
Galactic Wave

It was just like in Star Trek. My thoughts and consciousness changed immediately and I felt the biggest rush of benevolent power and Love! I calmed down and the energy slowly dissipated.

I was still filled with so much excitement! Then a second wave hit and I started to turn into light again. It was so beautiful and powerful! I remember different people testing out their new abilities inside some indoor location by doing some majorly difficult physical actions like gliding across the floor close to one another then quickly shifting positions upside down and gliding another direction.

Droom over de Galactische Golf van Liefde Aquarius. I wrote about it on my blog somewhere! There are about people. I only got to feel it for a split second because any longer and I would not have wanted to leave the dream! I think the event will be the culmination of that path though.

I invite you to read about me. Like Liked by 1 person. This was what Cobra replied. The Light Forces can do only a certain amount of disclosure without triggering? There is a special computer virus in main frame computers of all major news agencies which will be released. Suddenly the mass media will be flooded with disclosure and nobody will be able to stop that. Cobra has suggested that we would know that The Event is not so far away when these developments started to speed up. That military confrontation is possible just before the Event and if it happens it will be brief, spectacular, limited in its scope and will be resolved in a complete defeat of the Chimera.

When these developments speed up they will certainly frighten people. But these events will not last many days and when they are over there will be an enormous sense of relief. Then the many Events that Comprise The Event will begin. The unified Light Grid surrounding Gaia is growing stronger day by day. True Lightworkers are uniting now beyond seeming differences worldwide. There is now an acceptance that although we have different areas of focus each unique Lightworker plays an important role in the weaving of the Web of Light growing ever lighter.

By listening to and following our Higher Self now we can all trust fate at this time to unite us with others that will benefit the whole. The importance of uniting for important meditations like the major one coming on August 21 st cannot be overly exaggerated. Remember what happened at the time of the Etheric Liberation Meditation in February? Our meditation on Sunday was the turning point in the decisive battle for the energy grid of planet Earth that is taking place between January and April , and one of the biggest victories of the Light.

It is estimated that our meditation has cut the remaining waiting time towards the Event by half. The critical mass has been more than reached.

  • The Event Flash — The Galactic Wave of Love.
  • .

Somewhere between 1 and 2 million people were informed about the meditation with around , to , people actually participating. There were so many people meditating that the server for one of the main websites for the meditation crashed because too many people tried to connect and join the meditation….


At the moment of the activation, a huge wave of positive plasma swept throughout the solar system and then through the ionosphere, causing the Schumann resonances to explode…. Also, all plasma toplet bombs beyond the Moon orbit have been removed. So now you have the bigger picture and can truly understand the importance of the meditation on August 21 st.

They are so simple and uncomplicated that a small child can learn them with a few readings. On August 21 st hundreds of thousands of people will be meditating simultaneously focusing on the goal of liberation. From that space of union with your Divine Authority continue to prioritize unity with every important relationship in your life. It is vital at this time that we use our energy for the most important things. My guides suggest that many hundreds of thousands of people worldwide have contributed in some way to this new Light Grid on Gaia.

Harmonious times are approaching at the speed of Love. We know that the Yaldabaoth entity and the Black Stone are in a process of dissolution that is ongoing. A process of dehadronization of the Black Stone has begun. When this cobra guy writes "Breakthrough is near'' it makes normal people to throw up. For more then a two years Cobra is like ''event is close'' and ''breakthrough is near'' and it is so irritating for normal people here so they leave this site.

This whole thing is very sad, there is so much weird people here on comment section. They are not lightworkers, they are event junkies.

Barak - La Tierra Canta (Galactic Wave Remix)

I'm not an event junkie.. But is this true. Has this really been going on for years. And you have seen no results???

Galactic Wave

This whole process is making me feel free.. Sad to hear this.. These are windows of opportunity I have no problem with Cobra saying the event is near two or even more years out from the event. Look at human history One of my biggest motivations for the event is to see all the people I love find relief from the madness of human existence. I have a wonderful life. I have been doing the work for a long time and will continue to break down internal boundaries as long as they exist.

I am not dependent on the event to be in joy and celebration of life. I want to see everyone I know have the opportunity to experience their own liberation from what I clearly see as unnecessary patterns of suffering. The reason I am interested in this post in particular is because Cobra is very careful not to post information that has specific time-frames in it. This post seems to be saying that around the end of this year we will be seeing the total dissolution of the dark grid.

I find Cobras info to be much more accurate than you I understand that many people experience fatigue in focusing on planetary liberation, but it is clear to me that humanity is waking up, and our liberation is inevitable at this point. The event will just be a sudden expedition of that inevitability IMO.

This is the best possible scenario and I consciously allow myself to be open to the possibility of the event happening. Even if it doesn't happen as described and we continue as we have been at a slower pace toward liberation then my holding the possibility of full liberation now is still helpful in that I am a creator Granted if I am just holding the "need" for the event out of desperation then that is what I would be creating, but I an not an event junky as you so labeled those who are in "need" of the event.

If the event hasn't happened in years I probably wont still be logging onto portal, but I will still being doing my own internal liberation work, and will still be holding my highest perspective I am part of the cure for that madness. From my highest perspective Cobra sounds and feels like he has the highest perspective of anyone I've encountered in dealing with what the hell is actually going on on planet earth.

I am grateful for his perspective, and for this post in particular I think it's an expression of "fear of death". I'll admit I've partaken. As far as timelines and Cobra's intel: A couple years isn't that long. Looking back, it's taken me years to change, I'm glad they started early. I think Cobra is learning new things or getting new intel all the time.

That's why the story changes every week. Martin Right on, I concur! Should we sit and wait for that? The Breakthrough IS Near. How near depends on us. See also my comment above Re: This brings tears to my eyes and touches my heart. When things have been difficult, i have been telling my husband, we have something very powerful that they dont understand and what we have is love.

A Galactic Wave of Divine Light is Approaching Us

Love i and light to each of you, blessings to each of you in RM, blessings to Cobra and Rob, you all touch my heart so deeply. After a three-month investigation, reporter Tara Brown confronted the fraudulent wellness guru in a tense interview. I was inspired by this post from Cobra. So much so, that I wrote an article as a supplement to this as well as my comment above.

It may not be perfect, but I wanted to keep the momentum going. Thank you Cobra for the uplifting and encouraging update! Especially, thank you to all the Light Forces for protecting our little blue planet! Victory of the Light!! Dont know what happen to this planet, and our culture, future it made me uneasy. But now i feel good. It's funny how Cobra mentions a Octopus type entity enveloping the planet because it reminds me of that Spongebob Squarepants episode where Spongebob dresses as a superhero to fight evil.

Does this energy make people who are already having health issues feel much worse? From what I see with people it seems business as usual, so be good when really tangible signs of positive change hit society, at the moment the bad news still spews out Jedi Thor Pearls Of Wisdom: The closest distance to habitation in the Goldilocks zone is 70 times 7. Thank you, Cobra, for this exciting news!

I am ready for change. I am ready for love. I am ready to help. Peace and Blessings to All, through the Waves of Change! I know for a fact those love rays are beaming down from the sky. In the last two weeks I've halved my consumption of nicotine, antidepressants, and cannabis. I've been on those for years.

Especially medication that fast? I've tried before and it turned out nothing like this. I bet if the waves were increased x it would cause the Event. If I should help with awakening are there any good links to some simple information? I remember I shared a link to the article about bases on mars and moon. And also a year ago about the event. There is a lot written about that -- you can take a look at David Wilcock's "Financial Tyranny' piece www.

She gave a talk in late June or early July thereabouts about this very subject and it's on Youtube. The financial system is a good place to start because everybody is concerned about money and nearly everybody has a feeling TV watchers get into this show A friend who I thought was very asleep very recently started talking at a dinner party about how he had figured out that Lee Harvey Oswald was a patsy in the JFK assassination and he wanted to tell everybody at the dinner party about this. I was quite surprised and thought -- hmm -- people are waking up!!

Energy is increasing and ears and eyes are opening Are financial fraud and market manipulations actually mechanisms for financing the black budget and centralized governance necessitated by high-tech secrecy? Catherine Austin Fitts Produced by: English Presentation UFO technology: This has significant implications for the ownership and design of manufacturing and energy infrastructure on planet earth.

To the extent that the US taxpayer has financed this technology or its reverse-engineering why should private corporations own it on a secret basis? The financial fortunes and geopolitical power involved are significant. We are all, in a sense, investigators of our world. And while we, as individuals or as Globalbem, may not agree with everything presented on this video, we fully support freedom of thought and speech as well as the Quest for truth.

We are a non-profit organization of volunteers and thus each member or any other person involved in any way, have to take responsibility for their own statements, acts and beliefs. According to the Akashic Records the wave will begin mid August, peak in September and close in mid October. Look for it because "our 12 strand DNA system will be added unto. A new chrome ray and chakra between the heart and solar will be accessed" as "the opportunity will be offered to walk through the veil.

Sad to hear this Every time this Cobra guy is putting some new text here in the end he always writes "Breakthrough is near" or something like that.

I cannot believe that nobody is reacting to that. Why is it like that? Because of the people here. If Cobra would put new text tomorow and said "It' over, event will happen in next 30 days" there would be new coments like this "Yeah man, victory to the light, we got it, it's over". They are not lightworkers. The whole thing is so weird and I don't like it. Sometimes I feel the same way as you do and have some questions about Cobra and everything that is going on. There was a post in that said that the event would happen in any time, what happened?

In the post "Free the Colonies! Final Update" Cobra wrote: The Breakthrough for our Solar System is here, Earth comes next! Now, waiting for these galactic wave. Beautiful post, wonderful news, reminds me of the Love Surf Experience: Remnants of Chimera Ra.

Unity – Unity – Unity

You are requesting leniency? Forgive yourselves, lean on each other and us. Santa is coming and it's very likely NOT who you expect it to be. I can feel the wave of love already too More compassion all around me I read a lot of frustration, or confusion, or lack of direction in your comments. Have you been making real changes in your real life? If not, then it's time to start doing so. Here are the key words: It will be painful! But these instructions will resonate in your heart and you will know what to do. But No More Secrets.

Love and light will soon be here There's no need to fight, there's no need to fear Raise you glass and let me hear you cheer The Victory of the Light is very, very near Yes, the Victory of the Light is very, very near! DolfinGirl This is awesome news! I am sure the Cintamani stones will help with these incoming increasing energies. I am grateful as I have had the honor to be able to get a Cintamani stone.

My mission must involve this stone, to my surprise! The energies are so mystical and ancient-deep energies from another dimension really. The energies are really indescribable! I continue to be in awe and curious about these very ancient energies. I am so thankful that I can connect with these amazing energies and use them for our Victory!

I've been overly depressed lately Everything seems meh and uninteresting. I've closed the doors to my shop because of the capital controls in place out here and because my suppliers are also out of raw materials and "closed until further notice". Money is non-existent and everything I've been trying to side step this shit to bring in some much needed cash to survive has fizzled into nothing. I've been trying to work on my breathing and meditations, but there's just so much tugging at me, it's next to impossible to quiet my mind. This wave can't come fast enough It's a big chess game, and unfortunately, you are the pawns.

Hang in there, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and we want you here to celebrate when the tides turn the other way, my friend. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Dream About The Galactic Wave of Love |

I echo what Phoenix is saying. My heart goes out to you and the Greek people. You will emerge from this a terrific nation and I hope I can come visit beautiful Greece some day. Surround yourself with white light and the energy of love. Visualize a wonderful future for yourselves every day. Peace and love to you and your family. Saturday night was amazing I was talking to my family about the light and our galactic family.

I closed my eyes and asked for help, and not 5mins later a lightship streaks across the sky. Everyone saw it and stared back at me in disbelief, I just smiled. Thank you Cobra for all your work. Dear Source, I'm ready for a wave, I'll be brave. I'll do my best to help all the rest. Please send it soon, because we need it. Do send the Event flash. They are killing the doctors in Florida after the doctors found some secrets about the vaccinations, read the articles at the following links and spread far and wide: I wonder why they go after local doctors instead of the big guys like Leonard Horowitz.

Wonder if this is Florida Jeb-Bush connected, too. For years I could not bake bread. I wanted to, I would try different times. I got old enough to like myself, love myself. I tried sending love to the yeast as i was making bread and the bread was wonderful! Send love to your food, coffee etc and it tastes wonderful! Love brings more love. Love brings love on a small scale or a huge scale. Blame does nothing but create the opposite. It is truly all about love and that is the ultimate thing we have. If you want the event faster focus on love, happiness and creating that for yourself and others!

We have a million distractions but love is more powerful than any of them. Since I was child my mother taught me to say words "God to bless" before I started to do things - planting plant, cooking, working, everything. I always felt it does matter. I wonder if sending love does exact same. I am happy Very happy