
Look Up, My Soul: The Divine Promise of Hope

I was a little taken aback by the response. An unusual number of people came up afterward to express how much they needed that topic right now and how relevant it was to what they or people close to them were going through. I decided to look into it further to see if there was enough to sustain a book. Also includes "Calling America," a stirring original track written by Alex after making the decision to become an American citizen. Music of Rejoicing," which song by song declares a message of exuberant praise and celebration. The music of many well-known artists, including John Williams, John Rutter and Gioachino Rossini, add to accomplish the title and concurrent mission of the CD, to rejoice.

Featuring songs never before recorded by the Choir, as well as familiar favorites, this divinely inspired album will remind you of the Savior's redeeming love and His role in the plan of salvation. And the last one composed was an effort of three people who ended up having time the night before the last day of recording. It was also No. Also, two days after the album's Oct.

Hilary Weeks' 'Every Step' is making big strides. This time Whitney, Brooke and Soni bring you a mix of well-known inspirational music together with original songs that highlight the true talent of this singing sisterhood. Charged with the difficult challenge of bringing school spirit back to Skyline, Lewis teams up with his two odd-ball friends to change the school forever.

And they have the perfect way to do it: As Lewis and his friends scrounge up the perfect group of misfits to join the revolution, Ms. Zarolla, coach of the school's award-winning all-girl drill team, vows to bring the Unitards to an end before they embarrass her and ruin the school's reputation. As she makes plans to hijack the newly formed dance team, the Unitards make their own plans to take over the school once and for all.

Utah-produced movie 'Unitards' is a tribute to 'great kids'. New movie '17 Miracles' highlights handcart miracles. After the grieving sheriff buries his only child, he learns that Jean Baptiste, an impoverished French immigrant, has been robbing the graves of the recently deceased. This compelling documentary tells Alex's story of poverty and homelessness, his conversion to the LDS Church, the power of music in his life, and the path that led him to being one of the most dynamic and influential members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and an award-winning solo recording artist.

This tremendously popular online series is now available on DVD, giving you handy access to video tidbits that will enhance any setting, from family night to missionary moments to personal study.

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His talks planted the seeds of testimony in the hearts of thousands of Latter-day Saints, and deepened the testimonies of countless listeners. Now, for the first time, seven of his classic talks, most of which have been unavailable for many years, are gathered in one convenient CD collection. Your love of the gospel and for the Savior will be nurtured as you listen to the following talks from this beloved scholar and teacher. The collection includes the following: As he mulls it over, probing the theft of an expensive roping horse seems much more interesting than the mundane pleasures of sun, surf, and dinners alone.

If we have claim on our Heavenly Father for anything, it is for knowledge on this important subject. Christ chose to become like us so that, through His grace, we can choose to become like Him. It's a lofty goal and a long and difficult process. When we get discouraged, it is easy to feel like giving up. But we can find renewed motivation when we feel God's love and power. It will be worth it—not because we are earning a treasure in heaven, but because we are learning to treasure heavenly things.

Deseret News Church News Subscribe. When we have hope we are humble and prayerful and make it a priority to know Him — through scripture study and prayer. We each have trials. We are here to be tested, but we are here to have joy. We choose hope and it comes from Him and through Him. I am happier and more hopeful after reading this book. I'm grateful for the chance to remember and consider again the blessings I have been given. There is much to do, but I can be better and have hope for today and the future because of Him. Here are a few of my favorite quotes: And the promise is, if we do, our burdens can be removed or lightened, or we can be strengthened so we can bear them successfully.

Hope is the antidote for despair. It may not solve the problem, or immediately remove the burden, but it can buoy us up and give us the strength and courage we need to go on p. Ashton said, "Real charity is not something you give away; it is something that you acquire and make a part of yourself. And when the virtue of charity becomes implanted in your heart, you are never the same again p. Working like satellites in the sky, faith, hope, and charity help us chart our spiritual position, determine our speed and direction, and indicate how much distance there is between us and our final destination.

We might even say we can use faith, hope, and charity to measure our 'elevation' — i. I'll just have to reinforce the bridge p. I can choose to live in hope, or I can be swallowed up in despair. I choose hope that others mean well even when they make insensitive remarks. I choose hope that what I have learned can strengthen others. It is not a one-time choice. I have to choose it over and over again….

I choose to believe the words of the Lord through His prophets, 'I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. I also know that I must continually choose to 'press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope… p. Can being a person of covenant become a burden to be endured? Can discipleship drive us to discouragement and despair? Have we become so intent on keeping the ball in the air that we have forgotten what the game is all about?

Can we experience 'spiritual burnout' p. Holland noted, 'Everyone, including and perhaps especially the righteous, will be called upon to face trying times. When that happens we can sometimes fear God has abandoned us, and we might be left, at least for a time, to wonder when our troubles will ever end…. But whenever these moments of our extremity come, we must not succumb to the fear that God has abandoned us or that He does not hear our prayers. He does hear us. He does see us. He does love us…He is there.

Our prayers are heard. And when we weep He and the angels of heaven weep with us. Go forward and not backward. Courage, brethren; and on, on to the victory! Pearce shared, "Prayer works. It does indeed call down the powers of heaven. It reconciles our will with the will of the Father. It consecrates even our most aversive experiences to the welfare of our souls. Through combined prayer we experience love, unity, and power that is impossible to describe. We may not be granted that which we desire, but we end up grateful with all of our hearts for that which the Lord gives us.

And along the way we experience tender mercies over and over—those unmistakable messages from Him, 'I am here. You are living your life with my approval. Everything will work together for your good. We can trust that the Lord will work in and through us p. One of our hymns sums it up very well, 'He'll call, persuade, direct aright, And bless with wisdom, love and light, In nameless ways be good and kind, But never force the human mind.

God granteth unto men according to their desire, whether it be unto death or until life. It is given according to his desires, whether he desireth good or evil, life or death, joy or remorse Alma Uchtdorf said, "To hope is to trust in the promises p. It called me by my first name, then said, 'Are you playing for them, or are you playing for me p. Todd Christofferson relates the following during a trying time for him, "With no other recourse, more than once I fell down before my Heavenly Father begging in tears for His help.

And He did help. Sometimes it was nothing more than a sense of peace, a feeling of assurance that things would work out….

Deseret Book Top 10 for June 4-9

I learned to trust in the Lord with all my heart. I learned to walk with Him day by day p. Surely there are difficult times coming. And we may face some severe crises, but remember, brethren, God is at the helm. The kingdom is not headed for a shipwreck. There is still much that must be done, and we must not lose hope. Things are not hopeless, despite how hopeless they may look p. It is a time to move forward without hesitation, knowing well the meaning, the breadth, and the importance of our mission.

It is a time to do what is right regardless of the consequences that might follow…. We have nothing to fear.

Look Up, My Soul: The Divine Promise of Hope by Gerald N. Lund

God is at the helm p. Maxwell taught, "When we say God has a plan, he truly has a plan—not simply on a grand scale, but for each of us as individuals, allocating some special talent to this dispensation and some to another. I regard God as the perfect personnel manager, even though he must work with and through all of us who are so imperfect p. Romney said, "No Latter-day Saint should be content to stand day after day in the same place on the way to eternal life p. Uchtdorf said, "Embrace and rely upon the Hope of Israel, for the love of the Son of God pierces all darkness, softens all sorrow, and gladdens every heart p.

  1. Lumières orientales et Orient des Lumières (French Edition).
  2. Look Up, My Soul: The Divine Promise of Hope - Gerald N. Lund - Google Книги!
  3. Look up, my soul : the divine promise of hope (Book, ) [www.newyorkethnicfood.com];
  4. Look Up, My Soul - The Divine Promise of Hope.
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  7. Leistungsmessung und -bewertung in der Schule (German Edition).

Cannon said, 'When we are filled with the Spirit of God, we are filled with joy, with peace and with happiness no matter what our circumstances may be; for it is the spirit of cheerfulness and of happiness p. Read this a few years ago and remember liking it a lot. Apr 22, Terri rated it liked it Shelves: My favorite parts of this book were the stories of people facing tremendous trials with courage and hope. I also liked how often Lund quoted from the scriptures and from prophets and apostles. The book was uplifting and inspiring in many parts. Having said that, I'm just not a fan of these kinds of books and that is why I only gave it 3 stars.

I prefer to simply read the scriptures, Church magazines, or General Conference talks directly myself and gain my own insights. The thing I will remember My favorite parts of this book were the stories of people facing tremendous trials with courage and hope. The thing I will remember most: May 11, Viwe Xozwa rated it it was amazing.

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One of my favorite books! Sep 13, Frank Rodriguez rated it it was amazing. I look forward to reading any book written by Elder Lund, I enjoyed reading it everyday. I cannot say enough good about this book. I have read Gerald Lund's fictional works before and been impressed, but this is the first time I read any of his nonfiction. I was blown away!

Deseret Book Top 10 for June 25-30

Gerald Lund is so knowledgeable and is so talented at sharing that knowledge. I cannot go to church or the temple or anywhere without mentally referencing ideas and themes from this book. Reading it has inspired me to make changes in my own life that I am so grateful for and has helped me view the gospel in a new I cannot say enough good about this book. Reading it has inspired me to make changes in my own life that I am so grateful for and has helped me view the gospel in a new way. Mar 07, Carl Johnson rated it it was amazing.

I read this book off and on for a couple of months. Jul 31, Jaime rated it it was amazing. It's been inspirational reading parts of this book for the last couple of months! Mar 27, John Hamilton rated it it was amazing. Great book full of inspiring stories and advice on the need for hope, along with faith and charity. Such a wonderful book with examples and quotes on what it means to have hope. I especially loved the last few chapters. A book to return to for its excellent ideas and quotations.

Aug 16, Spencer rated it really liked it Shelves: This was a very inspiring and uplifting book that I really enjoyed reading. I learned a whole new perspective on what hope is, what it means, and how to obtain it. Also, I came to appreciate how incredibly vital hope is in our lives and how it can strengthen us through the many trials and tribulations that will surely come along.

A few quotes that I really loved: It is confidenc This was a very inspiring and uplifting book that I really enjoyed reading. It is confidence that if we live according to God's laws and the words of His prophets now, we will receive desired blessings in the future. May 25, Michele rated it it was amazing Shelves: Hands down the best church book I have read to date. This book taught me so much about hope and the crucial role it plays in our testimony. His writing is phenomenal and he has grown so much as a writer.

I learned that hope is a choice. I always thought I was born with hope, because I've always believed in a Savior, but he taught me that when we are down, we make a choice to be hopeful and that starts us on the road to recovery and influences everything we do after. I really believe that hope is Hands down the best church book I have read to date. I really believe that hope is foundational if you want to get through this life and I don't think we talk about it enough in church.

We teach for understanding and we teach for application. When you choose hope you conquer Satan. Hope is contrary to Satan's nature. When it is present it thwarts his work. No Latter-day Saint should be content to stand day after day in the same place on the way to eternal life. The Lord rarely speaks of "reading" the scriptures but uses the following: Hope is not knowledge, but rather the abiding trust that the Lord will fulfill His promises to us.

Uchtdorf I am a huge believer and fan of hope. You know what I think the ought try next? A charity work book. We all know about charity but I think we need a book with lost of application on how to get more of it and how to become better at it. Wouldn't that be fun? Mar 26, Kerstin rated it it was amazing. There were parts of the book that made me angry, happy, inspired, irritated, touched, and hopeful. I marked 34 passages that particularly struck me. I'm way to lazy to type them all out here.

For my own future reference I'll just have to check my book for sticky notes. One of my favorites was: It can think up a thousand reasons for doing what the heart is already committed to do. Apr 16, Keith Lane rated it really liked it.