investigations on xeroradiography and conventional X-radiation with chronical polyarthritis. We compared the roentgenologic and xeroradiographic findings of the hands of 50 patients suffering from polyarthritis. Both techniques were compared with respect to their imaging quality of roentgenologically significant alterations occurring with chronical polyarthritis.

The superiority of xeroradiography bases on the better contour delineation facilities. Disadvantages are the loss of detailed information due to neutralisation effects and also to the impaired representation of areal density differences and of the absolute density of an object. The conventional roentgenologic method is superior with respect to the more informative imaging of areal density modifications, also to the partly better representation of cystic transluences and to a minor degree with respect to a more distinct reproduction of an atrophy of the subchondral lamina terminalis.

However, in general it can be said that the results of the two compared techniques do not differ significantly. Consequently the traditional roentgenologic method appears to be the more suitable technique for the diagnosis of chronical polyarthritis. A case of pancreatitis, panniculitis and polyarthritis syndrome: Elucidating the pathophysiologic mechanisms of a rare condition. A 6-year old boy suffered of traumatic pancreatitis complicated by PPP syndrome.

Extensive investigations demonstrated high levels of pancreatic lipase and fatty acids in the affected peripheral tissues. These findings support the sequence of peripheral lipolysis and fatty acid accumulation inducing tissue inflammation. Driver assistance - Firstly a contribution to primary safety or rather to comfort? Vertrauen in neue Assistenzsysteme ist deshalb das subjektive Erleben von Assistenzsystemen.

Werden sie eher als ein Komfortgewinn, wie es der Hersteller primaer aus produkthaftungstechnischen Gruenden gerne moechte, oder als eine Entlastung im Hinblick auf das eigene notwendige sichernde Verhalten erlebt? Besteht dann gerade in der zuletzt genannten Tendenz eine neue Gefahr? Nicht unerwaehnt darf in diesem Zusammenhang die juristische Problematik bleiben. Fuer Vorgaenge, auf die der Fahrer tatsaechlich oder vermeintlich keinen Einfluss hat, die also fuer ihn quasi selbsttaetig ablaufen, kann er nicht oder nur eingeschraenkt zur Verantwortung gezogen werden.

Die Haftung fuer den nicht kompensierten Schaden wird dann dem Hersteller des betreffenden Systems zugeschrieben. Durch an den Eigenschaften und Faehigkeiten des Menschen orientierte Bedienung von neuartigen Assistenzsystemen kann somit unerwuenschten juristischen Folgen weitgehend vorgebeugt werden. T-regulatory cells-Triumph of perseverance: The Crafoord Prize for Polyarthritis in The Crafoord Prize in Polyarthritis ranks as one of the most prestigious prizes and can be awarded only if the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences decides the likelihood of prize worthy progress in the field, and at most every 4th year.

This has happened only four times since This year the 5th Laureates were Shimon Sakaguchi, Fred Ramsdell, and Alexander Rudensky with the motivation "for their discoveries relating to regulatory T cells, which counteract harmful immune reactions in arthritis and other autoimmune diseases".

Here I review the history of their contributions and its impact in rheumatology. Published by Elsevier Inc. The most common symptoms reported are fever, generalized lymphadenopathy, arthralgia and myalgia, headache, pharyngitis, enanthema, skin rash, diarrhoea, and mucocutaneous ulcerations. Primaer hyperparatyroidisme i graviditeten. We present three cases of primary hyperparathyroidism PHPT in pregnancy. The clinical presentation of PHPT is not altered by pregnancy; however, the disease constitutes a serious risk for the foetus and the newborn. Although rare, hypercalcaemia should be suspected in pregnant women presenting Dynamic magnetic resonance imaging of the metacarpophalangeal joints in rheumatoid arthritis, early unclassified polyarthritis , and healthy controls.

To introduce dynamic magnetic resonance imaging MRI as an indicator of inflammatory activity in the metacarpophalangeal MCP joints of patients with rheumatoid arthritis RA or early unclassified polyarthritis , and to compare the results with a healthy control group. We examined 42 RA and 23 early unclassified polyarthritis patients, and 12 healthy controls in a cross-sectional study. Two methods for identification of the enhancing Chronic progressive polyarthritis and other symptoms of collagen vascular disease induced by graft-vs-host reaction.

The development of these. A serial study of anticardiolipin antibody and antimitochondrial antibody type M5 in a patient with polyarthritis and polymyositis. A year-old female presented with polyarthritis and subsequent polymyositis. Initially, she had moderately high levels of anticardiolipin aCl and antimitochondrial antibody AMA type M5.

Following corticosteroid therapy, the anticardiolipin antibody rapidly fell to background levels but reappeared with the onset of two significant clinical events. Migratory polyarthritis as an adverse effect of thiamazole use in a year-old girl with Graves' disease. Graves' disease is the most prevalent cause of hyperthyroidism in children.

The treatment commonly involves antithyroid therapy using a thionamide. We present a case of a year-old girl with the antithyroid arthritis syndrome, presenting as a migratory polyarthritis , after the initiation of. Acute polyarthritis in a young patient caused by meningococcal and parvovirus B19 infections: Meningococcal infection is a multifaceted disease including acute polyarthritis.

This presentation should be known by clinicians in order to prevent delay in treatment. We report what we believe to be the first case of an association of parvovirus B19 and meningococcal polyarthritis in a young adult. A year-old Caucasian woman presented to our hospital with fever, intense leg pain, and a transient rash. A physical examination showed asymmetric polyarthritis and no neurological abnormalities. A parvovirus B19 polymerase chain reaction performed using a blood sample and knee fluid aspirate came back positive, but serology was negative for immunoglobulin M and positive for immunoglobulin G.

A blood culture was positive for serotype C meningococcus; a polymerase chain reaction performed for Neisseria meningitidis was positive in joint fluid but negative in blood samples performed after antibiotic treatment had begun. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report of polyarthritis caused by concomitant meningococcal and parvovirus B19 infections. This unusual presentation of meningococcal disease may have resulted from the persistent parvovirus B19 infection.

Our experience with this case illustrates the need for a systematic approach to the diagnosis of febrile acute polyarthritis. Only long-term follow-up will reveal if this infectious polyarthritis will evolve towards an autoimmune rheumatism. Mesenteric ossification in CT indicates sclerosing peritonitis in chronic bacterial infection and pancreatitis; Mesenteriale Verknoecherungen als computertomographische Zeichen einer sklerosierenden Peritonitis bei chronischer Bauchfellentzuendung und Pankreatitis.

Bochum Germany ; Stein, A. Sclerosing peritonitis already has been described as a serious complication of the continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. But different other affections of the pertioneum such as chronic bacterial peritonitis and pancreatitis may result in sclerosing peritonitis, too. The symptom is characterised by thickened small bowel walls and periotoneal membranes as well as peritoneal calcifications which can be shown in computed tomography. We demonstrate two cases of peritoneal ossifications due to peritonitis and pancreatitis.

Aber auch verschiedene andere Reizzustaende wie chronische bakterielle Peritonitis und Pankreatitis koennen eine sklerosierende Peritonitis nach sich ziehen. Hierbei zeigen sich neben einer Verdickung des Peritoneums und der Waende des Duenndarms auch computertomographisch nachweisbare Kalkeinlagerungen. Wir stellen zwei Patienten mit chronischer Peritonitis nach Sigmaperforation und Pankreatitis mit Verknoecherungen des Peritoneums vor.

Polyarthritis and membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis as paraneoplastic manifestation of Hodgkin's lymphoma: A case report and literature review. Paraneoplastic syndromes can be presented in multiple ways, which include endocrinological, hematologic, rheumatologic and nephrologic manifestations. While most of the publications described solid tumors as responsible for these manifestations, hematologic neoplasms are important cause to consider as part of the differential diagnosis. We report the case of a 46 year-old man with seronegative symmetric polyarthritis of large and small joints associated with membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis with deposits of immune complexes and acute impairment of renal function, as part of a paraneoplastic syndrome secondary of a classical Hodgkin lymphoma with bone marrow invasion, which reversed completely with chemotherapy treatment.

Acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis and polyarthritis associated with a novel CARD14 mutation. Acute generalised exanthematous pustulosis AGEP is a rare toxicoderma characterised by an acute onset rash, with many sterile pustules on the surface, high fever and increased acute phase reactants. We report the case of a patient who presented to the dermatology department with an AGEP and polyarthritis , in which a novel CARD14 mutation was identified.

Chronic polyarthritis as the first manifestation of childhood systemic polyarteritis nodosa. Arthritis has been reported as an acute pattern, generally evanescent with oligoarthritis, mostly affecting knees and ankles in childhood systemic polyarteritis nodosa.

However, chronic polyarthritis with morning stiffness mimicking juvenile idiopathic arthritis has not been reported. We describe the case of a 4-year old girl who had additive and chronic polyarthritis with edema, tenderness, pain on motion and morning stiffness for 2 months.

After 45 days, she also presented painful subcutaneous nodules and erythematous-violaceous lesions in the extensor region of upper and lower limbs. She was admitted to university hospital due to high fever, malaise, myalgia, anorexia, loss of weight 1kg , painful skin lesions and severe functional disability.

She was bedridden by chronic polyarthritis with limitation on motion. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were greater than 95th percentile for height. Skin biopsy revealed necrotizing vasculitis in medium- and small-sized vessels compatible with polyarteritis nodosa. Therefore, we had the diagnosis of systemic polyarteritis nodosa. The diagnosis of childhood systemic polyarteritis nodosa should be considered for patients with chronic polyarthritis associated to cutaneous vasculitis triggered by streptococcal infection.

Secondary focal form of yersinia enterocolitica infection with prolonged polyarthritis in young caucasian male: Infection proceeded in the development of secondary focal form, which was accompanied by prolonged polyarthritis. We described a clinical case of secondary focal form with prolonged polyarthritis caused by Y. It has accented on the feasibility of early serological diagnostics and etiotropic antibiotic therapy of the disease. Association between socioeconomic status, learned helplessness, and disease outcome in patients with inflammatory polyarthritis. Independent investigations have shown that socioeconomic status SES and learned helplessness LH are associated with poor disease outcome in patients with rheumatoid arthritis RA.

Our aim was to investigate the cross-sectional relationship between SES, LH, and disease outcome in patients with recent-onset inflammatory polyarthritis IP , the broader group of conditions of which RA is the major constituent. SES and LH were investigated as predictors of disease outcome functional disability [Health Assessment Questionnaire HAQ ] and disease activity [Disease Activity Score in 28 joints] in a regression analysis, adjusted for age, sex, and symptom duration. Compared to patients with normal LH, patients with low LH had a significantly better outcome and patients with high LH had a significantly worse outcome median difference in HAQ score 1.

LH is robustly associated with cross-sectional disease outcome in patients with IP, and appears to mediate the relationship between SES and disease outcome. As LH is potentially modifiable, these findings have potential clinical implications. Learned helplessness predicts functional disability, pain and fatigue in patients with recent-onset inflammatory polyarthritis. Cross-sectional studies have found that learned helplessness LH is associated with disease outcome in patients with RA.

However, little is known about the longitudinal impact of LH. The aim of this study was to investigate whether LH is associated with future disease outcome disability, pain and fatigue and to investigate whether LH changes over time in patients with recent-onset inflammatory polyarthritis IP , the broader group of conditions of which RA is the major constituent.

Patients included in this investigation had been recruited to the Norfolk Arthritis Register, a primary-care-based inception cohort. A total of patients completed the HAQ and visual analogue scales of pain and fatigue at baseline and after 2 years of follow-up. Baseline LH independently predicted disability, pain and fatigue at follow-up. Half of patients reported fewer feelings of helplessness after 2 years of follow-up, suggesting that LH may potentially be a modifiable risk factor for disease outcome in IP and a target for intervention. Dynamic contrast-enhanced 3-T magnetic resonance imaging: To determine whether measurement of synovial enhancement and thickness quantification parameters with 3.

Eighteen patients 16 women, 2 men; mean age 46 years with early polyarthritis with less than 12 months of symptoms were included. MRI examination using 3-T device was performed by a new approach including both wrists and hands simultaneously in the examination field-of-view. Radiological findings, evaluation and treatment of patellofemoral pain after total knee arthroplasty; Radiologische Diagnostik, Beurteilung und Behandlung des patellofemoralen Schmerzes nach primaerer Knieendoprothetik. Total knee arthroplasty TKA is one of the most successful operative procedures over the last decades in orthopedic surgery; however, some patients suffer from pain, limited range of motion, instability, infections or other complications postoperatively.

Mainly increasing and localized contact pressure and patella maltracking are held responsible for PFP but the reasons vary. Diagnostics and therapy of PFP is not easy to manage and should be treated following a clinical pathway. The authors suggest that patients with PFP should be categorized after basic diagnostic measures according to the suspected diagnosis: Efficient application of special diagnostic measures and further therapy is facilitated by this classification.

Insbesondere der erhoehte retropatellare Anpressdruck und eine schlechte Fuehrung der Patella werden fuer den PFS verantwortlich gemacht, doch die Ursachen sind vielfaeltig. Diagnostik und Behandlung sind komplex und sollten strukturiert durchgefuehrt werden. Nach der Basisdiagnostik schlagen die Autoren daher eine Einteilung in eine der 4 Gruppen vor: Durch die Einteilung in diese verschiedenen Gruppen werden eine effiziente spezielle.

Magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of synovial inflammation of the hindfoot in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and other polyarthritis. Maillefert, Jean Francis E-mail: To describe the localisation of synovitis and tenosynovitis of the hindfoot observed on magnetic resonance imaging MRI in patients with chronic polyarthritis , and to correlate the findings of physical examination and MRI.

Patients with chronic polyarthritis , and one or two painful hindfoot were included. On physical examination and on MRI, the tibio-talar, talo-calcaneal, and talo-navicular and calcaneo-cuboidal joints were adjudged to have or not synovitis, and the tibialis anterior and posterior, the peroneus longus and brevis, the flector digitorum and hallucis longus tendons to have or not tenosynovitis. Criteria for synovitis and tenosynovitis were a high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, a low signal intensity on T1-weighted images, and enhancement after Gd-DTPA injection, in the joint area, and around the tendon, respectively.

The correlation between the findings of physical examination and those of MRI were evaluated using the Kappa statistics. All presented with one 7 patients or two 5 patients painful hindfeet and swelling for 16 out of 17 hindfeet. On physical examination, 25 joints and eight tendons were adjudged to have synovitis and tenosynovitis.

Moreover, MRI showed ten and seven clinically unsuspected synovitis and tenosynovitis, respectively. The proportion of agreements between physical examination and MRI were A weak correlation was observed between the findings of physical examination and MRI in patients with chronic polyarthritis and a painful hindfoot. Full Text Available A case report on a severe course of juvenile seronegative polyarthritis is presented in this article.

Pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis PPP syndrome: MRI features of intraosseous fat necrosis involving the feet and knees. Pancreatitis, panniculitis, and polyarthritis PPP syndrome is extremely rare and presents as a triad of the three diseases. The patient usually presents with mild or absent abdominal symptoms. Here, we report on a case of a year-old male who presented with pain and swelling in both legs and mild abdominal pain.

He was diagnosed with acute pancreatitis by pancreatic enzyme analysis and abdominal computed tomography CT and with skin lesions of panniculitis through a biopsy. Magnetic resonance imaging MRI revealed multifocal intraosseous fat necrosis and arthritis involving both the feet and the knees. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers. Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon. Alexa Actionable Analytics for the Web.

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