
Breves Cuentos Melancos (Spanish Edition)

We have women who want to ''try'' how it would have been if they hadn't made the choice they made, and after a while, I had the impression that each story was the same. I gave three stars because some of the characters had potential and the three aforementioned stories were marvellously written, but if I wanted to be completely accurate, I would grant 2- 2. I am not a fan of family drama and melodrama in general, so I couldn't appreciate this. However, I intend to try my luck with Walk the Blue Fields: Stories and see how it goes.

I hope I found the distinctive, haunting Irish writing that -for me, at least- was lacking here. View all 8 comments. Las apuestas van hacia diferentes lugares: En general se construye un imaginario machista, con personajes parcos a los que les cuesta comunicarse, con rasgos de primitivismo ligado al ambiente pueblerino o rural dentro del cual se mueven. Lo que no hace sino probar que es este un formidable libro de cuentos, de una autora que parece que escribe poco, pero que lo hace de forma notable.

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View all 6 comments. I know I have little time and that I have to choke this thing before it chokes me.. Why waste time setting up scenarios, explaining the background. You just have to grab the reader from the first line, get those hearts racing and show no mercy.

Phew - that's better! Before starting this, I fully expected it to be a one-star-less read than Walk the Blue Fields ; how could it be as good? These earlier stories are perhaps less complex than the later ones, but this collection contains two of my now-new favorites. I am in awe of Keegan's satisfying, even cathartic, endings. I came to this collection knowing she received her undergrad degree in New Orleans and wondering if her time here might've informed any of it. Evidenced by the handful of stories set in Louisia Before starting this, I fully expected it to be a one-star-less read than Walk the Blue Fields ; how could it be as good?

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Evidenced by the handful of stories set in Louisiana and one in next-door Mississippi I can say she used her time here well. Perhaps she even visited Colorado during the Mardi Gras holidays as some college students here do Thanks to Sue and Tajma for a buddy read that made this even more enjoyable than it would've been alone. View all comments. Claire Keegan is rapidly becoming one of my favorite authors. Her short stories each present a world of people who are at risk, taking chances, living lives under pressure of real or imagined horror or stress.

Occasionally there are moments of happiness amidst the sadness. Her people take full advantage of these moments, swallow them whole as if to live on them for a while. While I didn't rate this collection as high as Walk the Blue Fields: Stories , there are some stories here that I loved, part Claire Keegan is rapidly becoming one of my favorite authors.

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Stories , there are some stories here that I loved, particularly "Burns". And of course I absolutely loved "Walk.. A strong 4 to 4. View all 4 comments. Jun 07, Sara rated it really liked it. Thank you to my lovely friend, Lindsey, for recommending this book. We were discussing independent and used bookstores and she suggested I borrow this book of short stories she found in a used bookstore she loves from her, and I'm very glad I did! Claire Keegan's stories are fascinating. A couple left me scratching my head, as I'm nowhere near as deep as I'd like to be, and so sometimes reading inbetween the lines is not my strong suit.

However, I found the majority of her short stories about rur Thank you to my lovely friend, Lindsey, for recommending this book. However, I found the majority of her short stories about rural Irish families and Southern American men and women to be so original. I'm continuously in awe of people who have brains that are capable of making plausible, interesting fictional tales up.

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Keegan is absolutely capable of this and it was well-worth a read. I'll be sure to read more of her work! View all 3 comments. Nov 19, Jill rated it really liked it. One is the eponymous first story. In Antarctica, a seemingly satisfied wife and mother is determined to see what a fling with another man is like. She needed to do this before she got too old.

Antarctica by Claire Keegan

The second story, Passport Soup, is equally mesmerizing. A man named Frank Corso has lost — literally lost — his nine-year-old daughter, shattering his wife. The depths of unrelenting grief — and the eventual unveiling of what the title means — is devastating and authentic. A third story, Quare Name for a Boy, about a writer who returns to her rural Ireland roots, has these great lines: There is a wisp of feminism in many of the stories for example, a downtrodden wife takes the wheel of the car, stranding her bossy husband.

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And there are times when I could glean where the story was going to end up I knew — just KNEW — what the key character in Sisters was going to do. Still, this is a worthy collection that harkens the good things ahead for this writer. I think the best stories are a circle; these go in a straight line.

CAPERUCITA ROJA, CUENTOS INFANTILES, cuentos y canciones infantiles,

That said, I want to remember the title story, because wow. Nov 18, Leticia Rivas rated it it was amazing. Un libro de cuentos brillante. Cuentos que desbordan, incomodan, que se te clavan en el pecho, como puntadas. Cuentos donde lo que importa es lo que no se dice, lo que subyace a la superficie. El mejor de todos, "Hermanas".

Luego, me gustaron mucho: En "Siempre hay que tener mucho cuidado" un pescador es contratado por un misterioso cantante para que lo lleve a alta mar, y en la soledad sin orillas se entera de un secreto que pone en peligro su vida. Oct 31, Koen Kop rated it it was ok. Read four of the stories, then gave up. Henry, and you'll get my point. All the contemporary fiction I read, without exception, be it in English, German, French or Dutch, is long-winded, tedious and downright lacking in imagination.

Is the heyday of Western storytelling over, or is this a languorous lull? Lo mejor, lo dicen todos pero es verdad, las escenas de la vida de campo irlandesa. Jan 08, Lindsey rated it it was amazing Shelves: I'm so glad that I did! A bit dark but hopeful. Claire Keegan is a fantastic storyteller! And the cover image is stunning! Nov 18, Janelle Bailey rated it really liked it. Antarctica by Claire Keegan Some of these stories are very Irish, and others very much are not.

But Keegan's stark, deep stories are compelling. I love all of these different voices, with hers as the foundation to each. Each story contains characters who, understand or are figuring out themselves only for themselves and us, the readers. Most of her characters live She trusts us with these charact She trusts us with these characters and trusts that we will "get" what is at the core of each.

I really enjoy her writing. La irlandesa es muy buena cuentista. Illustrated by the graphic artist Lance Tooks, and seen from the point of view of a single female narrator, the poems deal with themes of love, alienation and isolation, recovery and renewal, as well as demonstrating a keen observation of nature and the simple pleasures This enhanced poetry eBook for any smartphone or tablet includes 35 short poems, illustrations, and a brief essay describing the process from notebook jotting to finished poem.

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