
Goal of Life

In fact when a soul enters a body it is termed as birth and when it leaves a body it is known as death. Thus birth and death is for body only not for soul. After death it traverses on one of the two paths depending upon our KARMA which is not only of this lifetime but many of our earlier lives.

Meaning of life

Sun path is attained by doing Good deeds and remembrance of God in our earlier lives. This is called Salvation and such souls are not born again.

It is purely due to the grace of GOD that sun path can be achieved. Soul traverses Moon path if our deeds are not good. Such souls have to be born again.

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This divine spirit resides in every being. The SOUL leaves the old body and enters a new one as we change our clothes. A person engrossed in worldly pursuits wants to be happy and have peace of mind. Usually they derive this happiness by fulfillment of their desires. Students long for academic success and a good job.

These desires are never ending.

What should be my goals in life?

Fulfillment of one leads to another. Slowly but surely arrogance also creeps in a person having such possessions.

What is the Ultimate Goal of Life? By Sandeep Maheshwari I Hindi

And the second goal, is to break this bondage of life after life. This human life is for attaining eternal liberation moksha from the bondage of karma. If you happen to meet a living pratyaksh Gnani Purush One who has fully realized the Self and is able to impart the Knowledge of the Self to others ; attain Self Realization from Him, then remain in His satsang.

Meaning of life - Wikipedia

With Him, all your goals in life will be accomplished, all your puzzles will be solved, and you will attain liberation. Liberation should be the only goal. You do want liberation don't you? For how much longer do you want to keep on wandering aimlessly? You have done just this for infinite lives. You have not left any place to wander.

Why did you have to suffer such endless wanderings? Because you have not known your true identity; you have not known the answer to "Who Am I? Despite your extensive wanderings of countless lives, you do not even know who you really are. Is making money your only goal in life?

  • The Goal of Life - www.newyorkethnicfood.com Blog.
  • What is the Ultimate Goal of Life? | Spirtual Awareness.
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  • The Way of Power: Poems.

Should you not be making a little attempt towards liberation? Is there not a need then to become independent? How long can you be in such bondage? I believe it is not necessary to become independent but rather to understand the need for becoming independent. Yes, that understanding is necessary. It is enough to understand it just once.

Even if you cannot become independent, at least there is a need to understand it, right?


Independence will come later on but for the time being the understanding is enough. Page 29 Last Paragraph, Page 30, Paragraph You can meet the current living Gnani Purush Pujya Deepakbhai and obtain all the answers to your spiritual questions from him. Then you can decide what your goals in life should be.