
A Mulher Pálida (Portuguese Edition)

Joy Harjo e o Desconforto da Linguagem". Joy Harjo's Universal and Dreamy Places". Nordic Association for English Studies: Poesia e Contra-cultura em Joy Harjo". Doutoramento, Universidade de Coimbra, ;. Donald Kartiganer and Ann J. University of Mississippi Press, ;. Men Trouble in Faulkner's Sanctuary ". Universidad de Puerto Rico. Faulkner Journal of Japan 4. Faulkner Society of Japan, Estudos sobre a mulher 7, Lisboa: Inspiration Revisited in Pessoa and Stevens.

The American Poetry Book. Stephen Matterson and Michael Hinds. University Press of New England, ;. Alves, Teresa Cid and Isabel Caldeira. Notes of A Portuguese Feminist Americanist. University of Dublin, Trinity College, Cambridge Scholars Press, The Poetry of Politics the Politics of Poetry. Santos, Stephen Wilson ;. Santos, President of the Organizing Committee ;. This text is under a Creative Commons license: European journal of American studies. Contents - Previous document - Next document. Literature , history , Poetry , minorities , women studies , gender studies , comparative cultural studies , identity , ethnic studies , cinema , arts.

William Faulkner , Teresa F. Outline MA programs - An overview of the main universities.

Ongoing Collective Research Projects: University of Lisbon — Center for English Studies. University of Lisbon —— Center for English Studies. University of Coimbra — Center for Social Studies. Open University — Center for American Studies. Full text PDF Send by e-mail. Doctoral Programs 7 Although Doctoral seminars are still rare in Portuguese Faculties of Letters, a significant number of PhD dissertations in American Studies, predominantly focusing on literature, have been produced all over the country especially since the late s.

Research Ongoing Collective Research Projects: Lublin, , ; 35 "O conto como oficina da arte de narrar". Lisboa, , ; 36 "In Praise of Saul's Soul". Universidade Aberta, ; 43 A poesia e as artes visuais. Universidade Aberta, ; 52 Sylvia Plath - O rosto oculto do poeta. Afrontamento, ; 79 "Before the Death of Our Fury: Celta, ; 80 "Tecendo e distorcendo o colonialismo da linguagem: University of Mississippi Press, ; "Law s and Disorder s: Pires, Maria Laura Bettencourt ed.

Reis, Maria Filipa Palma dos. Santos, Maria Irene Ramalho S. Activities — Events Recent: Follow us RSS feed. European journal of American studies Briefly: You know, I was around 10 years old when he was born. Wow, remember the games, and the fights that we used to have when we were little. Oh my God, even worse, I was in the room with my boyfriend when we saw him under the bed! I had forgotten about that one, you know?

I need to tell that one to Natalia. Hey tell me, what do you think of Natalia? Yes, of course she is the perfect woman for him. They make a beautiful couple. You see, you are already getting used to it. Auto-Correction In Multiple Languages. Nossa, beleza, muito obrigada Andreia. Dang it, I hate this keyboard with auto-correction. For that yes, but sometimes I write in English and other times I write in Portuguese. You do know that you can change the keyboard for the two languages, right?

Really, how do you do that? OK, let me choose English and Emoji. But now, what do I do to change among these three? Well, that is even easier. Look here on the keyboard, there is this little globe, right? So, click on the globe and keep on pressing it to see all of your keyboards, and from there choose it when you get to the language that you want. Look how now by changing the keyboard you also change the dictionary, the auto-correction, and the predictive text. No doubt, the current political scene in Brazil is going through a difficult period.

Still, we should be able to talk about it without being mean and ugly. That is how our people see it, and that is how our lesson flows today. Ah, if everyone could approach it this way! Eu acabo de falar com Thiago e ele sabe mesmo tocar nas teclas que me irritam, menina. Nem ele acredita na metade das coisas que diz. Pelo menos eliminaria Dr. Moleque Mimado Fissurado do Thiago. I just got done talking to Thiago and he really knows how to push the buttons that drive me crazy, girl.

Since when do we care about Thiago! Not even he believes half the things that he says. And you saw that he repeats all the memes, posts, and blogs on social media without even considering if they are true or not. And always with this offended looking face when somebody has a different opinion. And everybody knows that these are difficult times and things have to change, but honestly Andreia, the answer cannot be to simply to hout louder than the other guys. If the politicians were like the two of us, imagine the problems that could be eliminated.

At least we could eliminate Dr. Remove Those Facebook Photos. Go ahead, say that you hate Facebook, but then be honest, how many times do you check it each day? Nada mal Andreia, nada mal. Did you see that Sueli published the photos yesterday on Facebook? No, no, no, really? But I asked her not to show them to anybody! That one of you with Wesley has more than 80 likes, and at least 20 or 30 comments. This is why I hate Facebook. No, no, it was terrible, and now everyone is going to like it, or love it, or wow it, or envy or who knows what you call it, girl. I'm going to kill her!

Not bad Andreia, not bad. OK, I give up, and to tell you the truth you are right, I love the way that Wesley is looking at me. Food In Bahia Is Awesome. Isso mesmo, bem quente. Andreia, what would you say is the gastronomic specialty that most represents Bahian cooking? Just look, black-eyed beans dough, onions, salt, fried in palm oil, and served with peppers, vinaigrette, shrimp and vatapa.

Do you think it is more typical than, for example, caruru? Right, but in the case of acaraje Antonio, it has that whole image of bahians with their African clothing, selling on the street. In my opinion, I think that acaraja wins. Is it typical of bahian food? Look, it is a bean that is used a lot in the northeast, man. People break it up in a grinder, in big pieces, and then they let it soak in water to remove the shell. Then you grind it again to make a thin dough. Got it, and tell me, do you the think the flavor comes more from the dough or more from the palm oil that you use?

The secret to acaraje to be soft is in how long you beat the dough. It has to have a foamy consistency. But I agree with you, palm oil has a very characteristic flavor and it is indispensible, you know? Yea, when I see the Baianas preparing the acaraje, it seems like the oil is really hot. It really is, really hot. And you saw how they use the two sp. There is never a good time to have a cold. But why does it feel that each cold is the worst one ever. We feel bad for you, and we hope you get the rest and medicine that you need. It may be of small consolation, but at least you can talk about your cold in Portuguese now, if you want to.

E em que eu posso ajudar a senhora? A senhora tem alguma coisa boa para a gripe? Do you have anything that is good for a cold? We do, do you also have a cough or just a stuffy nose? Headache, achy body, stuffy nose, and a cough, I caught a bad one. OK, thanks, what I most want is to sleep for three days! Parents, gotta love them. They worry about their kids, especially when the kids arrive home late at night.

No nothing, give her a call, OK? Leave well enough alone. Well, nothing ventured, nothing gained. And in this case we all gain in learning some more Portuguese. Eu experimentei alguns ingredientes diferentes. Bom, pra falar a verdade, gosto mais de como era antes. How is the soup dear? Well, to tell you the truth, I like more how it was before. You know, I confess that I liked the other recipe more too. No problem, pass me the salt please. Lots of us have great memories of watching grandma making jams and preserves. Picking the fruits, adding the sugar, putting it in jars, ahh the good old days with granny.

To me the best preserves that grandma made were the fig ones. Yes, and her passion fruit coconut candy was fantastic too. The Microwave Stopped Working. Out of all the appliances that one might need in the kitchen, for many the microwave oven is the most used. Cooking, what do you mean cooking? We just heat things up, right? Hey dad, come here, the microwave just died. What do you mean died? Weird, did you press reset? I did, I have tried everything. What do you think, try to fix it or buy another? The Tangerines Are Awesome. Feiras or markets, what a fantastic way to enjoy a couple of hours, do some excellent shopping, and also hear tons of everyday language.

Remember to taste the foods, just see verify the ones that you really want to buy. Bom dia, o senhor tem mexerica hoje? Good morning sir, do you have tangerines?

OK, give me a dozen of them, OK? Living the Olympic dream! If you were in the Olympics, what sport would you like to compete in? Bring it on, and bring it on in Portuguese. Pra mim seria muito legal correr na m rasos ou talvez revezamento 4xm. If you could be an athlete in the Olympics, what sport would it be?

Well, if we are dreaming about the impossible, I think it would be running track. What events would you like to enter into? For me it would be cool to run in the meters or the 4x relay. Agreed, if we ran together, I could pass the baton on to you. And we could climb on the podium and sing the National Anthem. For others of us, we are way too cynical to buy into that. Where is your focus? Do you know what the Olympic motto is? I do, more money, more politics, and more corruption.

Stop being so cynical Mariana. Sweeping, sculling, really, how does one figure out all of these rowing options? So gather the crew and the coxswain and learn how to talk about rowing in Portuguese. Hey, come here a sec, tell me something. What is all this about sculling and sweeping? In rowing, each athlete either uses two oars, called sculling, or one oar, sweeping.

And which one do you like most? I have always liked the rowing rhythm with crews of 8 people. And is that sculling or sweeping? That is sweeping, 8 members of the crew and the coxswain. After a few days of watching Olympics we start to think that we really do see a difference.

Either way, now we can talk about those points in Portuguese. Olha, eu tentei, mas todos esses saltos parecem iguais. Gostava mais do trampolim de 3 metros, eu nunca executava bem os saltos da plataforma. Look, I tried, but all of these dives look the same. You just said that because the television announcer said the same thing. No, when I was young I participated in a lot of diving competitions. Did you like more the platform or the diving board? I liked more the 3 meter diving board, I was never any good at the dives from the platform.

The Swimmer Was Disqualified. How sad would it be to train for years and years, and then be disqualified for a false start. Realmente, como seria triste ser desclassificado depois de tantos anos e tantas horas de treino. E dizem que era o favorito pra ganhar na de metros. I just love watching swimming, all those styles are fantastic. What style do you like most?

By COERLL, University of Texas at Austin, Project Director: Orlando Kelm

Well, the butterfly is cool, but freestyle crawl is the fastest and the most exciting. Did you see that guy from Germany who was penalized at the beginning of the starting block? Really, how sad is it to be disqualified after so many years and so many hours of training. And they say that he was favored to win in the meters. Yeah, but surely someone else is going to break the record.

Medal count, some say that it takes away from the Olympic games and others think it is the very reason for the Olympics. How is your country doing in the total medal count? The United States keeps winning the highest number of gold medals, right? Right, but China has the highest total number of medals. Yes, they have fewer gold and silver, but the have the most bronze. They say that competition between countries is not the objective of the games. Wow, Those Gymnasts Are Amazing! Did you see her balance and flexibility? Really, these gymnasts on the uneven bars are incredible.

What do you like more, the floor exercises or the balance beam? Both are good, but I actually prefer the vault. Me too, the jump from that trampoline is too much. Congrats to the Silver Medal Winner. We have been looking forward to this for years. The Olympics are coming to Brazil and now we have to decide if we are going to attend the events live.

You just won the silver medal in pole vaulting. How do you feel? After so many years of training and so much effort, there is nothing like this feeling. And tell as a little about your last attempt. Yeah, I missed on the first two, but the third one, I had good speed, took off well, and cleared the bar. Have you purchased tickets to the Olympics?

So the Olympics are coming, but now we need to purchase tickets. Which events would you like to see most? I have, road cycling, weight lifting and beach volleyball. Are you going to the Olympics?? Are you going to watch the opening ceremonies? Of course, I love to see the moment when all of the athletes enter the stadium. Have you followed the route as the exchanged torches? I have, I was even in Santos when the torch bearers passed by. Some of the most tender moments in life are when we get to hold a baby, especially in those quiet hours in the night when it is just you and the baby.

Isso passa filha, com os anos a gente nem se lembra mais. Aina needs to nurse every three hours! You know, those hours snuggled up to a baby are precious. I promise you child, some day you will miss those moments. Some people catch on to new technologies with no problems, others struggle with the new learning curve.

Take for example the time you tried to teach grandma how to use a computer. Let me write this down, OK? And then hit Control V to paste in. When it comes to plastic surgery, the joke is that there are no ugly women, just poor husbands. What kind of question is that! Why would you ask that? But those that have plastic surgery end up looing really fake. Dear, there is beauty that only comes with the years, you are beautiful.

There is no question that grandparents love to be with the grandchildren. The hard part is choosing the activities that the kiddos enjoy. Vamos levar os netos pro circo? Seria melhor nem entrar nisso. Should we take the grandchildren to the circus? Leticia is really scared of clowns. I think it would be better to go to the aquarium. No Green Thumb From You. How do you keep those houseplants alive? For some it is easy, for others there is no hope. Do you have a green thumb? And if so, and you talk about it in Portuguese? Quem sabe elas precisam de mais luz.

Sou ruim como jardineira. Marilene, you say that you love houseplants, but look there. Dear, they are almost dead. Maybe they just need more light. What they need is more water. You might be right, I am a lousy gardener. We all know that we need this lesson. All remote just seem to disappear, and the same is true in Brazil. Se fosse cobra, te mordia. Should be in the room next to the sofa. If it were a snake it would have bitten you. More and more Brazilians are traveling abroad, and what an exciting thing it is to see.

Of course, we will want to be able to talk about all of this in Portuguese.

A Aventura do Pudim de Natal / O Cavalo Pálido by Agatha Christie

O Marco, em qual portaria a gente entra pro hotel? Pertinho do Empire State! Marco, which gate do we take to get to the hotel? Right next to the Empire State Building, I love it! Here kitty, kitty, kitty. We know that people love their pets, and we love ours too. Still, it sounds better in Portuguese. Miau, miau, miau, miau. Obrigado querida, isso me faz sentir bem melhorA: Here kitty kitty, here kitty kitty. I swear Marilene, you love that cat more than me.

Thanks sweetie, that makes me feel much better. Take Out The Trash. Wow, that garbage can is starting to smell bad. Either we learn some Portuguese to talk about taking the trash out, or we take out the trash ourselves. Either way, this lesson has got to help us clear the air a bit. Quem sabe, devo tirar, deixei osso de galinha no lixo. Eu nem pensei nisso, esqueci. There is a strange smell here, right? Did you take out the trash? I probably should, there are chicken bones in the garbage. Marco, you left them there all night? Well now the whole house has a terrible smell.

Do You Like Your Job? Dad, do you like your job? Really, I thought it was a really cool. No, he gets upset easily. What is this, some kind of torture! When it comes to waxing and plucking eyebrows, you women have an incredible threshold of pain. We admire that, and after this lesson, that admiration can be expressed in Portuguese. Em mim, acho que doeria muito. Women, do you really pay someone to pluck your eyebrows? No, I pluck them myself, I pay someone to get them waxed. Sounds like that would be painful. I know, sometimes it brings tears to my eyes.

How can one be expected to eat cereal for breakfast when there is no milk. Que tal um pouquinho de leite. How about some more milk. No Marilene, we finished it this morning. The Electric Bill Has Arrived. Nobody likes to have to pay the bills, but when the amount is even more than usual, it is even more difficult to accept. Find out whose fault that is. A conta da eletricidade chegou, bem. Nossa, mas que coisa! The electric bill has arrived, dear. Oh yeah, how much was it? No way, Oh my gosh! Why is it so much? Good question, what did you do this month? Nothing, I have no idea why they would charge me so much.

Querido, estou gorda nesse vestido? Quer dizer que sim, estou gorda. Honey, do I look fat in this dress? That means yes, I do look fat. I never said that, you look great.

Katy Perry - Bon Appétit (Official) ft. Migos

Visiting the Soccer Museum. Of course not everyone loves soccer, but everyone should be able to join in on conversations about soccer. Foi fascinante rever alguns desses momentos. Bom, tem gente que briga pelos dois lados. Maradona nem era o melhor jogador da Argentina. Ele ganha facilmente essa.

I think so too, I went last week for the first time. The museum was really good, you know? It really is impressive to see how a sport from England, of the white elite, became the most recognizable symbol of Brazilian popular culture. Right, and you know, I really liked the display that has the videos of famous players, coaches, and journalists, all talking about the most historic moments of soccer.

It was fascinating to see some of those moments again. You come out of these with a greater appreciation for how difficult it is to be a ref, you know? Oh my, well, there are people who will argue for both sides. In that, Messi is way out in front. I think so too. He wins easily in that one. Casual clothing, what could be better than a casual afternoon, comfortable clothing, informal settings, and a feeling of chill?

Well, for some the answer is that dressing up and looking fine more fun than life in a t-shirt and shorts. E sabe o que mais? Say what you will, but nothing is better than wearing shorts and t-shirts. And you know what else? I really love sandals, tennis shoes, or flip flops. Agreed, comfort always wins out, right? Speaking of which, lend me that patterned blue blouse, OK? Counting Steps With My Fitbit. They say that the way to make progress is to keep track of progress.

If so, the Fitbit has got you covered, counting all of your steps each day. Bring it on, and good luck in out-distancing your friends. Even more, now you can talk about it in Portuguese. Deixa eu ver, 9, You know, this Fitbit counts your daily steps. Really, how many steps have you taken today? Let me see, 9, This Lasagna Is Fantastic. No doubt, our lessons are about Portuguese, but how can somebody resist good Italian food?

Enjoy a large serving of lasagna and enjoy the lesson about food. This lasagna is fantastic, what did you put in it? You know, I think that the secret is in the grated mozzarella. Ahh, really nice, but it has other cheeses in it too, right? I also like these pieces of ham. I know, chopped up fine, right? You Caught A Cold! All that sneezing and runny nose! No, you really caught one. Have you taken anything? Just the medicine that Marina gave to me, and a lot of vitamin C. Hacking Into Wifi Networks. Security, network safety, computer hacking, wifi networks, passwords, where does it stop?

Are we being prudently cautious or just paranoid? How long to you think that Marta needs to hack into your wifi network? No, she could do it in only eight and a half minutes. Right, imagine what the criminally minded would do. First Time In Brazil? We can pretend that the reason that we are traveling to Brazil is to work or to study, but in this lesson we learn how to confess what really motivates our travel.

Listen and find out what. Eu vim para as praias e para as caipirinhas. Is this the first time that you have come to Brazil? Did you come to work or to study? I came for the beaches and for the caipirinhas. Some love those television shows about health, well-being, fitness, and relationships. Others think that they are a lot of nonsense. Informative or entertainment, helpful or deceiving, in this lesson we get to talk about all of this in Portuguese. Eu vou continuar assistindo e gostando. Oh no, another health and well-being program. But this garbage only exists to entertain.

I understand, but sometimes they have really informative things too. Well, think whatever you want. The Dog Ran Away! We love our pets. Well, mostly we love our pets, but they can be a lot of work. But just how sad is that going to make everyone? O Bibo fugiu mesmo. Bibo really ran away. Nobody even played with him anymore. Still, Marquinhos is going to be upset, right?

Bibo just caused a lot of work. Shopping online can be extremely convenient, but is it secure? Some love to buy everything online and others would rather go to the store. In this lesson we learn to talk about online shopping. Nas lojas a gente nem precisa pensar nessas coisas. Hey Daniela, you almost just buy things online, right? No, in fact, I think it is more secure than buying at the stores. Exactly, online you have more control and it is more secure.

Good Day To You Too. So after this lesson, you will be able to make people feel better in Portuguese too. Bom dia, qual andar a senhora quer? Good morning, what floor would you like? Thanks, same to you too. Android or Apple, that is a question we all seem to face nowadays. Cost, quality, reputations, features, there is a lot that goes into the decision. Whichever you decide to buy, this lesson gives you the vocabulary to talk about the issues involved.

Good luck in your purchase. Wow, the Galaxy is almost half the price of the iPhone! I know, and the megapixels of the camera are better too. But iPhone wins in the resolution of the video. Which do you think you are going to buy? I have always liked Apple, it would be hard to change. Yes, that is exactly what Apples wants. Where Are My Keys? If most of us had a dime for every time we misplace our keys, we would all be able to finance our next trip to Brazil. And yet, misplacing keys and being to ask about them in Portuguese are two different things.

By the end of this lesson, you will at least know how to ask about them, even if you still have a habit of losing them. Where are my keys? One the bookshelf, underneath those books. You left it on top of the kitchen table. Looks like in this lesson we learn that by eating less salt and by drinking less coffee, chances are that our blood pressure will improve. At least that is what we hope, and now that hope can be expressed in Portuguese too. Acho que vai ser melhor, parei de comer tanto sal. Vamos ver, 12 por 8, muito bom, melhorou bastante.

You see doctor, as strong as the young ones! And the caffeine, are you still drinking coffee? Kids, they grow up so fast. It is the most natural of conversations, asking how the family is doing. And after this lesson, you will be able to do more of that in Portuguese. How are you doing? Just fine, and the family, are they doing well? They are, Marina is already really big. I know, Marquinhos has grown a lot too. They Broke Up Last Week. At least in your case, you will learn how to deal with this type of situation in Portuguese.

Eles terminaram na semana passada. Mas foi realmente sem querer. Why did you ask her that, girl? They broke up last week. Did you see, she was almost crying. But it really was by accident.

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Well, how sad is that! And this is for you, and this is for him. Did You Like The Movie? Going to the movies is much more involved than it used to be. You used to be able to just choose the movie. Did you like the movie? It was good, but you know, I think that I actually prefer to watch them at home, you know? Exactly, and it is so boring to suffer through 30 minutes of these previews. No, for me, I prefer to comfort and flexibility of my home.

Truth told, if you learn Portuguese for no other reason than to simply listen to Brazilian music, you have got a perfect reason to learn the language. This lesson will get you started on talking about the music that you like.

A Aventura do Pudim de Natal / O Cavalo Pálido

What type of music do you like? For me, it is MPB, I love to hear that type of music. I agree, I love the classics of Gilberto Gil. I know, I like them too. Especially in Brazil this means that you get lots of fresh fruit, juices, breads, cheeses, and something hot to drink. Good morning, where is breakfast, please?

Up ahead, on the other side of the hallway. Thank you, do you know up to what time do they serve breakfast? Stay as long as you like.

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Sometimes it is difficult to ask for information on the phone, partly because you cannot see who you are talking to. Bom dia, o Sr. Good morning, is Mr. When is he going to return? Buying a guitar can be complicated. There are so many types and styles. And even better, it gives us a chance to learn about this in Portuguese.

Dedilha, dedilhamento, o que que isso? Em vez de usar uma palheta, a gente usa os dedos para tocar. E que mais que eu devo considerar? Bom, isso depende, viu? Eu acho que vai ser bom. Hey Andreia, you know a lot about guitars, right? Well, my son wants to buy a guitar e it is more difficult than I thought. There are electric ones, acoustic ones, six string, seven string, steel strings, nylon strings.

Ah that is true. What kind of music does your son want to play? Well, he likes the classics of Bossa Nova. OK, in that case, perhaps a classical guitar with nylon strings would do. The nylon strings are more flexible and neck is a little longer, which allows for better fingerpicking. Finger, fingerpicking, what is that?

Instead of using a pick, people play with their fingers. And what else should I consider? Well, my dear, the price of course, right? You are going to want to play a guitar that you think is, you know good looking, a work of art. And how much more or less should I spend for this? Well, that depends, you know? But for beginners, instead of buying an expensive one, choose a cheaper one.

And when you say easy to play, easy to play in what way? That means, choose an instrument that has strings next to the bars, but not so close that they make a buzzing sound. You want a clean sound. This is what I said, it is way more difficult that I thought. It is easy to figure out, easy to get around, and very convenient. We do warn you, however, that the trains can get completely full.

Get ready to squeeze in, but thanks to this lesson, you will be able to do so in Portuguese. Wow, there is so much confusion here at this subway! Is this the entrance to the green line or the red line? Excuse me, is this the entrance to the green line here? Yes, go in here, and then to the right. The fruit juices in Brazil are fantastic. Really, our recommendation is that among the first things you ever do in Brazil is to try the different fruit juices.

There are hundreds of tropical fruits and many make excellent juices. This lesson will get you started, and you will also learn the Portuguese necessary to experience new flavors. Passion fruit juice, would you like some? I Dreamt About You. Why are our dreams so weird? Really, it seems like our subconscious has some pretty creative ways to freak out while we sleep. You know that I dreamt about you last night. Really, what was it about?

Really strange, you had wings and flew away. Oh yes, this symbolizes my courage and power. Oh, well you see that it symbolizes my shyness and my lack of confidence. The Baby Is Sleeping. Excuse me, could you be a little more quiet please. The baby is sleeping.

What Sports Did You Play? Ah yes, the pleasure of sitting by the pool, talking to friends, and watching the kids playing in the water. You used to be the kids, and now look at you, passing on the tradition for another generation. When you were young, what sports did you play? Well, I really liked volleyball, and played almost every day. I liked more the water sports like swimming and diving. Yes, we also always went to the swimming pool with my little brothers.

And now we are the ones who bring our children to the swimming pool. And we still play when we can, right? Who Is that Guy? Chances are that they are not talking about you. But then again, maybe they are. Aquele ali do lado. Um, who is he? That guy over on that side. Him, that really tall, really handsome guy. Do you like cats or dogs more? But cats are so beautiful, and dogs have so much personality! So not even if I gave you a little puppy for a present? For some people singing in public is not a big deal, but for others it is really tough.

And for those of you who think it is easy, have a little compassion on the rest of us, OK? And even if your singing is less than professional, after this lesson you will at least be able to talk about it in Portuguese. Liar, you almost sing professionally.