
The Fall of the Alphas: The New Beta Way to Connect, Collaborate, Influence---and Lead

The truth is that both alpha and beta work cultures have always existed and both will likely continue to exist. Perhaps beta will be the norm for millennials, but it seems like the pendulum will swing back to alpha at some point. Aug 15, Austin Storm rated it liked it. I received an ARC of this book. I need to come back and review this one in more detail - I took my time and made a lot of notes on the Kindle.

I'm extremely sympathetic to the author's goals. She wants to see hierarchical, command-and-control, top down organizational structures replaced with collaborative, flatter organizations. She also wants people to be able to choose career paths that match their gifts, instead of having to pursue advance Youtube review: She also wants people to be able to choose career paths that match their gifts, instead of having to pursue advancement beyond one's abilities or ambitions.

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That's the good part. The bad part is that every business book, every sociology, history, economics book - every popular nonfiction book - has to have a dramatic and expansive metanarrative that changes the way we view the whole world. It's not enough to talk about one's own discipline. This works if you're particularly erudite, or even just idiosyncratic and esoteric. Basically, if your thesis is a ready-made TED talk. But many legitimate and interesting theses aren't well served by the rhetorical fancy-pants treatment, and this is one of them. For instance, even if I shared the author's cosmology I would not find her stories of a time in evolutionary prehistory when gender relations were radically egalitarian plausible.

Her suggestion that the Allies prevailed over the Axis because the fascist Axis were 'hopelessly Alpha' as opposed to the more Allies, who showed more 'beta' spirit in things like Rosie the Riveter is naive at best. I also wonder if the phenomenon of flatter corporate structure is a function of size. The case study of two fiction corporations - one Alpha and one Beta - that opens the book seems like a contrast of a large corporation and a mid-sized one. No where in the book are the challenges of realizing a Beta culture across a large corporation addressed - the principles seem to work better in a single division of a large company.

Google still has an innovation culture, but it seems to be less democratic. In fact, they look to be borrowing a page from Jack Welch!

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Also, there's been significant discussion recently about whether the lavish benefits offered by tech companies like Facebook and Google are helpful to employees, or whether they represent an overweening paternalism. The Fall of the Alphas praises such benefits without question. Not only did the book not cover some significant questions I had, there were points where it lapsed into the patois of the corporate consulting world.

In the end, I was very impressed by the author and the goal of the book. It's a worthy one, worth striving for. Aug 14, SoonGuan rated it liked it. Nonetheless, still an enjoyable read. Jan 25, Allisonperkel rated it liked it Shelves: Or maybe I should say the beta path, as described by Mrs. Ardi, is how I tend to operate. Jun 23, Jonathan Sullivan rated it it was amazing. Great book with a realistic look at how the new generation of business men and women should operate today. I will save this and reference it as necessary throughout my career.

Mark rated it really liked it Dec 05, Christina rated it liked it Jun 06, Nikolay Theosom rated it really liked it Apr 12, Israel Derdik rated it it was ok Nov 01, Kathy Kerpan rated it liked it Feb 09, Lewis Hotchkiss rated it really liked it Oct 16, Paul rated it really liked it Mar 05, Cockrell rated it liked it Jan 15, John Alexander rated it liked it Nov 23, Marylee Raymond rated it really liked it Mar 12, You Need a Leader--Now What? Turning the Pyramid Upside Down. Sustainable Finance For The Poor.

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    The Fall of the Alphas by Dana Ardi

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