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The story is about the torments endured by a prisoner of the Spanish Inquisition, though Poe skews historical facts. The narrator of the story is deemed guilty for an unnamed crime and put into a completely dark room. He passes out while trying to determine the size of the room.

When he wakes up, he realizes there is a large, deep pit in the middle of the room.

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He loses consciousness again and awakens strapped on his back, unable to move more than his head. He soon realizes there is a large blade-like pendulum hanging above him, slowly getting closer to cutting through his chest. He finds a way to escape but the walls of his prison start to move and close in on him, pushing him closer and closer to falling into the pit. The story is especially effective at inspiring fear in the reader because of its heavy focus on the senses, such as sound, emphasizing its reality, unlike many of Poe's stories which are aided by the supernatural.

The traditional elements established in popular horror tales at the time are followed but critical reception has been mixed. Aphra Behn was a spy for Charles II, a playwright, poet, and novelist, and the first English woman to make a living from writing. Her pen name was Astrea. Baker was an English writer and historian of literature. In , years after Mrs Behn's death, he introduced this collection of ten of her novels in the language of his day, a form which was not a facsimile of her texts.

This ebook, prepared years after her death, silently corrects some typos, and makes further changes. The Introduction and three of the stories contain many poems. The ten stories are: It was not quite like a country lane, for it had a pavement and lamp-posts, but it was not a bad place for a meeting all the same: He loved her, and he was engaged to be married to her, with the complete disapproval of every reasonable person who had been consulted. And this half-clandestine meeting was tonight to take the place of the grudgingly sanctioned weekly interview-because a certain rich uncle was visiting at her house, and her mother was not the woman to acknowledge to a moneyed uncle, who might "go off" any day, a match so deeply ineligible as hers with him.

A gentle tale of romance and art from a noted children's author.

Historires extraordinaires d'Edgar A. Poe; suivies de la genèse d'un poème.

Betty told him nervously and in words ill-chosen everything that he asked to know, but all the while the undercurrent of questions rang strong within her -- 'When is he to teach me? As Morgan Griswold emerged from the solemn-fronted cross-town block and made his way northward along the dwelling side of Central Park West, he felt, as he had foreseen he would, the overwhelming surge of his homelessness. Throughout the dragging progress of the suit, instinct had bade him shun the scene of his fool's paradise, the places still haunted by the spell of Natalie.

Beyond the sphere of old associations, he could delude himself with the pretense that it was all a waking dream, the leaden ache of a persistent nightmare.

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The Count of Monte Cristo French: It is often considered, along with The Three Musketeers, as Dumas' most popular work. It is also among the highest selling books of all time. The writing of the work was completed in Like many of his novels, it is expanded from the plot outlines suggested by his collaborating ghostwriter Auguste Maquet.

The story takes place in France, Italy, islands in the Mediterranean and the Levant during the historical events of — from just before the Hundred Days through the reign of Louis-Philippe of France. The historical setting is a fundamental element of the book. It is primarily concerned with themes of hope, justice, vengeance, mercy, forgiveness and death, and is told in the style of an adventure story. Olenin was a youth who had never completed his university course, never served anywhere having only a nominal post in some government office or other , who had squandered half his fortune and had reached the age of twenty-four without having done anything or even chosen a career.

He was what in Moscow society is termed un jeune homme. But he did find a career -- he took a post as a Cadet in the army, and ended up assigned to Transcaucasia. This is the place -- here among the Tatars, the Chechens, and the Old Believers -- this is the place where Olenin will find love in the arms of a beautiful Cossack girl -- a young woman who is promised to a Cossack warrior.

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The present ebook comprises the complete writings of William Shakespeare. It comes with original illustrations which are the engravings John Boydell commissioned for his Boydell Shakespeare Gallery. Both macabre and also at times vicious, his writing nonetheless manages to perfectly capture the trivial absurdities of the Edwardian era in England. His subjects are almost always louche members of the upper classes - in particular his perfectly observed anti-heroes such as Clovis and Reginald - who wouldn't feel out of place in the world of P.

G Wodehouse's 'Bertie Wooster'. The fatal flaw of hypocrisy receives particular attention in Saki's world, with vengeful justice often meted out in the most unlikely and unexpected fashion by birds, beasts and children alike. This collection contains both novels by Saki, all of his short story collections, and also his individual short stories the were published outside collections - in total separate works.

Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who first appeared in publication in A brilliant London-based detective, Holmes is famous for his intellectual prowess, and is renowned for his skillful use of deductive reasoning somewhat mistakenly - see inductive reasoning and astute observation to solve difficult cases. He is arguably the most famous fictional detective ever created, and is one of the best known and most universally recognizable literary characters in any genre.

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Conan Doyle wrote four novels and fifty-six short stories that featured Holmes. All but four stories were narrated by Holmes' friend and biographer, Dr. Watson, two having been narrated by Holmes himself, and two others written in the third person. The first two stories, short novels, appeared in Beeton's Christmas Annual for and Lippincott's Monthly Magazine in The character grew tremendously in popularity with the beginning of the first series of short stories in The Strand Magazine in ; further series of short stories and two serialized novels appeared almost right up to Conan Doyle's death in Please enter recipient e-mail address es.

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Historires extraordinaires d'Edgar A. Edgar Allan Poe Publisher: French View all editions and formats Rating: Allow this favorite library to be seen by others Keep this favorite library private. Find a copy in the library Finding libraries that hold this item Details Additional Physical Format: Poe, Edgar Allan, Edgar Allan Poe Find more information about: Reviews User-contributed reviews Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers. Add a review and share your thoughts with other readers.