

As one of the people responsible for ruthlessly cutting the film, do you spend time on set or do you prefer to keep your distance?

I like to go on set to feel out the vibe and get a sense for what's important to the director. But I don't like to hang around too much, because you can lose your objectivity. Sometimes something is hilarious on set, and you're influenced by hearing everyone laugh, but when you're watching it on a screen it's not funny.

Marvel always does additional photography later in the film.


At that point, I go on set quite a lot. They'll shoot the shot and I'll literally edit it in that second and we'll feel it out. That's when it's imperative, I think, to be on set. Can you give an example of something that was developed in reshoots? One of the things we picked up in additional photography was the battle at the end of the film where the Dora Milaje, the female warriors, are surrounded, and right at the last minute they get saved by the male Jabari warriors.

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I said to Ryan, I really feel we've built up the most spectacular female empowerment figures and they've been kicking ass this entire movie and then right at the end, to have the men come in and save them undercuts what we built up throughout the film.

Ryan thought and thought about it, and said what if some of the Jabari warriors were female? They had already shot this massive battle sequence with all the Jabari warriors being men, so in additional photography they went and they created some female Jabari warriors. Just to drive the point home, the very first warrior who breaks through the force field and saves the Dora Milaje is a female warrior.

And that's one of the examples how additional photography just took something and made it better. When people hear reshoots they often assume the film is in trouble. Is that not the case? It's not necessarily that it's broken, it's more like how can we make this character's motives clearer? What is the audience finding confusing? Is there something we need to set up a little stronger, is there something we can make funnier, is there something that we can make more emotional?

It's kind of like putting on another coat of polish now that the movie is more of a living, breathing thing and you can see it clearer. What are the smallest things you change in additional photography? Sometimes it's just a line here or there.

Beautiful - The Carole King Musical

We did little pickups to strengthen W'Kabi's motives, adding in a line here or there understanding why he supported Killmonger. Jordan and T'Challa Chadwick Boseman. Was there a longer version of the movie?

James Blunt - You're Beautiful (Video)

The amount of footage we got for Panther was incredible. We had almost hours of footage, which is a lot.

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We had to find the best story in those many stories. We wanted to spend enough time with each character so that they had depth, but not spend too much time that you go off on a tangent and lose all momentum or take all the focus away from the main character. It's this constant juggling act of how much time spent on what, how to streamline things, and get enough information across that you understand and that you care.

And how to make the film political without being preachy, because it could have veered in either direction. Killmonger, we worked on that character so much. It was such a delicate balancing act because we wanted to empathize with the antagonist and understand where he's coming from but ultimately realize he's going about it in the wrong way. It was a monster job. What sort of thing did you have to take out? Every scene had to come down to half its length. But somewhere along the way, we began chasing a different ideal.

Beautiful | The Fabulous Fox Theatre

Home is a place to come home to. It offers a place to relax, unwind, and rest. It provides an opportunity for interaction among family members — a safe harbor from the storms of life to find acceptance, security, and stability. Home offers us rest and security so we can live our best lives in the world outside — accomplishing the most good for the most amounts of people.

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These are the ideals we should strive for with the home we create: And when these ideals are being met, our home is beautiful. We do not need to constantly increase square footage, discounted or not furniture, or decorations. It had been a long day for them full of scans, doctor visits, diagnoses, and treatments. We did not intend to stay long — they needed rest as much as they needed a fresh meal.

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However, while dropping off the food I asked my friend how he was liking his smaller home. I no longer have a mortgage payment because we removed that burden when we downsized. But this house is easier to clean and maintain and take care of so I can focus more on the things that matter. And Joshua, that is the thing that means the most to me right now as I fight for my life and theirs. I looked around the room one more time. I saw a family growing closer, better prepared in this smaller space for their difficult journey ahead.