
Pinholes Into Heaven

Again and again I went carefully over every square inch of its surface, but the most that I could find was a tiny pinhole a little above and to the right of the door's center--a pinhole that seemed only an accident of manufacture or an imperfection of material. I thought I knew, and, seizing a powerful magnifying glass from the litter of my pocket-pouch, I applied myself to a careful examination of the marble immediately about the pinhole in the door. It was evident that for countless ages radium torches had been applied to this pinhole , and for what purpose there could be but a single answer--the mechanism of the lock was actuated by light rays; and I, John Carter, Prince of Helium, held the combination in my hand--scratched by the hand of my enemy upon his own torch case.

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For fifty tals I let three units of light shine full in the pinhole , then one unit for one xat, and for twenty-five tals nine units. Little Toomai turned, rustling in the fodder, and watched the curve of his big back against half the stars in heaven, and while he watched he heard, so far away that it sounded no more than a pinhole of noise pricked through the stillness, the "hoot-toot" of a wild elephant.

The gaps between leaves act as tiny pinholes , casting hundreds of crescent-shaped spots of light during the eclipse's partial phases. The TQC Low Voltage Pinhole detector from Gardco enables users to inspect various coatings on conductive substrates for small defects such as holidays and pinholes using the "wet sponge technique.

If a laminate is overstretched during deep drawing--regardless of whether it is a thermoform or coldform laminate--tears or pinholes could occur that critically diminish or even entirely eliminate protection.

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Get it right the first time: Macro's patented approach is to produce the bag from two separate films, which are blocked after they the exit the die to prevent any gels or pinholes from aligning. New way to make bags from scrap. Air Products has won the Ringier Coatings Technology Innovation Award for its new Airase deaerator, a high performance, siloxane polyether-based deaerator for controlling microfoam and pinholes in waterborne coatings, especially those applied with high-speed techniques such as airless or air-assisted spray.

Air Products' Airase deaerator wins Ringier Coatings award Pinholes constitute a common defect with many possible causes. My skin opens and the impurities slip out. I work with the loofah and the well-water. If only getting rid of the old were always this easy. What would it be like to discard the snake skin of old habits without a backward glance?

The resolutions lay in a heap somewhere upstairs. Memorize a whole chapter in the Bible. Figure out how to really pray. Practice laughing more and frowning less at mischief. Tame the hall closet. In I learned the grace-and-truth thing better. For decades, I thought this Christian pilgrimage was a leaning of a ladder against the gates of heaven.

A committed pilgrim moves upward, higher, away from self and sin, until there is no more slipping because habits of holiness had stuck. But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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There are no ladders, just growing in grace. A good pilgrim grows in this knowledge. Our Enemy would have us climbing ladders.

Hanging onto those rungs, we would not be stories of grace…or of glory. May be a year of growing in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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For all of us. The tree twinkles in the window each evening, and a very embellished gingerbread house is flaking frosting on top of my microwave. They finger the watercolors I scrabbled together in November, studying, wondering, waiting to know more about what it means. Waiting to understand more of the miracle story. It comes slowly all month, these advent epiphanies.

And that was just the beginning. A good name is to be desired above all riches… and how he cast down his own good name at the behest of an angel messenger. I keep thinking of the prophecy: Rachel is weeping for her children, because they are no more. The women of Bethlehem wailed when their tiny ones died. The women related to Joseph wept bitterly. I keep thinking of how the One that compresses cosmic gases into stars confined Himself to a single cell. The holy meekness of this constraint is cracking hard places in me—it was for me.

I am thinking about Mary, Mary keeping the hounds of panic at bay in the dark streets of Bethlehem when no doors opened to them. She and I have been there together—looking at all these closed doors and praying, praying for just one to give way. I am thinking of Anna, pushing , worshiping in the temple night and day. Shy of a century, a promise kept her on fire. When there was nothing left, the promise was enough. When I look long and slow, this Christmas miracle is hard. This is a story of getting empty so that there is space for God to fill. But empty is good. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

The appetite for self occupies much space. The appetite for righteousness makes much space. And these actors in the first Christmas pageant had a tough row to hoe to plant the right seeds. Sow righteousness for yourselves, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the LORD, until He comes and showers His righteousness on you Hosea All those places in their lives they had not yet let the Lord enter, all that hard, unplowed ground, they let God break it up.

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It rained righteousness in their lives. And they savored the harvest of Unfailing Love. Their plowshare made much for us. Their hard-won righteousness gave us the chance at good news. The woman of the house rises in dark December to slip on hat, woolen mittens, and boots over flannel pajamas to open the way for the morning send-off. From the leaden heavens snowflakes shake silently, making snowglobe magic of the crystalline breathing and the scraping. Jokes on pillows in the afternoon sun are a much better way to spend a day.

Pinholes To Heaven | Capturing daily grace with open hands

Mouths and hearts are connected. But I have tried to coerce virtues into them — and into me. It simply does not work. Virtue cannot be put on like a winter coat to keep out a tempest. I have shook a finger and heaped it up: But this is not God. He is not a bringer of all the bad news about us. The greatest Lover of each us has never coerced us into anything, and yet, His Love overpowers us until we are won back. Love overcame the head of the Serpent.

Pin holes to heaven