
Salitre (Literatura Juvenil (A Partir De 12 Años) - Espacio Abierto) (Spanish Edition)

Los donativos de la ciudad de Sevilla durante el reinado de Carlos II. The request for an extra amount of money, called donativo, in order to meet the expenses originated by the maintenance of troops during military campaigns and the suppiying of the Navy, was a practice held from Philipp ITs reign and continued by his sucessors. In Charles II's reign, a lessening of tax pression was intended, by means of removing the requests of extra money.

But, in the occasion of war conflicts, the only possible resources were the donativos, because the other taxes had been already used for other needs. Actually there is no available information about the reological changes that happen in this kind of cheese during its ripeness. The study and publication of this process which does not present a protected designation of origin DOP yet gives knowledge for its spread. The results indicate that an important performance change exists after the 11th ripeness day, where a remarkable.

Severe hypertriglyceridemia during pregnancy rarely occurs but it frequently produces complications, such as acute pancreatitis, a serious health risk both for the mother and the fetus. During gestation, bezafibrate was substituted for 3. No complication occurred during pregnancy, the patient delivered vaginally 40 weeks, and the newborn g did not present any morphological alterations.

We conclude that an adequate diet and the. Se utilizaron dos modelos: The present paper is specially based in the evolution of the administration of the tobacco state monopoly in the Kingdom of Navarre during the eighteen century. We start in the lease of the income in to his old owner the Foral Administration since and analyse the following phases through the Central Government was getting the control of the monopoly in this territory. Voce ja comeu DNA hoje? Divulgacao cientifica durante a Semana da Ciencia e Tecnologia no Brasil.

Full Text Available They are few notices published about swords manufacture in Spain during the 16th century. One of the most unknown productions centers is the city of Bilbao, wich developed an important production of arms in part destined to its export to the British Islands. Thanks of them it has been posible to compile names, marks and information about the activity of this craftsmen.

Their main activities included the security of Gibraltar, counteracting German Intelligence in the Straits, and unmasking Spanish agents controlled by the Abwehr. This article concentrates on the particular difficulties of organising the work of the Special Operations Executive and its plans for guerrilla-type activity in the case of a German military occupation of Spain, whose neutrality, in the view of Great Britain, had to be carefully preserved.

El trabajo artesanal en Augusta Emerita durante los ss. Las vacas fueron distribuidas en dos grupos: El registro de comportamiento dos veces a la semana. Full Text Available After a long medieval evolution, especially in the peninsular territories of greater Castilian influence, the right of asylum remained completely defined, and it became an exclusive prerogative of the Church.

The ministers of the Church defended this right, and they caused to respect it during three centuries, and were faced even to the highest civil authorities. This legal figure had a routine and real effectiveness, and it was one of the exits that the first the delinquents responded that intended to elude the justice. Los hogares latinoamericanos durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX: Para ello se tienen en cuenta dos aspectos fundamentales: Algunas de las principales conclusiones son: Breve historia de los refugiados en Argentina durante el siglo XX.

According to National Constitution Argentina has been an open doors country to immigration, although it has demonstrated the opposite. In spite of it, during XX century groups of exiles, asylum seekers and refugees of different nationalities settled in the country. Based in a chronology created from varied researches which analyzed the establishment of the diverse communities this article will show the groups that shape the multicultural map of Argentina.

Las experiencias se llevaron a cabo utilizando frutos, hojas y tallos de aguaribay Schinus molle L.. Analgesia e sedacao durante a instalacao do cateter central de insercao periferica em neonatos. We highlight their predominance in the international trade and in the industrial activity especially those that reveal a high technological development. The economic and demographic decline of the british immigrants from is in close relation with the lost of the british influence in Latin America after the First World War. Muerte fetal en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza durante el periodo agosto noviembre Se buscaron los casos de muerte fetal en el libro de registros del servicio de obstetricia del Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza entre agosto y noviembre Se encontraron 61 casos de muerte fetal, 47 se incluyeron en el estudio.

Se registraron 4 nacidos vivos. La tasa de muerte fetal fue 13,48 por 1 nacidos vivos. Edad gestacional promedio fue de 28,29 semanas y peso promedio de 1 ,86 g. Rev Med Hered ; Las ciudades disidentes durante la independencia de Venezuela: The cinema begins its career in the late nineteenth century as a mere mass entertainment, revealing to an eager audience the possibilities of the new discovery. It was from the Bolshevik Revolution of when the power of the moving image as ideological propaganda tool was discovered by the governments.

It is this aspect of the cinema, its use as a carier of ideologies, that interests us and analyze this article. The national holiday during Regeneration in Colombia, becomes important not only because was the representation of a Catholic nation in the country, according to the political project implemented by the Conservatives, but also and most importantly, it plays the role of social alchemy, which transforms the arbitrary toward legitimate to establish a routine. Las guerras civiles — 2. During the nineteenth century in Colombia conflict is settled through political parties, the liberal and conservative, and civil wars, in which the religious element is sometimes the trigger of the conflict and sometimes the convener.

We will use the literature to approach these wars and to better understand what happened in reality. Keywords Colombia, civil wars, political parties, religion. With the Intention to verify the frequency of intestinal parasites, we have taken the inside digestive system material from three differents parts of the intestinal tract while we were doing complete necropsies. The stools were kept in MIF Formol, iodine and merthiolate mixture being studied in slides by the direct method. We have found intestinal parasites in 40 cases The most frequent parasites were: The results are in according with epidemiological research made in this area.

Thus, they prove that the parasitological exam made in feces taken during the necroscopy provides further evidence to enrich the anatomo-pathological diagnosis. Una gran variedad de compuestos con grupos sulfhidrilo pueden reemplazar el mercaptoetanol con efectividad variable. Full Text Available Objetivo. La CNT y las alianzas sindicales durante la dictadura de Franco. During the first years after de war the trade unions CNT and UGT tried to keep the colaboration that they had accomplished during the spanish civil war. Implicaciones del comercio por el puerto de San Blas durante la guerra de independencia.

Full Text Available This article analyzes the importance acquired during the Independence war by the maritime trade coming from other Central and South American ports and operating through the San Blas port. In the end, this highly polemical traffic permitted by the Spanish authorities strengthened Nueva Galicia both politically and economically, and prefigured the regionalism that was to be characteristical in 19 th Century Mexico. Both the general one of the town and the one wich belongs to the christian and moorish communities; the age of acces to marriage, genesis inervals in women, prenuptial states, temporal distribution of nupcitiality, ilegitimate groves, abandoned people, slaves and moorishes have been determined.

Los pueblos de indios desaparecidos en la costa sur de la Nueva Galicia durante el periodo colonial. Testimonios de una escuela durante la dictadura militar en Argentina Los relatos son entrelazados con algunas aproximaciones al problema de la memoria y el olvido, a las relaciones entre memoria e historia, a las posibilidades de la historia reciente y al papel de los testimonios en la tarea del historiador.

Estudio descriptivo, de naturaleza cualitativa desarrollado con el objetivo de estudiar la red de soporte de familias durante el embarazo. Los resultados han revelado que apenas una mujer no ha recorrido a la red de apoyo durante el embarazo y que diferentes personas son procuradas de acuerdo con el tipo de problemas vivenciado: This is a research of qualitative nature developed with the objective of studying the support net of families during pregnancy.

Data were collected through semi-structured interview, from 16 women in May The results showed that just one woman did not appeal to the support net during pregnancy and that different people are sought according to the type of problem experienced at the time: Mujeres en edad reproductiva. Principales medidas de resultados: Este procedimiento puede incrementar el. Fusarium semitectum, Colletotrichum spp. This paper offers an interpretation about sexual violence against women on republican rearguard during the Spanish Civil War.

And finally we are going to introduce a political view of these rapes that turns victims into enemies. Madres sociales de la aldea: He llegado a las siguientes conclusiones: For a long time the historiography has represented the eighteenth-century Spain as an idyllic paradise where concord and unimportant facts prevailed.

Far from being true, the situation lived in Spain was marked by a social conflict that can not be ignored. In this article we want to reinforce this idea, noting all the conflicting facts that occurred in La Mancha of Albacete in the years , following the promulgation of the Royal Pragmatic liberalization of trade in grains, and , where the climate of tension between generally favored by the mutiny in Madrid, two provincial riots that occupy an important place in Spanish history: The first, being the first case of rebellion.

The present article describes the Spanish military decadence during the reign of Charles II of Spain The author starts his analysis from the reign of Philip IV of Spain because from the s the need of making substancial changes in the warfare was absolutely clear.

In fact, that changes were described in the militar treatises of the moment. First of all, the main front of combat -Milan, the Netherlands and Catalonianever had the appropiate number of troops, because of its lack of men during the XVIIth century. Secondly, those troops lived permanently in very hard conditions, as it can be seen in the Catalan case. Finally, all the solutions were failed because of the economic difficulties of that monarchy. Hebreos y musulmanes durante la guerra civil en Melilla: This article attempts to systematize the concentration camp phenomenon Franco repressor and Melilla on the two minority communities in the city at that time, Jewish and Muslim, rejected in its content without the repressive context and overall concentration camp in the city within the dynamics of repression exercised by the military and Falangist Spain.

Relatamos o caso de uma gestante, 30 anos, com dores articulares no joelho e hemograma com pancitopenia. Se incluyeron las gestantes captadas , del 1ro. The family physician was in charge of collecting the information. The commonest reasons for prescribing were: The exposure to 2 or less drugs and to 4 active principles was the most frequent.

The possible exposure to elevated concentrations of vitamin A in all the areas and the usual administration of acetylsalicylic acid. Sleep disordered breathing SDB is a common condition in children. The most frequent cause of SAHS in children is the adenotonsillar hypertrophy. SAHS in children can result in severe complications if left untreated such as impaired physical growth, delayed development, poor school performance and in severe cases, hypertension and cor pulmonale, nevertheless, yet it is an under recognized condition. The gold standard diagnostic technique is the nocturnal polysomnography PSG, guidelines for performing laboratory-based polysomnography in children have been established, the sleep laboratory should be a nonthreatening environment and personnel with pediatric training should record, score and interpret the study.

Adenotonsillectomy is the most common treatment for children with SAHS. Es una enfermedad infradiagnosticada y que conlleva importantes complicaciones como son alteraciones del crecimiento, alteraciones cognitivas e incluso en casos severos Cor Pulmonale. Ninguno tuvo examen de laboratorio compatible con causa infecciosa. Usos de Twitter durante el 15M. El caso de la prensa catalana. Plan de Control Interno, auditorias y otras actividades a desarrollar por la oficina de control interno durante el ejercicio Plan de Control Interno, Auditor?? Santa Marta y la Habana durante Differential expression during Solanum tuberosum- Phytophthora infestans interaction Resumen: La papa Solanum tuberosum L.

Potato Solanum tuberosum L. The cancer is defined as chronic multifactorial disease, in which cells have uncontrolled growth. Several factors contribute to its development, one of them is. Con el uso de [C]-acetato, los resultados sugieren que los astrocitos in vitro tienen un alto requerimiento de carbonos, principalmente para la s. Smoking cessation and associated factors during pregnancy Cese del consumo de tabaco durante el embarazo y factores asociados.

Full Text Available Objective: To examine smoking habits before and during pregnancy, as well as factors associated with smoking cessation, in three European settings. Questionnaires inquiring into the smoking habits of each woman and her partner, demographic data, occupation, educational level, number of previous children, breast feeding, alcohol intake, and history of asthma and of other allergic diseases were completed during pregnancy and in the first year after delivery. A total of 1 pregnant women were included in the three cohorts. Smoking prior to pregnancy was more common in Barcelona Cessation rates during pregnancy also differed: In a multivariate regression model, the factors showing a significant negative association with smoking cessation during pregnancy were having older children, having a partner who smoked and starting smoking at a young age.

Baseline smoking habits and changes in smoking habits during pregnancy significantly differed between the three communities studied. Women pregnant with their first child, those who had started smoking at a later age and those whose partners were non-smokers were more likely to stop smoking when pregnant. Residuos de almidones y el uso de plantas durante el holoceno medio en el cauca medio colombia. Los datos indican el aprovechamientode plantas ricas en carbohidratos, entre las que se encuentra una variedad de Phaseolus silv El dengue es una de las principales enfermedades transmitidas por vector.

La violencia en Colombia durante el siglo XX. Capacidade aerobia de futebolistas profissionais de altitude durante o periodo competitivo da cidade de Arequipa-Peru. Se capturaron 69 especies: El proyecto fin de carrera ofrece las siguientes conclusiones: En estado maduro las dimensiones medias de este fruto son: Ambas mujeres presentaron antecedentes familiares para el trastorno. La lucha por el mantenimiento de un huerto de simples en la universidad de Valencia durante el siglo XVII.

Full Text Available This article deepens on the efforts made during the 17th century by Medicine professors and students, Pharmacist Associations as well as surgeons and magistrates from Valencia directed toward the creation and mantenaince of a garden destinated to the growing of medicinal plants from worldwide.

Estudio transversal llevado a cabo en el INMP entre enero a marzo de Durante el transporte, cargue y descargue los bovinos son sometidos a factores estresantes que afectan su bienestar y la ca Influencia de la temperatura sobre el crecimiento muscular de la lubina, Dicentrarchus labrax L. Diversos estudios han encontrado que, en ratas separadas de sus madres, disminuyen los niveles del receptor GABA Diversos estudios han encontrado que, en ratas separadas de sus madres, disminuyen los nivel Para reconstruir las condiciones paleoambientales durante el Holoceno.

Accelerated nodulosis is the development of a large number of nodules during a short time in adult patients presenting either seropositive or seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. These nodules are usually described as associated to methotrexate therapy. There have been three case reports of patients who developed peripheral accelerated nodulosis while receiving leflunomide. We describe a years old woman with seropositive rheumatoid arthritis who developed accelerated nodulosis after four months receiving leflunomide therapy. The patient had a complete regression of the subcutaneous nodules eight months after cessation of leflunomide.

Las complicaciones inmediatas fueron: The surgical technique is briefly described. Atropine was used in the premedication of this study. General anesthesia was administered to all patients and hidrizaline was given to control the arterial pressure. The changes observed in the arterial pressure during the different levels of treatment are shown. The immediate complications were: Los participantes fueron ocho enfermeros que trabajan en el servicio.

Justicia penal en el Estado arbitrario. Full Text Available La obra del profesor Dr. Cuidado e conforto durante o trabalho de parto e parto: El trabajo finaliza con las principales conclusiones. La mortalidad en la infancia durante la Guerra Civil. Impacto territorial estimado a partir del Censo de The feeding of infants during the first year of life has a great influence on the further growth and development, mainly on the infant with very low birth weight.

The objective of this paper was to characterize the intake of energy and macronutrients in a group of newborn infants with a weight under 1 g and to compare it with a term control group to know if there was an adequate consumption during the first year of life.

To this end, a. El comportamiento de los materiales evaluados fue el siguiente: Full Text Available En la actualidad, los consumidores tienden a adquirir alimentos funcionales, los cuales satisfacen los requerimientos nutricionales y adicionalmente aportan beneficios a la salud. No obstante, los aviones aliados persistieron, dando lugar a graves incidentes que estuvieron punto de ocasionar una fatalidad. Howver, the persistent aid to tha Axis rose strong pressures by the Allies for the rest of the war and encouraged them for searching German U-boots at the Canary Islands.

So Allied airplanes frequently flew over the Canary Islands and West Africa Aerial Zone between the beginning of and the summer of , tempting the Spanish anti-aircraft batteries and the fighters based in Gaildo Gando reaction. The Spanish forces never tried to destroy the Allied aircrafts, but baut only warned them to keep away from yje Spanish aerial zone.

Nevertheless, Allied planes still went on. Microbiological aspects of phyllosoma rearing of the ornate rock lobster Panulirus ornatus. Rock lobsters of the Palinuridae are the most valuable wild fisheries sector in Australia and are currently target aquaculture species. Significant challenges exist however to produce commercial scale quantities of post-larvae due to an extended larval phase which acerbates a high rate of larval Tortosendo, una villa durante el "Estado Novo" Publicaciones culturales de resistencia durante la dictadura: Expolios, deportaciones e internamientos: Para alcanzar este objetivo se interrogan diferentes fuentes: Estos cambios se asociaro Uso indicado e uso referido de medicamentos durante a gravidez Prescribed and reported drug use during pregnancy.

Few studies describe drug utilization in pregnancy focusing on prescribing practices. This study is part of a larger survey on perinatal care in the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The type of hospital public, contracted out by the Unified National Health System, or private determined the stratification of 10, hospitalized post-partum women, who were asked about medication used during pregnancy. Hospital records supplied information on drugs prescribed during labor.

Another system was used for specific cases of referred use. A mean of 2. Las tradiciones locales y los talleres barrocos mantuvieron ambos rasgos durante gran parte de la centuria siguiente. Alicia; Benito, Ana M. AbstractThe main objective of this work consists of scrutinizing how the urbanization process was developed in Hispanic America during the colonial times, in order to extract theoretical and methodological elements which are relevant to prepare a research project, focused on colonial times in Barranquilla. En definitiva, se trata de matizar y relativizar el mencionado concepto.

The authors report a case of a female patient who presented, for the second time, diplopia and acute esotropia during pregnancy. There was no trauma involved neither was systemic disease. The patient was treated with conventional occlusion, and, soon after delivery, the squint was resolved. En tercer lugar se presentan y analizan los resultados obtenidos en el estudio, que indican que los deportes practicados durante el siglo XV en la ciudad de Sevilla eran: The first part of this research is devoted to its justification and basis, whereas the second part puts forward the research methodology suggested, which has a new nature within the history of Sports.

Thirdly, the results obtained in the research are presented and analysed, what points out that the sports practised during the XVth Century in Seville were: Finally, the research conclusions are expounded, which are based on its results and on other contributions from previous researches. A game in which two players riding horses had to catch a ring with a spear.

Full Text Available Objetivos.

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Se incluyeron madres adolescentes. La violencia durante el embarazo adolescente no es un hecho aislado, sino que es altamente frecuente en cualquiera de sus formas. En el periodo estudiado se notificaron tres brotes. Durante el embarazo hay riesgo a contraer infecciones que afectan al feto. Los efectos inmediatos o a largo plazo representan un problema a nivel mundial.

Durante el embarazo se Foram avaliados relaxamento c Primero se realizaron entrevistas con los responsables de seguridad y salud de la obra a los que se les solicitaron los datos de siniestralidad des del inicio de los trabajos. Los resultados indican que se priorizan las dimensiones informativa y organizativa en los us Debido a los riesgos y consecuencias, se vuelve importante visibilizar los factores de riesgo del consumo de drogas en este grupo poblacional.

Las posibilidades de un despido objetivo del art. We report a case of ventricular fibrillation during sports activity. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was initiated early by a layperson, and defibrillation was successfully performed within less than three minutes, with an automated external defibrillator. The author, as witness and protagonist, tells us about the evolution of Medical Radiological Specialty in Costa Rica, during the XXth century, from to Dietary ecology of the extinct cave bear: Evidence of omnivory as inferred from dental microwear textures.

Full Text Available The diet of the extinct European cave bear, Ursus spelaeus, has widely been debated. Diverging from the extant brown bear Ursus arctos approximately 1. Here, we used dental microwear texture analysis DMTA to further interpret the diet of the cave bear. Results suggest that U. As modern bears vary their diets seasonally and across their range, it may be difficult to characterize the dietary ecology of extinct bears using dental microwear alone.

Lastly, the European cave bear and North American giant short-faced bear Arctodus simus may have had. Nesse sentido, foram analisadas amostras de aguardente envelhecidas durante zero, 12, 24, 36 e 48 meses em um tonel de carvalho de litros e duas amostras comerciais, sendo uma delas envelhecida. Os termos descritores escolhidos em consenso pelos membros da equipe sensorial foram: The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of pelvic floor muscle training in 46 nulliparous pregnant women.

The women were divided into 2 groups: Functional evaluation of the pelvic floor muscle was performed by digital vaginal palpation using the strength scale described by Ortiz and by a perineometer with and without biofeedback. Fueron procesados cinco cultivares de ajo: El mayor valor de 5. To identify dietary patterns in pregnancy and describe their relationship with sociodemographic factors, smoking, and body mass index. As a secondary objective, intakes were evaluated relative to current dietary recommendations for pregnant women. Cross-sectional assessment of dietary intakes in pregnant women from the Island of Menorca Spain was performed.

Dietary patterns were identified using a principal components analysis, and dietary quality was assessed by comparing food group intakes with recommended intakes in pregnancy. Counseling patients exposed to ionizing radiation during pregnancy El asesoramiento de pacientes expuestas a radiaciones ionizantes durante el embarazo. Counseling patients requires knowledge of embryology, genetics, radiation teratology, and the principles of teratology in order for the counselor to provide sympathetic, accurate, scholarly advice.

Es importante entender que las personas legas albergan muchas nociones equivocadas acerca de los riesgos asociados con ese tipo de radiaciones. Analisando as falas emergiram cinco temas: La persistencia de los palacios de. En alojamiento conjunto fueron analizadas 84 interacciones entre cuatro binomios. Full Text Available La actividad del sector asegurador depende de diversos factores que son condicionantes o impulsadores.

Los principales resultados fueron que los seguros sufren distintos cambios y variaciones, dependiendo del ramo de sector y de la siniestralidad. En pos del "buen lector": The article tries to analyze the censorship of books during the first franquism from a sociocultural point of view that has been scarcely contemplated. In one hand, it shows how the censorship prevented the popular reader from getting learned works by obstructing cheap editions or by restricting them directly to scholars.

This article provides us with unpublished documentation about several defensive works carried out during the Kingdom of Valencia, in the XVIth Century. The information, interesting by itself, is inserted in a wide outlook that allows to understand the diversity of defensive systems as a way of adapting to necessities and resources and rejects the prejudice that interprets the survival of tradition only as an archaic feature. Futhermore, in the defensive works, the labour of engineers, soldiers and responsables of Administration is being emphasized.

El secuestro como abandono. Full Text Available http: Full Text Available In this work are analyzed, in a selective way, the different kinds of violence in the diocesan clergy of Burgos during fifteen century: All these situations were reported to the episcopal justice of Burgos. The different cases of violence were blows, slaps and attacks with knifes and swords, taking place homicides sometimes.

Definitely, the aforementioned cases show strong social tensions, internal and external, affecting in a local level the rural clergy in the diocese of Burgos. Abstract This article analyzes the main features of the international financial crisis and its effects on Costa Rican economy during The key variables for analysis were selected from statements of qualified spokesmen of the Government and business sectors.

Among the most important findings was that the effects of the international financial crisis were not so meaningful, and the main causes of the contraction of the Costa Rican economy are domestic factors, mainly linked to local credit and exchange policies. Factors associated to breastfeeding cessation before 6 months Factores asociados al abandono de la lactancia materna durante los primeros 6 meses de vida Fatores associados ao abandono do aleitamento materno durante os primeiros seis meses de vida. Full Text Available This research aimed to identify the determinants of full breastfeeding FBF and any breastfeeding ABF cessation before 6 months, through a six-month follow-up of mothers going a postpartum visit.

Data were collected by personal interview during the first month and telephone interviews at four and six months postpartum. Lower educational level was associated with cessation of ABF and the use of pacifiers or occasional breast-milk substitutes with cessation of FBF. Activities supporting breastfeeding should be intensified for mothers with poorer access to information and with negative or without ABF previous experience. The use of pacifiers and not-medically indicated breast milk substitutes should be controlled.

El menor nivel de estudios se relaciona con un mayor abandono de la LM y los chupetes o suplementos en el hospital con el abandono de la LMC. Finalmente, se enfrentaron dos proyectos de Estado opuestos y excluyentes entre un partido representante del gobierno saliente y otro completamente nuevo. Abstract The extended Argentine electoral period occurred during and contained many special novelties, becoming a political laboratory of particular interest.

Deputies, Senators, Members of Parliament of the Mercosur were elected, although the Presidential election was the most important and debated process. Finally, two State projects, mutually exclusive and opposites, were facing each other. One representing the outgoing government and the other one an entirely new proposal for the system. The key moments that will be analyzed are three: Las principales variables analizadas son: Se constata que la densidad de trabajo es de 1: Quantifying the temporary variable of the player during performance in match play provides excellent information to deduce the physical and physiological loads under which one plays.

For this study ten LNFS games were video taped from television. A systematic observation using a. Basilisk durante o diferimento da pastagem. This experiment was performed aiming to evaluate tiller population density, forage mass and its morphological components on pastures of Brachiaria decumbens cv. The treatments encompassed four deferred grazing periods 18, 46, 74 and days. Arandomized block design with two replications was used. There was a reduction in the number of VT from 1, to tiller m-2 during the deferment period. RT and DT numbers were not influenced by the deferment periods.

As 10 especies nominais de Promitobates foram utilizadas na analise cladistica da subfamilia Mitobatinae. Outras duas especies que apresentaram polimorfismos P. Soares, e P. A analise cladistica foi efet Uma dose total de 1. Estos resultados indican que la incidencia de malformaciones en larvas de R. A transfer function based on ostracod faunas was used to estimate past water depths of Lake Titicaca during the last 8 yrs BP. The results obtained on 3 cores revealed a complex evolution of the lacustrine basins.

In general terms, the Holocene was characterized by low water levels, especially between ca. This paper's contribucion lies in the fact that it incerprets the way these characters were perceived and described on the basis of articles in the 19th century press and judicial records analyzed in connection with the industrial boom at the time. Suicides commonly elicited feelings of pity but before expressing this grief, efforts were made to find a reason that would explain why people had killed themselves.

In this respect, the paper analyzes the cases of voluntary death in light of the modernizing effect of the time in order to obtain a better understanding of how this type of events occurred. Full Text Available Asbestos is a fibrous mineral used since the early 20 th century in a wide range of manufacturing processes and industrial products for its fireproofing and abrasion-resistant properties. Asbestos exposure has had harmful effects on the health of workers and of the general population. Asbestos risks have attracted scant historiographical attention in Spain, contributing to the idea of a lack of medical and public concerns about this issue until the s.

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The aim of this paper was to analyze the emergence of such concerns during the Franco regime by exploring the medical literature and the legislation drafted to address asbestos hazards. Tabaquismo durante la adolescencia temprana: Estudio transversal en escolares de 19 establecimientos de 7 localidades. La prevalencia de tabaquismo fue de La edad media de inicio fue de To investigate the prevalence of smoking among pre-teenagers 11 and 12 years of age and to identify risk factors for smoking.

A cross-sectional study was carried out with 2, schoolchildren from 19 schools in Argentina. A structured, self-completed and anonymous questionnaire was employed. The prevalence of smoking was The mean age at the start of smoking was Peer and family pressure were statistically significant risk factors for initiating the habit. These findings support the recommendation to begin smoking prevention programs before early adolescence. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue total de 26 bezerras os do nascimento aos trinta dias de vida. Full Text Available The destiny of the pagan temples in Hispania during the Late Antiquity constitutes a complex phenomenon that, from the ambiguous textual information and still the little material evidences, is less generalized with respect to other Western and Eastern areas.

A systematic and programmed policy of destruction or dismantling of pagan temples through Christian religious authorities in Hispania is not stated. An important factor has been the slow progress of christianity for certain rural areas of the Iberian Peninsula and the maintenance of pagan practices and pagan spaces as much in the city as in the countryside. El objetivo en ambos puntos es doble: Full Text Available A systematic characterisation of single wall carbon nanotubes SWCNTs material after successive purification steps, including reflux treatment with nitric acid, air-oxidation and annealing, has been performed.

During the nitric acid reflux treatment, micro Raman spectroscopy further proves that the SWCNTs diameter distribution can be selectively tuned towards smaller tubes. These findings are further underlined by transmission electron microscopy. The applied purification process efficiently removes the undesired species of metal nanoparticles and amorphous carbon thus resulting in a high quality SWCNTs material.

Caries dental asociada a factores de riesgo durante el embarazo The dental caries associated with risk factor during pregnancy. Full Text Available Abundance and composition of Iberian macromammal faunas has suffered important changes during the Neogene 23 to 2 million years before present. The present paper analizes and describes these changes, also disccusing the taxa involved and their possible causes. Results from the present study point out the existence of an increase in the Iberian species richness from the end of the Lower Miocene to the first half of the Upper Miocene, followed by an strong impoverishment from then on till the Pliocene, interrupted by a temporal increase during the end of the Miocene.

Local faunas individual localities from the Middle and Upper Miocene are, in some cases, exceptionally diverse, comparable to the richest extant tropical ecosystems. Diversity changes in time are usually explained as a response to climatic changes. However, our analyses point out that many of the observad changes in diversity may be due to differences in the fossil record quality. At locality local level caused by differences in the processes of locality formation, while at regional scale due to the number of deposits recently published global climate curves for the Neogene as well as with the up to date biogeographic knowledge, shows that diversity changes appear to be most closely related with the open and close of biogeographic barriers and to a lesser degree of variation in the global levels of CO 2 concentration.

Our results also show different relationship between local number of species per site and regional number of species in the whole Iberian Peninsula diversity that could be due to changes in the environmental heterogeneity of the Iberian Peninsula along the time considered. El trabajo cuenta con dos apartados: Se comprueba la importancia cuantitativa del consumo de este molusco en la dieta. Se aborda experimentalmente el problema del transporte de las ostras desde la costa hasta asentamientos de interior. Estos tratamientos se evaluaron durante cinco ciclos continuos de cultivo con jitomate 30 meses.

La influencia del contexto familiar en el desarrollo de conductas violentas durante la adolescencia: Entre leyes y votos. Use of spatial capture—recapture to estimate density of Andean bears in northern Ecuador. The Andean bear Tremarctos ornatus is the only extant species of bear in South America and is considered threatened across its range and endangered in Ecuador. Habitat loss and fragmentation is considered a critical threat to the species, and there is a lack of knowledge regarding its distribution and abundance. The species is thought to occur at low densities, making field studies designed to estimate abundance or density challenging.

We conducted a pilot camera-trap study to estimate Andean bear density in a recently identified population of Andean bears northwest of Quito, Ecuador, during We compared 12 candidate spatial capture—recapture models including covariates on encounter probability and density and estimated a density of 7. In addition, we estimated that approximately 40 bears used a recently named Andean bear corridor established by the Secretary of Environment, and we produced a density map for this area.

Use of a rub-post with vanilla scent attractant allowed us to capture numerous photographs for each event, improving our ability to identify individual bears by unique facial markings. This study provides the first empirically derived density estimate for Andean bears in Ecuador and should provide direction for future landscape-scale studies interested in conservation initiatives requiring spatially explicit estimates of density. Serum concentrations of vitamin D metabolites, vitamins A and E, and carotenoids in six canid and four ursid species at four zoos. The species analyzed included: African wild dog Lycaon pictus , arctic fox Alopex lagopus , gray wolf Canis lupus , maned wolf Chrysocyon brachyurus , Mexican wolf Canis lupus baleiyi , red wolf Canis rufus , brown bear Ursus arctos , polar bear Ursus maritimus , spectacled bear Tremarctos ornatus , and sun bear Ursus malayanus.

The nutritional composition of the diet for each species at each institution met probable dietary requirements. Blood samples were collected from each animal and analyzed for vitamin D metabolites 25 OH D and 1,25 OH 2 D, vitamin A retinol, retinyl stearate, retinyl palmitate , vitamin E alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol and selected carotenoids.

Family differences were found for 25 OH D, retinol, retinyl stearate, retinyl palmitate and gamma-tocopherol. Species differences were found for all detectable measurements. Carotenoids were not detected in any species. The large number of animals contributing to these data, provides a substantial base for comparing the nutritional status of healthy animals and the differences among them.

Even though these forests are protected in Parque Nacional Cerros de Amotape PNCA, they are threatened by fragmentation because of farming and agriculture. The aim of this study was to determine the medium and large mammalian species richness, using transect census, camera trapping, and specimen bone collection. Nine transects were established and 21 camera trap stations were placed along 16 km2 in three localities of PNCA, from August to April Total sampling effort was km of transects and camera-days. We documented 22 species; including 17 with camera trapping, 11 with transect census, and 10 with specimen collection.

Camera traps were the most effective method, and four species Dasyprocta punctata, Cuniculus paca, Leopardus wiedii and Puma concolor were documented only with this method. This comprised the first Peruvian record for Dasyprocta punctata, and the first record for the western slope of the Peruvian Andes for Cuniculus paca. Also, both specimen collections and sightings confirm the presence of Potos flavus, first record in the western slope of the Peruvian Andes.

Panthera onca, Tremarctos ornatus and Saimiri sciureus are considered locally extinct, while several species are in need of further research. We highlight the importance of the high diversity of this rainforests and encourage local authorities to give the area the highest priority in conservation. Compositor Luis Humberto Salgado. Durante el desarrollo los frutos de las selecciones RI y RI tuvieron un peso fresco de Intramammary infections during the periparturient period in Argentine dairy heifers Infecciones intramamarias durante el periparto en vaquillonas en Argentina.

Full Text Available Prevalence of intramammary infections at prepartum and postpartum in primigravid heifers from five dairy herds located in the central dairy area of Argentina was determined. Mammary secretion samples from heifers mammary quarters were obtained 14 days prior to the expected calving day and within 7 days after parturition and subjected to bacteriological analysis.

No clinical mastitis cases were detected during the study. The number of infected heifers in at least one mammary quarter at pre and postpartum was 87 The most prevalent mastitis pathogens at prepartum among samples yielding a positive bacteriological culture were coagulasenegative staphylococci A decrease on isolation frequency of coagulase-negative staphylococci Presence of intramammary infections appeared to be associated with some management conditions.

These results highlighted the need to improve diagnosis and control measures in replacement heifers. The procedure settles down for the hardening of the steel 45 through the Plastic Deformation for rolling with the employment of a lathe 16 D 20 and a roller like element deformante. In the work the form of subjection of the piece is shown between plate and point, method used to avoid the flexion of the piece during the trial of elaboration, the variables of the experiment design are shown I number of revolution, advance and it forces, which allow to carry out the statistical prosecution of the data, that are graph to obtain the behavior of the curves of force against hardness and advance against hardness and to demonstrate the increment of the superficial hardness in the measure that the value of the variables is increased.

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The steps are described for the preparation metalographyc of the test tube from the cut of the same one with the employment of kitchen knife of the type SANVIDK. Enfermedad respiratoria grave en terapia intensiva durante la pandemia por el virus de influenza A H1N1 Presentaron test positivo para H1N1, 17 pacientes. Including oceanic circulation patterns, the vertical structure of the water column and the vertical position of the thermocline.

This study examines the hydrography of Golfo Dulce, a tropical fjord -like embayment in the Eastern Tropical Pacific, and the influence of the ENSO on the system. The average length of exclusive breast-feeding was 77 days and of general breast feeding was days. Relative risks were demonstrated for weaning before the fourth month of life in cases using pacifiers and feeding bottles and exposed to stress. Urinary tract infection prevailed, followed by acute diarrhea among sick infants and the greatest protection of the exclusive breast feeding was provided for acute diarrhea.

Tratamento inseticida e qualidade de sementes de milho durante o armazenamento Insecticide treatment and seed quality of corn during storage. To study the effects of insecticides deltamethrin, chlorpyrifos, phosphin, and diatomaceous earth on the insect control of stored corn seeds during 12 months, this research was performed to find an alternative product, using a randomized design. Seeds were submitted to an infested seed exam, mass of seeds, germination. Articulaciones territoriales de una nueva racionalidad productiva. Full Text Available The transformations happened in the agricultural sector del Chaco in '90, constitute a concrete example of processes of unequal geographic development.

As of this province, stopped being the main Argentine cotton producer to get up itself to seedtime of soybean genetically modified, turned the main national culture. The replacement of a productive logic that sustained provincial the economic and social organization for more than four decades by other than privileged the efficiency and the smaller comparative costs, provoked conflicts and reactions differentials in the sector according to the selective vulnerability of the involved actors.

The objective of this paper is to deepen available in that process, establishing the main characteristics of the occurred transformations and determine the proportions its effects as much, as the answers of the different agents from the sector a majority of small traditional producers supported by nongovernmental organizations, a minority of medium and great producers industralists and the provincial government.

Full Text Available Thyroid hormones T3 and T4 serum levels were evaluated in crossbred zebu gestating cows and in their foetuses.

The cows were raised in hot, low land and were alloted to a pregnancy groups according to their age of gestation 1th, 2nd or 3th trimester determinated by crown-rump length o the foetuses. Mean values of T3 and T4 were 2. There were no significant differences among the three gestation periods. T3 levels were lower in foetuses than in cows for comparable stages of gestation average 1. The other hand, the thyroid function in the dam is totally independent the her foetus.

Ellos se ejercitaron por 20 min. La FC y el EP fueron registrados a los 10 y 20 min. Prueba FC 10 min. Full Text Available Fundamentos: Fueron factores asociados ser joven OR: El perfil de la mujer gestante fumadora es el de una mujer joven con bajo nivel educativo, expuesta al humo de tabaco en el hogar y con alto consumo pregestacional. The purpose of the present work to investigate the striatal neurotransmissors level in adult rats after status epilepticus induced by pilocarpine. Adult animals were closed observed for behavioural changes during 1h. In this period, the animals that developed status epilepticus and survive this acute phase of seizures had the brains removed and striatal neurotransmissors level determiden by HPLC.

The concentration of dopamine, serotonine, dihydroxyphenylacetic acid was reduced and an concentration increase in 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid. Didn't observed alteration in 4-hydroxymethoxy-phenylacetic acid. These results suggest that cholinergic activation can interage with dopaminergic and serotonergic systems in acute phase of the convulsive process in rat mature striatum.

Full Text Available Los efectos de las cargas en el abdomen con el objeto de producir entrenamiento del diafragma, no han sido suficientemente evaluados. Se estudiaron 6 voluntarios normales. El PA fue facilitado por las cargas sobre el abdomen. Los excesos de defunciones y APVP se duplicaron al comparar las temporadas con predominio del subtipo A H3 frente al resto de virus de la gripe.

Ao ser retirada a agulha partiu-se, permanecendo um fragmento de 43 mm no ligamento interespinhoso de L2-L3, confirmado por fluoroscopia. Full Text Available The Spanish Second Republic set aside a big amount of resources, both human and economic, to survey the colonies.

The consecutive republican governments kept a strong continuity on the schemes for colonial cartography, with no significant changes over the plans established in past periods. This paper, built on primary sources, examines the institutional framework of Spanish colonial cartography during the republican period, identifies the leading mapmakers, and discusses the main cartographic surveys. Full Text Available Visceral leishmaniasis is caused by protozoan parasites of the Leishmania donovani complex. However, studies using peripheral blood mononuclear cells have found immunosuppression specific to Leishmania antigens; this poor immune response probably results from Leishmania antigen-engaged lymphocytes being trapped in the lymphoid organs.

These high activation and deactivation processes are likely to occur mainly in the spleen and liver and can be confirmed through the examination of organ samples. However, an analysis of sequential data from studies of visceral leishmaniasis in hamsters suggests that factors outside of the immune system are responsible for the early inactivation of inducible nitric oxide synthase, which occurs before the expression of deactivating cytokines. In active visceral leishmaniasis, the immune system actively participates in non-lymphoid organ lesioning.

While current views only consider immunocomplex deposition, macrophages, T cells, cytokines, and immunoglobulins by diverse mechanism also play important roles in the pathogenesis. Quarenta pacientes foram randomicamente alocados em dois grupos. Anestesia com baixo fluxo 1 L.

Ocupa el quinto lugar en prevalencia mundial. MedUNAB ; 19 3: Contudo, o uso da termometria infravermelho permitiu aferir a TF em mudas de H. Cattle-raising orientation of the area prompted a slight public intervention on the market and a higher degree of self-provisioning by the inhabitants. Town council also decided to moderate fiscal pressure on the meat transactions in order to support local demand. Due to the lack of other significant agrarian productions in the area, interest of local elites help to maintain this supplying conception during the seventeenth century in spite of raising municipal indebtedness.

This policy of town provisioning gradually promoted municipal bankruptcy. As if to emphasize the significance of the building to both the city and the increasingly modern nation-state, the inauguration of the Teatro de la Zarzuela took place on October 10, the birthday of Queen Isabel II; it was a national holiday indeed. As a testament to the popularity of the zarzuela, the Teatro de la Zarzuela was, at the time, considered the second best theater in Madrid, next to the Teatro Real.

The establishment of a permanent physical space for the zarzuela legitimized its existence as a formal genre. There was much debate amongst Spanish musicians and intellectuals about the actual validity of this genre given its reliance on both the Italian opera and opera-comique for structures and plots.

Despite the window dressing of costumbrista elements, many zarzuelas were almost directly plagiarized from foreign sources. Nonetheless, the zarzuela in the mid nineteenth century was at its peak with multiple theaters in Madrid offering performances on a daily basis. This period would mark the high point for the large-format three-act zarzuela. At this time, if it did not meet its desired goal of becoming a national opera, then at least it emerged as one of the most popular forms of entertainment for an increasingly urbanized Madrid.

The extensive number of theaters and zarzuelas being performed led to a saturated market and made it difficult for both writers and producers to remain economically solvent. In addition, the political instability of the late s compromised the Spanish economy and made the relatively high cost of a theater ticket a luxury few Spaniards could or were willing to afford. These factors suppressed attendance and further complicated the precarious economic situation of the theater industry.

Its enormous success singlehandedly saved the Teatro de la Zarzuela. Through Barbieri, the manolos and majos of the eighteenth century found their rearticulation in the nineteenth century. Madrid on the Stage: This effort led to the creation of what would be called the teatro por horas. Key to these productions was the continued employment of extremely particularized settings and characters. More than characters, they are types, that is, figures defined beforehand in their social, professional, and psychological characteristics [. In particular he cites: They both consist of a central patio surround by balconies.

The corralas are a residential space shared often by multiple families where the central patio forms a communal semi-public space. In contrast, the corrales used the central patio as a space for constructing seating. It is important to note this fluid relationship between the theater spaces and housing stock in the history of the neighborhood. As this study moves into discussion of these issues in a more contemporary context, this relationship will have ironic implications given that the establishment of a national theater has direct associations with both speculative development of new housing stock as well as the demolition of many of these historic corralas, and the rehabilitation of the some of the original corralas.

More specifically, the urban space that consistently creates the scene is the Madrid of the medieval inner wall, the Madrid before the Plan for Expansion and its areas of influence] This occurs to such a degree that the principal theaters that produced these short works were incorporated into the sense of nostalgia that permeated them. The railroad was also in the midst of a moment of concentrated growth at this time as well. There was increasing industrialization and urbanization and both the physical and cultural landscapes of the city were radically transformed.

As a result, the notion of the castizo that emerges at the turn of the century relies on an urban landscape and protagonists, but is deeply embedded with a rural nostalgia. Echoing the xenophobic reactions of the writers of the eighteenth century, this inverting of an urban trope to a rural one reveals the anxieties of many Spanish intellectuals, including, of course, Unamuno, towards the increasing modernization the country was experiencing. Modernization represented Europeanization and a possible diluting of at this moment 49 It is interesting to note that in an almost ironic contrast to the peninsular usage the term castizo in colonial Latin America was used to describe mestizos of mixed ethnic background, usually a mix of European and indigenous bloodlines.

This paradox allows for Madrid to serve as the fusing point of Spanish identity; an aleph where Madrid is both unique and distinct, but simultaneously contains all of provincial variations of the heterogeneous Spanish nation-state. There, on the nineteenth step of the basement stairs, the narrator gazes upon the Aleph: While the term refers to the purity of Spanish blood, there is of course little purity to be found in a nation whose bloodlines extend back through seven hundred years of Moorish rule and whose contemporary history is characterized by struggles with a polyglot national identity.

In the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries this immigration was domestic whereas today it is more international. The castizo is therefore an ideological construct that arguably has more to do with the landscape than with the individuals that populate it. The spectators quit seeking in these pieces the reflection of their problems and dissatisfaction and found in them an image of a fixed city, immobile, in which, without much effort, they could tranquilly recognize while smiling complacently. In a paradoxical way, the local is used to amplify the national.

As a result the production of theater becomes the stage for a synecdoche in which the urban helps produce the representational space necessary to drape a national imaginary over a particular territory. The following section will continue to consider the role of the theater in the construction of the national imaginary, but examines how the urban space of Madrid has served as a stage for the articulation of a national identity. Madrid as a Stage: Urban Spectacles of Power While Madrid has a long history as a site for theatrical performances, it has also functioned as a more literal urban stage for the performance of political power.

Of course, this function was not limited to Madrid. As the residence of the King and his Court, Madrid was by definition a capital] Ringrose Using the specific site of Madrid for his entrance projected the power of the new king well beyond the limits of the city by establishing his credibility and that of his capital city within the domain of the European monarchy. It was also a complex declaration about the society that was expressed via a rich exhibition of symbols and a careful ordering of those in proximity to the king] As was explained in the Introduction, the spectacle works to seduce the public into accepting the symbolic system propping up the modes of production.

For Debord this fetishized system is the capitalist mode of production. In the case of Fernando VI it is a feudal one. The spectacle of the king entering the city, whether in person or merely his image, was a tool to project power and sovereignty over the urban space of the city and implicitly the broader terrain of the kingdom. This claiming of the urban space of Madrid as a monarchical space, and therefore not merely a local space, was a traditional part of the royal processions as they entered the city.

The procession was literally a performance in which the local urban entity of Madrid subjugated itself to the consolidated centralized power of the nation represented in the personage of the monarchy. Importantly, these spectacles of power were complemented by a whole range of other performances by people of various classes. The streets of the burgeoning Spanish cities at these moments of royal pageantry served as a site for the articulation and reinforcement of the dominant power structure and modes of production.

Central to this dramatization of authority was the very grandeur and splendor of the Renaissance and Baroque architecture that would come to characterize the imperial capital. These urban transformations were focused on one goal: It was here that the monarchy could stage the formal rituals of empire that communicated the power of the monarchy. During the course of its history, the Plaza Mayor has served as a public site for everything from bullfights to the public spectacle of the Santo Oficio [Holy Office i.

From the sixteenth to the nineteenth century that Plaza Mayor functioned as a municipal stage for performances of national and proto-national power. The relationship between theater and the monarchy was also embedded into the Spanish liturgical calendar when on Jueves Santo [Maundy Thursday] the spectacle of political theater moved into the Salon de las Columnas [Hall of Columns] in the Palacio Real [Royal Palace] for the annual Comida de Los Pobres [meal of the poor]. This event consisted not only of the King and Queen feeding the poor at a lavishly-set formal table, but also a public washing of their feet beforehand.

Other spectacles were more diffuse and less focused. It was the place to see and be seen for nobility and other hangers-on jockeying for power and influence. With the growth of the Spanish empire over the course of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, there was a commensurate growth in the size of the bureaucracy to manage it. To maintain control over a burgeoning city and kingdom, the king needed the assistance and cooperation of the local elites. The largesse of royalty was to be found as a functionary of the crown as much as owning large tracts of land.

Madrid was the stage for expressions of power and the stage for its procurement in early modern Spain. Moreover, these chivalric displays also helped to reaffirm the control of urban space by the court and the monarchy Pintor Crespo The members of the Court participated both literally and figuratively in a spectacle of manners to impress each other and the king. In a similar vein, Patrick Williams cites the ways that both the Duke of Lerma and the Count-Duke of Olivares employed festivals characterized by theatrical performances as a means of attracting court attention and creating a courtesan orbit around themselves Williams The theatricality of power, though, was not just restricted to the Early Modern period.

In her study A Cultural History of Madrid which explores the intersection of modernity, cultural production, and urbanism, Deborah Parsons describes how Alfonso XII also employed this use of the urban environment for the projection of monarchical power during his wedding in when electric lights adorned city streets and buildings and transformed the Puerta del Sol into a spectacular stage for the royal nuptials The city would continue to function as a stage for power well into the twentieth century.

One notes in particular the announcement of the establishment of the Second Republic from the balcony of the Casa de Correos in the Puerta de Sol as one modern example of urban stagecraft. More significantly, one recalls that Franco employed the Royal Palace as the backdrop for his most important pronouncements and state addresses. The physical architecture of the city and particularly its monarchical past underpinned the power of the caudillo and placed him firmly within the spectacular tradition of the capital city.

This national theater builds on the tradition of urban spectacle that has been a part of Madrid since the Siglo de Oro, but while in the past these spectacles were at the service of the monarchy, now they serve the interests of capital. This argument relied on the theoretical model developed in the Introduction that suggested that the production of space proposed by Henri Lefebvre is assisted by the spectacle of urban space in the process of change. Urban spectacle is often at the interstices of various geographic scales.

Given that these scales are produced and mediated by the movement of capital, the production of geographic scales by the spectacle of urban change is implicitly ideological: This occurs in two ways. First through the world of language and metaphor produced by the cultural production of literature and the visual arts, and secondly in the images re produced by the mass media.

The ph hysical archiitecture, prom motional maaterials, prrogramming g and integraation into thee neighborhoood are all keey elements of the discuursive Figure 3. Photo by au uthor. Of all the literary arts, theater has its own unique spatial component. Novels and shorts stories represent urban space and affect how readers conceive of the spaces they inhabit, but theater is a different modality. It requires physical space for its representation and therefore the audience participates actively in the creative space of the work through their attendance.

In addition, the theater space itself must inhabit a physical location in a neighborhood, so the comings and goings of the spectators generate a movement of people through space. The Theater of a Nation: Though the current building was inaugurated in , the lot has been dedicated to public spectacle since when the building originally opened as a movie theater. Following the death of dictator Francisco Franco in , the theater industry found itself in a substantially less restrictive environment, especially once official theater censorship ended in Despite being liberated from official state censorship and free to explore themes of sexuality and morality, the theater industry still found itself, after many years of repression, reluctant to present works with explicit political content Oliva The timidity of the commercial theater industry left a void that encouraged the growth of non-commercial independent theater.

This theatrical flourishing saw the establishment of many new theater spaces during the Transition, and in this context, the Sala Olimpia re-opened in December with a specified commitment to independent theater. With the newly written Constitution of in hand, the PSOE poured money into the subsidizing of the arts and in particular of the theater. It is not surprising then that the theater simultaneously functioned as a symbol of artistic freedom and as an important space for the development of a post-Francoist cultural politics.

Highlighting this point is the enthusiasm with which many of the autonomous communities that formed the new Spanish state particularly those for whom Castilian was not the historical language embraced the theater as a vehicle for reclaiming their culture and their language. Valencia, Catalonia, Galicia, and Andalusia, for example, were quick to establish National Centers of Drama and made efforts to provide permanent spaces for the production of theater Oliva The Constitution of proposed a decentralized state formed by multiple autonomous communities—previously anathema to the centralized Castilian state of the Franco regime.

This nationalist tinge derives from the history of official cultural institutions in Spain, and alludes to the fact that the notion of a National Theater institution is not a new development in the Spanish context. In particular, the strong ideological and administrative State apparatus developed during the dictatorships of Miguel Primo de Rivera and Francisco Franco played key roles in consolidating more rigid notions of the Nation and its bureaucratic apparatus, the Spanish State. Under both regimes the theater was used as an important tool for this consolidation process.

In the wake of her death momentum built to rename in her honor the Teatro de la Princesa, since Guerrero had been the owner and proprietor. When in the Republican government was ousted by the military coup of Francisco Franco and his Fascist cohorts, the establishment of an enduring Republican National Theater building and its commensurate Socialist inspired programming disappeared. Instead, when the Fascists wrested control of the entire territory of Spain from the Republican forces in the ideologically committed dictatorship took advantage of a powerful State apparatus to build its own National Theater infrastructure.

In this context, when the Socialists finally came to power in the post-Francoist era in they enacted an aggressive policy of subsidies to develop and recover the remains of the repressed Spanish theater industry. This tension between an outward-looking Europeanization and regionalist isolationism strained the delicate sense of nationhood holding the nascent Spanish state together. Cultural policy was conceived as a kind of glue to hold together a politically and linguistically fragmented nation.

As a result, the site was a logical choice for the newly established CNNTE and therefore in was designated as the performance space for this new bureaucratic arm of the CDN committed to non-traditional theater. It was also intimately tied to the urban space around it, and in this context, the notion of the avant-garde served a purpose as well. This attention to the type of theater intended for the site can be seen in the publication of the Ayuntamiento [municipal government] of Madrid, Madrid: Notably, while using this text to assess the results of four years of implementation of the Plan General , the writers of this document also attempt to inscribe the imminent rehabilitation of the building into not only the theater history of the city, but the theater tradition of the entire nation.

That is, the building would not serve merely as a localized site for experimental theater in the neighborhood, but would serve as a cultural consolidation point for the entire city. As a national center of Spanish theater, Madrid would serve as synecdoche for the Spanish nation and provide a cultural access point between Spain and the rest of the world. It is not only the city planners that have these global aspirations, but the State cultural apparatus as well. The smaller auditorium, which holds spectators, is named for the stage-craft experimentalist Francisco Nieva The promotional materials distributed at the inauguration of the building in and the architectural innovativeness of the performance space clearly demonstrate the original avant-garde vision for the building.

Although, it must be pointed out that Francisco Nieva does not pertain to the historical avant-garde of the teens and twenties in Spain. The reference to the flexibility, modern character, and its cutting-edge equipment all attempt to discursively inscribe this institutional space into a tradition of avant-garde theater that has been anti- institutional.

The following season this trend continued with another production of Divinas Palabras, five foreign works including two international theater festivals , and merely two contemporary Spanish works. The season saw ten total performances of which four were foreign and six were national works. This seemingly more balanced programming is offset by the fact that three of the six Spanish works were still relegated to the smaller space of the Sala Francisco Nieva. Similarly, in of the six national works that were performed, four utilized the Sala Francisco Nieva. Attempting to bridge this gap between words and actions is the spectacle created by the design of the performance space itself.

These possibilities are due to the series of hydraulic lifts located beneath the principal auditorium that can alter the space and allow for a proscenium configuration with the stage in front or more non-conventional uses of the space. The very engineering of the space is intended to support the relaxing of the fourth wall that has become a hallmark of modern i. The footprint of the building is one of the ways that the architects create this effect.

Their interpretation highlights the permeable quality of the open space and envisions a flow of people from the space of the plaza to the space in front of the theater while in transit to attend a performance. For the architeccts there is a visual exchaange that occurs between the exterior e and interior of th he building. At night, thee people on the street caan see Figure 3. D During the dday this limiinal quality iis seeen in the reflection of th he older builldings of thee plaza in thee dark glass see fig.

During the day, the reflective quality of the dark glass functions like panoptic one-way glass in the interrogation room at a police station see Figure 3. In December of , this disciplining gaze of the city was reinforced by the installation and activation of some forty-eight surveillance cameras in the area Fraile.

They can nnot see insiide, but of coourse can be seen. At nig ght the lesson n shifts. Del abigarrado ambiente multirracial que se vive al oeste [. From the variegated multirracial environment that is found to the West [. This area of about 50 square blocks Ironically, this same set of city blocks has also been characterized by having some of the highest real-estate prices per square meter in the city. In , the price per square meter had risen to 3, Euros for rehabilitated housing units.

Rather, it has always been about real-estate speculation. This document summarizes in less technical language the goals for the Plan General and the steps being taken to implement those goals. In addition, as will be shown, this urban spectacle exists within the production of overlapping and intermeshed geographic scales. This administrative layering of the local and national persists, with the city of Madrid owning the property while the facilities are run by the national cultural infrastructure.

That both the urban planners of the Ayuntamiento and the cultural institutions of the national government participate in the construction and management of this building indicates how official government bodies play a key role in the production of space. Key to this process is the work of urban planning and technocrats to create the conceived space of the city. The modes of production do not merely require the factories of industrialization or the gleaming office towers of the post-industrial landscape to accumulate capital.

There is a need for the social reproduction of values, desires, interests. The production of the urban as social system is a concept that merits further commentary since Lefebvre has contributed so effectively to its development in his monograph The Right to the City [Le droit a la ville]. The urban society created by industrialization results in architectural and demographic transformations, and therefore there exists a series of cultural transformations basically consumer culture that projects across the entire territory whether that be the urban space of Madrid, or the national territory of Spain.

Although Lefebvre wrote in the context of late twentieth-century industrial capitalism, his concept of the urban fabric works in a post-Fordist context as well. The service economy and its correlative consumer culture is one that must produce its own space. Essential to the production of this space is the establishment of a new bureaucratic system of power. This consumer product, the new urban entity, is one that is produced by careful planning and the variety of academic disciplines: Lefebvre tries to articulate the langue and parole which characterize the activities of particular cities as well as particular individuals.

That is, individual cities have a particular way of expressing themselves parole within the general langue that defines all cities. The langue of the city is the urban fabric or abstract space produced by planners and projected over the city. Both in when the Plan was developed and in when this retrospective document was published, the planning establishment in Madrid saw the rehabilitation of urban space in Madrid as a means of integrating the city into the supra-national body of the European Union while positioning it as a leading city in a variety of transnational global networks.

Although we could naively believe that interest in attracting the Olympic Games derives from interest in helping generate the feelings of goodwill associated with this global event, the purpose is obviously more pragmatic. The investment at the local level to rehabilitate Madrid explicitly hopes to expand the global reach of the municipality.

For the city leaders, the Olympic Games would put Madrid onto a global stage by jumpstarting its marketability for investment and tourism. So the increased visibility and infrastructure investment that accompanies the games can be a financial shot in the arm for any municipality. Of course, Spain has already seen these benefits first hand in the results of hosting the games in Barcelona. Behind the utopic platitudes lay an interest in developing a global financial capital and the subsequent economic expansion this would create. Pi-Sunyer provides an interesting analysis of the ways that the interests of the city government, the autonomous government, and the national government clashed over the symbolic use of the games for cultural and nationalistic ends.

With the middle class on the periphery of the city, the city center had lost one of the key features of a consumer society: The physical transformation of the city was to serve as an antidote to socially transform the city. The physical modification of the neighborhood, though discursively articulated in terms of improving the lives of its inhabitants, was merely prepping the neighborhood for real-estate speculation. The very fact that so much money was directed at a national theater building meant to attract spectators from across the city instead of new health centers, social centers, or sports installations that would directly impact the lives of the residents is one illustration of this fact.

The Plan General was a project designed to serve a symbolic significance that would represent a city in process of becoming a global capital; a spectacle that would appeal to the International Olympic Committee as well as international corporations. Though it is not necessarily intentional, it is worth mentioning how the discourse of stagecraft informs this description. This ornate city landscape would revive the visual landscape of the city as a whole. As an example of the success of this program, the Ayuntamiento looks to the rehabilitation work done in the Plaza de la Paja as a result of the Plan General There, in the Madrid de los Austrias, [of the Hapsburgs] se ha intervenido sobre 17 edificios [.

If Baroque architecture functioned as urban spectacle to instruct the spectator on the splendor and power of the sovereign, then the bright colors of the refurbished historic city center communicate the control of urban space by the modern-day municipal sovereign, the Ayuntamiento.

In the case of Madrid this symbolic value is constructed by means of an aesthetic code that attempts to integrate the entire city into one cohesive visual experience. Another way of altering this system of exchange value is through the use of cultural capital. In a post-Fordist context, cities need to compete to attract the new workers of the contemporary service economy. In line with the overall argument of this chapter, institutional sites would play a key role in establishing the city center as a symbolic representation of the whole of the city while also protecting and nurturing its cultural resources.

Via these cultural resources and this symbolic work of the city center, Madrid would increase its image as a global capital and leverage the position of the nation-state of Spain amongst various global financial networks namely the Mediterranean arc and the European-Latin American exchange. But this scalar component of the Plan General and its dependence on cultural resources has another important element. It was also seen as a model for urban change throughout all of Madrid and the entire territory of Spain.

Significantly, this project is not just intended to be a model for communities at other geographic scales, but required the administrative cooperation of bureaucratic entities at various scales. It would then turn towards the Northwest to extend up through the important tourist site of the Rastro neighborhood where the famous Sunday flea market is held, move through the steadily gentrifying neighborhoods of La Latina and the historic neighborhood of Los Austrias [the Hapsburgs] arriving at the Palacio Real.

From the outset, activists a in th he neighborhhood like thhe okupas to be discussedd in th he following g chapter reaacted to plan ns to rehabiliitate the neigghborhood w with suspicioon. The city planners, too, clearly saw the establishment of new cultural facilities as central to the renovation of the neighborhood.

The rehabilitation of the urban environment and the cultural resources of the most emblematic neighborhood of the city would impact the cultural quality of life for the entire city. The neighborhood was a means of leveraging a transformation of the city. Just as important, the classic castizo landscape of the neighborhood was meant to create a refurbished iconic neighborhood for Madrid. Pho oto by author..

A Feestival of Urb ban Tango oof Madrid] toook place ovver two days and saaw booths seelling Argen ntinean empaanadas and oother delicaccies accompaanied by the offering of freee tango lesssons on the Plaza. P In thee evening thee events movved to the neearby n Lara a blocck away for a series of taango music aand dance peerformancess. To some degree, in terms of its financial success and its image Madrid seems to be succeeding. Much of this economic influence is due to the heavy presence of the most strategic service sectors in Madrid.

From the s to the early s Madrid has seen a shift from a scant presence of national financial institutions and banks to the majority of these institutions maintaining a site in the capital. This number grew over the following decades to Now it appears to be the reverse. Now Madrid is the economic capital, the capital of innovation and of the new economy, while the political power has been decentralized] Maragall. Of course since reaching all of these benchmarks as a global financial capital Spain has been one of the countries of the European Union hardest hit by the global financial meltdown of Now Spain, with Madrid as its financial figurehead, finds itself classified with the other PIGS Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain of the European Union whose financial problems threatened to spread the contagion of economic collapse across Europe.

Since its opening the Casa Encendida has been a place for 70 For more on the causes and consequences of the global financial crisis of for the United States, Spain, and the global economy see Stiglitz and de la Dehesa Importantly though, this project is an initiative of the Caja Madrid, one of the largest financial institutions in Spain, and its program of Obra Social [Social Work].

That ironically, in February of , it was the adjacent building around the corner at Amparo that local activists chose to okupar [squat] in order to establish the third manifestation of the Centrol Social Okupado Autogestionado Laboratorio [Self- managed Social Center The Laboratory]. It is this subversive urban spectacle that will be the focus of the following chapter.

Moreover, these rehabilitation efforts were central to plans to remake the image of the capital city and the nation-state of Spain in order to reposition them more favorably in the global circuits of capital. First, that even for resistant discourses of urbanism spectacle is an essential component to the production of space. Secondly, analysis of this resistant urban spectacle reveals articulations amongst various geographic scales—even for the local activists of the Labo 3, the local, the municipal, and the global are overlapping and intertwined.

In contrast to the abstract space central to conceived space, perceived space is not complicit in the productive use of space associated with the dominant modes of production. This phenomenological encounter of the body in space often reproduces the codes of that space, and therefore puts them into practice and hence becomes a spatial practice. Simultaneously, this encounter between the body and social codes offers opportunities for spatial practice to resist the conceived space aligned with capitalist production.

It is precisely this resistant spatial practice that will be the focus of this chapter. The Laboratorio 03 disrupted hegemonic spatial production by creating an urban spectacle fraught with the interpenetration of various scales of spatial practice. G pseuodo-mesttizo elite] G Grupo Surreealista As was w expaine d in Chapterr Three, the activists relyy on th his term cultu ural bunker to describe the t use of cuultural instituutions to bessiege the neighborhood d and lay thee groundwork k for capitall to do its woork gentrifyiing the neighborhood d.

M Photo by b author. Yet these protesters were not interested in just any social center, but rather one that would fill the void left by the eviction of the Laboratorio 03 some two and a half years earlier in July of This connection is made explicit in the distinctive circled lighthing bolt symbol found on the sign see Figures 3.

It is used in all okupa houses in Europe]. The sign pleads to the city to turn over the large vacant industrial space of the tabacalera to 72 The term okupa spelled with the non-standard k as opposed to the standard spelling ocupa or ocupar generally alludes to politically motivated acts of squatting often with the intention of establishing a social center. This contrasts individuals that squat merely in search of housing because of direct economic need and survival. Because of these very specific connotations, the term okupa will not be translated to English since the English term squatting lacks the layer of meaning communicated by the subversive k.

This fact f is capturred most aptlly in the twoo images. As the camera moves across the reflective black glass of the Teatro, the barriers and crushed concrete of a construction site fill the frame. It is this spectacle of resistance that this chapter will explore in more detail. But in order to contemplate the eighteen months during which the Laboratorio 03 existed, it is necessary to move further back in time and situate this spectacle of urban resistance in its historical context.

Therefore, the next section of this chapter will discuss the history of the okupa movement and describe in more detail the Laboratorio Ultimately, this chapter will demonstrate how even the resistant urban spectacle of a centro social autogestionado okupado undermines rigid notions of scale. What is an Okupa? This discussion will help clarify the ideological orientation as well as the practice of that ideology for the social center that is the focus of this chapter.

The ephemeral nature of the ideology makes defining the okupa movement extremely difficult. For this reason, the term okupar has a much more narrow definition and a much more concrete history than that of squatting in general, especially in Spain.

Token Sale !

This is particularly true when the squatters actively make their presence known as will be shown later in the case of the Laboratorios. The spectacle of their presence undermines the vested authority of capital to manage and control urban space, an act that reverberates locally and globally. For this reason the use of squatting in its various manifestations has been utilized as a form of direct-action political resistance throughout Western Europe for some time. As a result, establishing a finite starting point chronologically or geographically for this Social Movement is difficult.

Therefore, of course, the type of politically-motivated squatterism associated with the okupas is not something found only in the Spanish context. Rather, the Spanish manifestation of this direct-action technique has its roots in movements that occurred in various locations across Western Europe. Self-Management, Counter-Culture and Urban Conflicts] provides an informative overview of these influences and pays particular attention to important squatting movements that developed out of the economic turmoil of the post-war period in England, Holland, Germany, and Italy.

In each of these cases the sixties and seventies were seminal periods in the development of squatterism as the economic needs of large swaths of the urban population i. Soule, and Hanspeter Kriesi. Here, self-managed social centers emerged from the government-sponsored community hostels that had been established to accommodate the extensive homeless population of the post-war period. That is, they became sites to establish new spaces of community outside of the dominant discourses on social services offered by the State or the market.

Another important influence on the Spanish okupas was the kraaker movement that took place in Holland during the eighties and nineties. These social centers were so embedded into the urban fabric of some Dutch cities that that in many cases the municipal governments would send homeless people to the collectives so the squatters, relying on their extensive knowledge of the abandoned i.

These techniques for broadening their influence and expanding their visibility through technology would be models that would be replicated in the Spanish context. In Spain, like in the other countries of Western Europe, the first strains of the okupa movement occur in the late s with scattered instances of communal living and 76 In Germany squatters are called besetzers. Graffitis, Grifotas, Okupas These groups were committed to protesting the problems of housing chabolismo or shanty towns , the lack of health centers and green spaces, and the general deterioration of public installations in neighborhoods throughout Spain.

During this time period of the late s and early 80s there appeared with more and more frequency okupaciones in urban centers throughout Spain. In most cases these early strands of the okupa movement transpired in the urban triad of Bilbao, Barcelona, and of course, Madrid. Though established by groups espousing modified versions of traditional political discourses in Spain, these spaces would offer a place for non-institutionalized political discourse to incubate and develop.

These gaztetxes or youth houses were some of the first CSOAs to come onto the Spanish scene that endured more than a few weeks or a few months. After two years of planning, activists established a social center on the Calle Amparo 83 in the offices of an old hydroelectric company. Established by counter-culture punks and groups associated with the CNT, the casas okupadas in these locations did not last long the site at the Calle Argumosa, like the Amparo site, only lasted 13 days Rivero.

Nonetheless, according to the anarchist website nodo During this seminal period in the development of the Spanish okupa movement, what would become locally focused acts of subversion were very much immersed in international ideological currents of resistance. This would continue into the s when the okupa movement in Spain and in Europe in general would begin to lose its scattershot quality and begin to develop a more global sensibility.

The catalyst for this process was a meeting of CSOAs held in Venice that would be highly influential for the Spanish participants. Autonomous battle would assume in Madrid the task of bringing the political project of the social centers to the neighborhoods, to the territory, just as was already occurring in the Basque Country with the gaztetxes. In contrast to the more underground tendencies of the squatter movements in England and Germany, the visible activity of the Italian model and its direct engagement with their territory i.

This period of growth and development can be partially attributed to the social and economic circumstances in which it took place. Characterized by high rates of speculative growth in particular in the real estate market and subsequent financial crisis, this process was accompanied by the broader transformation of the Spanish economy from an industrial one to a more service-oriented one. This results in many youths being left out of work for lack of skills and without access to housing because of the speculative boom in the real estate market.

In a key shift in the legal context coincided with significant growth in the sheer number and quality of the casas okupadas across Spain. The penal code was amended in to make the act of okupar a crime. In the same year, there were forty- two okupaciones and subsequent evictions across Spain. Similarly, the next year in Madrid the eviction of La Guindalera saw people some reports say arrested. The large number of arrests and the sheer size and cultural importance of this social center transformed this eviction into one of the seminal moments in the history of the okupas in Madrid.

Because of this important role in the cultural life of Madrid and the intensity of the confrontation with the authorities during the eviction some people took to the streets to protest the arrests of the okupas from La Guindalera. It was the largest protest associated with a casa okupada in the history of Madrid. As a result, the lack of impunity shown by the authorities, instead of deterring the okupas, emboldened and inspired them. The proceeding social center was appropriately named El Laboratorio, and was the first iteration of what would later become the Laboratorio 03 that is the primary focus of this chapter.

The change in the penal code Figure 4. This is precisely the process that took place in the Laboratorio 03 during its eighteen-month tenure at the Calle Amparo The next act in the drama occurring between the city and the inhabitants of La Guindalera would need an appropriate setting because it would be an act of civil disobedience. If any act of civil disobedience is an active defiance of the law in order to draw attention to injustice, it is implicitly a performance, a spectacle of resistance. The choice of where to locate the next social center, therefore, was the selection of a stage for their spectacle of civil disobedience.

There were several reasons for this, according to Jacobo Rivero. Just as a dramatist considers the symbolic value of the setting for their work, the establishment of a social center relies on a symbolic value. These conditions made it the ideal place to stage the spectacle of okupar because the administrative deficiencies and neglect of the modern gleaming Madrid would be laid bare. In addition to the symbolic location, the okupas hoped that the size of the new site would attract attention. The visibility of the Laboratorio would contribute to its participatory potential and transform the perceived space of the city.

In other documents produced during each of the Laboratorios this tension between various geographic scales is detected. An analysis of these documents reveals discourses of scale and spectacle committed to the production of an alternative urban space that resists capital. These discourses will be discussed in a moment, but it is important to step away from the documents for a moment to emphasize that fundamental to the okupa movement and any struggle over urban space in Spain is a paradox written into the Spanish Constitution of which puts the right to private property in conflict with a more Socialist agenda protecting the right of individuals to have access to decent housing.

The right-to-housing and anti-speculation components of the constitution are one of the key places where the scalar tensions in the discourse of the okupas emerges. This systemic interest is found in the self-definition of okupa provided by this document as well. Thanks are owed to Jacobo Rivero for providing me with access to these materials and the opportunity to photocopy relevant documents. The MLA handbook does not provide standards for informal documents of this sort so I formatted the citations with any relevant information.

This tension between the local reclaiming of urban space and the more diffuse struggle against processes seemingly at work at broader geographic scales is not just a subtle component of the okupa discourse. Each social center is committed to having its own particular collective that makes decisions based on their particular local requirements. This scalar tension is also present in the discourses used to articulate the role of cultural production in the Laboratorios. In particular, a universalist discourse underpins the argument for cultural production.

This pedagogical quality of culture to construct social codes and relations makes okupas in the Laboratorio skeptical of institutionalized cultural production. Culture alters the modes of production and social reproduction by revising the web of relationships among individuals. Servicios de auto consumo: Artistic and craft production: As a vehicle for free expression and the production of a new social order, the social center might transcend the need for a permanent site to occupy.

This scalar paradox becomes most poignant in the case of the Laboratorio 03 because their use of spectacle engages with political struggles at a range of geographic scales while simultaneously incorporating audiences at these respective scales. Much of the previous analysis relied on documents, interviews, and other kinds of textual production related to the Laboratorios in general.

In the following section the analysis will return to the time period most relevant to this project— One of the principal means for analyzing this spectacle is through the images and interviews that appear in the documentary Laboratorio The Laboratorio 03 derived from its two previous manifestations. Here the Laboratorio made a name for itself with concerts and other public events Rivero, Personal Interview.

The idealism and functionality of the Labo 01 April December gave way to a more complicated situation in the Labo 02 January 6, August 28, located in Plaza Cabestreros where the layout of a vacant apartment building compromised some of the more social functions of the Laboratorio. Nonetheless, this second step in the development of the Laboratorio was important because it coincided with the movement to support and protect the rights of immigrants. These groups were able to meet in space provided by the Laboratorio 02, mingle at the communal meals they shared with the community, and generally find connections and organize via the okupado space.

Whhen the old pprinting presss building oon th he Calle Am mparo was okkupado in Feebruary of , the expeeriences of tthe two previous Laboratorios L led to the in nvolvement of o many morre people andd allowed foor the initiatiion of a much wid der range off projects. Th his energy iss complemennted by the ffact that the bu uilding itselff contained many m large spaces s for m meetings, for concerts, foor communall meals, m for theeater perform mances, exerrcise workshhops, etc.

Takeen from Laborratorio In th his way, the Laboratorio functioned nly as a neigh not on hborhood ceenter for the arts and cultture, but onee that was co onnected to cultural prod oss the city. In thee longest tex xt that appearrs in the Chaarlon book thhe writers hiighlight bothh the power of culttural producttion and the expansiveneess of that prroduction. Somos acctores, artisttas, magos y brujas que, afectados poor las transfoormaciones uurbanas y 83 The connectioons between the Laboratorio and the welll-known theateer group El Annimalario will bbe diiscussed in Chaapter Five wheen the play Alej ejandro y Ana iis discussed in detail.

We are actors, artists, magicians, witches, affected by urban and global transformations, we transform our lives] Charlon 3. Through artistic production the confrontation of individual lives and global and local transformations might be mitigated. Fundamental to this transformation is the mere physical presence of resistant bodies in urban space utilizing cooperative living as a means to establish new social codes. It is composed of several short texts, many of which are written anonymously or credited to an individual only by first name. Given that collectivity is such a key value for the okupas of the Laboratorio, I have used only one bibliographic citation and will cite Charlon, who edited the text, as the reference.

As an artifact in and of itself, therefore, one of the key spectacles produced by the Laboratorio 03 is the building itself. This spectacle is emphasized by two key features. The first is illustrated early in the documentary Laboratorio Notably, this event takes place under the cover of night. Though part of this timing is due to the illegality of the activity, it emphasizes the fact that the actual taking of the building is not the important act of okupar.

Rather, it is the being in the place, and then later, the eviction that generate the most spectacular responses. One of the very first acts that the okupas do as they enter the building is spray paint the okupa symbol of the encircled lightning bolt onto the front of the building. There is no hiding the Laboratorio 03 because this act of civil disobedience, as Jacobo Rivero pointed out, is intended to be extremely visible. That was the first big thing that we did] Laboratorio One important form of cultural production that occurred in the Laboratorio 03 pertained to theatrical performance.

But the Laboratorio served a more basic purpose for theatrical production as well. Therefore, the theater became one of the ways that the Laboratorio 03 connects with the cultural currents across the city as a whole and provided an outlet for artists throughout the municipality. That the Laboratorio 03 filled this role for the broader theater community across the city suggests that it filled a void for these groups. Significantly, in the midst of these more city-wide connections there were also important local connections as well.

Screen n shot frrom Laboratorio That is, the spectacle of the Laboratorio, through its neighborhood links, converted the streets of the neighborhood into the stage for its resistant spectacle. The selection of nighttime adds as somber air to the proceedings as does the torch light used to illuminate the performance. This performance echoes other uses of street theater as a means of protest.