
LAuto-Hypnose, théorie et pratique (Encyclopédie Le Savez-Vous ? t. 12) (French Edition)

In fact, in —, some companies outside of the US have been fined for violating the blockade. Will Obama change course and use his powers to mitigate the effects of the blockade on the Cuban people? Perhaps he will do so before and during his sojourn to Cuba on March 20—21, The second possible angle to take into account regarding his refusal to use his power to close Guantanamo prison is related to the trip to Cuba, followed by his visit to Argentina. Obama has stated on many occasions, from to present, that his Cuba policy is designed to improve relations with Latin America. Immediately following the Cuba visit, the Argentine leg of his March trip to Latin America is a key element in this plan.

One cannot underestimate the damage Guantanamo has done to US credibility on human rights, especially in Latin America. A very politically conscious region, many countries have suffered under US-imposed military dictators using torture and assassinations to remain in power. One of these countries is Argentina. Perhaps the White House has to consider this. Already the Plaza de Mayo grandmothers — family victims of these atrocities — are planning a demonstration against the Obama visit.

The prestige of this Plaza de Mayo movement is so high that President Macri had to meet with the organizers on February 23, to deal with their complaints about his dictatorial methods. These types of activities in Buenos Aires can have repercussions in other countries of Latin America, whose people also have a very negative perspective on US respect for human rights. Perhaps Obama believes he can arrive in Argentina with his head high, carrying the February 23 statement as a badge: Factors other than the two mentioned above may also be contributing to his refusal to close Guantanamo.

Let us leave it up to others to weigh in on this important issue, so as to put pressure on Obama to close the prison and return Guantanamo Bay to Cuba. Arnold August , a Canadian journalist and lecturer, is the author of Democracy in Cuba and the —98 Elections and, more recently, Cuba and Its Neighbours: La fracturation hydraulique est au coeur de la contestation du gaz de schiste.

Lds Kl Juin 2018

At the moment, the both supply roads remain closed. Despite the optimistic claims of some pro-government sources, experts estimate the supply line to Aleppo will be hardly opened earlier than the end of this week. Thus, the SAA is in position to advance on the strategic village of Kabani in the coming days and approach the border with the province of Idlib.

A coordination center to reconcile the implementation of the ceasefire among warring parties in Syria has been launched at the Khmeimim airbase. Russia has handed over the hotline contact to the US. We remember the center is also used for the Russian anti-terror campaign in Syria which is a bad omen for the terrorists. Support South Front via PayPal: By Murtaza Hussain , February 24 By Dan MacFadden , February 24 One Sided Support for Israel. By Stephen Lendman , February 24 Israel is on the Brink of a Tyranny of the Majority.

By Jonathan Cook , February 23 Balkanizing the Middle East: The hawks in the U. Abortion is one of the defining issues of the national Irish election , yet a vast majority of candidates have declined to give their views on the controversial subject. Along with the U.

In other words, free and safe abortion on demand is a basic condition for equal participation in society. Canada, Australia, and the U. Historically, the role of the Irish state in the sexual and reproductive lives of its citizens has been extensive including, concerns with: The majority of candidates in this election are aware that abortion is a particularly divisive issue and therefore prefer to sit on the fence rather than provoke either pro-life or pro-choice voters.

She had died in childbirth. A year later, in what became known as the Kerry Babies case, the death of two newborns, one found buried on a beach and the other buried in a farmyard, brought into public view the reality of concealed pregnancies. In , although there was no widespread demand for abortion, a few small pro-life groups on the Catholic right were successful in inserting a pro-life 8th amendment into the Constitution.

Given the fact that abortion was illegal in Ireland under the Offences against the Person Act of , the constitutional amendment suggests weak political leadership more than strong oppositional forces. It, therefore, continued to be illegal to seek or provide abortion information to women living in Ireland. In , after a 14 year old girl, pregnant and suicidal as a result of rape, was prevented from leaving the country for an abortion, Ireland was again embroiled in a debate about abortion.

In the referendum, the pro-life 8th amendment was amended at this time to include the right to travel abroad and to access information for purposes of abortion. However, a third proposed amendment — legalising abortion if there was a risk to the life of the mother — was rejected. It would take another twenty years before the right to an abortion if there is threat of suicide was fully legalised Protection of Life Act, Savita Halappanavar was experiencing a miscarriage. She requested an abortion but was refused on legal grounds — the foetus still had a heart beat. Within a week Halappanavar miscarried but died from multiple organ failure related to septicemia.

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Feminist struggles to shape the abortion debate in Ireland flows from a broader social struggle to fully separate the state from the Church. Rejecting abortion on any grounds, the Catholic Church condemns women, especially poor and working-class women without the means to travel abroad for abortion services, to a life, in many cases, of unwanted motherhood and unpaid domestic work.

A grassroots organization called ROSA for Reproductive rights, against Oppression, Sexism, and Austerity has been particularly effective in attracting media attention and public support toward repealing the 8th.

These feminist socialists are demanding a complete repeal of the 8th Amendment right to life and full medical entitlement to free, safe abortion services across the country. This event was widely covered in the European media. Irish law prohibits helping women to procure these pills. ROSA activists risked 14 years in prison. Nonetheless, the caravan captured the attention of media around the world and forced the issue onto the electoral agenda.

During the last decade, there has been widespread social change in Ireland. Additionally, the moral authority of the church has collapsed due to child sex abuse, Taum Babies, and Magdalene Laundries scandals a network of homes for unwed mothers run by the church where mass graves of women and babies were recently discovered. Yet, political leadership has failed to keep-up with the times. The outgoing Fine Gael Party leader and Prime Minister, Enda Kenny, has proposed a Constitutional conference to look at the situation with a view to additional amendments based on fatal foetal abnormalities rather than repealing the 8th.

In , the Labour Party leader, Joan Burton, introduced a 14 year prison sentence for having, or helping someone to have an abortion and voted against motions for holding a repeal referendum in December and May In February , Labour voted against allowing abortion even in cases of fatal foetal abnormalities.

Despite this anti-feminist record, the Labour leader is promising a referendum if it is elected to government. However, party leader Gerry Adams has stated that he plans to amend, not repeal, the 8th amendment. The Green Party supports repeal but wants to limit abortion rights to cases of fatal foetal abnormalities, rape, incest and risk to health, but does not support the right to choose. Social Democrats support repeal. However, they propose that new legislation be developed in a convention and do not advocate the right to choose.

Between and , , women travelled to England and Wales to access safe abortion services. Many also believe strongly that the Catholic Church has no business in the private lives of citizens. Polling results during the last few weeks show establishment parties losing support and left-wing parties who call for repealing the 8th steadily gaining ground. For many Irish people, the struggle for free, safe, universally accessible abortion is both an individual and collective one; inside and outside the state.

Carol-Anne Hudson is a Ph. Her research explores the changing political economy of the welfare state, business participation in social policy renewal, and living wages. They are probably still splitting their sides with laughter in the Pentagon. But Mr Mubarak and the [Pentagon] hawks do agree on one thing: Mr Mubarak believes that would be bad. The hawks, though, believe it would be good. Its roots can be traced, at least in part, to a paper published in by an Israeli thinktank, the Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies.

Mrs Wurmser was co-founder of Memri, a Washington-based charity that distributes articles translated from Arabic newspapers portraying Arabs in a bad light. After working with Mr Perle at the American Enterprise Institute, David Wurmser is now at the State Department, as a special assistant to John Bolton, the under-secretary for arms control and international security. Americans may even be persuaded to give up their lives to achieve it.

Ongoing unrest has the additional perk of justifying the maintenance and expansion of the military machine that feeds the financial and political fortunes of the metropolitan elite. In short … divide and rule is about as close as it gets to a universal recourse the imperial game and that it is, therefore, as important to bear it in mind today as it was in the times of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, the Spanish Conquistadors and the British Raj.

And yet, it seems that for even very well-informed analysts, it is beyond the pale to raise the possibility that foreign policy elites in the US and Israel, like all virtually all the ambitious hegemons before them on the world stage, might have quite coldly and consciously fomented open-ended chaos in order to achieve their overlapping strategic objectives in this part of the world. The educational system was destroyed, and not reconstituted. We can say, with confidence: We came, we saw, we atomized.

This is the question that inevitably arises in the wake of such an analysis: The division of Iraq along sectarian-ethnic lines has been on the drawing board of the Pentagon for more than 10 years. This process of political fracturing in Iraq along sectarian lines will inevitably have an impact on Syria, where the US-NATO sponsored terrorists have in large part been defeated.

Destabilization and political fragmentation in Syria is also contemplated: What is contemplated is the break up of both Iraq and Syria along sectarian-ethnic lines. The formation of the caliphate may be the first step towards a broader conflict in the Middle East, bearing in mind that Iran is supportive of the al-Maliki government and the US ploy may indeed be to encourage the intervention of Iran.

According to Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, the re division of Iraq into three separate states is part of a broader process of redrawing the Map of the Middle East. The above map was prepared by Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters. Similarly, Neooconservatives in the U.

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All the Arab states should be broken down, by Israel, into small units …. It is well-documented that — in — U. Let them both [sides] bleed, haemorrhage to death: The Arabs divided between Sunnis and Shias — I think the Sunni Arabs are never going to agree to be in a state where the Shia outnumber them In September , Pentagon intelligence chief Lt. In general, Israel ideally prefers regime changes that result in the installation of stable puppets.

That is Plan A. The drone assassination program, begun in under Republican president George W. Bush, has been greatly expanded under Democratic president Barack Obama. The Bureau of Investigative Journalism conservatively estimates the death toll from these targeted killings at over 3, It is essentially the same method used by corporations to target Internet advertising. Overall the NSA examines 80 different variables such as travel patterns, co-travelers, SIM card swapping, phone contacts and turning off a phone which the NSA sees as an attempt to evade surveillance.

The method the NSA uses to measure success however is fundamentally unsound. Applying the same program to the full database would result in a significant increase in false positives. According to the NSA slides, they expect to falsely categorize 0. This may sound like an exceedingly small number, but when applied to the data of 55 million people, it comes out to 99, innocent people wrongly accused.

This is much larger than the Haqqani Network, one of the largest groups targeted by the US which is estimated to have anywhere from a 4, to 12, members, significantly smaller than the number of expected false positives. The top secret slide lists him, in sharp contradiction, as a member of both al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood, two opposed organizations. As a journalist, Zaidan has traveled extensively through Pakistan speaking to all sides of various conflicts.

It is unclear what steps, if any, exist between SKYNET flagging someone as a terrorist and someone being targeted for drone assassination. The drone program in Pakistan has been operating under a waiver that explicitly removes those guidelines. Overall the drone assassination program is thoroughly brutal and inaccurate.

Other leaked documents showed that out of people killed by Operation Haymaker in Afghanistan between and , only 35 were targets; the rest were bystanders. Obama has relied heavily on assassination during his presidency in order to avoid the political difficulties of actually trying people accused of terrorism.

Many of those detained for terrorism at Guantanamo are being held on circumstantial or inadmissible evidence gathered from CIA torture or illegal NSA spying. According to the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lt. In Somalia and Yemen, over half of the intelligence used to select targets is based on electronic signals like phone calls that do not directly identify the target. The Department of Defense announced last August that it was going to expand its drone program by 50 percent over the next four years and Italy has recently agreed to allow US drones to operate out of a base in Sicily to target Libya.

Enormous civilian casualties can be expected from the growth of these mechanized killing operations. Muchas gracias por haberme concedido esta entrevista. La verdad es que no se dio importancia suficiente a lo que pasaba en China, India, etc. Y el avance de la productividad no se da en escala nacional solamente.

Entonces se crea un nuevo tipo de dependencia, que incluso se ha profundizado. Nosotros no somos deudores del FMI, somos acreedores, incluso hemos ayudado con nuevos recursos. En China existe una corriente, digamos, dentro del mismo gobierno, que defiende que China entre fuertemente al mercado financiero mundial. No, no veo perspectivas de una crisis financiera en China. Pero para convencerlos de que los mantuvieran, Bernanke tuvo que ir semana tras semana a China, durante 1 mes, 2 meses. Al renovar, China pide exigencias y condicionamientos. Los acreedores siempre imponen sus propias condiciones, sobre todo cuando la deuda es muy grande, porque hay un instrumento de poder muy importante, que es simplemente no pagar.

Ese es el gran problema. Piensan que hay que imponerse por la fuerza frente a los chinos. Bueno, China acepta que tiene que valorizar, pero no lo quieren hacer del todo, no quieren contribuir a eso. Once again, Moscow has shown itself better able to make strategic choices than we are.

Russia is not an ideal partner for the United States, but sometimes its interests align with ours. In those cases, we should drop our Cold War hostility and work with Russia. The best place to start is Syria. American policy toward Syria was misbegotten from the start of the current conflict five years ago. That helped propel Syria into its bloody nightmare.

Russia, which has suffered repeated terror attacks from Islamic fanatics, is threatened by the chaos and ungoverned space that now defines Syria. The fall of Assad would create a catastrophic power vacuum like those that have turned Iraq and Libya into terrorist havens. This would be bad for the United States, and even worse for Russia and Iran. We should recognize this common interest, and work with countries that want what we want. This may seem eminently logical, but the very suggestion is hateful in Washington.

Instead of clinging to this dangerously outdated with-us-or-against-us mantra, we should realize that countries with which we differ in some areas can be our partner in others. Russia is an ideal example. The government Moscow supported in Afghanistan, run by Mohammad Najibullah from , was more honest and progressive than any that has ruled Afghanistan since American-backed forces deposed Najibullah.

They were right both times, and we were wrong. In Syria, Russia is right for a third time. Keeping the odious Assad in power, at least for the moment, best serves American interests. No military solution is possible in Syria. Continued fighting only adds to the toll of death and horror. Russia wants a negotiated settlement. We are reluctant, because our so-called friends in the region want to keep fighting. They calculate continuing war to be in their interest.

It may be — but it is not in the interest of the United States. Opposition groups in Syria that we have half-heartedly supported refuse to negotiate until a cease-fire is in place. By accepting that formula, the United States guarantees continued war. Instead, negotiations should be aimed at creating a new regime that both Russia and the United States could support. From there, peace can grow. How long Assad remains in power is not crucial to the United States.

Fighting those forces is the policy of Russia and Iran. We should recognize this confluence of interests, and work with every country or faction that shares our goals in Syria. Our reflexive rejection of all cooperation with Russia is a throwback to a vanished era. It prevents us from taking decisive steps to ease the crisis in Syria. Its effects are also being felt in Europe. The Obama administration recently announced a four-fold increase in spending for troop deployments near Russia.

Russia responded with military maneuvers near its border with Ukraine. This spiral of tension ignores the reality that Europe can never be truly secure without Russian cooperation. Refusing to work with Russia hurts us more than it hurts Russia. Seeking avenues of cooperation would benefit both, and contribute to global security. Syria is the best place to start. Until we accept it, Syrian blood will continue to flow. Follow him on Twitter stephenkinzer. In a bombing operation on Feb. The air strike was aimed at an IS operative who has been linked to an attack on the Bardo museum in neighboring Tunisia during This airstrike hit the seaside area 50 miles west of Tripoli targeting Noureddine Chouchane, a Tunisian national.

Chouchane has been accused of arranging the arrival of Islamic State operatives into Libya. Chouchane, who is 35, was said by the Pentagon to have been killed in the bombing which leveled a residence with sixty other inhabitants claimed to be affiliated with IS. Nonetheless, media outlets are saying that two Serbian nationals held by the IS have been killed in the bombing.

IS has established bases in western Libya where they control the city of Sirte, the home of former Jamahiriya leader Col. Muammar Gaddafi who was brutally assassinated in the area on October 20, Libya had been subjected to a Pentagon and Central Intelligence Agency CIA engineered war of regime-change which resulted in thousands dead, millions displaced; leaving the once most prosperous state in Africa as a major source of poverty, underdevelopment, human trafficking andinstability throughout the region.

The killing of the two Serbians has prompted protest from both the government in Belgrade and among people across the country. Serbian officials had been negotiating for an end to the captivity of two of its citizens who were said to be diplomats. In response to the attacks and recent pressure to sign a cooperation deal with NATO, Serbians participated in a wave of demonstrations on February The agreement signed by the Serbian government guarantees diplomatic immunity and free movement by NATO military forces.

Thousands who demonstrated in the country were rejecting the accord as unconstitutional and against the popular will of the people. This attack comes amid growing threats by German career diplomat and United Nations envoy Martin Kobler to mobilize a 6,person military occupation force that would intervene in Libya to impose a proposed unity regime between two rival factions vying for international recognition. The unity accord between the two rival regimes is designed to pave the way for a deployment of imperialist-led troops with the approval of the militia-backed juntas in both Tripoli and Tobruk.

The proposed UN peacekeeping force would be led by Italy and encompass troops from Britain, France and other allied states. Britain has already publically announced that it is planning to launch airstrikes inside Libya as well. Absent of the consolidation of the accord bringing together the two Libyan camps, the Pentagon will continue to launch air raids and special operations strikes against rebel leaders. The Obama administration has come under criticism for its war against Libya in which has become a further stain on the White House seeking to facilitate the election of a Democratic president in November.

Over the last seven years the foreign policy of the U. However, the interim regime in Libya designed to merge the competing factions based in Tobruk and Tripoli, denounced the bombing by the Pentagon saying the operation took place without the consultation and acknowledgement of either faction. Neighboring Tunisia, which was designated during as a significant non-NATO state by the Obama administration, has escalated its security operations aimed at keeping armed groups from entering the country from Libya.

Officials with Syrian rebel battalions that receive covert backing from one arm of the U. The confusion is playing out on the battlefield — with the U. Furqa al-Sultan Murad receives weapons from the U. The Kurdish militants, on the other hand, receive weapons and support from the Pentagon as part of U.

Yet as Assad and his Russian allies have routed rebels around Aleppo in recent weeks — rolling back Islamist factions and moderate U. In the face of public objections from U. It now threatens the town of Azaz, on the border with Turkey, through which rebel groups have long received crucial supplies. Over the weekend, Turkey began shelling YPG positions around Azaz in response, raising another difficult scenario for the U.

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Yet as America has looked on while Russia and Syria target its moderate rebel partners, it has failed to stop the YPG from attacking them too. Othman, the Furqa al-Sultan Murad commander, said the YPG tried to seize two areas of Aleppo under his control, resulting in firefights that left casualties on both sides. He had captured seven YPG fighters and was holding them prisoner, he added. The aid is part of a long-running CIA effort approved by Congress and coordinated from an operations room in Turkey with participation from international allies of the rebellion such as Saudi Arabia.

Othman said he was in regular contact with his American handlers about the problems on the ground. Officials with three other groups — the Northern Division, Jaysh al-Mujahideen and a coalition called Jabhat al-Shamiya — that have received support from the operations room also said they were now battling the YPG in northern Syria. Ahmed Hamada, who added that some of his fighters had received U. An official with the Turkish government criticized the U. Some of them also got training from the Americans. The official added that U. What can I say?

In an emailed statement, Col. Ryder, a spokesman for the U. A State Department official acknowledged the increasingly problematic situation. A spokesman for the YPG declined to comment. Yet the group appears to be battling Islamists and U. In October, the U. This is both a bid to give U. A Department of Defense official sought to distance U. He said the U. The recent clashes could make it difficult for the U. He has reported on the wars in Syria and Ukraine and unrest around the Middle East. Hamid does not make clear how he reaches these conclusions. Any style, any country?

Is Malala, who wears a hijab and was shot by the Taliban, a terrorist? There is nothing, sadly, more banal than for powerful people to tell women to take their clothes off. It claims that improvements in the U. Agency for International Development sent food aid to Egypt. It is not clear if he has been paid for his appearances at such agencies. Now, they are divesting not on principle, but out of self-interest. Thirty years later, the end of Israeli apartheid appears distant on the horizon as it has been ever since the occupation of Palestinian territories by Israel in Palestinians in the West Bank — one of two self-governing Palestinian territories as per the Oslo Accords of — live under Israeli military occupation, or are confined to small islands of land under limited self-control.

The Gaza Strip, the other Palestinian territory, home to 1. Israeli settlements in these territories, including East Jerusalem, are considered illegal under international law, especially the Fourth Geneva Convention, though Israel disputes this. But the growing influence of Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions BDS campaigns have the potential to impose a cost on the ordinary operations of Israeli apartheid.

The dominant trend for BDS campaigns has included passing divestment resolutions that target Israeli and multinational corporations that are complicit in the violations of the rights of Palestinians. However, such campaigns are generally supported or initiated by the Palestinian BDS National Committee BNC — the organization in Palestine responsible for directing BDS campaigns worldwide — and have successfully compelled companies to withdraw their services from the occupation and settlement expansion.

Such activities include those which violate, or frustrate the enforcement of rules of domestic or international law intended to protect individuals against deprivation of health, safety, or basic freedoms, or to protect the natural environment. The British private security systems corporation G4S has become the target of BDS campaigns in Europe and around the world especially after 13 Palestinian organizations made a statement call for action against the company in the midst of hunger strikes by Palestinian political prisoners in , mostly due to its service to the Israeli Prison Service IPS.

G4S systems have also been installed at the Jerusalem and Kishon interrogation and detention centres. Israeli prison facilities often hold Palestinians under administrative detention — that is, detention without charge or trial , which can last for periods of several months, sometimes years. By comparison, according to the Associations for Civil Rights in Israel , Israelis living in Jewish-only settlements throughout the West Bank are judged under an ordinary criminal court system and live as right-bearing citizens under Israeli law and the Israeli court system.

Palestinian political prisoners are tortured at Israeli prison facilities. The ongoing campaign has had success with interrupting the usual operations of the IPS, and bringing awareness to the illegitimacy of administrative detention and the treatment of Palestinian political prisoners. BDS campaigns against G4S will continue, however, following a call from the BNC to escalate efforts against the company until it cancels all the contracts the company has with Israel.

Research by Who Profits on both companies shows that they provide equipment to military checkpoints in the West Bank and to the Erez border Crossing at the Gaza Strip, which is controlled by the IDF in order to limit the flow of goods and people into the Strip. Israel deployed battle tanks and UASs on a large scale in this assault, including the Elbit Hermes Further, the matrix of military checkpoints in place throughout the West Bank restricts the free movement of Palestinians between cities. Who Profits reported that G4S provided these checkpoints with luggage scanning equipment, metal detectors, and services, while L-3 provided them with SafeView magnetometric scanners and ProVision personal screening machines used to detect concealed objects on individuals.

Any Palestinian from Ramallah wishing to visit their relatives in Jerusalem, for instance, will be one of hundreds or thousands of people herded through the Qalandia checkpoint each day. There, they may be detained and searched alongside other Palestinians of all ages — and possibly scanned with equipment from L-3 and G4S — delaying the short journey by several hours. While scanners provided by G4S and L-3 are used for screening people entering Gaza, and not economic goods, it is still relevant to note that Israeli control over Erez and all other crossings into the territory is maintained in order to enforce the blockade of goods into Gaza, strangling the Gazan economy and maintaining Israeli control over most aspects of daily life for the 1.

Haiti Must Invalidate Decree to Cede La Gonave

The settlements that are built on occupied Palestinian territories could be considered illegal under article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. By selling real estate in these territories, usually to settlers coming from Canada and the U. More significantly, it provides mortgages to homebuyers in settlements, and finances settlement construction. Furthermore, it is also alleged that the bank has financed the building of several hundred housing units in other settlements. The United Methodist Church in the U.

Divestment from these companies could have meaningful outcomes for Palestinians. BDS initiatives targeted against these companies and others like them have the potential to restrict further Israeli colonization of the remaining fragments of land belonging to Palestinians. Although such initiatives have yet to result in Israel losing contracts with the defense industry, successful campaigns have the potential to impose a real economic cost on the occupation.


Furthermore, the anxiety in Israel generated by the prospect of BDS campaigns against the Israeli military infrastructure could limit state violence against Palestinians. For instance, in the fall of , the Israeli repression of a growing revolt by young Palestinians elicited protests and actions around the world under the banner SolidarityWaveBDS.

But the efforts of BDS organizers, if guided properly, might prove important in supporting resistance to further colonization and oppression in Palestine. There is a willingness amongst many non-Palestinian organizers to ask the difficult question of how to properly exercise solidarity with these struggles. Lending support to BDS campaigns is by and large the best way to do this, as it allows non-Palestinians to work alongside Palestinians, using the resources available to those abroad, in countries such as Canada and the U.

In this way, efforts abroad can supplement Palestinian struggles for self-determination without infringing on them. This article first published by the The McGill Daily. The area around the Central Moscow tube stations looks like Aleppo after an air raid. Ruins, destroyed buildings, bulldozers gathering the shambles. No, Moscow was not hit by terrorists: The biggest of them, the Pyramid on top of Pushkinskaya Station, went down this week.

The municipal workers promptly removed the vestiges of the collapsed constructions, while the erstwhile owners stared in disbelief. They were surprised by the city hall offensive against illegally built shantytowns; some of them kept trading till the last moment. They received a warning and a demolition order a few months ago, but they did not believe the city would actually apply the order.

They were sure the last moment it will be rescinded. Hundreds of buildings went down in one night. This was a shocking reminder that Russian authorities can act, after so much ostensibly empty talk. The Russians take their time to saddle up, but they ride exceedingly fast, said the German Chancellor Bismarck quoting a Russian proverb he served at the Russian court and knew a thing or two about Russians.

So many rulers and rebels did not believe the Russian warnings, lulled by their long saddling up, and they usually lived to regret it. Est-elle une maison de redressement? D'ailleurs, la prochaine mode sera unisexe. Les hommes porteront des robes! Il y aura une Police des professeurs, et une Police des familles? Quels seront les enjeux? Ce qui explique pourquoi l'enseignement de la biologie est aujourd'hui le principal vecteur du Gender.

Mais d'abord, quel est le but? Un de mes Lecteurs anticipe finement les projets du NWO: Ainsi, nous aurons plein d'hommes sages-femmes, et plein de femmes conducteurs de travaux. Et cela peut aller loin! Et le libre choix? Les tenants du "changement de civilisation" Taubira etc vont l'imposer. Qu'on ne nous raconte pas des bobards! Quel chambardement, en effet!

Le PS veut se substituer aux parents. Discernons entre les lignes. Et moi je dis: Quel champ du possible? Plus j'avance dans la question du Gender, plus je pense que la place de nos Dirigeants est en pyschiatrie. Plus personne ne pourra croire nos Dirigeants. Comme sa porte-parole NVB. Tous unis contre ce Gouvernement de fous, quelles que soient nos convictions religieuses, politiques, philosophiques..

Sans sexe, sans famille, sans patrie, sans religion, sans rien. Il y a une profession qui a de l'avenir, c'est celle de psy. C'est la chute finale! Hollande sera en pour nous faire voter Valls? Peillon au Parlement renie le Gender. Le sexe, la famille, les gens, la Nation Le fait d'aimer son pays deviendra-t-il suspect? Alerte,nos enfants sont en danger!

Que veut-on dire en parlant de genre? Ne nous y trompons pas: Le changement de civilisation promis. Le 1er volet est ici. Le mensonge de la Ministre. Ses interventions sont pertinentes! L'apprentissage de la masturbation pour les enfants est clairement au programme! Ce rapport est repris par le rapport Estrela page 4 http: Nous nous mobilisons au sein du PSE http: Et les apprentis journalistes seraient furieux! Le site de l'Education Nationale. On est curieux alors on regarde.

Quand elle reprend la parole, elle finit: La famille est lieu de socialisation fort. Monsieur Peillon joue sur les mots. Monsieur Peillon se fout de la gueule du monde. Ces individus sont des fous furieux. Mon analyse ici 2e volet: Par La Voix de la Russie. An Anarchist group called AntiFascist Union Ukraine attempted to join the Euromaidan demonstrations but found it difficult to avoid threats of violence and imprecations from the gangs of neo-Nazis roving the jksquare.

Lviv has become the epicenter of neo-fascist activity in Ukraine, with elected Svoboda officials waging a campaign to rename its airport after Bandera and successfully changing the name of Peace Street to the name of the Nachtigall Battalion, an OUN-B wing that participated directly in the Holocaust. What I do mean is that if you follow the trail of Nazi scientists and engineers who were recruited by America at the end of the Second World War, the unfortunate corollary is that by taking on the science, you take on—unwittingly—some of the ideology. Tu as toujours une longueur d'avance!

Allez visiter ce blog NB: Le monde que nous devons refuser,. Mais je ne vous oublie pas. Idem pour les Orthodoxes , surtout avec un Poutine homme de traditions. Et que dire des Musulmans? Avec eux, pas d'usure! Quelle image de la France dans le monde? Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial,. Bref, je ne supporte pas ce qui est malsain, injuste, laid. Le mot qui revient le plus pour qualifier mon travail lorsqu'on est de bonne foi , est: Strauss-Kahn serait une catastrophe pour la France!

Les plans, ce que certains appellent une "conspiration", existent bel et bien. Valls, l'homme des Bilderberg. Et si je raisonne, je me demande ce qui va se passer maintenant. Nous savons que nous avons raison de nous interroger, de ne pas croire la Parole Officielle. La conscience en paix du devoir accompli Mort des Etats,des services publics,des fonctionnaires,des. Un faux socialiste - Le Sarkozy de - Quelle.. Gauche clone de la Droite - Elus. Strauss - Kahn serait une catastrophe pour la France!

Cet homme est dangereux: Cohn-Bendit - Lettre aux "Verts ". Causes , effets , solutions. Est-elle en train de sombrer dans la dictature. Mutante , comme le virus , avec Sarkozy. Lettre de Jesse Ventura. En savoir plus sur lui, Wikipedia en parle: Jeudi 17 septembre Auparavant, j'aimerais analyser certains faits me paraissant incontournables, dans trois directions: De quoi teinter, en effet, les choix de la France d'aujourd'hui. Juifs pour la guerre, et Juifs pour la paix C'est pourtant ce pays qui a eu des dirigeants comme M.

Depuis les protections sociales jusqu'aux services publics, en passant par le Droit du Travail ou la Recherche. De qui se moque-t-on? Vous allez voter pour ces "socialo"-sionistes militants, vous??? Celle de l'Appel du 18 Juin? Aujourd'hui, on promeut un journaleux sans talent parce qu'il a fait de l'Islamophobie son fond de commerce, Ph. Oui, qu'elle est belle la patrie des Droits de l'homme aujourd'hui!!!! Et les 60 ans de la colonisation de la Palestine? Avec le CRIF, c'est comme avec les collines alsaciennes.

Gare aux esprits libres! On disserte sur le dernier fait divers, mais on n'aborde jamais les questions de fond engageant l'avenir de la France Liste noire de Juifs! Elle serait une honte, un scandale! Oui, un groupe d'hommes qui n'aiment pas la France, qui ne veulent pas son Bien, qui se demandent comme D.

Tout le monde y perd! Personne ne marqua autant que lui l'Histoire, la grande, de notre pays. Mais il avait des ennemis. On ne supprime pas un homme de cette stature. En imaginant une situation pouvant le destabiliser. Celle de mai 68! Mais c'est une autre histoire: Celle du capitalisme vert. C'est que le Gl transcende si bien les clivages, et il est visionnaire Eurasie Ses dirigeants, aujourd'hui, sont poursuivis pour corruption. La vie d'un Tsigane vaut-elle moins que celle d'un Juif?

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