
The King is Coming Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

How Can we Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem? - ONE FOR ISRAEL Ministry

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5 Reasons to Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem

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Or for spiritual salvation, as true peace starts within? Or a bit of both? A payment or transaction in return for goods given restores peace between the two parties, making things right. Yes, Abraham took his son Isaac up to where Jerusalem stands today.


Isaac climbed up that same mountain, carrying the wood on his back that would be for his own sacrificial death, if the Lord had not stopped Abraham and provided a ram as a substitute to die in his place. And it is just after Hagar refers to God as the one who sees. Even Mount Moriah comes from the same root. Certainly God sees all that is happening in Jerusalem these days. There is much sin abounding on both sides of the dispute, and it grieves God.

We know from scripture that God still has plans for Jerusalem, and that Yeshua will return to the Mount of Olives. He will come back to rule and reign as a conquering king, not as a suffering servant this time. He will put all things right.


Political and supernatural peace will come when he returns, but until then, we need to contend for peace in prayer — the peace with God that has been paid for by Yeshua the Messiah. The city is important to God, but not as important as the people. I have set her in the center of the nations, with countries all around her.

As far as God is concerned, Jerusalem is at the center of the world. The Biblical Hebrew actually refers to it as the belly button or navel of the world in Ezekiel This shows us that it is not so much the building nor the city which have top priority in his heart, but the holiness of his people and his relationship with them.

Let us pray for YOU!

This is where real peace happens — in the hearts of people in right relationship with their God. The best way to pray for peace is to pray for the salvation of the people — the Bible teaches that when our minds are trusting God fully, our hearts will be at peace Isaiah This needs to be our prayer for all the Jews and Palestinians, the politicians and officials, the workers and ordinary people — for everyone: That God would draw them to himself, and lead them in the journey of walking by faith, trusting him, and experiencing the peace that comes only through Yeshua.