
Spoken For: Embracing Who You Are and Whose You Are

You are… wanted, pursued, loved, called, of great value, a peculiar treasure, set free, covered, promised, and spoken for. Each chapter includes questions that can be discussed in a group or considered individually. My favorite thing about this book was that it is written in such a conversational style that I walked away from every page feeling known and loved. The authors did a great job with this. Life and faith, for all of us, is a constant path of learning and growth and I felt this book emphasized that so well.

Though this book is written for young women [maybe ages 13 and up, approximately? The easy-to-read, more simplistic format of this book is a welcome change to some books in the Christian living genre, without downgrading the Biblical validity of the book. I highly suggest you check it out when it is released on April 15th!

I highly recommend this book to youth leaders and parents of teens as well. However, I was not required to write a positive review. The thoughts expressed above are entirely my own. A great romance was set in motion before you were born. Dr About this book: I honestly wanted to quote all of it! The wisdom is this book is amazing! If you asked ten Christians how they came to know Christ, they would have different stories as well. God treats us as individuals. He knows what makes our hearts sing.

Spoken For Quotes by Robin Jones Gunn

He knows our love language. He desires for us to rise up and leave all other pursuers. He wants us to be His alone, knowing that one day He will return when all is ready for the wedding. He will call to us to come away and be with Him forever. Until that day, we can live with unwavering confidence, knowing that we are promise to Him. We are spoken for. It does not mean I recommend all the books by this author. Apr 28, Jalynn Patterson rated it it was amazing. Drawing About the Book: Her frequent speaking engagements have taken her around the globe.

"Be Bold" (Spoken Word)

Robin and her husband live in Hawaii and have a grown son and daughter. Twenty-six-year-old Alyssa Joy Bethke is a popular blogger and a newlywed. Alyssa lives in the Pacific Northwest with Jeff and their yellow lab, Aslan, and enjoys reading, hiking, paddleboarding, and, of course, coffee. We are God's children--we belong to Him, that was His intent and purpose for creating us. How anyone could walk away and not want Him to be the center of their life, is beyond my comprehension. Spoken For, addresses this and so much more. But for some reason we constantly over and over again tend to go our own way all the while knowing that we shouldn't.

Through their different experiences, the authors show us Biblically how we are to be open to the pursuit of our God but also how we should pursue Him as well. Choosing to follow God's will for our lives is just that--a choice. It is a choice that we should always keep at the forefront of everything we do in our lives. After each chapter of loving, Christ centered commentary, there are questions to keep you deep in the thought of strengthening your relationship with God. Built on Biblical principles and sound in site, Spoken For will remind you of who you belong to and your purpose for being His.

Jul 31, Jaime added it Shelves: I've been a long time fan of Robin Jones Gunn. I read all the Christy Miller books, Sierra Jensen books, and Katie Weldon books I am still waiting to read her new stories with these beloved forever friends. But after initially reading the back cover, thinking about the whole "christian living" idea, I did have my doubts.

I mean, another self-help book, yeah? Something filled with encouraging words that sound nice but don't always ring true in real life situations. We've all read those. But I was wrong. Each chapter focuses on one central truth beginning with "You are," which all lead up to the final and most important idea "You are Spoken For. Overall, it did not disappoint.

See a Problem?

Gunn and Bethke give personal life experiences about God, relationships, and romance. They offer Bible passages to support their central truths for questions. They add in quotes and ideas from other people, most of recognizable names. They come across with a friendly, conversational tone as if they are your friend sharing their story with you. I find their stories and words powerful, especially for young girls. These central truths are important for people to be reminded of in the ups and downs of life. They are something every person, girl or boy, young and old, should keep hidden in their hearts.

While most the stories were romance related, girl-oriented, and clearly aimed for teenagers, I can see others enjoying what they have to say about God's love and promises. Yes, there will be people who will read and roll their eyes, thinking its frivolous. Maybe this book isn't for everyone.

Maybe not everybody can relate or care to relate. Maybe it's too mushy and romance-driven. But I still think the central truths are important to remember. And even though it's young women-oriented, I can see it being adapted to fit for young men they need to know these truths also. Overall, I think this book is something people need to be reminded of. I myself needed it as I read.

I hope to share this book with other young ladies around me so they too may know that they are loved, cherished, and well, spoken for! Yes, that was cheesy. Jun 03, Becky rated it it was amazing. This relatively short, easy to read book is small, but it is full of big ideas concerning our worth, importance and value to God. This volume compares our relationship with God to that of a beloved bride who is cherished by her husband.

The book is written by two women, who give their perspectives and experiences in relationships. Robin has been married many decades, while Alyssa is a newlywed. They share situations in relationships that were bad, as well as, wonderful ones. They tell of their experiences with God, and His pursuit of them—and us all. The two describe how wonderful relationships can be when God is included. The authors state that bad relationships can cause our self-worth to plummet. Those negative feelings can live on, even into good relationships with someone else.

We need to understand that all of us are highly valued; God adores each one of us. Many scriptures are given that show the deep love, and high regard God has for us all. I really enjoyed this book, and it is very readable. There are questions at the end of each chapter that cause you to think more about the subjects covered.

The true stories were very interesting, and brought home the points the authors were making. Ultimately, we need to get our self-worth from God, and not from those around us. This book will help the reader understand that God loves us deeply. He wants to have an awesome love story with each one of us, and be a part of all our relationships. If anyone has ever felt bad about themselves, or disappointed in a relationship, I recommend they read this 5-star book.

All opinions expressed are my own, and I have not been compensated in any other manner. Mar 11, Grace rated it really liked it. While reading this book, I came to understand that God is constantly drawing us to him, because he loves us so much. The book is an extremely easy read. Each chapter generally starts with them taking turns telling part of their own love stories dating, engagement, wedding day and then relates that to how God loves us with a few Scripture verses.

I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for this review. Apr 02, Taylor rated it it was amazing. Spoken For is a beautiful and poignant book that women in all walks and ages of life should read. It's a wonderful book that is backed up with Biblical truth, personal stories from the authors, and great ending chapter questions to help the readers for personal reflection and great material for quiet times with the Lord. When you read this, get ready for the moving experience that lays out the firm foundation of embracing who you are and whose you are.

Being a single lady, I was slightly apprehe Spoken For is a beautiful and poignant book that women in all walks and ages of life should read. Being a single lady, I was slightly apprehensive to reading this book due to a personal reason. Truth being told, I really didn't want to read a book that told me that being single meant God was "saving me for the special one" or "you're the precious diamond and He's preparing you.

This book however did not do that. And I am so grateful for that. This book doesn't focus on a relationship with another man that could be our husband. Instead, it focuses on the relationship with the perfect Lover. The Lover of our Soul. He wanted me, so He died for me, and because of that the distance between us is shortened to a personal relationship. I just loved this book. It wasn't too long but it wasn't too short.

Each chapter was carefully laid out with a perfect opening beginning to prepare the reader for the content, then from there both Robyn and Alyssa would give a flashback from their lives where God was working and showing them this truth. The truth of what God says and believes of us as His children. I could relate a lot more to Alyssa's stories, but Robyn's were just as powerful and meaningful to read.

I zoomed through this book and just wanted to keep going. Would love for these two to collaborate more together with books for women with different topics that remind us of who God says we are and what we are with Him. You should say Yes to Spoken For. May 11, Dawn rated it it was amazing Shelves: Those who know me, know it'll take a lot to get me to read nonfiction. But when a nonfiction book by one of my all time favorite authors Robin Jones Gunn pops up, I"m more apt to read it than to not read it.

In this book, the authors make the reader feel as if you're right there with them sipping tea and chatting. I felt that I was able to really see their hearts. I didn't feel that this book was textbook like in it's writing, but an actual conversation with the authors. I also loved the way that they pointed out that Someone wants you the reader.

  • Spoken For: Embracing Who You Are and Whose You Are by Robin Jones Gunn.
  • Spoken For: Embracing Who You Are and Whose You Are - MTL Magazine.
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I have made a copy of the various Scriptures for my journal for further reflection and study. They may not have set out to do this, but I found it happening and I"m glad that they did, I found myself wanting and even longing to spend more time in God's Word, really getting to know Him so much more than before. Anyway, as someone who doesn't read nonfiction, I really enjoyed this book.

  • Spoken For: Embracing Who You Are and Whose You Are.
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I plan on loaning it to a friend, but I'll want it back. I received this book for free from Blogging for Books for the purpose of reviewing. My thoughts and opinions are my own. May 19, Katherine rated it liked it. I gave this book another chance this weekend and it was amazing! I think this book is really meant for a particular time on a person's life. If they are not in the right place in their life to obtain knowledge from this book then they will feel as I did when I originally wrote this review but now I took what I needed from it and enjoyed their stories.

I was very excited to read this book. Ever since I heard that Jefferson Bethke's wife was co-authoring a book; I could not wait to get my hands on it. However, As I started reading and getting more into the book, I was slightly regretting this want. Spoken For is an intertwining story of Robin's and Alyssa's lives and how they accepted who they are and who they actually belong to. This book includes stories from both ladies about how love and God were in their lives and how much of an influence both of these aspects were to them. However, while I was reading I kept hearing the same message over and over again.

I do not know whether to take this as a sign of acknowledgement that the authors were very through in their messaging or lack of ways in which to entice the reader. I really wanted to enjoy this book but I did not feel a strong pull to finish reading it after something pages. I felt as if the point of the story was told in the first 20 pages and was just being continually being beat to a pulp.

I understand that the authors were recounting their love stories and wanting to relate them to God pursing them and God wanting them to love Him more through their lives but having put it through the ringer so many times bored me. I see how this can possibly be a very relatable book and how girls and women of all ages could gain great insight and knowledge from these amazing Christian women nevertheless I do not see the story and message very effective in this methodology. May 08, Cindy Navarro rated it really liked it.

Spoken For speaks to all who have ever known the pain of rejection from someone they loved or feel that not even God loves them. Chances are, this includes all who will be reading this. Robin and Alyssa share painful break-ups in their own lives with the grieving process and their eventual healing. This includes anecdotes from falling in love with the men they married and the assurance that God has a better plan if we rely on Him. But, more than just stories of human courtship and love, they shar Spoken For speaks to all who have ever known the pain of rejection from someone they loved or feel that not even God loves them.

But, more than just stories of human courtship and love, they share the love God has for us. Through stories and the discussion questions, the reader is shown that God wants to pursue her in a relationship that makes her feel treasured and loved beyond measure. An Epic Love Story — Yours 2. You Are Wanted 3. You Are Pursued 4. You Are Loved 5. You Have Been Called 6. You Are of Great Value 7.

You Are a Peculiar Treasure 8. You Are Set Free 9. You Are Covered You Are Promised You Are Spoken For Maybe because of my age, my favorite part was not in the romantic love stories. There was a story Robin told about a young girl who came to her house, upset because her parents refused to let her see a move that all her friends were going to see. Using 2 Timothy 2: That reminder made more of an impact on me when considering Christ as the Bridegroom and me as part of the Church as the waiting Bride.

Really good book and I did enjoy it and found truths and reminders I need often that God loves me and is pursuing me. While it did not always capture my full attention, I would definitely recommend it for high schoolers and college-aged women. Naturally, older women can get a lot out of it too, but I found it more suitable for a younger age. I received this book for free from "Blogging for Books" for my honest review. May 30, Heather King rated it liked it. Robin Jones Gunn and Alyssa Joy Bethke have tapped into one of the great needs in the heart of most womento be loved.

They've written this book, Spoken For, all about the divine romance, the way God loves us, pursues us, and calls us His own. I read it in a quick afternoon. Each chapter generally starts with them taking turns telling part of their own love stories dating, engagement, wedding day and then relates that to how God loves us with a few Scriptur Robin Jones Gunn and Alyssa Joy Bethke have tapped into one of the great needs in the heart of most womento be loved.

They conclude each chapter with about five questions for further discussion. This is not a Bible study. The discussions stay fairly superficial and while it may work well for a book club, I wouldn't choose to use it for my next women's Bible study book. It would be a great fit however, for a high school or college small group for women or even for women who haven't been Christians long and need to discover their identity in Christ.

Spoken For Quotes

The book is also a sweet encouragement of our position in Christ for any Christian woman who struggles with feeling unloved. I'm not a particularly emotional, romance-loving, wedding-show-watching woman. I don't care for most 'chick flicks' and didn't start planning my wedding in high school. I didn't dream about 'the perfect proposal' and I don't read romance novels or watch the Hallmark channel. If you do, you'll love this book! But it kind of emphasized emotions and tendencies that just aren't me. That isn't at all meant to take away from this book's best audience or purpose.

As a straightforward encouragement that God loves you, this book is lovelysimple and sweet and true. I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. Apr 12, A. Cuddy rated it it was amazing. What can I say about this book by Oh My! Reading the truths written in this book was a soothing balm for my heart. They bring their stories through nearly a dozen chapters all declaring that we are: He is your Bridegroom and He loves you, He is seeking and pursuing you.

Read this book to see what happens with you respond to the invitation of the true Bridegroom and step into the center of an epic love story — yours. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. Mar 16, Sarah rated it it was amazing. Robin Jones Gunn is my favorite author. She has written a number of books and I just love all of them. She recently has been working on a new book with a popular blogger and newlywed, Alyssa Bethke.

The two of them have written a pretty great book! I can't wait for you to get your own copy and dive into the pages yourself! The book is told from both Robin and Alyssa's point of view. The reader goes back and forth betw Robin Jones Gunn is my favorite author. The reader goes back and forth between both women, but don't worry, it's pretty easy to understand and pick up who is saying what. The main purpose of this book is to tell women that they are deeply loved by God. It's easy in our society to be rejected, to find our self worth in all the wrong things, to get wrapped up in the things that really don't matter without us ever realizing we are evening doing it.

We can easily become consumed by jobs and achievements hoping they will define us or somehow fill the empty hole, but truly only one wants to fill the gap. God is pursuing us. We are not up for grabs. We are not disposable. We are made in his image. We are precious to him. I really just love the premise of this book. It's soul lifting, spirit rejuvenating and each chapter you walk away feeling like you were created uniquely. They tell me how they look to the characters in the novels as their role models, since they have so few real life examples to help them feel comfortable and confident with the way God made them.

Alyssa Joy Bethke, my co-author of Spoken For, was one of these teen girls. She grew up reading Christy Miller books and struggled with her identity. We met in an unexpected way almost five years ago when my husband and I were visiting friends on Maui. Alyssa was serving as a youth intern at a large church, and when we walked into the office, Alyssa recognized me.

She tearfully told me how God had used the Christy Miller books in her life, and soon we were both crying and laughing at how sweet it was that the Lord arranged for us to meet before heaven. We snapped a photo, hugged and said good-bye, never expecting to see each other again. Two months later, my husband and I were living on Maui. That was definitely unexpected! Alyssa helped us move in, and we started spending time together. We talked about the importance of understanding the price Christ paid to set us free and what it looked like to live inside that freedom.

Alyssa and I continued to share lots of treasured conversations, and a natural mentoring relationship developed between us. When her internship ended, Alyssa returned to Seattle and hoped to work on writing some Bible study material for teen girls.