
CASEY the Nomad

Most of all, I am now a good girl, no longer doing what I am told.

People who travel for work and work for travel – in their own words

It was the perfect setting to transport me to far off foreign lands where I'd step into the role of Indiana Jones. My family embraced and pushed my appetite for adventure. They also raised us without gender bias but society took care of that. At school, I didn't fit in.

Reward Yourself

I was loud, awkward, spoke my mind, had grand ideas about life, being an adventurer and was bullied for it. I was hazed not only by boys but the brunt of it came from other girls. I learned fast the importance of sticking to your beliefs, not giving in and no matter what, being YOU! This has been a lifelong struggle. Among this journey of struggle, I have also been plagued with the thought that there has to be something bigger out there for me. Ya know that feeling, right? That there has to be something more to life.

It wasn't until I took a leap and left a thriving 'successful' life in LA for the unexpected world of vanlife. I lived in my van Jones , solo with my dog India , for over 2 years and traveled the US. I faced challenges safety, survival and I found the importance of loving yourself and others and following your heart. Vanlife is not a norm but it's were I found myself. My profession changed from an innovative jewelry artist to a creative storyteller.

No other path would have taken me to this unforeseen career, except vanlife.

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I now speak professionally at schools, universities, clubs, workplaces about my story of how I rebelled against the negative stereotypes society set for me and how I found the courage and strength to follow my own heart. I want to give back to the other loud, awkward, outspoken, grand idea having, future adventurers who are bullied for having a different, yet beautiful, look on life!!!

I'm am also a brand ambassador for Biolite and Fearless Women of Dirt. I work with other amazing companies like: I was named by Upventur' as Best of for Digital Content! All this happened because I followed my heart and didn't listen to the 'NOs' of the world!!! Living the daily 'typical' life isn't where I thrive but when I'm set aside to grow wild, that's when the epic magic happens!!! This kickstarter is a pre-sale event to help spread the importance and power of following your heart!

Tour Aotearoa, km 30 day solo bike tour of NZ!!!

CASEY the Nomad eBook: Susan Sussman: www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Kindle Store

Tour Aotearoa , is a km day solo self-supported bike tour of both islands of New Zealand. I will start at Cape Reinga and ride an average of 86 miles a day. I will be finding my own food, water, and campsites. I will also be documenting my experience with video, photos, and journaling to share with others. Follow this epic adventure through my website, I'll be carrying a spot tracker so you can see my every move no stoking please: So why take on this crazy feat?

To show that anyone, even a hick girl from the cornfields of Nebraska, can do anything they put their mind to. That it is so freaking important to believe in the impossible, to dream big or small and most of all to follow your amazingly badass rebel heart!!!!! Are you with me?????? Every time I share my story of how I found the courage to follow my heart I'm passing hope, support, love, possibility, empowerment to another rebel heart girl to do the same!

Product description

Help me spread the love. Year long, bi-monthly newsletter about jewelry from the road. There will be physical and mental risks with taking on this epic adventure.

My extensive bike experience will come into play here. In July , I lived alone in a van for over 2 years with my dog, mountain bike and metal studio while traveling the US.

Casey Andringa feat. The Nomad by Zeal Optics

Questions about this project? Check out the FAQ. This episode is beyond helpful, Bobby is so wise. Great interview thank you. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Personal and Financial Freedom. Subscribe to Nomadtopia Radio for Free.

  • The Stallions of Woodstock (Domesday Series Book 6);
  • Bobby Casey: Personal and Financial Freedom.
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July 13, at 2: Amy Scott July 16, at 6: Grant LaCorte August 6, at 8: Amy Scott August 7, at Thanks for listening, Grant! I learned a lot from Bobby too. Leave A Comment Cancel reply Comment. Pin It on Pinterest. We use cookies on our website. We use cookies to customize your experience, to improve the content we deliver to you, and—very rarely—to show you relevant advertising on sites like Facebook or Instagram.