
UMMO And The Extraterrestrial Papers

After the first bunch about the daily life in Ummo, there followed all kinds of digressions about philosophy, sociology and religion in Ummo and Earth , even featuring the most appealing coincidence for a Catholic reader: It was a mutual refusal, because on the other side, the Ummites became obsessed with the minutiae: They always complained to Sesma for mixing their messages with those of Saliano and others, up to the point that several times they cut the supply as a punishment.

In what can be seen as a final attempt to convince Sesma, the typist himself wrote to him, confirming everything. All the emotional overtones lacking in the arid paragraphs dictated by the Ummites, can now freely flow. Despite his anonymity hopefully only a tempory measure , at least there was a human being who actually met and worked with them. So, we got the first description of these alien beings: Angelic, but also witha sinister side: The copyist was oppressed by the whole extraordinary adventure in which he found himself caught up, and his letter released a mixture of fear and ingenuity that appealed to our most basic emotions.

To leave no stone unturned, he also included a final surealistic touch: With the arrival of the summer holidays of , the contact is interrupted during several months, except for the ocasional letter to keep the ashes burning. Maybe the Ummites needed time to evaluate their activities and plan and prepare further developments. At the begining of they struck again, with renewed strength, in an encircling movement. On one side, there appeared another anonymous correspondent purporting to be a certain professor, the holder of a chair in the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Madrid.

His only letter described how he received on loan a little piece of apparatus that convinced him of their extraterrestrial origin, as he saw on a tridimensional screen a histological specimen, greatly enlarged, in colour, and alive.

The UMMO Affair: Are Extraterrestrials Living Among Us?

He recorded and kept a colour film of all the operation. He ended his letter proposing to all the recipients a gathering, to coordinate their actions and, should it be considered neccessary, inform the Spanish authorities … The plot thickens! On the other hand, there really was a qualitative leap ahead. First, the exclusive report about his arrival to our planet written with their characteristic irrelevant minuteness: This long story 49 pages is a masterful piece of work.

The reader is absolutely touched when the expeditionary group made their first transcendental discovery: It is really too much that the first document preserved for the galactic posterity turned out to be some pages of the French newspaper Le Figaro used as toilet paper by a peasant! Naturally, they discovered the hoaxes and disclosed to their readers the tricks employed.

In short, a strong sceptical commentary on the paranormal, from people who were assured to be born telepaths! These papers form the real core of the myth, what sets up the difference with any other contactee tale. Unfortunately, in spite of all the favourable publicity around them, from Antonio Ribera in to Jean-Pierre Petit in , they are just pseudocientific jargon at its best. I will give you a very rough and incomplete summary, just to let you know the flavour of them. Unfortunately these disturbances are unpredictable except within a very short time, a useful way out of any inconvenient appointment.

At a time the sixties when the earth physicists were confused with the endless discovery of subatomic particles, the Ummites introduced in 68 pages and a few formulas the IBOZOO UU, defined as an elemental and inmaterial entity composed of ortogonal axes. According to the manner in which these axes are orientated, we see the production of matter, energy, space, and even time.

Now everything is clear.

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You take an spaceship and its crew just some zintillions of IBOZOO UUs , reverse each and every one of their axes with absolutely accuracy, go into the suitable dimensional frame, and once in the desired destination through non-disclosed means of propulsion , you undo the reversing without missing a single atom, with the bonus of recovering all the energy wasted before. Confronted with an exponential branching, they pulled out of their hat a useful teleological convergence that will bring them together into the Man ummite or terrestrial , explaining our mutual likeness.

Not satisfied, they maintain that the range opens again afterwards, to come together in some future and final Superman. If all this is already quite difficult to swallow, what can we say about the working procedures. They are absurd and lacking any logic, even wrapped with an accuracy and terminology pretending to be scientific. On the other hand, the short range mutations acted through a chemical way. These detailed revelations seemed to point at some inmediate confrontation. The dramatic tension was mounting. As well as the real one surrounding the Middle East. Therefore, the professor never revealed himself, and over the following months the believers were very busy trying to ascertain his identity, without real success.

What God takes off, God returns. Unfortunately, even though they organized several reconnaissance parties, none was able to met the spaceship as it allegedly performed evolutions in the sky over the Madrid suburban estate of San Jose Valderas and landed briefly nearby, at But they were not to be disappointed, one amateur photographer had inmortalized the sighting with his camera, had contacted the same journalist that covered the Aluche case, and had graciously departed with some of his negatives for free, keeping his anonimity.

The photos hit the front page and did not leave the slightest doubt. Surely, this incident was intended to be the final point of the affair. Another summer was approaching, no better time to enjoy well deserved holidays. Discharging ballast, the followers received a sale package, with papers about law, astronomy, etc. As in any second rate SF plot, the Ummites did not counted on the human element. Up to then all the UMMO affair had limited itself to a small group of believers that did not showed a high level of scepticism.

But now, armed with those definitive proofs, it was decided to engage professional help. They decided to contact an ufologist: The situation suddenly opened to a whole new level of interest and challenge.

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It called for reinforcements and a very careful and close handling. In a beautiful strike of synchronocity, he wrote Mr. It was a semi-destroyed capsule that contained a piece of green plastic engraved with the Ummo symbol. Lleget rightly refused to get involved, and passed this greek present to his friend Antonio Ribera, the most prestigious Spanish ufologist of the time. In this case, the field-work was left to his valued friend Rafael Farriols, who over the years, will become the leading specialist in Ummo, up to the point of founding some companies with Ummo trade-names and securing all the documents received since then.

As they lived in Barcelona, their man in Madrid was … anybody guess? Thanks to his praiseworthy efforts were located several witnesses. Most of them could only give circumstantial evidence after severe prompting, but those who allegedly witnessed the UFO always insisted to remain unnamed. It must be something contagious.

UMMO: The Planet of the Anonymous Correspondents. Luis R. González | MAGONIA

With the Ummites safely far away, the work of keeping alive the myth was an easy and not-demanding one for the typist. Only a letter from time to time, delivered to members of the Madrid group, full of trails to be followed all over Madrid by their eager recipients. They are the only ones allegedly written by members of an equivalent French group that acknowledged the distribution of Ummo documents outside Spain. As usual, it had been impossible to confirm them, despite the fact that they provided a postal address and a reward for any other capsule they obtained. In due time, Mr.

Farriols published a book with their conclusions, whose title tells it all: Inside they included an analysis of the device: It is surprising that people who claim to use gravitational waves for everything, including cooking, had to resort to spinning their small spaceships in order to obtain an artificial gravity! It was Summer The UFOs had already become acceptable in the Spanish media.

Films like and Planet of the Apes attracted crowds. The Invaders appeared weekly on television. All over Spain the first and biggest UFO flap of our history was taking place.

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So it surprised nobody when the typist added that THEY had returned. But the holidays passed without any notice from them. Shocked, the contact was suddenly interrupted. It was never to be the same again. It restarted in but only with very short papers 4 or 5 pages each , exclusively addressed to Mr. Ribera and quite superficial, nothing with the depth that they used to show. They also wrote to another contactee of the time, Sinod who maintained telepathic contact with an extraterrestrial named Atienza, from the planet Urln, descendant of a Spanish conquistador abducted in Argentina in in order to arrange a meeting.

Maybe they did not arouse the reactions they wanted because the contacts became less and less frequent and soon stopped. In January Mr. The Ummites followed him, in what can be seen as a return to the origins, and involved themselves strongly in the activities of this group; but he, the president, never received their written attentions. On the other hand, they also offered guidance for proselytizing new members and usefuls tips to gain the control of the group. All this culminated in November with a real thriller, as they predicted a nuclear war because of the situation in the Middle East, announced their definitive departure, and in a final stroke of sentimentalism offered their own nuclear refuge for the salvation of their flock.

Unfortunately we will never know them, specially now that the Cold War is finished. And this is the situation that remains up to date. An age-decimated group of believers meeting periodically, usually under the benevolent leadership of Mr. At first in and there were quite a happening: But after Ribera revealed to the world in first in the FSR and later with 3 complete books the contents and peculiarities of the ummite papers, the UMMO affair has become a myth-in-the-making.

It is an established alien trademark. Anybody can borrow their cloak, from dangerous child-abusers Edelweiss sect in Spain to Fundamentalist Christians looking for additional help defending the Turin Shroud. Now that you have a bare summary of this complex situation, I should defend my thesis. I maintain that it all began as some kind of joke that later got out of hand.

The best evidence is the fact that all the quantitative data included in the very first document was more or less subtly wrong. Then, in , they started to make contact. Initially they compiled a list of 20 carefully selected individuals, most of them were Spanish. Many of those on the list were also members of a small Spanish group, the Society of Friends of Space, including their founder-president, Fernando Seams.

According to the Ummites, those on this particular list constitute the Madrid group; there are other groups all over the world. Early in the Ummites began to contact the names on their Madrid list, by letter or telephone, to explain the purpose of their mission to Earth. One of the few who has openly described what happened is the engineer Enrique Villagrassa Novoa, who received the telephone call late at night on 28 November The speaker identified himself as an extra-terrestrial being and spoke fluently and intelligently, though in a voice that was both faintly foreign and mechanical, for about two hours.

He discussed engineering and obviously had an impressively detailed know-ledge of the subject; he followed this up by posting on some documents a few days later. Unfortunately, few of those on the Ummites' list have revealed the details of how they were contacted. It seems the letters were usually typewritten on paper that bore a distinctive mark. Nor do they know how many others the Ummites telephoned, nor whether they contacted anyone more than once. All we know is that some of those who had a specialist interest received follow-up documents. One of the problems that besets this story is that there has been very little investigation into vital points.

  • Il senso del silenzio (LaRossa) (Italian Edition).
  • Ummo and the Extraterrestrial Papers.
  • UMMO and The Extraterrestrial Papers ISBN 1606110586 Isbn-13 9781606110584.
  • Dunkle Schwestern (German Edition);
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For example, no one seems to have made any detailed, systematic attempt to look into the ways in which the Ummites contacted the people on their list, nor why these people should be on the list. In the Ummites contacted a prominent UFO researcher, Antonio Ribera, who had in fact heard about them two years earlier when he had been introduced to Villagrassa. Rather curiously, he kept the matter quiet and - as only in , eight years after first hearing about it and six years after being contacted by the Ummites, that he spoke out. The Ummites suggested to Ribera that their planet may orbit the star we know as Wolf - Apparently, it is difficult for them to be more precise than this because our astronomical references are incompatible with theirs.

They claimed that in they had accidentally picked up a strange radio signal with a frequency of Eventually, they traced it to a planet known to them as 'Ooyagaa', or 'cold star of quadrate' they refer to our Sun as 'quadrate'. The signal was later identified as having been transmitted by a Norwegian scientific research vessel. The transmission took place between 5 and 7 February , and took 14 years to travel to Ummo.

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Subsequent investigation confirmed the presence of such a ship, transmitting on this frequency, between these dates. The Ummites were surprised at this evidence of intelligent life on our planet and decided to investigate. Two years later, in March , a lenticular-shaped spaceship landed secretly near the small town of La Javie in Les masses Alpes, France, in a wild and sparsely populated region, well-suited to their purposes.