
The Flag in the Wind

When astronauts were planting the flagpole they rotated it back and forth to better penetrate the lunar soil anyone who's set a blunt tent-post will know how this works. So of course the flag waved! Unfurling a piece of rolled-up cloth with stored angular momentum will naturally result in waves and ripples -- no breeze required! Here is a video where you can see the basic composition of a lunar flag and how the flag is made to appear outstretched.

The Great Moon Hoax. This is clearly not the case - look at the astronauts? Why do the astronauts move on the moon? Because moving on the moon is the same thing as moving on the Earth. When you move your leg forward, it moves forward. When you jump on the moon, you come down. When you throw a rock on the moon, it moves forward for a while and then lands on the ground. The moon is not some place where the laws of physics go totally haywire.

So when you straighten out a flag and move it around, of course it moves! It wobbles back and forth as gravity pulls it down. From the authentic lunar landing video I have watched of the lunar landing etc. This can be attributed to the release of exhaust gasses from the personnel carrier. If you have a video supporting your claim of flapping while everything stationary, please post the link as evidence.

Given that it is NASA who designed it, I am pretty certain that it might not even be made of regular cloth seems to be made from nylon. I am neither a NASA employee nor a anybody who can benefit out of the above response being accurate or otherwise. When the flag was planted, the flag was moving because of conservation of momentum and the stiffness of the cloth.

That started it flapping. With lower gravity, there was less downward pull on the cloth - and the flag pole had a horizontal piece to hold the flag up since there is no wind on the moon. So the ONLY thing that could slow the flapping down was the internal friction between the strands of cloth inside the flag and the energy dissipated by bending those fibres. That meant that the flag flapped for quite a while before eventually coming to a stop. The movement you see in the videos of the landing is due to the chain weighting down the bottom swaying from the movement of placing the flag.

With no atmosphere it would wave for a while, but eventually whatever the fabric equivalent of rolling friction is, will slow it down. Click on the image to blow it up to full resolution and you can see how deeply wrinkled the flag is from all those months of being tightly packed in its storage container for the trip to the moon.

  • The Flag in the Wind: The Story of the National Movement in Scotland by John MacCormick!
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The flag is not blowing. Yet, the conspiracy theorists continue to repeat this outright lie, no matter how many times it is proven to be false. It is true that the moon has no atmosphere and hence no flow of air on its surface. Sceptics who doubt about man's landing on the moon raise this particular question every now and then without looking at the picture carefully. If you look at the picture meticulously you can see a rod attached to the flag post horizontally at an angle of 90 degree from which the flag is hanging. Now do we hoist flags in this manner on the earth?

The answer is NO.

Why Does the U.S. Flag on the Moon Have Ripples? - ABC News

Almost everywhere on the earth the flags are hoisted on a vertical flag post that flap when there is air flow and simply hangs down along the pole when there is no wind. In the second case we cannot see the flag fully as in the first case which keeps the flag in an streched condition. Then why the horizontal rod was attached with the pole that was carried to the moon?

Clearly the NASA officials also had thought about it lack of air on the moon before starting the mission and, in order that US flag is visible as in a outstretched manner, attached the horizontal rod which kept it stretched for photography purposes. The wavy folds on it are possibly due to shortage in length of the rod in comparison to length of the flag or due to lack of attention in spreading it fully on the part of the spaceman who fixed it.

This is a very interesting observation no dout. However the answer is found in the report from NASA explaining the technical details of the construction of the flag. I purport also that while the flag was folded and apparently crumpled? They intensionaly landed during the lunar dawn. It ranges from between degrees F in the sun and degrees in shadow.

From this excerpt from a mission report Apollo 11 Mission Report we can conclude that it must have been cold:. The report discusses some of the geopolitical aspects, history, and symbolism of the flag planting. The crossbar, hinged to the pole, went through this hem, and a loop sewn around the bottom of the flag secured it to the pole.

An astronaut would unfurl the flag by extending the telescoping crossbar and by raising it first to a position just above 90 degrees. He then lowered it to a position perpendicular to the pole where a catch prevented the hinge from moving. The upper portion then slipped into the base portion of the flagpole, which had been driven into the ground using a lunar geological hammer. Are you seriously asking this question even on this day? Even when this conspiracy theory has been debunked a thousand times? Anyway, just for the explanation.

The reason it looked like it was waving was because the flag was manufactured in a way to counter the fact that it cannot wave on the Moon. To explain a little more, if you look at that picture you posted, the flag was not only attached to the pole to its side, but also attached to a metal rod along the top. This metal rod created folds on the fabric of the flag which looked like waves in still photos.

  • Why Does the U.S. Flag on the Moon Have Ripples?.
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Now coming to the videos, Mr. Neil Armstrong had to push the flag down into the soil with some effort, which made it wiggle. Needless to say, the wiggle resulted in some sort of movement which stayed for quite a while, as there was no atmosphere to dampen the movement. How is it that although there are no air particles in space, the flag in the Apollo 11 Moon mission is still waving, as if its affected by wind? If it was still waving, it would be precisely because there is no air. No air means no air resistance, which means no dampening of the motion.

So if there was no other influences, it could in theory wave forever only if there was no air. Sadly, there are other influences. The fabric has a certain innate stiffness. You can test this by dropping a towel to the floor: Not even gravity can overcome it. That goes also for the Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 flags: That same stiffness will transform the kinetic energy of the motion into heat energy in the fabric. The heat energy will slowly radiate into space. And when all kinetic energy is transformed into heat, the flag will remain still until someone pokes it again.

The flag was folded like a flag should be folded as is indicative by the top right corner of a triangle. If you continue from this starting crease and imagine folding the flag further you can nearly follow the creases as they distort the original shape and morph into larger triangles.

The flag also has a supportive rod that looks as if it slips into a pocket like a tent pole does.

Marvelous Designer - Wind Controller - Creating a Flag and Dynamic Drapery

This rod gives the support to resemble a flying flag which-among most publicity shots were surely choreographed and rehearsed months in preparation by the crew. They could have anticipated this. This is how science works: Then ask the question as: What you do NOT ask is: So if there are no wind and there is no shaking that keeps the movement going then what could explain the movement of the flag: Without air it could have taken many minutes for this tiny movements to come to a stop. This fits the observation.

The moving flag is shown for several seconds right after it has been planted. So, no wind needed. Now think for a moment that all this moon stuff is a hoax. Would it be possible that whoever done it was daft enough to do it outside in the wind? Or did he or she deliberate have some air flowing just to secretly signal to all bright people that this was really a hoax and that he was in mortal danger if he would not comply with the government?

That is one of many questions which man on the moon believers get so uptight about, and is one of the smaller nails in the coffin of those believers, one they just might claim possible, just. Here is a biggy you cannot dismiss, no sound is heard through a vacuum and is accepted as fact by NASA, noises do not travel on the moon.

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So some of the video footage of the astronauts using a hammer and making a banging noise as they try nocking a rod into the surface must have been made on earth and it was in an identical setting to the one where they landed on the moon. No Government is squeaky clean and many are down right filthy. I hope there is a heaven and a hell, if your good enough to go up, do not be surprised to find so many working class slaves and so few higherarchy.

Heaven will be filled by the poor honest person and Hell will hold all the others. I am just a little worried about the cut off point. Ask New Question Sign In. Since there is no wind or atmosphere on the Moon, how can the US flag be flapping in pictures of the first Moon landing? Elasticsearch Service - Start a day free trial.

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The Flag in the Wind: The Story of the National Movement in Scotland

You dismissed this ad. The feedback you provide will help us show you more relevant content in the future. Why is the flag on the moon flapping in the wind? Learn More at try. S flag is on the moon? Is there reason to suspect the first moon landing was staged, even if subsequent moon landings were legitimate? What are the most popular conspiracy theories about the US moon landing? Is the picture of the man landing on the Moon fake? What proof is there that we really have been to the moon? Could the Government just be telling us this in order to look better?

How does the the flag move on the moon, if there is no wind? As a simple demonstration of this, have a look at two photos of Aldrin by the flag: What do your coding skills say about your secret AI talent? Take the Developer Economics survey, test your software development skills and find your AI alter ego!

Start Now at survey. Quora User , space enthusiast. Talks have been held with other opposition parties. He became a Northern Ireland Member of Parliament, which seems appropriate. However, the direction of travel is evident. The occasion of this talk was to mark the centenary of independence for Czechoslovakia in the aftermath of World War 1.

He traced its modern history as an independent country with Czech Republic from , skipped past the when Slovakia was a separate but crypto-Nazi state until the Iron Curtain fell in the aftermath of the second World War. As we reach the centenary of the end of the First World War and reflect upon the sacrifice of all the young men who fell it is clear that, statistically, Scotland had a higher percentage of soldier deaths than elsewhere in the union.

Often, the kilts and bagpipes that marked their heritage also marked their bravery as they led the troops into battle. Everyone will have their own stories or their own local folklore but the stories I probably find the hardest to understand are those when multiple members of the same family were lost and Caithness has plenty of these to remember.

They refuse to allow a trade barrier to be erected down the Irish Sea but insist on a time line which keeps Northern Ireland in some sort of cultural bubble. The trade unions are a breeding ground for politicians. Traditionally these have been Labour politicians. We do find a few have made their way through to the SNP, most often by switching when they become disillusioned by Labour, but I do know a few who have been SNP from early on without going through the motions of being Labour.

This weeks strike has been manipulated by the Labour party. Here we have the statement from Glasgow City Council leader.